1,557 research outputs found
Sarapan adalah suatu hal penting yang dilakukan sebelum berangkat sekolah untuk menjamin kecukupan kalori selama belajar dan bekerja dengan baik. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan kepada 90 responden yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 6-7 Juli 2017di SMAN 15 Padang didapatkan data jumlah responden yang tidak pernah melakukan sarapan pagi 16 %.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan case study. Jumlah sampel 51 responden yang diambil secara total sampling. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Setelah dilakukan pemberian pin, responden yang melakukan sarapan pagi sebanyak 61%, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa responden termotivasi untuk melakukan sarapan pagi. Dengan mengetahui gambaran penggunaan pin terhadap kebiasaan sarapan pagi siswa, diharapkan kader kesehatan remaja dan pengelola UKS dapat menerapkan penggunaan pin dalam mengatasi masalah kebiasaan sarapan pagi siswa.
KATA KUNCI :kebiasaan sarapan pagi, remaja
Daftar Pustaka : 24 (2008-2017
Mitos nas obras de Matthew Barney
Mathew Barney (San Francisco, 1967) é um talentoso, multidisciplinar, artista americano que é conhecido principalmente pelas suas obras cinematográficas. Os seus cenários muito complexos reinterpretam e reinventam mitos conhecidos com uma estética barroca. Nesta análise, vou mostrar como a mitologia inspira o artista e como ele usa os mitos como metáforas para o nosso tempo.
Um mito foi definido por Roland Barthes como um sistema ideológico puro, em que a forma é menos importante do que o conceito e de modo algum abrange sua totalidade. O mito é de facto um discurso, preservado por gerações, que se destaca pela sua elaboração poética ou representação ritual. Os mitos são compostos de situações, seres e eventos que escapam das realidades comuns da vida quotidiana. A motivação que empurra o artista para buscar referências mitológicas está ligada ao repertório muito grande de imagens e símbolos carregados por essas histórias. Durante a Antiguidade, a mitologia foi um género chave na literatura, oferecendo aos seus leitores um grande número de situações. O seu significado torna-se uma parte importante da consciência universal do mundo. Os mitos contemporâneos projetados por Mathew Barney começam em 1993, e nos anos seguintes tornam-se cada vez mais reais. Barney prevê essa mudança introduzindo a ideia de mito nas realidades atuais.
Os temas recorrentes aparecem no repertório de Mathew Barney: a relação entre a vida e a morte, o corpo como fim da batalha, a questão de hybris e as emoções violentas inspiradas pela paixão e pelo orgulho. Eu analisarei essas três noções, em diferentes trabalhos de Mathew Barney
Fast MoS 2 thickness identification by transmission imaging
AbstractDetermining the thickness of a few-layer 2D material is a tough task that often involves complex and time consuming measurements. Here we discuss a rapid method for determining the number of layers of molybdenum disulfide, MoS
, flakes based on microscopic transmission imaging. By analyzing the contrast of the red, blue and green channels of the flake image against the background, we show that it is possible to unequivocally determine the number of layers. The presented method is based on the light absorption properties of MoS
and its validity is confirmed by micro-Raman measurements. The main advantage of this method against traditional methods is to quickly determine the thickness of the material in the early stages of the experimental process with low cost apparatus
Differences in mineral and osmotic balances enhance zinc translocation in an aquaporin overexpressing poplar
: Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient for plants, but it is toxic beyond a certain threshold. Populus alba (L.) 'Villafranca' clone is known for its good tolerance to high Zn concentration compared to other poplar species. A line of this species overexpressing the tonoplast intrinsic aquaporin AQUA1 gene has showed an improved tolerance to Zn excess in comparison to the wild-type (wt) line. The aims of this work were to: 1) verify if AQUA1 plants can uptake Zn more efficiently after a longer period of exposure; 2) evaluate if a higher Zn uptake in transgenic lines can have negative effects; 3) assess Zn competing elements (iron and manganese), soluble sugars, osmolytes, and potassium to investigate differences in water and osmotic homeostasis between lines. Under Zn excess, AQUA1 plants showed a twofold Zn translocation factor and a higher xylem sap Zn concentration than the wt plants. Transgenic plants preferentially allocated Zn in aerial biomass and this different behaviour matched with modified manganese and iron balances suggesting that the increased Zn uptake might be related to a decrease in iron transport in the transgenic line. Moreover, a higher instantaneous water use efficiency in control conditions and an increase in bark soluble sugars under Zn excess could allow a higher resistance of AQUA1 plants to the water and osmotic perturbations caused by Zn. Indeed, the Zn excess increased the xylem osmolyte content only in wt plants. Further investigations are required to understand the role of AQUA1 in osmotic regulation
Estudo compreensivo da obesidade como fator de risco para quedas em idosos
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação Física, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física, 2020.Com o avançar da idade, observa-se mudança considerável da composição corporal,
caracterizada sobretudo por acúmulo de massa gorda. A obesidade apresenta elevada
prevalência em todo o mundo e está associada a um elevado índice de mortalidade,
provavelmente mediado por seus efeitos em uma ampla gama de doenças crônicas, como
câncer, doenças cardiovasculares e distúrbios musculoesqueléticos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo
geral dessa tese foi investigar a associação entre obesidade e ocorrência quedas em indivíduos
idosos. Para tanto, foi conduzida uma revisão sistemática com metanálise, um estudo
transversal e dois estudos de coorte.
