23 research outputs found

    Spatial analysis of the suitability of olive plantations for wildlife habitat restoration

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    This study adopts a two-fold methodological approach to assessing the suitability of olive plantations in mountainous areas for wildlife habitat restoration. Embedding expert judgements through an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) about the effect of specific elements of the landscape on ecological diversity permits the most suitable agricultural areas to be selected by means of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The case study is the olive plantations of Andalusia (Southern Spain). The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas (mostly olive groves), and areas adjacent to Natural Park with oaks would be most suitable for wildlife habitat restoration. El trabajo presenta una metodolog&iacute;a de selecci&oacute;n de zonas agr&iacute;colas para la recuperaci&oacute;n de h&aacute;bitats para la flora y fauna silvestres. A trav&eacute;s del Proceso Anal&iacute;tico Jer&aacute;rquico (AHP) y de los Sistemas de Informaci&oacute;n Geogr&aacute;fica (SIG) se determina que las zonas m&aacute;s adecuadas son aqu&eacute;llas cercanas a olivares de baja producci&oacute;n y al Parque Natural de la zona de estudio.</p

    Assessing the recuperation potential of wildlife habitats through AHP and GIS modelling

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    This study adopts a twofold methodological approach to assessing the suitability of agricultural areas for wildlife habitat recuperation. Embedding expert judgements through an Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) about the effect of specific elements of the landscape on ecological diversity permits the most suitable agricultural areas to be selected by means of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). The case study is theolive (Olea europaea L.) plantations of the mountain areas of Andalusia (Spain) which, because of their low yield, are likely to be abandoned after the decoupling of the EU olive oil subsidies. The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas (mostly olive groves), the natural vegetation and areas adjacent to Natural Park with oaks would be most suitable for wildlife habitat restoration. These results are in agreement with those of studies carried out by other researchers on biodiversity, based on either individual or groups of species.Evaluación del potencial de recuperación de hábitat natural para la flora y fauna silvestre a través de AHP y los SIG

    Evaluation of erosion risk using Analytic Network Process and GIS: a case study from Spanish mountain olive plantations

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    The study presents an approach that combined objective information such as sampling or experimental data with subjective information such as expert opinions. This combined approach was based on the Analytic Network Process method. It was applied to evaluate soil erosion risk and overcomes one of the drawbacks of USLE/RUSLE soil erosion models, namely that they do not consider interactions among soil erosion factors. Another advantage of this method is that it can be used the there are insufficient experimental data. The lack of experimental data can be compensated for through the use of expert evaluations. As an example of the proposed approach, the risk of soil erosion was evaluated in olive groves in Southern Spain, showing the potential of the ANP method for modelling a complex physical process like soil erosionEl estudio combina una t&eacute;cnica de decisi&oacute;n multicriterio (ANP) y el an&aacute;lisis territorial para determinar las zonas de mayor riesgo de erosi&oacute;n en olivares de monta&ntilde;a</p

    Análisis de la demanda de bienes y servicios no comerciales procedentes de la actividad agraria: El caso del olivar de montaña andaluz

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    [EN] Agricultural multifunctionality is the recognition of the joint exercise of economic, environmental and social functions by this sector. In order to make this concept operative for the design of public policies, it is necessary to estimate the social demand for such functions. The main objective of this article is to present an empirical application in this line. For this purpose we have taken the agricultural system of mountain olive groves in Andalusia (Southern Spain) at risk of abandonment after the decoupling of the EU subsidies as a case study. The economic valuation technique used is the Choice Experiment. According to the results, there is a different contribution of each attribute to the improvement of the Society level of utility. Thus, and taking into account its WTP for each attribute, keeping rural population in their villages and fighting soil erosion seem to be the most valued functions by Andalusian citizens. It follows the improvement of the visual quality of the rural landscapes and the reduction of food residuals. Finally, although the results suggest a significant demand for the different functions, this demand is heterogeneous, depending on the socio-economic characteristics of the individuals.[ES] El concepto de multifuncionalidad agraria supone el reconocimiento de la provisión conjunta de bienes y servicios de tipo económico, social y medioambiental. Con el objeto de hacer operativo este concepto para el diseño de políticas públicas es necesario estimar la demanda social de estas funciones. En este contexto, el presente trabajo supone una aplicación empírica de esta idea teniendo como caso de estudio el olivar andaluz de montaña. La valoración económica de las funciones no comerciales más relevantes de este sistema agrario se ha llevado a cabo utilizando los experimentos de elección. Según los resultados obtenidos, existe una contribución al bienestar social de cada uno de los atributos analizados, siendo el mantenimiento de la población en el medio rural y la lucha contra la erosión los dos atributos mejor valorados, seguidos por la provisión de un paisaje de calidad y la seguridad alimentaria. Por último, estos mismos resultados evidencian igualmente cómo esta valoración es heterogénea, dependiendo de las características socioeconómicas de los individuos.Kallas, Z.; Gómez-Limón, J.; Arriaza, M.; Nekhay, O. (2006). Demand for non-commodities outputs from agricultural activities: The case of mountain olive groves. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 6(11):49-79. doi:10.7201/earn.2006.11.03SWORD497961

