187 research outputs found

    Teaching Methodology in Tourism Studies

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    For a long period of time, tourism studies have been amalgamated with management and economics. Then, with the development of tourism as the second most important industry in the world, syllabus designers felt the need of elaborating special contents for tourism students independently from economy. As curriculum designing requires a great variety of pedagogical matters to be taken into account for the sake of facilitating the process of learning in tourism classroom, it has been thought to innovate and experiment some approaches and strategies that are likely to enhance the learning process. Identifying the potentially appropriate approach to teaching tourism would be useless if not completed with methods and techniques of teaching. In other words, the syllabus designer should think of adapting some classroom activities and strategies to reflect the philosophy of the selected approach. In this context, our presentation seeks to investigate if there is a common consent on a specific approach to teaching tourism and to identify the best classroom and field activities that may lead to better learning.Pendant longtemps, les études de tourisme ont été confondues avec les études de gestion et d'économie. Puis, avec le développement du tourisme comme la deuxième plus importante industrie au monde, les concepteurs des programmes d'enseignement ont ressenti le besoin d'élaborer des contenus spéciaux pour les étudiants en tourisme, indépendamment de l'économie. Etant donné que l’élaboration des programmes d’enseignement nécessite la prise en compte d’une multitude d’aspects pédagogiques dans le souci de faciliter le processus d'apprentissage, il a été pensé innover et expérimenter des approches et des stratégies susceptibles d'améliorer le processus d'apprentissage. L’identification de l'approche potentiellement efficace à l'enseignement du tourisme serait inutile si elle n'est pas complétée par des méthodes et techniques d'enseignement appropriées. En d'autres termes, le concepteur du programme doit prévoir l'adaptation des activités et des stratégies pédagogiques afin de refléter la philosophie de l'approche choisie. Dans ce contexte, notre présentation vise à élucider  s'il existe un commun accord sur une approche spécifique à l'enseignement du tourisme et d'identifier les meilleures activités en classe et sur le terrain qui pourraient conduire à un meilleur apprentissage.كانت الدراسات حول السياحة، لفترة طويلة من الزمن، مدرجة ضمن دراسات علوم التسيير و الاقتصاد. ولكن، ومع تطور السياحة وتحولها إلى ثاني أهم صناعة في العالم، استشعر مصممو المناهج ضرورة تطوير محتويات دراسية خاصة بطلبة السياحة بصفة مستقلة عن علم الاقتصاد. و بما أن تصميم المناهج الدراسية يتطلب الأخذ في الحسبان عدة مسائل بيداغوجية من أجل تسهيل عملية التعلم في أقسام دراسات السياحة، فقد تم التفكير في تجديد واختبار بعض المقاربات والاستراتيجيات التي من شأنها أن تطور مسار التعلم. إن تحديد المقاربة المنهجية المناسبة لتدريس السياحة ستكون عديمة الفائدة إذا لم تكمَّل بأساليب وتقنيات التدريس. بعبارة أخرى، يجب أن يفكر مصممو المنهاج الدراسي في تكييف الأنشطة الصفية والاستراتيجيات المناسبة التي تعكس فلسفة المنهج المحدد. من هذا المنطلق، يسعى هذا العرض لفحص ما إذا كان هناك اتفاق مشترك على منهج محدد لتدريس السياحة والتعرف على أفضل الأنشطة الدراسية و الميدانية التي قد تؤدي إلى التعلم بشكل أفض

    Peri-Urban Pressures: The Interplay of Land Strategies and Urbanization in Algeria’s Oran Metropolis