Para sumarizar as evidências prévias, uma revisão sistemática e metanálise foi conduzida e
reportada no Capítulo 2. Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados MEDLINE, Embase,
CINAHL, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, LILACS e Web of Science para identificar estudos
observacionais que avaliaram a associação entre obesidade e desfechos relacionados a quedas
em indivíduos com idade superior a 60 anos. Dois revisores independentes efetuaram a
extração dos dados e a análise da qualidade dos estudos. Os riscos relativos (RR) e os
intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC 95%) foram agrupados utilizando metanálises de efeito
randômico. Trinta e um estudos, incluindo um total de 1.758.694 participantes, foram
selecionados a partir de 7.815 referências. As estimativas agrupadas demonstraram que idosos
obesos possuem um risco de quedas aumentado quando comparados com os seus pares de
peso normal (24 estudos; RR: 1,16; IC 95%: 1,07-1,26; I²: 90%). A obesidade também foi
relacionada a um risco aumentado de quedas múltiplas (quatro estudos; RR: 1.18; IC 95%:
1.08-1.29; I²: 0%). Não houve evidência, contudo, de associação com lesões relacionadas a
quedas (sete estudos; RR: 1.04; IC 95%: 0.92-1.18; I²: 65%). A ocorrência de fraturas foi
reportada em apenas um estudo, o qual demonstrou um menor risco de fraturas de quadril
relacionado a obesidade (Odds Ratio: 0.65; IC 95%: 0.63-0.68).
Apesar da revisão sistemática e metanálise fornecer evidências consistentes de que a
obesidade aumenta o risco de quedas, nenhum dos estudos incluídos havia examinado qual
seria o melhor índice de adiposidade corporal para predizer tais eventos. Sendo assim, o
objetivo do estudo transversal apresentado no Capítulo 3 foi investigar a associação entre
medidas de adiposidade corporal, equilíbrio postural, medo de cair e risco de quedas em
mulheres idosas. Cento e quarenta e sete participantes foram submetidas à avaliação da
composição corporal por meio da absorciometria por dupla emissão de raios X e à avaliação
do índice de massa corporal, circunferência da cintura e índice de adiposidade corporal. O
equilíbrio postural foi mensurado utilizando uma plataforma de força, enquanto o medo de
cair e o risco de quedas foram avaliados pela Escala de Eficácia de Quedas – Internacional e
pelo QuickScreen© Clinical Falls Risk Assessment, respectivamente. Todas os índices de
adiposidade foram correlacionados com pelo menos um parâmetro de estabilidade postural e
com o medo de cair (ρ= 0,163, p< 0,05 a r= 0,337, p< 0,001); no entanto, a circunferência da
cintura foi o índice mais fortemente correlacionado ao risco de quedas (ρ = 0,325; p <0,001).
