9 research outputs found

    Pleural Effusion: A Rare Side Effect of Nilotinib—A Case Report

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    Pleural effusion, as a side effect of tyrosine kinases, may be seen as most commonly associated with dasatinib and very rarely seen with nilotinib. In this report we present a chronic phase of CML case that was treated with nilotinib due to imatinib (Gleevec) allergy and had pleural effusion with nilotinib at 5th year of treatment. If pleural effusion develops in patients taking nilotinib and if this effusion is exudative and lymphocyte predominant, after ruling out pulmonary and cardiac etiologies, it must be associated with nilotinib; according to stage of effusion drug should be discontinued and/or steroid should be started and/or surgery should be performed

    Evaluation Of The Achievement Of Hematologists To Transfusion Medicine Education With Self-Assessment Questionnaire In Turkey

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    Background: Proper clinical use of blood andblood products requires competent theoreticaland practical knowledge of transfusion medicine.The Curriculum Development and StandardDetermination System Medical SpecializationBoard is prepared Hematology SpecialistEducation Core Curriculum in Turkey. In thisstudy, we aimed to determine the access ofhematologists to the learning objectives definedby curriculum for the transfusion medicine andthe factors affecting it.Methods: Hematologists who have beenmembers of Turkish Hematology Society since2013 have been included in the study, Thesurvey questions were prepared based on thecurriculum for transfusion medicine. The studywas applied to hematologists with “surveymonkey” application. The questionnaireconsisted of a competence self-assessment withLikert scale and theoretical multiple-choiceknowledge questions.Results: Of the 213 hematologists, 54 (25%)were included in the study. Hematologists ratedtheir competences in the clinical competenceareas as 3,65 ± 0,73 (median 3,60) as “I knowbut not t a sufficient level”. The participants‘perception of competence was “I know, butnot at a sufficient level’” with an average of3.31 ± 0.84 (median3.5) in the blood bankingfield, while the average in hemapheresis andtransfusion medicine was 4.04 ± 0.63 (median4) as “enough”. In interventional procedures,hematologists stated that their vocationalcompetences were 2,79± 0,92 (median 2,93)on average as “I have an idea- I know, but notenough”. The correct answer to 13 theoreticalquestions was an average of 6,96 ± 1,89(median 7). Hematologists performing bloodrotation felt significantly more competent thanthe physicians who could not do the rotation inthe blood bank, blood banking t(52) = -3.9, p .001 , transfusion medicine and interventionalcompetence t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 . Physicianswho believed that they are sufficient in theblood banking area, were more confident intransfusion medicine r(54) = .67, p .001 andmanaging interventional procedures r(54) =.85, p .001.Conclusion: In this study, hematologistsgenerally felt more competent in subjects suchas transfusion and therapeutic apheresis,which they often think of as not having enoughknowledge in the area of blood banking.Hematologists have been more confident inthe field of transfusion medicine as their yearsof expertise increased, but they did not feelbetter equipped in the fields of blood bankingand interventional competence. The currentresults suggested that hematologists who areexpected to be the blood bank supervisors do notinternalize the area of blood banking, are notstrong in their competence, and do not want towork in this area unless they are required.In hematology education curriculum, positiverevisions in education can be achieved byrevising blood banking curriculum and learningobjectives, standardizing blood center rotationswith content and duration, and support fromonline distance education programs

    Clinical Features of 294 Turkish Patients with Chronic Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

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    Objective: Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) share common clonal stem cells but show significant differences in their clinical courses. The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications, JAK2 status, gastrointestinal and cardiac changes, treatment modalities, and survival in MPNs in Turkish patients. Materials and Methods: Medical files of 294 patients [112 essential thrombocythemia (ET), 117 polycythemia vera (PV), 46 primary myelofibrosis, and 19 unclassified MPN cases] from 2 different universities in Turkey were examined. Results: Older age, higher leukocyte count at diagnosis, and JAK2 mutation positivity were risk factors for thrombosis. Platelet count over 1000x109/L was a risk factor for hemorrhagic episodes. Hydroxyurea treatment was not related to leukemic transformation. Median follow-up time was 50 months (quartiles: 22.2-81.75) in these patients. Patients with primary myelofibrosis had the shortest survival of 137 months when compared with 179 months for ET and 231 months for PV. Leukemic transformation, thromboembolic events, age over 60 years, and anemia were found to be the factors affecting survival. Conclusion: Thromboembolic complications are the most important preventable risk factors for morbidity and mortality in MPNs. Drug management in MPNs is done according to hemoglobin and platelet counts. Based on the current study population our results support the idea that leukocytosis and JAK2 positivity are more important risk factors for thrombosis than hemoglobin and platelet values