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    In contemporary times, the worldwide trend of urban expansion has become an inexorable force. This article engages in a comprehensive examination of the intricate dynamics surrounding urban sprawl and land utilization within the peri-urban regions of significant Algerian municipalities, with a specific focus on the city of Oran. Employing a methodology rooted in social geography, this study deploys a trio of investigative approaches: documentary analysis, spatio-temporal scrutiny of peri-urban domains, and in-situ field investigations to shed light on the intricate intricacies of land ownership dynamics in the context of urban sprawl. The swift development of the Oran metropolis, along with its manifold ramifications, underscores a profound disconnection between the aspirations of political stakeholders and the unfolding urban milieu. This article accentuates the pivotal role of land as a coveted resource profoundly influencing the contours of emerging urban regions. In response to these emerging challenges, Algeria must adopt integrated land and urban planning strategies that foster harmonious and sustainable urban development. This necessitates a comprehensive vision for metropolitan regions, a departure from sectoral planning that subordinates agriculture to industrial and urban considerations, and the formulation of efficient and coordinated urban planning instruments. Within this intricate nexus of urban and rural development, the urban sprawl's encroachment upon rural landscapes mandates a strategic approach to attain equilibrium and coherence within the urban fabric

    Developing intercultural competence by teaching literature : principles and practice from a case-study in two Algerian universities

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    This study investigates the use of literary texts for intercultural learning using a Master course of English as a foreign language in Algeria as an empirical example. We first define essential concepts that guided this course -'culture', 'language-culture nexus' and 'intercultural competence' - before we explain the socio-linguistic and socio-cultural context in Algeria, as it is the foundation of the choice of literary texts. The empirical study was an action research project that took place in two universities. We explain the research methodology and teaching methodology in which lessons were planned on the basis of Byram's model (1997) of intercultural communicative competence. Inthe analysis we draw on the existing literature and extracts from the students' discussions and worksheets to argue for the significance of using literary texts in encouraging 'aesthetic reading' leading to empathetic responses that were significant in developing intercultural communicative competence. Finally, we provide recommendations in terms of theory and practice for teachers and syllabus designers who intend to use literary texts for intercultural learning.En este artículo se analiza la utilización de textos literarios para el aprendizaje intercultural partiendo de un curso de Máster de inglés lengua extranjera en Argelia como ejemplo empírico. En primer lugar, se definen los conceptos esenciales que sirvieron de guía en dicho curso - "cultura", "nexo entre lengua y cultura" y "competencia intercultural" - antes de exponer el contexto sociolingüístico y sociocultural de Argelia, que fundamentó la selección de los textos literarios. El trabajo empírico se enmarca en un proyecto de acción-investigación realizado en dos universidades. Se presenta la metodología de dicha investigación así como la metodología didáctica aplicada, basada en el modelo de competencia comunicativa intercultural propuesto por Byram (1997). El análisis se apoya en la literatura existente y en extractos de debates y actividades realizados por los alumnos para demostrar la importancia del empleo de textos literarios que promuevan una "lectura estética" que facilite respuestas empáticas que favorezcan a su vez el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa intercultural. Finalmente, ofrecemos recomendaciones tanto en lo que atañe a la teoría como a la práctica a profesores y programadores de cursos que pretendan emplear textos literarios para el aprendizaje intercultural.Cette contribution présente une recherche sur l'utilisation de textes littéraires pour l'apprentissage interculturel à partir de l'exemple empirique d'un cours de Master d'anglais langue étrangère en Algérie. Nous définissons en premier lieu les concepts essentiels adoptés pour ce cours : "culture", "lien entre langue et culture" et "compétence interculturelle". Est présenté ensuite le contexte sociolinguistique et socioculturel à partir duquel a été effectué le choix des textes littéraires. L'étude empirique est un projet d'action-recherche mené dans deux universités. Nous présentons la méthodologie de la recherche et la méthodologie didactique suivie, conçue sur le modèle de compétence communicative interculturelle proposé par Byram (1997). L'analyse prend pour référence à cet égard la littérature existante ainsi que des extraits de débats et d'activités réalisés par les étudiants qui prônent l'importance de l'emploi de textes littéraires qui encouragent la "lecture esthétique" afin de susciter des réponses empathiques favorisant le développement de la compétence communicative interculturelle. Finalement, nous formulons des recommandations concernant la théorie et la pratique destinées aux enseignants et aux concepteurs de programmes d'études désireux d'employer des textes littéraires pour l'apprentissage interculturel

    Measuring Constantine Traders’ Knowledge about ‘2015 Event’