Quando a obesidade foi classificada de acordo com a circunferência da cintura, observou-se
que, em comparação às participantes não-obesas (n= 51), as obesas (n= 96) exibiram maior
deslocamento do centro de pressão nas direções anteroposterior e mediolateral,
principalmente nas condições com os pés afastados (p< 0,05). O grupo de obesas também
apresentou maior medo de cair (28,04 vs. 24,59; p = 0,002) e exibiu maior proporção de
participantes com risco de quedas elevado (72% vs. 35%; p <0,001).
Outra lacuna identificada na revisão sistemática e metanálise está relacionada à influência da
distribuição de gordura corporal na relação entre obesidade e ocorrência de quedas. Assim, o
estudo de coorte apresentado no Capítulo 4 examinou a associação entre obesidade androide e
ginoide e a incidência de quedas em mulheres idosas. Inicialmente, 246 participantes foram
submetidas à avaliação da composição corporal por meio da absorciometria de raio-X de
dupla energia. Com base no percentual de gordura corporal, elas foram classificadas em
obesas ou não-obesas (ponto de corte: 42%). O tipo de obesidade foi definido pela razão do
percentual de gordura androide/ ginoide (ponto de corte: 0,99). Após um período de
seguimento de 18 meses, a ocorrência de quedas foi registrada por meio de inquérito
telefônico. Testes qui-quadrado e modelos de regressão de Poisson foram empregados para
examinar a associação da obesidade androide e ginoide com a ocorrência de quedas. Duzentos
e quatro (83%) participantes completaram o período de seguimento. A proporção de idosas
que reportaram quedas foi maior no grupo de obesidade ginoide (n= 27, 41%) do que nos
demais grupos (obesidade androide: n= 17, 24%; não-obesas: n= 12, 18%; p= 0.009). Em
relação às não-obesas, as participantes com obesidade ginoide exibiram um risco de quedas
significativamente maior (RR: 2,20, IC 95%: 1,18-4,11); por outro lado, não foi observada
associação significativa para a obesidade androide (RR: 1,38, IC 95%: 0,70- 2,77).
Por fim, o estudo de coorte apresentado no Capítulo 5 foi desenhado para examinar os efeitos
de fatores biomecânicos como potenciais mediadores da relação entre obesidade e quedas.
Inicialmente, 246 mulheres idosas foram submetidas à avaliação da obesidade (índice de
massa corporal ≥ 30kg/m²) e à mensuração da qualidade muscular (dinamômetro isocinético e
absorciometria por dupla emissão de raios X), cargas plantares (plataforma de pressão) e
equilíbrio postural (plataforma de força). A incidência de quedas foi registrada ao final de 18
meses de acompanhamento por meio de inquérito telefônico. Para verificar se os fatores
biomecânicos mediaram a relação entre obesidade e quedas, os Efeitos Indiretos Naturais
(NIE), Efeitos Diretos Naturais (NDE) e a proporção mediada foram calculados usando o
método contrafactual. Duzentos e quatro participantes (83%) completaram o
acompanhamento. Como esperado, a obesidade foi associada a um maior risco de quedas
(RR: 2,13, IC 95%: 1,39-3,27). Utilizando a abordagem contrafactual, apenas o torque
específico (NIE: 1,11, IC 95%: 1,01-1,38) e o pé plano (NIE: 1,10, IC 95%: 1,01-1,32) foram
mediadores significativos da relação entre obesidade e quedas. O torque específico e o pé
plano mediaram 19% e 21% do relacionamento, respectivamente.
