344 research outputs found


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    This paper is a result of authors' involvement in the Project ofRehabilitation of the Ferhad-Pasha’s Mosque.The aim of the project was to construct an authentic buildingusing authentic materials, while respecting the principlesof aesthetics and the approaches of ancient builders. Thebuilding will be reconstructed to the same condition as it wasbefore destruction using similar construction methods. It isforeseen that it will be difficult to comply with this principle,due to significant developments in architecture since the initialconstruction. Monuments are precious things that must berespected, and altered as little as possible. These observationscould lead to contradictory decisions, at times accepting ahigher degree of risk in order to avoid or limit changes to theoriginal concept. The Ferhad-Pasha’s Mosque is the work of ahighly-qualified mimar (builder) and muhendis (engineer), aproduct of Sinan's school.On 7 May 1993 the mosque was dynamited and razed to theground, and the material removed to the city landfill site inRamiće. The computer program SAP 2000 was used to analyzethe minarets with shell elements. Assuming no tension, it wasfound that the stress was exceeded to a greater extent underthe earthquake load. Deformations caused by shear forceshave an insignificant influence upon the rigidity of tall slenderstructures, thus they can be neglected in practical calculations.To reduce the tensile stress, which appears due to seismicmovements, we recommended two solutions

    Preservation of a traditional timber roof: the case of the Handanija mosque

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    In this article, the authors provide a brief overview of their personal involvement in the inspection of the roof timbers of the Handanija Mosque in Prusac. As well as the inspection, the authors were asked to propose a design for the roof structure. The Handanija Mosque, built in 1617, is an important example of the cultural heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the mosque was designated as a National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2005. The form, design and proportions of this traditional vernacular building render it a unique example of the classical style.The mosque is rectangular in plan, with sides of 16.30 x 12.70 m, and belongs to the single-space type of mosque with an open porch and stone minaret. It was damaged by shelling during the 1992-1995 war, taking several direct hits to the walls, roof and minaret. The roof timbers were completely destroyed and the rest of the building was badly damaged.The authors suggested amending the structural bearing system by eliminating the hanging trusses and introducing the traditional components of posts, beams, struts and tie beams, as typical of this type of building. A 52.5° roof pitch was suggested, in keeping with Bosnia"s traditional vernacular architecture, which also reduces the intensity of horizontal forces. Authors suggest a 52.5° roof pitch for the following reasons: it is in keeping with the indigenous architecture of Central Bosnia, it reduces the intensity of horizontal forces, and it takes account of the fact that a hand-cut roof cladding does not always ensure identical geometry and pitch

    Nööppatareist tingitud trahheoösofageaalne fistul: haigusjuhu kirjeldus ja kirjanduse ĂŒlevaade

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    Alla 5aastased lapsed vĂ”ivad sagedasti alla neelata mitmesuguseid esemeid. Allaneelatud nööppatarei vĂ”ib peetuda söögitorus ning lisaks limaskesta mehaanilisele vigastusele pĂ”hjustab see ka limaskesta keemilist kahjustust ja limaskesta nekroosi. Kujuneda vĂ”ivad söögitoru perforatsioon vĂ”i ka trahheoösofageaalne fistul. RöntgeniĂŒlesvĂ”ttel tuleb peetunud nööppatarei asukoht nĂ€htavale. Enamikul juhtudest on vÔÔrkeha vĂ”imalik endoskoopiliselt kiiresti eemaldada. Artiklis on kirjeldatud nööppatarei alla neelanud 11 kuu vanuse tĂŒtarlapse edukalt ravitud tĂŒsistunud juhtu

    PROPHECY—a database for high-resolution phenomics

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    The rapid recent evolution of the field phenomics—the genome-wide study of gene dispensability by quantitative analysis of phenotypes—has resulted in an increasing demand for new data analysis and visualization tools. Following the introduction of a novel approach for precise, genome-wide quantification of gene dispensability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae we here announce a public resource for mining, filtering and visualizing phenotypic data—the PROPHECY database. PROPHECY is designed to allow easy and flexible access to physiologically relevant quantitative data for the growth behaviour of mutant strains in the yeast deletion collection during conditions of environmental challenges. PROPHECY is publicly accessible at http://prophecy.lundberg.gu.se