    Clinical caracteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 in turkish patients with hematological malignancies

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    Objective: Patients with solid malignancies are more vulnerable to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection than the healthy population. The outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in highly immunosuppressed populations, such as in patients with hematological malignancies, is a point of interest. We aimed to analyze the symptoms, complications, intensive care unit admissions, and mortality rates of patients with hematological malignancies infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Turkey. Materials and methods: In this multicenter study, we included 340 adult and pediatric patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 from March to November 2020. Diagnosis and status of primary disease, treatment schedules for hematological malignancies, time from last treatment, life expectancy related to the hematological disease, and comorbidities were recorded, together with data regarding symptoms, treatment, and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Results: Forty four patients were asymptomatic at diagnosis of SARS-CoV- 2 infection. Among symptomatic patients, fever, cough, and dyspnea were observed in 62.6%, 48.8%, and 41.8%, respectively. Sixty-nine (20%) patients had mild SARS-CoV-2 disease, whereas moderate, severe, and critical disease was reported in 101 (29%), 71 (20%), and 55 (16%) patients, respectively. Of the entire cohort, 251 (73.8%) patients were hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2. Mortality related to SARS-CoV-2 infection was 26.5% in the entire cohort; this comprised 4.4% of those patients with mild disease, 12.4% of those with moderate disease, and 83% of those with severe or critical disease. Active hematological disease, lower life expectancy related to primary hematological disease, neutropenia at diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2, ICU admission, and first-line therapy used for coronavirus disease-2019 treatment were found to be related to higher mortality rates. Treatments with hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with azithromycin were associated with a higher rate of mortality in comparison to favipiravir use. Conclusion: Patients with hematological malignancy infected with SARS-CoV-2 have an increased risk of severe disease and mortality

