268 research outputs found

    Cell biology of ageing. IV. Effect of Nordihydro-guaiaretic acid (NDGA) and cortisone on the ageing syndromes of early senescent mutants of N. crassa.

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    Cell biology of ageing. IV. Effect of Nordihydro-guaiaretic acid (NDGA) and cortisone on the ageing syndromes of early senescent mutants of N. crassa

    Sex hormones in Neurospora crassa. Spectrophotometric analysis cf the hormonal extracts of female sterile strains.

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    Sex hormones in Neurospora crassa. Spectrophotometric analysis cf the hormonal extracts of female sterile strains

    The Composition of Species and Structure of Seagrass Fish Community in Tanjung Tiram – Inner Ambon Bay

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    The study was conducted in March - May 2011 in the coastal waters of Tanjung Tiram – inner Ambon bay. The aims of the study were to determine the composition of species and structure of fish communities in seagrass beds ecosystems. Fish were collected every spring and neap tide for three month periode with a swept area method using beach seine. Fishes were collected as many as 6444 individuals representing 68 species from 29 families. Siganus canaliculatus was contributed up to 62.91% of the total individual fish found.The fish community structure was varied between spring and neap tide. Index of dominance was in low category, diversity in medium, and evenness in unstable conditions. Moreover, the results indicated that seagrass ecosystems in Tanjung Tiram (TAD) have an important role as spawning, nursery ground, and feeding ground. Therefore, management and conservation efforts are urgently needed to maintain the ecological role of seagrass ecosystems for the sustainability of the fish resources

    Pemetaan Spasio-temporal Ikan-ikan Herbivora di Kepulauan Spermonde, Sulawesi Selatan [Spatio-temporal Mapping Of Herbivorous Fishes At Spermonde Islands, South Sulawesi]

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    Ikan herbivora di terumbu karang menjadi salah satu indikator tingkat kesehatan ekosistem. Pada terumbu karang yang sehat biasanya ditandai dengan kelimpahan ikan herbivora yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan distribusi spasial dan temporal ikan herbivora dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi kesehatan karang. Pendataan jumlah jenis dan kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan metode transek sabuk dan pencacahan dengan teknik visual sensus, sedangkan penilaian kesehatan karang dengan metode transek kuadran. Data sebaran diplot dengan teknik pemetaan sedangkan data kepadatan dikelompokkan berdasarkan pulau dan dianalisis perbedaannya dengan analisis ragam. Hubungan antara kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan kesehatan karang dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata kepadatan ikan herbivora periode April-Agustus dengan kisaran 0,014-0,532 ekor.m-2. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kepadatan ikan herbivora antarpulau. Hubungan antara kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan kondisi kesehatan karang berkorelasi positif dan nyat

    Does Dysbiosis Play a Role in Age-Related Hearing Impairment?

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    Age-related hearing impairment (ARHI) is prevalent in older adults, affecting at least 60% of people by the time they reach 71 to 80 years of age.1 The number of people with ARHI will necessarily increase as humans live longer and a greater proportion of the population is older.2 Hearing loss does not just impact communication; it is associated with loneliness and depression, cognitive decline and dementia, as well as reduced physical well-being.3-6 A decade ago, an international report calculated that hearing loss cost Europe £213 billion annually.7 There is currently no effective drug treatment for hearing loss. Hearing aids (average cost £2,300/pair) are the most commonly prescribed ameliorative therapy, but uptake is low; and among those who obtain hearing aids, a high proportion do not use them or are dissatisfied with them. Hearing loss prevention is therefore of compelling necessity, and genetic studies will help us understand how and why people lose their hearing ability and will inform prevention strategies

    Postoperative complications and surgical outcomes of robotic versus conventional nipple-sparing mastectomy in breast cancer : meta-analysis

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    Funding The authors have no funding to declare. Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge NHSG Library and Knowledge Services.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Aplikasi Metode Multycriteria Decision Making (MCDM)dengan Teknik Pembobotan Dalam Mengidentifikasi Dan Mendesain Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah Di Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    The study, in 2012, has successfully formulated with the MCDM for each allocation of space in KKPD allotment (core areas, sustainable fisheries zone, used zone, and other zones). This weighting techniques need to be tested and be implemented in identifying and designing the KKPD in the study area. This study aims to identify and map the biophysical conditions and the potential of coastal and marine natural resources in marine conservation area candidate, North Luwu Regency; to identify the areas suitable for the KKPD based on weighting technique with the MCDM method; and to evaluate potential candidates for marine protected areas in the coastal region. This study used a survey method to perform in situ measurements of physico-chemical parameters, conducted a survey of coastal ecosystems using the transect method. The socio-economic data of coastal communities were collected using the questionnaire. The biophysical conditions and marine resources were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The results showed that the candidate region has a rich diversity of coastal ecosystems, but the ecosystem, particularly seagrass beds and coral reefs have been in damaged category. Only the mangrove ecosystem that was still in a good condition category with moderate-to-heavy levels of density. There were 6 species of seagrasses and 6 species of mangroves and 71 species of reef fish. It was discovered 2 regions corresponding to the allotment of the Core Zone, which is in the Region I and III with the total area of 654.22 hectares. For sustainable fisheries zone, Region II and IV would be the first choice with the total area of 620.27 hectares. The Used Zone was identified in the Region V with total area of 480.66 hectares. The total area of the region was equal to 1755.15 hectares. Marine protected areas of was suggested to the protection of coastal ecosystems including mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs and its associated biota, especially the protection of local feeding ground of several species (sea turtles and dugongs)