131 research outputs found

    Using graphical tools in a phased activity for enhancing dialogical skills: An example with Digalo

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    ICT tools have been developed to facilitate web-based learning through and learning about argumentation. In this paper we will present an example of a learning activity mediated by Digalo-software for knowledge sharing through visually supported discussion-developed in a university setting. Our aim is to examine, in particular, socio-cognitive construction of knowledge and argumentation by students debating a controversial question in history. We propose a descriptive approach of understanding and meaning-making processes based on two levels of analysis: (1) a topic meaning-making process oriented level and (2) an argumentation oriented level. We focus our studies on how the participants-small groups of students-develop understanding of the topic, their arguments and their interactions through the use of different functionalities of this software. Our results show that interactive and argumentative processes are themselves objects of learning and develop through collective activity. Development of the understanding of the topic through argumentation is discussed and linked to the design of the activity and the affordances of the Digalo softwar

    Quando a cultura é considerada nas pesquisas em psicologia do desenvolvimento

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    O estudo da “cultura” remete às relações entre “significações coletivas” e“sentido pessoal” do conhecimento e da atividade. Identificamos quatrocorrentes recentes de pesquisa que têm abordado essas questões, examinamossuas escolhas teóricas e metodológicas, e realçamos pontos importantes para pesquisas futuras.The issue of “culture” addresses the relationship between “collectivemeaning” and “personal sense” of knowledge and activity. We identifyfour recent research trends which explored these issues, show theirtheoretical and methodological choices, and highlight important points for future research

    The Mitochondrion-lysosome Axis in Adaptive and Innate Immunity: Effect of Lupus Regulator Peptide P140 on Mitochondria Autophagy and NETosis

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    Mitochondria deserve special attention as sensors of cellular energy homeostasis and metabolic state. Moreover, mitochondria integrate intra- and extra-cellular signals to determine appropriate cellular responses that range from proliferation to cell death. In autoimmunity, as in other inflammatory chronic disorders, the metabolism of immune cells may be extensively remodeled, perturbing sensitive tolerogenic mechanisms. Here, we examine the distribution and effects of the therapeutic 21-mer peptide called P140, which shows remarkable efficacy in modulating immune responses in inflammatory settings. We measured P140 and control peptide effects on isolated mitochondria, the distribution of peptides in live cells, and their influence on the levels of key autophagy regulators. Our data indicate that while P140 targets macro- and chaperone-mediated autophagy processes, it has little effect, if any, on mitochondrial autophagy. Remarkably, however, it suppresses NET release from neutrophils exposed to immobilized NET-anti-DNA IgG complexes. Together, our results suggest that in the mitochondrion-lysosome axis, a likely driver of NETosis and inflammation, the P140 peptide does not operate by affecting mitochondria directly

    Colon cancer in Luxembourg: a national population-based data report, 1988–1998

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    BACKGROUND: Over the last two decades time trends in incidence rates of colorectal cancer, changes in the proportions of stage at diagnosis and changes in the anatomic sub-site distribution of colon cancers have been reported in some European countries. In order to determine a strategy for early detection of colon cancer in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, all consecutive colon adenocarcinomas diagnosed during the period 1988–1998 at a nation-wide level were reviewed. METHODS: The population-based data of the national Morphologic Tumour Registry report all new high-grade adenomas (i.e. high-grade intraepithelial adenomatous neoplasias) and all consecutive new invasive adenocarcinomas of the colon diagnosed in the central department of pathology. Attention has been focused on variations in incidence, stage, anatomical site distribution and survival rates. Rectal cancers were excluded. RESULTS: Over the study period, 254 new colonic high-grade adenomas and 1379 new invasive adenocarcinomas were found; the crude incidence rates of colon adenocarcinomas grew steadily by 30%. Comparing the two 5-year periods 1988–1992 and 1994–1998, the crude incidence rates of high-grade adenomas (stage 0) rose by 190%, that of stage I cases by 14.3%, stage II cases 12.9% and stage III cases 38.5%, whereas the crude incidence rates of stage IV cases decreased by 11.8%. The high-grade adenoma/adenocarcinoma ratio increased. The right-sided colonic adenocarcinomas in elderly patients (>69 years) increased by 76%. The observed survival rates correlated with tumour stages. The overall observed 5-year survival rate (stage I-IV) was 51 ± 3% (95% confidence interval). CONCLUSION: The increasing incidence rates of colon adenocarcinomas, the persistence of advanced tumour stages (stage III), the mortality rates which remain stable, and the changing trends in the age- and sub-site distribution underline the need for preventive measures at the age of 50 in asymptomatic patients to reduce mortality from colo(rectal) cancer