    Türkiye´de hematologların transfüzyon tıbbı uzmanlık eğitim hedeflerine ulaşımının öz yeterlilik anketi ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Background: Proper clinical use of blood andblood products requires competent theoreticaland practical knowledge of transfusion medicine.The Curriculum Development and StandardDetermination System Medical SpecializationBoard is prepared Hematology SpecialistEducation Core Curriculum in Turkey. In thisstudy, we aimed to determine the access ofhematologists to the learning objectives definedby curriculum for the transfusion medicine andthe factors affecting it.Methods: Hematologists who have beenmembers of Turkish Hematology Society since2013 have been included in the study, Thesurvey questions were prepared based on thecurriculum for transfusion medicine. The studywas applied to hematologists with “surveymonkey” application. The questionnaireconsisted of a competence self-assessment withLikert scale and theoretical multiple-choiceknowledge questions.Results: Of the 213 hematologists, 54 (25%)were included in the study. Hematologists ratedtheir competences in the clinical competenceareas as 3,65 ± 0,73 (median 3,60) as “I knowbut not t a sufficient level”. The participants‘perception of competence was “I know, butnot at a sufficient level’” with an average of3.31 ± 0.84 (median3.5) in the blood bankingfield, while the average in hemapheresis andtransfusion medicine was 4.04 ± 0.63 (median4) as “enough”. In interventional procedures,hematologists stated that their vocationalcompetences were 2,79± 0,92 (median 2,93)on average as “I have an idea- I know, but notenough”. The correct answer to 13 theoreticalquestions was an average of 6,96 ± 1,89(median 7). Hematologists performing bloodrotation felt significantly more competent thanthe physicians who could not do the rotation inthe blood bank, blood banking t(52) = -3.9, p <.001 , transfusion medicine and interventionalcompetence t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 . Physicianswho believed that they are sufficient in theblood banking area, were more confident intransfusion medicine r(54) = .67, p <.001 andmanaging interventional procedures r(54) =.85, p <.001.Conclusion: In this study, hematologistsgenerally felt more competent in subjects suchas transfusion and therapeutic apheresis,which they often think of as not having enoughknowledge in the area of blood banking.Hematologists have been more confident inthe field of transfusion medicine as their yearsof expertise increased, but they did not feelbetter equipped in the fields of blood bankingand interventional competence. The currentresults suggested that hematologists who areexpected to be the blood bank supervisors do notinternalize the area of blood banking, are notstrong in their competence, and do not want towork in this area unless they are required.In hematology education curriculum, positiverevisions in education can be achieved byrevising blood banking curriculum and learningobjectives, standardizing blood center rotationswith content and duration, and support fromonline distance education programs.Giriş: Kan ve kan ürünlerinin uygun klinik kullanımı, transfüzyon tıbbı konusunda teorik ve pratik bilgi birikimini gerektirir. Türkiye’de Müfredat Geliştirme ve Standart Belirleme Sistemi Tıbbi Uzmanlık Kurulu tarafından, Hematoloji Uzmanlık Eğitimi Temel Müfredatı hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışmada hematologların transfüzyon tıbbı müfredatı ile belirlenen öğrenme hedeflerine ulaşımını ve bu durumu etkileyen faktörleri belirlemeyi amaçladık. Metot: 2013 yılından bu yana Türk Hematoloji Derneği üyesi olan hematologlara transfüzyon tıbbı için müfredatı esas alınarak hazırlanan anket “Survey Monkey” uygulaması ile uygulandı. Anket, Likert ölçeği ve teorik çoktan seçmeli bilgi soruları ile öz yeterlilik değerlendirmelerinden oluşuyordu. Sonuçlar: 213 hematologdan 54’ü (%25) çalışmaya katılmıştır. Hematologların yeterlilik algıları klinik yetkinlik alanlarında ortalama 3,65 ± 0,73 (ortanca 3,60) olarak “Biliyorum ama yeterli düzeyde değil”; kan bankacılığı alanında ortalama 3.31 ± 0.84 (ortanca 3.5) puan ile “biliyorum ama yeterli düzeyde değil”; hemaferez ve transfüzyon tıbbı alanında ise ortalama 4.04 ± 0.63 (ortanca 4) “yeterli” olarak ölçüldü. Girişimsel işlemlerde hematologlar mesleki yeterliliklerinin ortalama 2,79± 0,92 (ortanca 2,93) “Bir fikrim var, biliyorum ama yeterli değil” olarak ifade ettiler. 13 teorik sorunun doğru cevabı ortalama 6,96 ± 1,89 idi (ortanca 7). Kan bankası rotasyonu yapan hematologlar yapamayanlara göre kan bankacılığı t(52) = -3.9, p < .001, transfüzyon tıbbı ve girişimsel alanlarda t(52) = -2.2, p = .04 kendilerini çok daha yetkin hissediyordu. Kan bankacılığı alanında yeterli olduğuna inanan hekimler, transfüzyon tıbbında r(54) = .67, p <.001 ve girişimsel işlemlerin r(54) = .85, p <.001yönetiminde de kendilerinden daha eminlerdi. Tartışma: Bu çalışmada, hematologlar genellikle kan bankacılığı alanında yeterli bilgiye sahip olmadığını düşünürken transfüzyon tıbbı ve terapötik aferez gibi konularda kendilerini daha yetkin hissetmistirler. Hematologlar, uzmanlık yılları arttıkça transfüzyon tıbbı alanında kendilerine daha fazla güvenmeye başlarken, kan bankacılığı ve girişimsel yeterlilik alanlarında kendilerini hala yeterli donanımda hissetmiyorlardı. Mevcut sonuçlar, hematologların kan bankacılığı alanını içselleştirmediklerini, yetkinliklerinde güçlü olmadıklarını ve gerekli olmadıkça bu alanda çalışmak istemediklerini göstermiştir. Transfüzyon tıbbı müfredatının ve öğrenme hedeflerinin gözden geçirilmesi, kan merkezi rotasyonlarının içerik ve süresinin standartlaştırılması ve çevrimiçi uzaktan eğitim programları ile desteklenmesi hematoloji eğitimine olumlu katkılar sağlayabilir

    Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of COVID-19 in Turkish Patients with Hematological Malignancies

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    Objective: Patients with solid malignancies are more vulnerable to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection than the healthy population. The outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection in highly immunosuppressed populations, such as in patients with hematological malignancies, is a point of interest. We aimed to analyze the symptoms, complications, intensive care unit admissions, and mortality rates of patients with hematological malignancies infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Turkey. Materials and Methods: In this multicenter study, we included 340 adult and pediatric patients diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 from March to November 2020. Diagnosis and status of primary disease, treatment schedules for hematological malignancies, time from last treatment, life expectancy related to the hematological disease, and comorbidities were recorded, together with data regarding symptoms, treatment, and outcome of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Results: Forty four patients were asymptomatic at diagnosis of SARSCoV-2 infection. Among symptomatic patients, fever, cough, and dyspnea were observed in 62.6%, 48.8%, and 41.8%, respectively. Sixtynine (20%) patients had mild SARS-CoV-2 disease, whereas moderate, severe, and critical disease was reported in 101 (29%), 71 (20%), and 55 (16%) patients, respectively. Of the entire cohort, 251 (73.8%) patients were hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2. Mortality related to SARS-CoV-2 infection was 26.5% in the entire cohort; this comprised 4.4% of those patients with mild disease, 12.4% of those with moderate disease, and 83% of those with severe or critical disease. Active hematological disease, lower life expectancy related to primary hematological disease, neutropenia at diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2, ICU admission, and first-line therapy used for coronavirus disease-2019 treatment were found to be related to higher mortality rates. Treatments with hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with azithromycin were associated with a higher rate of mortality in comparison to favipiravir use. Conclusion: Patients with hematological malignancy infected with SARS-CoV-2 have an increased risk of severe disease and mortality

    A Multi-Center Study on the Efficacy of Eltrombopag in Management of Refractory Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenia

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of eltrombopag, an oral thrombopoietin receptor agonist, in patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Materials and Methods: A total of 285 chronic ITP patients (187 women, 65.6%; 98 men, 34.4%) followed in 55 centers were enrolled in this retrospective cohort. Response to treatment was assessed according to platelet count (/mm3) and defined as complete (platelet count of >100,000/mm3), partial (30,000-100,000/mm3 or doubling of platelet count after treatment), or unresponsive (<30,000/mm3). Clinical findings, descriptive features, response to treatment, and side effects were recorded. Correlations between descriptive, clinical, and hematological parameters were analyzed. Results: The median age at diagnosis was 43.9±20.6 (range: 3-95) years and the duration of follow-up was 18.0±6.4 (range: 6-28.2) months. Overall response rate was 86.7% (n=247). Complete and partial responses were observed in 182 (63.8%) and 65 (22.8%) patients, respectively. Thirty-eight patients (13.4%) did not respond to eltrombopag treatment. For patients above 60 years old (n=68), overall response rate was 89.7% (n=61), and for those above 80 years old (n=12), overall response rate was 83% (n=10). Considering thrombocyte count before treatment, eltrombopag significantly increased platelet count at the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 8th weeks of treatment. As the time required for partial or complete response increased, response to treatment was significantly reduced. The time to reach the maximum platelet levels after treatment was quite variable (1-202 weeks). Notably, the higher the maximum platelet count after eltrombopag treatment, the more likely that side effects would occur. The most common side effects were headache (21.6%), weakness (13.7%), hepatotoxicity (11.8%), and thrombosis (5.9%). Conclusion: Results of the current study imply that eltrombopag is an effective therapeutic option even in elderly patients with chronic ITP. However, patients must be closely monitored for response and side effects during treatment. Since both response and side effects may be variable throughout the follow-up period, patients should be evaluated dynamically, especially in terms of thrombotic risk factors.PubMedWoSScopu