De um modo geral, a presente tese fornece evidências de que a obesidade aumenta o risco de
quedas em pessoas idosas. No entanto, não há evidências suficientes para concluir que a
obesidade esteja associada a lesões ou fraturas relacionadas às quedas. Adicionalmente, os
resultados apontam para o fato de que o acúmulo de gordura androide e ginoide
desempenham papéis diferentes na relação entre obesidade e quedas. Especificamente, o
acúmulo de gordura na região ginoide, e não na região androide, está associado a uma maior
incidência de quedas. Dada a alta prevalência da obesidade em todo o mundo e sua associação
com quedas, o manejo da obesidade por meio de estratégias de saúde pública se faz
urgentemente necessário e pode auxiliar na prevenção de quedas. Além disso, a identificação
da obesidade como um complemento a outros fatores de risco já bem estabelecidos pode
ajudar a identificar idosos expostos a um maior risco e favorecer a implementação precoce de
estratégias preventivas. Digno de nota, indivíduos obesos podem se beneficiar com a inclusão
de fortalecimento muscular e de intervenções podológicas como parte de programas de
prevenção de quedas, já que a baixa qualidade muscular e aumento do índice de arco plantar
durante a marcha foram identificados como mediadores significativos da relação entre
obesidade e quedas.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).A well-documented alteration related to the aging process is fat mass accumulation; currently,
a high prevalence of obesity is observed worldwide. Obesity is an established risk factor for
all-cause mortality, likely mediated through its effects on a wide range of chronic diseases,
including several types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and musculoskeletal disorders. In
this regard, the broad aim of this thesis was to investigate the association between obesity and
falls among adults aged 60 years and older. It includes a systematic review with metaanalysis, a cross-sectional study, and two cohort studies.
In order to summarize the current evidence, a systematic review meta-analysis was conducted
and is reported in Chapter 2. MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus,
LILACS and Web of Science databases were searched to identify observational studies that
assessed the association between obesity and fall-related outcomes in participants aged 60
years and older. Two independent reviewers performed data extraction and quality
assessment. Relative risks (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were pooled using random
effect meta-analyses. Thirty-one studies including a total of 1,758,694 participants were
selected from 7,815 references. Pooled estimates showed that obese older adults have an
increased risk of falls compared to non-obese counterparts (24 studies; RR: 1.16; 95% CI:
1.07-1.26; I²: 90%). Obesity was also associated with an increased risk of multiple falls (four
studies; RR: 1.18; 95% CI: 1.08-1.29; I²: 0%). There was no evidence, however, of an
association between obesity and fall-related injuries (seven studies; RR: 1.04; 95% CI: 0.92-
1.18; I²: 65%). Fall-related fractures were reported in only one study, which demonstrated a
lower risk of hip fracture with obesity (Odds Ratio: 0.65; 95% CI: 0.63-0.68).
Although the systematic review and meta-analysis provides consistent evidence that obesity
increases the risk of falls, no previous studies have examined the association between
different body adiposity measures and risk of falls among older adults. Hence, the aim of the
cross-sectional study presented in Chapter 3 was to investigate the association between body
adiposity measures, postural balance, fear of falling, and risk of falls in older women. One
hundred and forty-seven participants underwent body composition assessment using dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry and had body mass index, waist circumference, and body
adiposity index measured. Postural balance was assessed using a force platform, while fear of
falling and risk of falls were respectively evaluated by the Falls Efficacy Scale – International
and the QuickScreen© Clinical Falls Risk Assessment. All adiposity measures were correlated
to at least one postural stability parameter and to fear of falling (ρ= 0.163, p< 0.05 to r=
0.337, p< 0.001); however, waist circumference was the index most strongly correlated to risk
of falls (ρ= 0.325; p< 0.001). When obesity was classified using waist circumference, it was
observed that compared to non-obese (n= 51), obese individuals (n=96) exhibited greater
center of pressure displacement in the anteroposterior and mediolateral axes, especially during
conditions with feet apart (p< 0.05). The obese group also exhibited an increased fear of
falling (28.04 vs. 24.59; p= 0.002) and had a higher proportion of individuals with increased
fall risk (72% vs. 35%; p< 0.001).
Other gap identified in the systematic review and meta-analysis is related to the influence of
body fat distribution on the risk of falls. Thus, the cohort study presented in Chapter 4
examined the association between android and gynoid obesity and the incidence of falls in
women aged 60 years and older. At baseline, 246 participants underwent obesity screening
using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Participants identified as obese (body fat percentage
> 42%) were classified as android or gynoid type based on the median of the of the androidgynoid fat percent ratio (0.99). Incident falls were recorded at the end of the 18-month followup period via participant recall. Chi-square test and modified Poisson regression were used to
examine the association between obesity and falls. Two hundred four participants (83%)
completed the follow-up. The gynoid obese group exhibited greater proportion of fallers (n=
27, 41%) than the android obese (n= 17, 24%) and non-obese (n= 12, 18%) groups (p=
0.009). Compared to non-obese women, participants with gynoid obesity were more likely to
experience a fall (relative risk: 2.20, 95% confidence interval: 1.18- 4.11). No significant
association was found to android obesity (RR: 1.38, 95% CI: 0.70-2.77).