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    In perspective of the event "Constantine, Capital of the Arab Culture 2015", we undertook a modest research project largely inspired by the fieldwork achieved in Assisi in July 2013 and which aimed at gauging the state of mind of the population regarding their city as a tourist destination. For time constraints, we limited the research methodology to a questionnaire consisting of five questions that were distributed to 10 traders located in Constantine center and expected to be storefront for the tourists in 2015. These include hotel managers, restaurants, crafts, souvenir shops and cafes. The questionnaire revealed that Constantine civil authorities have not yet engaged the process of sensitization toward neither the population nor the traders; and this situation may lead to an unexpected effect on the coming great event. The success or failure of 2015 episode in Constantine is largely dependent on the quality of the information and the promotion that must accompany it.Dans la perspective de l’évènement «  Constantine la capitale de la culture  arabe, 2015 », nous nous sommes largement inspirés du travail de terrain effec-tué à Assisi en Juillet 2013 lequel consistait à mesurer l’état d’esprit de la population par rapport à leur ville comme destination touristique. Pour des contraintes temporelles, nous avons limité la méthodologie de la recherche à un questionnaire comprenant cinq questions que nous avons distribué à 10 commerçants ayant pignon sur rue susceptibles de tirer profit des visites attendues en 2015. Il s’agit notamment de gestionnaires d'hôtels, de restaurants, de l'artisanat, des magasins de souvenirs et des cafés. Il ressort de ces contacts que la ville de Constantine ne s’est pas encore engagée dans un processus de sensibilisation en direction des commerçants et de la population ; ce qui ne manquerait pas d’altérer l’impact de ce grand évènement. La réussite ou l’échec de l’épisode 2015 à Constantine est largement tributaire de la qualité de l’information et de la promotion qui doivent l’accompagner.> قسنطينة عاصمة الثقافة العربية ٢٠١ < حسب تطلعات الحدث و الهامنا الكبير من العمل الميداني الذي اجري في اسيزي في يوليو ٢٠١٣ الذي اشتمل على تقدير مدى الاستعداد الذهني للسكان بالنسبة لمدينتهم كوجهة سياحية. نظرا لضيق الوقت اختصرنا منهجية البحث في استمارة تشمل ٥ اسئلة و وزعناها على ١٠ تجار يملكون وجهة و تتوفر فيهم الشروط التي تؤهلهم الى الاستفادة من الزيارات المنتظرة في ٢٠١٥ و تشتمل بصورة خاصة مسيري الفنادق و المطاعم اصحاب الحرف اليدوية و متاجر بيع التذكارات و المقاهي؛ نتج عن هذه الدراسات ان مدينة قسنطينة لم تساهم حتى الان في التوعية تجاه التجار و السكان و لكن هذا لن يغير في الاثر الحاسم لهذا الحدث الكبير، نجاح او فشل فصل ٢٠١٥ بقسنطينة يعتمد الى حد كبير على نوعية المعلومات و الترقية التي يجب ان ترفقها

    Theory of Designs in Isabelle/UTP

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    This document describes a mechanisation of the UTP theory of designs in Isabelle/UTP. Designs enrich UTP relations with explicit precondition/postcondition pairs, as present in formal notations like VDM, B, and the refinement calculus. If a program’s precondition holds, then it is guaranteed to terminate and establish its postcondition, which is an approach known as total correctness. If the precondition does not hold, the behaviour is maximally nondeterministic, which represents unspecified behaviour. In this mechanisation, we create the theory of designs, including its alphabet, signature, and healthiness conditions. We then use these to prove the key algebraic laws of programming. This development can be used to support program verification based on total correctness

    Relativistic effects on the hyperfine structures of 2 p(4)(P-3)3 p D-2(o), D-4(o), and P-4(o) in F-19 I

