161 research outputs found

    Ecological and Geographical Gis-Analysis of Anomalies in Amphibians of Ukraine

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    GIS modeling of 138 georeferenced point data of anomalies in amphibians in Ukraine (data from both the literature and personal field surveys) revealed a rather poor, but statistically significant correlation of the numbers of anomalies with the anthropogenic impact measured by the Human Footprint (r=0,268, p=0,0025). We consider that in certain cases the abundance of anomalies in amphibians could be used for purposes of bioindication

    The Indicative Potential of the Forest-Tundra Landscape Component

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    In order to expand the possibilities of soil-cover remote monitoring and improve prognostic models of active-layer depth dynamics in connection with global climatic changes, the verification of correspondence between plant and soil components of subarctic landscapes is necessary. This is most relevant for the forest-tundra zone,where the variety and mosaicity of soils and vegetation is great due to its ecotonic position. The purpose of this work was to study the relationship of vegetation with the characteristics of cryogenic soils and the dynamics of the active layer in forest-tundra landscapes. Data were obtained during monitoring studies at key sites in diverse landscapes of forest-tundra in the vicinity of Labytnangi. It was revealed that the thickness of the organogenic horizons, as well as the value of the moss phytomass, determine the active-layer thickness. A close connection with relief and soils allows the use of vegetation as an indicator of the soil texture and the depth of active-layer occurrence and features. Keywords: plant communities, cryogenic soils, active layer, landscape, forest-tundra, Western Siberi

    Phenotypic Study of Population and Distribution of the Poecilia reticulata (Cyprinodontiformes, Poeciliidae) from Kyiv Sewage System (Ukraine)

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    This paper presents the original data on studies of populations of guppies on the territory of Ukraine on the example of those of them surviving for many years in the drainage system of Kyiv. For 10 years, wild populations of guppies and their morphological features were studied in the warm water flows of the Bortnychi aeration station in Kyiv (2011–2020). During this period, the original “key” was developed to describe the morphology of their coloration peculiarities, which includes: total length, the number of pattern and coloration elements (4 types, 9 elements), pigmented area (light — orange, dark, pigmentation index), the shape and pigmentation of the tail (6 types) and its asymmetry At present, in the countries of Eastern Europe, the species is not adapted to any waters in the wild due to low winter temperatures, but these fish have become well established in sewage and other warm water bodies in urbanized areas (cities, towns, factories, etc.). We described the places where this invasive species had been found for many years, highlighting its key features. Thanks to GIS modelling, it was revealed that the existence of wild populations of guppies in Ukraine and Latvia is possible only in warm waters (currently mainly sewage systems of big cities) within anthropogenic territories. Such a key and study of relatively isolated populations of invasive species will provide a deeper understanding of micro-evolution of their morphological features (coloration) in isolation, help to track distribution of invasive species in a changing climate and provide material for comparison with possible similar invasions in areas heavily affected by military actions

    Magnetic hexamers interacting in layers in the (Na,K)2_2Cu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 minerals

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    Magnetic properties and underlying magnetic models of the synthetic A2_2Cu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 fedotovite (A = K) and puninite (A = Na) minerals, as well as the mixed euchlorine-type NaKCu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 are reported. We show that all these compounds contain magnetic Cu6_6 hexamer units, which at temperatures below about 100 K act as single spin-1 entities. Weak interactions between these magnetic molecules lead to long-range order below TNT_N = 3.4 K (A = Na), 4.7 K (A = NaK), and about 3.0 K (A = K). The formation of the magnetic order is elucidated by ab initio calculations that reveal two-dimensional inter-hexamer interactions within crystallographic bcbc planes. This model indicates the presence of a weakly distorted square lattice of S=1S=1 magnetic ions and challenges the earlier description of the A2_2Cu3_3O(SO4)3_4)_3 minerals in terms of Haldane spin chains.Comment: published version, re-worked compared to the initial submissio

    Fabrication of 2D based pn junctions with improved performance by selective laser annealing

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    There is a growing body of research on transistors based on nanomaterials such as 2D transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) (WS2, MoS2, etc.) and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Here we co-deposited MoS2 and WS2 as PN junctions. The deposition could be performed on a PCB (printed circuit board) with Cu electrodes. The current-voltage characteristics were obtained using an Arduino board. The effect of laser irradiation could be investigated by studying the IV curves and light sensitivity for the same kind of devices in which one of the Cu electrodes was modified by a laser. The IV curves from the devices with and without laser treatment could be compared to quantify the changes in performance

    Dibenzo[ f,h]furazano[3,4- b]quinoxalines: Synthesis by Intramolecular Cyclization through Direct Transition Metal-Free C-H Functionalization and Electrochemical, Photophysical, and Charge Mobility Characterization

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    Herein, we describe the synthesis of unsymmetrically substituted dibenzo[f,h]furazano[3,4-b]quinoxalines by intramolecular cyclization through direct transition metal-free C-H functionalization. The electrochemical and photophysical properties for several polycycles have been measured. In thin films of the dibenzo[f,h]furazano[3,4-b]quinoxalines, hole mobility is in the order of 10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1. The results show that the HOMO and LUMO energy levels are appropriate for using the compounds as hole-transport materials in thin-film devices, in particular, organic and perovskite solar cells. Copyright © 2020 American Chemical Society.Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 18-33-00103-mol_aRussian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-13-00409The research was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 18-13-00409). Y.A.K would like to acknowledge the financial support for the part of the synthetic section from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (research project no. 18-33-00103-mol_a). The authors are grateful to Grigory A. Kim for carrying out the DFT calculations, which were performed by using “Uran” supercomputer of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. NMR experiments were carried out by using equipment of the Center for Joint Use “Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds” at the Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Этика маркетинга в России

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    В данной статье рассматриваются главные тенденции, методы и особенности этики современного маркетинга в России и историческое влияние на ее развитие, а также приводится анализ проблем социального маркетинга в отечественных компаниях.The article considers the main trends, methods and features of ethics of modern marketing in Russia, and the influence of history on its development. Also, the analysis of problems of ethical marketing in the domestic companies is carried out

    Natural Forest Colonisation and Soil Formation on Ash Dump in Southern Taiga

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    Ash dumps occupy significant areas around the world and make a negative influence on the environment. This effect is decreased by their natural colonisation determined by the bioclimatic conditions of the area. The purpose of the current study was to identify the structure of the forest communities and the initial stages of soil formation on the ash dump in southern taiga. This study was carried out on three sites in the forest phytocoenosis formed in the process of revegetation of the Verkhniy Tagil Power Station ash dump over 50 years, as well as on two background forest sites in the Middle Urals. Complex geobotanical and soil studies were carried out. The results of the study show that forest phytocoenoses with a predominance of hardwood species (Betula pendula Roth and Populus tremula L.) and a small admixture of coniferous species can form on the non-recultivated ash dump within 50 years in a boreal zone. In total, the studied mixed forest phytocoenoses are similar in composition to zonal secondary forests, but differ by having lower height and diameter of the stand, as well as herb–shrub layer coverage. Their species density and floristic richness are also lesser. The study proved that the process of soil formation is also proceeding according to the zonal type in the ash substrate under forest communities. The results of the study can be applied to justifying the forecasts of ecosystem restoration on the technogenic substrate, as well as for the species selecting for their recultivation in the studied area and similar to it. © 2020 by the Committee on Forestry Sciences and Wood Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Forest Research Institute in S´kocin Stary