Finally, the cohort study presented in Chapter 5 was designed to examine the effects of
biomechanical factors as potential mediators of the relationship between obesity and falls. At
baseline, 246 female participants underwent obesity screening (body mass index ≥ 30kg/m²),
and measurements of muscle quality (isokinetic dynamometer and dual-energy X-ray
absorptiometry), foot loads (pressure platform) and postural balance (force platform). Incident
falls were recorded at the end of the 18-month follow-up period via participant recall. To test
whether, and to what extent, biomechanical factors mediated the relationship between obesity
and falls, the Natural Indirect Effects (NIE), Natural Direct Effects (NDE) and proportion
mediated were calculated using the counterfactual approach. Two hundred four participants
(83%) completed the follow-up. As expected, obesity was associated with a higher risk of
being a faller (RR: 2.13, 95% CI: 1.39-3.27). Using the counterfactual approach, only specific
torque (NIE: 1.11, 95% CI: 1.01-1.38) and flatfoot (NIE: 1.10, 95% CI: 1.01-1.32) were
significant mediators of the relationship between obesity and falls. Specific torque and flatfoot
mediated 19% and 21% of the relationship, respectively.
Overall, the results of this thesis provide evidence that obesity increases the risk of falls in
people aged 60 years and older. However, there is insufficient evidence to conclude that
obesity is associated with fall-related injuries or fractures. Moreover, it brings the novel
insight that android and gynoid fat accumulation play different roles in the relationship
between obesity and falls. Specifically, fat mass accumulation in the gynoid region rather than
android region is associated to a greater incidence of falls. Given the high prevalence of
obesity worldwide and its association with falls, addressing obesity via public health
strategies is urgently needed and it may play a role in preventing falls. Furthermore, the
screening of obesity as a supplement to other risk factors for falls may help to identify older
adults at a greater risk of falling and to prompt early implementation of falls prevention
programs. Since specific torque and being flatfooted were identified as significant mediator of
the relationship between obesity and falls, the inclusion of muscle strengthening and podiatry
intervention as part of a fall prevention program may benefit this population
Spanish Archaeological Museums during COVID-19 (2020): An Edu-Communicative Analysis of their Activity on Twitter through the Sustainable Development Goals
On 18 March 2020, Spanish museums saw their in-person activities come to a halt. This paradigm shift has raised questions concerning how these institutions reinvented themselves and modified their edu-communicative strategies to promote heritage through active citizen participation. The present study centers on analyzing how the main Spanish archaeological museums and sites (N = 254) have used Twitter as an edu-communicative tool and analyzes the content of their hashtags through a mixed methodology. The objective is to identify the educational strategies for both transmitting information as well as interacting with users. We did it by observing and analyzing if Spanish archaeological institutions are promoting a type of quality, accessible, and egalitarian education and promoting the creation of cyber communities that ensure the sustainability of heritage through citizen participation. This paper proposes an innovative assessment of communication on Twitter based on the purpose of messages from the viewpoint of heritage education, their r-elational factor, and predominant type of learning. The main findings reveal a significant increase in Twitter activity, both in quantitative and qualitative terms: educational content is gaining primacy over the simple sharing of basic information and promotional content. The networks forge new ways to teach–learn and interact with media and represent a strong channel to promote the sustainability of heritage, its preservation, and appreciation
Main neoplasic processes in psittacines birds kept in captivity
Um estudo anatomopatológico envolvendo 130 psitacídeos oriundos de centros de triagens, zoológicos e criadouros, visando a determinação da causa de morte destes animais, revelou a presença de neoplasias em sete animais, totalizando 5,4% dos casos. Os processos neoplasicos foram caracterizados como colangiocarcinoma, colangioma, linfoma, hemangiossarcoma e carcinoma renal primário, sendo o colangiocarcinoma o mais freqüentemente encontrado, presente em três animais. Este trabalho descreve estas neoplasias, levando em consideração os aspectos macro e microscópicos, meios de diagnósticos e espécies acometidas.An anatomopathologic study of 130 captivy psittacines from zoos, breeders and rehabilitation centers showed the presence of neoplastic disease in seven birds, totalizing 5.4% of the cases. The neoplasms were identified like cholangiocarcinoma, cholangioma, lymphoma, haemangiosarcoma and renal cell carcinoma. The cholangiocarcinoma was the tumor most commonly observed. it was present in birds. This study describes the macro and microscopic findings of these tumors; also reports diagnostic methods employed to identify these neoplasms.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquis
Full Load Testing Of A 12.5 MW Vertical High Speed Subsea Motorcompressor
Lecturepg. 79-92In late 2006 Authors’ company was awarded a contract for the motorcompressor for the Ormen Lange Subsea Compression Pilot. This Pilot represents the first subsea motorcompressor unit ever built in a fully marinized version and tested in a water pit, which was developed specifically for the project at the customer’s site (Nhyamna, Norway). The prototype unit is a 12.5MW (16763HP) integrated motorcompressor, which runs up to 10.5krpm in a vertical configuration with the following features: Single casing; High-speed motor rigidly coupled to a multistage centrifugal compressor (3 journal bearings shaft line); Canned Active Magnetic Bearings (AMBs); Process gas used as cooling fluid for the Electric Motor; Internal separation system (to protect the bearings and the electric motor from the intrusion of solid and liquid materials); Fully marinized AMBs control system; The design and validation plan for this complex equipment were developed through a four years program where many challenging milestones were achieved. The Ormen Lange Subsea Compression Pilot motorcompressor has successfully completed an intensive full load testing campaign in the Authors’ Company plant including the following: Static-dynamic tuning of the AMBs; Mechanical Running Test; Compressor Performance Test (ASME PTC-10 Type 2 + Full Load test); Electric Motor Performance Test; Overall cooling system check; Landing test (partial landing and full speed delevitation test). The test campaign has fully demonstrated the functionality of this prototype unit capable of operation in the service conditions. The Next step will be the shipment to the costumer site where the submerged testing will be conducted. This paper will provide a detailed description of the main test results of the subsea motorcompressor covering all aspects of the test program including rotordynamic behaviour, compressor thermodynamic performance, axial load variation versus operating conditions (monitored thanks to the thrust AMB), electric motor cooling system behaviour, electric motor performance, AMBs and control system operability. Of special interest is the rotor delevitation test from full speed consisting in the two ton rotor running at 10.5krpm dropping onto the mechanical emergency bearings until the machine reached a complete stop condition. This test, which was repeated 5 times, provided a full-scale verification of the landing numerical simulation developed by the authors (Ransom et al., 2009)
miR-221 and miR-222 Expression Affects the Proliferation Potential of Human Prostate Carcinoma Cell Lines by Targeting p27Kip1
MicroRNAs are short regulatory RNAs that negatively modulate protein expression at a post-transcriptional level and are deeply involved in the pathogenesis of several types of cancers. Here we show that miR-221 and miR-222, encoded in tandem on chromosome X, are overexpressed in the PC3 cellular model of aggressive prostate carcinoma, as compared with LNCaP and 22Rv1 cell line models of slowly growing carcinomas. In all cell lines tested, we show an inverse relationship between the expression of miR-221 and miR-222 and the cell cycle inhibitor p27(Kip1). We recognize two target sites for the microRNAs in the 3' untranslated region of p27 mRNA, and we show that miR-221/222 ectopic overexpression directly results in p27 down-regulation in LNCaP cells. In those cells, we demonstrate that the ectopic overexpression of miR-221/222 strongly affects their growth potential by inducing a G(1) to S shift in the cell cycle and is sufficient to induce a powerful enhancement of their colony-forming potential in soft agar. Consistently, miR-221 and miR-222 knock-down through antisense LNA oligonucleotides increases p27(Kip1) in PC3 cells and strongly reduces their clonogenicity in vitro. Our results suggest that miR-221/222 can be regarded as a new family of oncogenes, directly targeting the tumor suppressor p27(Kip1), and that their overexpression might be one of the factors contributing to the oncogenesis and progression of prostate carcinoma through p27(Kip1) down-regulation
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