22 research outputs found

    Climate Crisis and Social Protection - From Worker Protection to Post-growth Transformation?

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    The article discusses five literature strands’ approaches towards social protection systems in the context of climate crisis: Adaptive Social Protection, Just Transition, Green New Deal, Post-growth, and Eco-feminism. As we argue, these five strands are located on a spectrum between a green growth orientation and a green anti-capitalist orientation. Furthermore, they differ in terms of their problematisation of the climate crisis and have different perspectives on relevant actors, on world regions, and – most relevant in the context of social welfare – their conceptualisation of social protection. While Adaptive Social Protection emphasizes cash transfers and insurances, Green New Deal and Just Transition approaches focus more on redistribution and labour market policies, and Post-growth and Eco-feminist approaches more on universalist policies and systems. We argue that these literatures each have their weaknesses, but also offer urgent questions, concepts, and insights for further social policy research

    DNA Methylation and Detoxification in the Earthworm Lumbricus terrestris Exposed to Cadmium and the DNA Demethylation Agent 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine

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    Earthworms are well-established model organisms for testing the effects of heavy metal pollution. How DNA methylation affects cadmium (Cd) detoxification processes such as the expression of metallothionein 2 (MT2), however, is largely unknown. We therefore exposed Lumbricus terrestris to 200 mg concentrations of Cd and 5-aza-2′-deoxycytidine (Aza), a demethylating agent, and sampled tissue and coelomocytes, cells of the innate immune system, for 48 h. MT2 transcription significantly increased in the Cd- and Cd-Aza-treated groups. In tissue samples, a significant decrease in MT2 in the Aza-treated group was detected, showing that Aza treatment inhibits basal MT2 gene activity but has no effect on Cd-induced MT2 levels. Although Cd repressed the gene expression of DNA-(cytosine-5)-methyltransferase-1 (DNMT1), which is responsible for maintaining DNA methylation, DNMT activity was unchanged, meaning that methylation maintenance was not affected in coelomocytes. The treatment did not influence DNMT3, which mediates de novo methylation, TET gene expression, which orchestrates demethylation, and global levels of hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC), a product of the demethylation process. Taken together, this study indicates that Aza inhibits basal gene activity, in contrast to Cd-induced MT2 gene expression, but does not affect global DNA methylation. We therefore conclude that Cd detoxification based on the induction of MT2 does not relate to DNA methylation changes

    Omnipresence of the sensorimotor-association axis topography in the human connectome

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    Low-dimensional representations are increasingly used to study meaningful organizational principles within the human brain. Most notably, the sensorimotor-association axis consistently explains the most variance in the human connectome as its so-called principal gradient, suggesting that it represents a fundamental organizational principle. While recent work indicates these low dimensional representations are relatively robust, they are limited by modeling only certain aspects of the functional connectivity structure. To date, the majority of studies have restricted these approaches to the strongest connections in the brain, treating weaker or negative connections as noise despite evidence of meaningful structure among them. The present work examines connectivity gradients of the human connectome across a full range of connectivity strengths and explores the implications for outcomes of individual differences, identifying potential dependencies on thresholds and opportunities to improve prediction tasks. Interestingly, the sensorimotor-association axis emerged as the principal gradient of the human connectome across the entire range of connectivity levels. Moreover, the principal gradient of connections at intermediate strengths encoded individual differences, better followed individual-specific anatomical features, and was also more predictive of intelligence. Taken together, our results add to evidence of the sensorimotor-association axis as a fundamental principle of the brain's functional organization, since it is evident even in the connectivity structure of more lenient connectivity thresholds. These more loosely coupled connections further appear to contain valuable and potentially important information that could be used to improve our understanding of individual differences, diagnosis, and the prediction of treatment outcomes

    Experimental Insights Into Space Weathering of Phobos : Laboratory Investigation of Sputtering by Atomic and Molecular Planetary Ions