    Statistical evaluation of methods for identification of differentially abundant genes in comparative metagenomics

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    Background: Metagenomics is the study of microbial communities by sequencing of genetic material directly from environmental or clinical samples. The genes present in the metagenomes are quantified by annotating and counting the generated DNA fragments. Identification of differentially abundant genes between metagenomes can provide important information about differences in community structure, diversity and biological function. Metagenomic data is however high-dimensional, contain high levels of biological and technical noise and have typically few biological replicates. The statistical analysis is therefore challenging and many approaches have been suggested to date. Results: In this article we perform a comprehensive evaluation of 14 methods for identification of differentially abundant genes between metagenomes. The methods are compared based on the power to detect differentially abundant genes and their ability to correctly estimate the type I error rate and the false discovery rate. We show that sample size, effect size, and gene abundance greatly affect the performance of all methods. Several of the methods also show non-optimal model assumptions and biased false discovery rate estimates, which can result in too large numbers of false positives. We also demonstrate that the performance of several of the methods differs substantially between metagenomic data sequenced by different technologies. Conclusions: Two methods, primarily designed for the analysis of RNA sequencing data (edgeR and DESeq2) together with a generalized linear model based on an overdispersed Poisson distribution were found to have best overall performance. The results presented in this study may serve as a guide for selecting suitable statistical methods for identification of differentially abundant genes in metagenomes

    Kiruna stadsomvandling, vÀgen mot ett mer jÀmstÀllt samhÀlle?

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    Kiruna Ă€r idag mitt uppe i den process som kallas Kiruna stadsomvandling. Till följd av den utökade gruvbrytningen mĂ„ste stora delar av staden omlokaliseras och ett nytt centrumomrĂ„de byggas. Som start för denna process utlystes 2012 en arkitekttĂ€vling vars resultat kommer att ligga till grund för den nya stadsstrukturen. Inför tĂ€vlingen upprĂ€ttades ett tĂ€vlingsprogram som beskriver hur Kiruna kommun ser pĂ„ stadens framtid och utvecklingsmöjligheter. Kiruna kommun har i samband med denna process uttryckt vikten av att arbeta utifrĂ„n ett tydligt genusperspektiv för att skapa ett mer jĂ€mstĂ€llt och lĂ„ngsiktigt hĂ„llbart samhĂ€lle. Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats Ă€r att vĂ€rdera och analysera hur en kommun genom utformningen av ett tĂ€vlingsprogram kan arbeta mot ett mer jĂ€mstĂ€llt samhĂ€lle. UtgĂ„ngspunkten för uppsatsen Ă€r Boverkets riktlinjer rörande jĂ€mstĂ€lldhet och planering. Detta arbete har genomförts som en dokumentgranskning dĂ€r en litteraturstudie legat till grund för arbetet. Det dokument som undersökts och analyserats ur jĂ€mstĂ€lldhetsperspektiv Ă€r tĂ€vlingsprogrammet, Program för arkitekttĂ€vling – Ny stadskĂ€rna i Kiruna/ A new city centre for Kiruna, som tagits fram pĂ„ uppdrag av Kiruna kommun. Resultatet visar pĂ„ att jĂ€mstĂ€lldhetsaspekten till stor del tycks ha glömts bort i processen rörande tĂ€vlingsprogrammet och att ett tydligare stĂ€llningstagande kring dessa frĂ„gor troligtvis hade gynnat den jĂ€mstĂ€llda utvecklingen av Kiruna.Kiruna is today in the midst of a process called the city transformation. As a result of the expanded mining operations, large parts of the city must be relocated and a new downtown area built. As a start to this process an architectural competition, whose results will form the basis for the new urban structure, was launched in 2012. Before the city planning competition began, a competitive program was established that describes how Kiruna Municipality look at the city's future and development opportunities. In connection with this process, Kiruna Municipality expressed the importance of working from a clear gender perspective in order to create a more equal and sustainable society. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate and analyse how a municipality, through the development of a competition program, can work towards a more equal society. The starting point of this paper is Boverkets guidelines on gender and planning. This work was conducted as a document review where a literature review formed the basis for the work. The document examined and analysed from a gender perspective is the competition program, Program för arkitekttĂ€vling – Ny stadskĂ€rna i Kiruna/ A new city centre for Kiruna, produced on behalf of the municipality of Kiruna. The results show that the gender perspective seems to have been forgotten in the process relating to the competition and that a clearer standpoint on these issues probably would have furthered a more equal development of Kiruna

