27 research outputs found

    Selective Removal of Necrotic Dentin in Primary Teeth Using Laser Irradiation: One-Year Clinical Evaluation of Composite Restorations

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    Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the child’s salivary cortisol levels, clinical performance and marginal adaptation of restorations after selective removal of necrotic dentin in primary teeth using Er: YAG laser irradiation.Methods: A double-blind clinical study was performed in children at 7-10 years. Children who had at least 2 teeth with carious lesions involving the occlusal and proximal surfaces of primary molars counterparts were selected. Removal of necrotic dentin was performed by 2 methods: Er: YAG laser irradiation and bur-preparation. Cortisol levels (n = 24) was evaluated by ELISA. Clinical analysis (n = 20) was performed after the restorations polish, 6 and 12 months after restorative procedure using United States Public Health Service (USPHS) method and photographs. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyz the marginal gap formation (n = 20). The analysis of the data was performed by 95% confidence interval, Shapiro-Wilk test, Friedman and Wilcoxon post hoc tests (α = 5%).Results: Cortisol levels were higher during selective removal of necrotic dentin, regardless of the method used (P > 0.05). After 12 months, there was no evidence of the difference in the restorations performed on cavities prepared by both methods. SEM analysis revealed that the laser-irradiated teeth showed 10% of gaps in the full extent of restoration. For bur-prepared teeth, 20% of gaps were found at the cavosurface margin.Conclusion: The salivary cortisol levels on children that received Er: YAG laser irradiation for removal the necrotic dentin was similar to the control group. Class II restorations evaluated after 1 year period did not suffer interference by the use of Er: YAG laser irradiation

    The muscle carnosine response to beta-alanine supplementation: a systematic review with bayesian individual and aggregate data e-max model and meta-analysis.

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    Beta-alanine (BA) supplementation increases muscle carnosine content (MCarn), and has many proven, and purported, ergogenic and therapeutic benefits. Currently, many questions on the nature of the MCarn response to supplementation are open, and the response to these has considerable potential to enhance the efficacy and application of this supplementation strategy. To address these questions, we conducted a systematic review with Bayesian-based meta-analysis of all published aggregate data using a dose response (Emax) model. Meta-regression was used to consider the influence of potential moderators (including dose, sex, age, baseline MCarn and analysis method used) on the primary outcome. The protocol was designed according to PRISMA guidelines and a three-step screening strategy was undertaken to identify studies that measured the MCarn response to BA supplementation. Additionally, we conducted an original analysis of all available individual data on the MCarn response to BA supplementation from studies conducted within our lab (n = 99). The Emax model indicated that human skeletal muscle has large capacity for non-linear MCarn accumulation, and that commonly used BA supplementation protocols may not come close to saturating muscle carnosine content. Neither baseline values, nor sex, appeared to influence subsequent response to supplementation. Analysis of individual data indicated that MCarn is relatively stable in the absence of intervention, and effectually all participants respond to BA supplementation (99.3% response [95%CrI: 96.2 – 100])

    Human skeletal muscle has large capacity to increase carnosine content in response to beta-alanine supplementation: a systematic review with Bayesian individual and aggregate data E-Max model and meta-analysis.

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    Beta-alanine (BA) supplementation increases muscle carnosine content (MCarn) and is ergogenic in many situations. Currently, many questions on the nature of the Mcarn response to supplementation are open, and the responses to these have considerable potential to enhance the efficacy and applications of this supplementation strategy. The objective of this study was to conduct a Bayesian analysis of available data on the Mcarn response to BA supplementation. A systematic review (with meta-analysis) of individual and published aggregate data was conducted, using a dose response (Emax) model. The protocol was designed according to PRISMA guidelines. A three-step screening strategy was undertaken in order to identify studies that measured the Mcarn response to BA supplementation. In addition, the research analysed individual data from five separate studies, conducted in the authors' laboratory. Data were extracted from all controlled and uncontrolled supplementation studies conducted on healthy humans. Meta-regression was used to consider the influence of potential moderators on the primary outcome, including dose, sex, age, baseline Mcarn and analysis method used. The Emax model indicated that human skeletal muscle has a large capacity for non-linear Mcarn accumulation and that commonly-used BA supplementation protocols may not come close to saturating muscle carnosine content. Neither baseline values nor sex appear to influence subsequent response to supplementation. Analysis of individual data indicated that Mcarn is relatively stable in the absence of intervention, and effectually all participants respond to BA supplementation (99.3% response [95%CrI: 96.2 –100])

    High-intensity interval training augments muscle carnosine in the absence of dietary beta-alanine intake

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    Purpose: Cross-sectional studies suggest that training can increase muscle carnosine (MCarn), although longitudinal studies have failed to confirm this. A lack of control for dietary β-alanine intake or muscle fibre type shifting may have hampered their conclusions. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effects of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on MCarn. Methods: Twenty vegetarian men were randomly assigned to a control (CON; n=10) or HIIT (n=10) group. HIIT was carried out on a cycle ergometer for 12 weeks, with progressive volume (6-12 series) and intensity (140-170% lactate threshold [LT]). MCarn was quantified in whole-muscle and individual fibres; expression of selected genes (CARNS, CNDP2, ABAT, TauT and PAT1) and muscle buffering capacity in vitro (βmin vitro) were also determined. Exercise tests were performed to evaluate total work done (TWD), VO2max, ventilatory thresholds (VT) and LT. Results: TWD, VT, LT, VO2max and βmin vitro were improved in the HIIT group (all P0.05). MCarn (in mmol·kg-1 dry muscle) increased in the HIIT (15.8±5.7 to 20.6±5.3; p=0.012) but not the CON group (14.3±5.3 to 15.0±4.9; p=0.99). In type I fibres, MCarn increased in the HIIT (from 14.4±5.9 to 16.8±7.6; p=0.047) but not the CON group (from 14.0±5.5 to 14.9±5.4; p=0.99). In type IIa fibres, MCarn increased in the HIIT group (from 18.8±6.1 to 20.5±6.4; p=0.067) but not the CON group (from 19.7±4.5 to 18.8±4.4; p=0.37). No changes in gene expression were shown. Conclusion: In the absence of any dietary intake of β-alanine, HIIT increased MCarn content. The contribution of increased MCarn to the total increase in βmin vitro appears to be small