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    Investigating the space weathering of the Martian moon Phobos represents an important step toward understanding the development from its origin to its present-day appearance. Depending on Phobos' orbital position, its surface is continuously sputtered by the solar wind and planetary ions that originate in the Martian atmosphere. Based on Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution measurements, it has been proposed that sputtering by planetary O+ and O-2(+) ions dominates in the Martian tail region, where the planet mostly shadows Phobos from the solar wind. In these models, uncertainties for sputtering yield inputs still exist due to the lack of sufficient analog experiments. Therefore, sputtering measurements with O+, O-2(+), C+, and CO2+ ions between 1 and 5 keV were performed using augite samples as Phobos analogs. The experimental results for O+ irradiations show smaller mass changes than predicted by SDTrimSP simulations, which probably can be attributed to O implantation enabled by the Fe content of the target. Sputtering with O-2(+) and CO2+ in the low keV range shows no deviations in the sputtering yields attributable to molecular effects. Therefore, CO2+ ions will most likely be negligible for the sputtering of Phobos according to the current understanding of ion fluxes on the Martian moon. Ultimately, our experiments suggest that the sputtering contribution on Phobos by O ions is about 50% smaller than previously assumed. This does not change the qualitative outcome from previous modeling stating that planetary O ions are by far the dominant sputtering contribution on Phobos in the Martian tail region

    Sputtering Behavior of Rough, Polycrystalline Mercury Analogs

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    The solar wind continuously impacts on rocky bodies in space, eroding their surface, thereby contributing significantly to the exosphere formations. The BepiColombo mission to Mercury will investigate the Hermean exosphere, which makes an understanding of the precise formation processes crucial for evaluation of the acquired data. We therefore developed an experimental setup with two microbalances that allows us to compare the sputter behavior of deposited thin solid layers with that of real mineral samples in the form of pressed powder. In addition, this technique is used to study the angular distribution of the sputtered particles. Using 4 keV He+ and 2 keV Ar+ ions, the sputter behavior of pellets of the minerals enstatite (MgSiO3) and wollastonite (CaSiO3) is studied, because these minerals represent analogs for the surface of the planet Mercury or the Moon. Pellets of powdered enstatite show significantly lower sputter yields than thin amorphous enstatite films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. 3D simulations of sputtering based on surface topography data from atomic force microscopy show that the observed reduction can be explained by the much rougher pellet surface alone. We therefore conclude that sputter yields from amorphous thin films can be applied to surfaces of celestial bodies exposed to ion irradiation, provided the effects of surface roughness, as encountered in realistic materials in space, are adequately accounted for. This also implies that taking surface roughness into account is important for modeling of the interaction of the solar wind with the surface of Mercury

    Dynamic Potential Sputtering of Lunar Analog Material by Solar Wind Ions

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    Pyroxenes ((Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn)2Si2O6) belong to the most abundant rock forming minerals that make up the surface of rocky planets and moons. Therefore, sputtering of pyroxenes by solar wind ions has to be considered as a very important process for modifying the surface of planetary bodies. This is increased due to potential sputtering by multiply charged ions; to quantify this effect, sputtering of wollastonite (CaSiO3) by He2+ ions was investigated. Thin films of CaSiO3 deposited on a quartz crystal microbalance were irradiated, allowing precise, in situ, real time sputtering yield measurements. Experimental results were compared with SDTrimSP simulations, which were improved by adapting the used input parameters. On freshly prepared surfaces, He2+ ions show a significant increase in sputtering, as compared to equally fast He+ ions. However, the yield decreases exponentially with fluence, reaching a lower steady state after sputtering of the first few monolayers. Experiments using Ar8+ ions show a similar behavior, which is qualitatively explained by a preferential depletion of surface oxygen due to potential sputtering. A corresponding quantitative model is applied, and the observed potential sputtering behaviors of both He and Ar are reproduced very well. The results of these calculations support the assumption that mainly O atoms are affected by potential sputtering. Based on our findings, we discuss the importance of potential sputtering for the solar wind eroding the lunar surface. Estimated concentration changes and sputtering yields are both in line with previous modeling for other materials, allowing a consistent perspective on the effects of solar wind potential sputtering