    Concerted Regulation of cGMP and cAMP Phosphodiesterases in Early Cardiac Hypertrophy Induced by Angiotensin II

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    Left ventricular hypertrophy leads to heart failure and represents a high risk leading to premature death. Cyclic nucleotides (cAMP and cGMP) play a major role in heart contractility and cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are involved in different stages of advanced cardiac diseases. We have investigated their contributions in the very initial stages of left ventricular hypertrophy development. Wistar male rats were treated over two weeks by chronic infusion of angiotensin II using osmotic mini-pumps. Left cardiac ventricles were used as total homogenates for analysis. PDE1 to PDE5 specific activities and protein and mRNA expressions were explored

    Desafíos de la caficultura en Centroamérica

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    Contiene: 1 Trayectoria y viabilidad de las caficulturas centroamericanas (Mario Samper). 2 Aspectos de la sostenibilidad de los sistemas de cultivo de café en América Central (Carlos E. Fernández y Reinhold G. Muschler). 3 Los suelos cafetaleros en América Central y su fertilización (Elemer Bornemisza, Jean Collinet y Alvaro Segura). 4 Hacia un manejo sostenible de la materia orgánica y de la fertilidad biológica de los suelos cafetaleros (Philippe Vaast y Didier Snoeck). 5 El beneficiado ecológico del café (Rolando Vásquez). 6 La roya anaranjada del cafeto: mito y realidad (Jacques Avelino, Raoul Muller, Albertus Eskes, Rodney Santacreo y Francisco Holguín). 7 El ojo de gallo del cafeto (Mycena citricolor) (Amy Wang y Jacques Avelino). 8 La Anthracnosis de los frutos: un grave peligro para la caficultura centroamericana (Raoul A. Müller, Dominique Berry y Daniel Bieysse). 9 La broca de los frutos del cafeto: +la lucha biológica como solución? (Bernard Dufour, Juan Francisco Barrera y Bernard Decazy). 10 Los Nematodos Parásitos del cafeto (Luc Villain, Francisco Anzueto, Adám Hernández y Jean Louis Sarah). 11 Los recursos genéticos: las bases de una solución genética a los problemas de la caficultura latinoamericana (Franéois Anthony, Carlos Astorga y Julien Berthaud). 12 El mejoramiento genético en América Central (Beno¯t Bertrand, Germán Aguilar, Rodney Santacreo y Francisco Anzueto. 13 Aportes de la biotecnología al mejoramiento genético del café: el ejemplo de la multiplicación por embriogénesis somática de híbridos F1 en América Central (Hervé Etienne, Dominique Barry-Etienne, Nelly Vásquez y Marc Berthouly).2 fig. Cuenta con un glosario.Este documento es una recopilación de información realizada por varias autores y autoras. El libro intenta contribuir al debate y desafíos de la investigación cafetalera, presentando los grandes problemas ecológicos, Agronómicos y biológicos que acechan a la caficultura centroamericana, o que la afectarán probablemente en un futuro cercano. El libro comienza por una resena hist6rica que permite tanto entender la diversidad de situaciones de producci6n coma interpretar los debates actuales en un contexto mas amplio de una historia bisecular. Luego, se estudian los principales avances y limitaciones de los sistemas de cultivo con una atención particular del manejo deI suelo con el afán de proponer soluciones, o de identificar campos prioritarios de investigación. También se repasan los grandes desafios deI beneficiado dei café que son principalmente ecológicos. Un gran espacio es dedicado al estudio de las principales enfermedades y plagas deI café, cuyo desarrollo y agravamiento repercute en costos de control muy elevados. La lucha biológica o integrada puede (o podrá) ofrecer soluciones alentadoras. En fin, se presentan las posibilidades de creaci6n de nuevas variedades de café a partir de los recursos genéticos introducidos de Africa, con las esperanzas que despiertan las nuevas biotecnologias