    The role of chronic muscle (in)activity on carnosine homeostasis: a study with spinal-cord injured athletes

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    To examine the role of chronic (in)activity on muscle carnosine (MCarn) and how chronic (in)activity affects MCarn responses to β-alanine supplementation in spinal-cord injured athletes, sixteen male athletes with paraplegia were randomized (2:1 ratio) to receive β-alanine (n=11) or placebo (PL, n=5). They consumed 6.4 g‧d-1 of β-alanine or PL for 28 days. Muscle biopsies of the active deltoid and the inactive vastus lateralis (VL) were taken before and after supplementation. MCarn in the VL was also compared with the VL of a group of individuals without paraplegia (n=15). MCarn was quantified in whole muscle and in pools of individual fibers by High-performance Liquid Chromatography. MCarn was higher in chronically inactive VL vs. well-trained deltoid (32.0±12.0 vs. 20.5±6.1 mmol‧kg-1 DM; p=0.018). MCarn was higher in inactive vs. active VL (32.0±12.0 vs. 21.2±7.5 mmol‧kg-1 DM; p=0.011). In type-I fibers, MCarn was significantly higher in the inactive VL than in the active deltoid (38.3±4.7 vs. 27.3±11.8 mmol‧kg-1 DM, p=0.014). MCarn increased similarly between inactive VL and active deltoid in the β-alanine group (VL: 68.9±55.1%, p=0.0002; deltoid: 90.5±51.4%, p<0.0001), with no changes in the PL group. MCarn content was higher in the inactive VL than in the active deltoid and the active VL, but this is probably a consequence of fiber type shift (type I to type II) that occurs with chronic inactivity. Chronically inactive muscle showed an increase in MCarn after BA supplementation equally to the active muscle, suggesting that carnosine accretion following β-alanine supplementation is not influenced by muscle inactivity

    O papel dos biomateriais na Odontologia restauradora e minimamente invasiva / The role of biomaterials in restorative and minimally invasive dentistry

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    Objetivo: descrever a importância dos biomateriais na Odontologia restauradora e analisar os principais biomateriais disponíveis no mercado, suas características e contribuição para uma Odontologia conservadora. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa, onde foram seguidos os seguintes passos: identificação do problema, pesquisa na literatura, avaliação e análise dos dados coletados e apresentação, tendo como questão norteadora da pesquisa: “Qual o papel dos biomateriais na Odontologia restauradora minimamente invasiva?” Resultados: A Odontologia minimamente invasiva é de grande benefício. Com o passar dos anos, cada vez mais biomateriais são produzidos para que consigam substituir o tecido orgânico perdido. Os materiais mais utilizados na Dentística Restauradora são: metais, resinas e cerâmicas. Através da nanotecnologia, resinas e cerâmicas podem ser enriquecidas, afim de promover a remineralização da dentina e do esmalte. Conclusão: Os biomateriais são fundamentais na Odontologia restauradora minimamente invasiva, pois possibilitam a substituição do tecido perdido e, muitas vezes estimulam a remineralização. É de grande importância o conhecimento por parte do cirurgião dentista, para que, no meio de tantos materiais, ele possa fazer a escolha mais pertinente para cada caso clínico

    Insulin does not stimulate β-alanine transport into human skeletal muscle

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    To test whether high circulating insulin concentrations influence the transport of β-alanine into skeletal muscle at either saturating or subsaturating β-alanine concentrations, we conducted two experiments whereby β-alanine and insulin concentrations were controlled. In experiment 1, 12 men received supraphysiological amounts of β-alanine intravenously (0.11 g·kg−1·min−1 for 150 min), with or without insulin infusion. β-Alanine and carnosine were measured in muscle before and 30 min after infusion. Blood samples were taken throughout the infusion protocol for plasma insulin and β-alanine analyses. β-Alanine content in 24-h urine was assessed. In experiment 2, six men ingested typical doses of β-alanine (10 mg/kg) before insulin infusion or no infusion. β-Alanine was assessed in muscle before and 120 min following ingestion. In experiment 1, no differences between conditions were shown for plasma β-alanine, muscle β-alanine, muscle carnosine and urinary β-alanine concentrations (all P > 0.05). In experiment 2, no differences between conditions were shown for plasma β-alanine or muscle β-alanine concentrations (all P > 0.05). Hyperinsulinemia did not increase β-alanine uptake by skeletal muscle cells, neither when substrate concentrations exceed the Vmax of β-alanine transporter TauT nor when it was below saturation. These results suggest that increasing insulin concentration is not necessary to maximize β-alanine transport into muscle following β-alanine intake

    Para além do conceito de “raça”

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    Este trabajo realiza un estudio de la representación de la raza, el mestizaje o la hibridación cultural en los medios de comunicación de masas localizados en Brasil. Se insiste sobre todo en la cultura negra y su mezcla con la cultura indígena y criolla.This work carries out a study of the representation of the race, the miscegenation or the cultural hybridization in the Massmedia located in Brazil. It is insisted mainly in the black culture and their mixture with the indigenous culture and creole culture