    Restauración de zonas agrícolas abandonadas para hábitats de especies de interés

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    This study analyzes the suitability of agricultural lands with risk of abandonment for restoration to suitable habitats for animal species of conservation interest. As a case study, the main focus was on olive plantations (Olea europaea L.) of mountainous areas of Southern Spain and the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus Temminck, 1827). The method weighs the judgement of experts on the effect of landscape elements on the habitat via an analytic hierarchy process and spots areas most suitable for restoration through geographical information systems. The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas and areas with natural vegetation adjacent to the Natural Park of Sierra de Cardeña and Montoro would be most suitable for restoration of the lynx habitat. The precise location of olive groves suitable for restoration are discussed, as revealed by experts" decision-making processes. The main interest of the study relies on the potential of the method to combine territorial analysis with biological requirements of endangered species to facilitate their dispersal.El presente estudio analiza la idoneidad de zonas agrícolas con riesgo de abandono para su restauración como hábitat de especies animales de interés. Como caso de estudio se considera las plantaciones olivareras (Olea europaea L.) de montaña del sur de España y el lince ibérico (Lynx pardinus). La metodología pondera la opinión de un grupo de expertos sobre el efecto que los diferentes elementos del paisaje tienen sobre el hábitat del lince, integrándose posteriormente en un sistema de información geográfica. Los resultados sugieren que las zonas olivareras lindantes con el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Cárdena y Montoro y zonas con vegetación natural existente serían las más adecuadas para su restauración. Si bien la exacta localización de las zonas más adecuadas está sujeta a discusión, como demuestran las divergencias en la opinión de los expertos, el interés principal del estudio radica en la potencialidad del enfoque metodológico, el cual combina el análisis territorial y requerimientos biológicos específicos, para la conservación y dispersión de especies de interés

    Spatial analysis of the optimization of agricultural lands through the AHP method

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    En el presente estudio se realiza una propuesta para la evaluación del territorio agrícola con el fin de recuperar el hábitat para la flora y la fauna silvestre. El método se basa en el conocimiento de los expertos, explicitado a través del método Proceso de Análisis Jerárquico (AHP), sobre la influencia de algunos elementos del paisaje en hábitat. La integración del método AHP en los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) permite aplicar esta metodología a un territorio determinado. En este caso se ha aplicado a las plantaciones de olivar de montaña que se encuentran en el municipio de Montoro (Córdoba, España). Los resultados muestran que los bordes de la mayoría de las áreas cultivadas (plantaciones olivareras), las zonas adyacentes al Parque Natural de la Sierra de Cardeña y Montoro y las márgenes de los cauces fluviales, serían los espacios mas adecuados para la restauración del hábitat

    Restoration of abandoned agricultural lands toward umbrella species habitats

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    This study analyzes the suitability of agricultural lands with risk of abandonment for restoration to suitable habitats for animal species of conservation interest. As a case study, the main focus was on olive plantations of mountainous areas of Southern Spain and the Iberian lynx. The method weighs the judgement of experts on the effect of landscape elements on the habitat via an analytic hierarchy process and spots areas most suitable for restoration through geographical information systems. The precise location of olive groves suitable for restoration are discussed, as revealed by experts decision-making processes. The main interest of the study relies on the potential of the method to combine territorial analysis with biological requirements of endangered species to facilitate their dispersal.El trabajo analiza las zonas de olivar de monta&ntilde;as m&aacute;s adecuadas para la restauraci&oacute;n del h&aacute;bitat del lince ib&eacute;rico. La metodolog&iacute;a incluye el uso del Proceso de An&aacute;lisis Jer&aacute;rquico (AHP) y los Sistemas de Informaci&oacute;n Geogr&aacute;fica (SIGs). El estudio combina el an&aacute;lisis territorial con los requerimientos biol&oacute;gicos de una especia en extinci&oacute;n para su dispersi&oacute;n.</p

    Restoration of abandoned agricultural lands toward habitats for umbrella species

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    This study analyzes the suitability of agricultural lands with risk of abandonment for restoration to suitable habitats for animal species of conservation interest. As a case study, the main focus was on olive plantations (Olea europaea L.) of mountainous areas of Southern Spain and the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus Temminck, 1827). The method weighs the judgement of experts on the effect of landscape elements on the habitat via an analytic hierarchy process and spots areas most suitable for restoration through geographical information systems. The results suggest that the edge of major agricultural areas and areas with natural vegetation adjacent to the Natural Park of Sierra de Cardeña and Montoro would be most suitable for restoration of the lynx habitat. The precise location of olive groves suitable for restoration are discussed, as revealed by experts� decision-making processes. The main interest of the study relies on the potential of the method to combine territorial analysis with biological requirements of endangered species to facilitate their dispersal.El presente estudio analiza la idoneidad de zonas agrícolas con riesgo de abandono para su restauración como hábitat de especies animales de interés. Como caso de estudio se considera las plantaciones olivareras (Olea europaea L.) de montaña del sur de España y el lince ibérico (Lynx pardinus). La metodología pondera la opinión de un grupo de expertos sobre el efecto que los diferentes elementos del paisaje tienen sobre el hábitat del lince, integrándose posteriormente en un sistema de información geográfica. Los resultados sugieren que las zonas olivareras lindantes con el Parque Natural de la Sierra de Cárdena y Montoro y zonas con vegetación natural existente serían las más adecuadas para su restauración. Si bien la exacta localización de las zonas más adecuadas está sujeta a discusión, como demuestran las divergencias en la opinión de los expertos, el interés principal del estudio radica en la potencialidad del enfoque metodológico, el cual combina el análisis territorial y requerimientos biológicos específicos, para la conservación y dispersión de especies de interés

    Evaluation of soil erosion risk using analytic network process and GIS : a case study from Spanish mountain olive plantations

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    The study presents an approach that combined objective information such as sampling or experimental data with subjective information such as expert opinions. This combined approach was based on the Analytic Network Process method. It was applied to evaluate soil erosion risk and overcomes one of the drawbacks of USLE/RUSLE soil erosion models, namely that they do not consider interactions among soil erosion factors. Another advantage of this method is that it can be used if there are insufficient experimental data. The lack of experimental data can be compensated for through the use of expert evaluations. As an example of the proposed approach, the risk of soil erosion was evaluated in olive groves in Southern Spain, showing the potential of the ANP method for modelling a complex physical process like soil erosion