    Svarta brigaden

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    Optimization of Two-Phase Sampling Designs with Application to Naturalistic Driving Studies

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    Naturalistic driving studies (NDS) generate tremendous amounts of traffic data and constitute an important component of modern traffic safety research. However, analysis of the entire NDS database is rarely feasible, as it often requires expensive and time-consuming annotations of video sequences. We describe how automatic measurements, readily available in an NDS database, may be utilised for selection of time segments for annotation that are most informative with regards to detection of potential associations between driving behaviour and a consecutive safety critical event. The methodology is illustrated and evaluated on data from a large naturalistic driving study, showing that the use of optimised instance selection may reduce the number of segments that need to be annotated by as much as 50%, compared to simple random sampling

    Discussion of “human life is unlimited-but short” by H Rootz\ue9n and D Zholud

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    The statistical paper human life is short-but unlimited is briefly discussed. The possibilities and limitations of statistical inference concerning very long human life spans are considered. The restricted models of tail distributions that arise from assumption of renormalized convergence of max- or conditional peaks over thresholds-distributions are questioned in the application context of the reviewed paper. The restrictions of natural systems designs on possibilities of extreme life spans, and the potential to adopt modified extreme value models, allowing seasonal variation of death rates, are also pointed out

    Designing with an open storm water management in a residential courtyard and its nearby environment