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    The hyperfine interaction constants of the 2p(4)(P-3)3p D-2(3/2,5/2)o, D-4(1/2-7/2)o, and P-4(1/2-5/2)o levels in neutral fluorine are investigated theoretically. Large-scale calculations are carried out using the multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock (MCHF) and Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) methods. In the framework of the MCHF approach, the relativistic effects are taken into account in the Breit-Pauli approximation using nonrelativistic orbitals. In the fully relativistic approach, the orbitals are optimized using the Dirac-Coulomb Hamiltonian with correlation models inspired by the nonrelativistic calculations. Higher-order excitations are captured through multireference configuration interaction calculations including the Breit interaction. In a third (intermediate) approach, the Dirac-Coulomb-Breit Hamiltonian matrix is diagonalized in a relativistic configuration space built with nonrelativistic MCHF radial functions converted into Dirac spinors using the Pauli approximation. The magnetic dipole hyperfine-structure constants calculated with the three relativistic models are consistent and reveal unexpectedly large effects of relativity for 2D(5/2)(o), P-4(3/2)o, and P-4(5/2)o. The agreement with the few available experimental values is satisfactory. The strong J dependence of relativistic corrections on the hyperfine constants is investigated through the detailed analysis of the orbital, spin-dipole, and contact relative contributions calculated with the nonrelativistic magnetic dipole operator

    Transfer of Knowledge from First-Year English Writing Classes To Writing in the Disciplines: Case Studies of Writing across the Curriculum

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    The present study sheds light on the advantages of the program designed to teach writing across the curriculum and tries to, as well, determine what features students should transfer while writing different assignments across different disciplines. The study is based on an analysis of a questionnaire administered to English teachers of different subjects at the Department of English Letters and Language, University Mentouri Bros, Constantine, Algeria. The selected questions try to examine first the students’ writing performance, second if the writing rules are reflected in the students’ assignments, or not, and finally how teachers define the term writing across the curriculumKey words: Writing across the curriculum, writing rules, transfer, disciplines, and subjects.هذه الدراسة تسلط الضوء على مزايا برنامج مصمم لتعليم الكتابة عبر المناهج الدراسية ويحاول، وكذلك، تحديد ما يتميز ينبغي نقل الطلاب أثناء كتابة المهام المختلفة عبر مختلف التخصصات. وتعتمد الدراسة على تحليل استبيان تدار على مدرسي اللغة الإنجليزية من الموضوعات المختلفة في قسم اللغة الإنجليزية الآداب واللغة، جامعة منتوري بروس، قسنطينة، الجزائر. الأسئلة المختارة في محاولة لدراسة أولا "أداء الكتابة، والثانية إذا تنعكس قواعد الكتابة في الطلاب الطلاب الواجبات، أو لا، وأخيرا كيف المدرسين تحديد المدى الكتابة عبر المناهج الدراسيةالكلمات المفتاحية: الكتابة عبر المناهج الدراسية، وكتابة القواعد ونقلها والتخصصات، والموضوعات

    Performance evaluation of finite-source cognitive radio networks with non-reliable services using simulation

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    The cognitive radio (CR) is a dynamic spectrum access technique which provides the capability to share a wireless channel between licensed and unlicensed users opportunistically (also called Primary Users - PU and Secondary Users - SU). In this paper, stochastic simulation is used for performance evaluation of cognitive radio network. A finite-source retrial queuing model with two service units is proposed. A priority queue and an orbit are assigned to the PUs and SUs respectively. The proposed queueing system contains two interconnected, not independent sub-systems. The Primary Channel Service (PCS) and the Secondary Channel Service (SCS) are not reliable and the services are assumed to be subject to a random failure with probability p1 and p2 for the PCS and SCS, respectively. The failure can be detected after the service and the request retransmission process starts immediately. The novelty of this work is to analyze the effect of the failure probability on the mean and the variance of the response time of the PUs and SUs, and on the Utilization of the PCS and SCS. The inter-event times are supposed to be exponentially, hypo-exponentially and hyper-exponentially distributed random variables, depending on different cases during simulation. By the help of simulation we compare the effect of the non-reliability of the servers in different combination of distributions on the first and second moments of the response times of the requests, and the utilization of the system by illustrating on different figures. Keywords: Retrial queueing systems, simulation, cognitive radio networks, non-reliable servers, performance and reliability measures. MSC: 60K25/68M20/90B22/90B2