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    För tillfĂ€llet pĂ„gĂ„r den största urbaniseringsvĂ„gen i vĂ€rldshistorien. Mer Ă€n hĂ€lften av vĂ€rldens befolkning bor idag i stĂ€der och man rĂ€knar med att antalet mĂ€nniskor boende i stadsmiljö kommer uppgĂ„ till fem miljarder Ă„r 2030. Det Ă€r sĂ„ledes i stĂ€derna man kan göra de största miljö- och klimatvinsterna i framtiden. En följd av de pĂ„gĂ„ende klimatförĂ€ndringarna Ă€r förĂ€ndringar av nederbörden. I Sverige förvĂ€ntas nederbörden öka och plötsliga skyfall bli vanligare. I urban miljö Ă€r stora delar av marken hĂ„rdgjord, detta gör staden kĂ€nslig för plötsliga skyfall dĂ„ avrinningen kan orsaka översvĂ€mningar i ledningsnĂ€tet. AlltsĂ„ mĂ„ste en förĂ€ndring till gĂ€llande hur vi hanterar vĂ„rt dagvatten och de svenska stĂ€derna bör utvecklas för att kunna hantera plötsliga vattenflöden. En stor del av de grönytor som finns i stĂ€derna bestĂ„r av bostadsgĂ„rdar varför det Ă€r positivt om det finns möjlighet att fördröja dagvatten och hantera större nederbördsmĂ€ngder i den bostadsnĂ€ra miljön. Syftet med detta examensarbete Ă€r att undersöka hur öppna dagvattenlösningar kan integreras i gestaltningen av den bostadsnĂ€ra miljön. En applicering av resultatet, i form av en principgestaltning med fokus pĂ„ öppen dagvattenhantering, sker pĂ„ en bostadsgĂ„rd och dess kvartersmark i Östra BĂ€cklösa, Uppsala. Dagvatten Ă€r regn- och smĂ€ltvatten som tillfĂ€lligt rinner pĂ„ markytan. Dagvatten har traditionellt sett letts genom ledningar eller diken för att sedan mynna ut i sjöar och vattendrag. I naturen infiltreras en del av dagvattnet i marken innan det rinner ut i vattendragen. Denna process medför en naturlig fördröjning och rening av vattnet. I stĂ€derna hindras denna process genom den stora andelen hĂ„rdgjorda ytor och vattnet kan inte infiltreras i marken vilket medför ansamlingar av vatten och kraftiga flödestoppar i ledningsnĂ€tet. Öppen dagvattenhantering Ă€r ett sammanfattande begrepp som beskriver olika anlĂ€ggningar för fördröjning, magasinering och omhĂ€ndertagande av dagvatten i system som Ă€r helt eller delvis öppna. Dessa anlĂ€ggningars avrinning Ă€r utformade för att efterlikna naturens omhĂ€ndertagande av nederbörd och vattnet Ă€r vanligtvis synligt under avledning. I arbetet undersöks öppna dagvattenlösningar genom litteraturstudier, exempellösningar och platsbesök. UtgĂ„ngspunkt för analys av exempellösningarna och platsbesöken Ă€r teorin om Tri-valent design utvecklad av Ian Thompson. I analysen kombineras Thompsons tre begrepp: ekologi, estetik och sociala vĂ€rden med en ekonomisk infallsvinkel. Principgestaltningen visar pĂ„ en möjlig gestaltningslösning för hur en öppen dagvattenhantering kan utformas i en bostadsnĂ€ra miljö. Tanken Ă€r att arbetet kan anvĂ€ndas som inspiration för framtida utveckling av bostadsgĂ„rdar eller liknande miljöer i staden. Examensarbetet medverkar till en ökad förstĂ„else för vilka problem och möjligheter som finns vid öppen dagvattenhantering i den bostadsnĂ€ra miljön.The world is currently experiencing one of the greatest waves of urbanisation throughout the history of mankind. More than half the world’s population live in cities and it is estimated that the number will increase and reach five billion citizens in urban areas by 2030. Therefore, environmental improvement in cities will be of great importance in the future. With the ongoing climate change and increased densification in cities, the residential courtyards needs to be adapted to a climate with heavier rain and they also need to be able to manage larger fluxes of storm water. The aim of this thesis is to examine how open storm water management solutions can be integrated into the design of a residential courtyard and its nearby environment. The thesis treats different problems and opportunities associated with incorporation of open storm water management in residential courtyards. These results were applied to a residential courtyard situated in Östra BĂ€cklösa, Uppsala. Storm water is rainwater and meltwater that temporarily runs on the surface of land. Storm water has traditionally been led through pipelines or ditches and then culminated into lakes and streams. In nature, storm water infiltrates the ground before it flows into streams, which results in a natural delay and infiltration of the water. This process is prevented in cities by the large proportions of hard surfaces that stop water from permeating. Open storm water management is a concept of handling storm water in systems that are fully or partially open. These systems are designed to mimic natural storm water management and are usually visible during transport unlike traditional diversion in closed pipeline systems. The method for this project was to examine storm water and it’s characteristics through litterature studies, sample solutions and site visits. The point of departure for the analysis of the sample solutions and the site visits is the theory of tri-valent design developed by Ian Thompson. The analysis combines Thompson's three values: ecology, community and delight with an economic approach. The design of the residential courtyard in Östra BĂ€cklösa displays a possible design solution for an open storm water management in a residential courtyard and its nearby environment. Hopefully this work can be used as an inspiration for future development of housing estates or similar projects in cities. The thesis contributes to a better understanding of the problems and opportunities concerning open storm water management in a residential courtyards and its nearby environment
