1,102 research outputs found

    The Color Distributions of Globular Clusters in Virgo Elliptical Galaxies

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    This Letter presents the color distributions of the globular cluster (GC) systems of 12 Virgo elliptical galaxies, measured using data from the Hubble Space Telescope. Bright galaxies with large numbers of detected GC's show two distinct cluster populations with mean V-I colors near 1.01 and 1.26. The GC population of M86 is a clear exception; its color distribution shows a single sharp peak near V-I=1.03. The absence of the red population in this galaxy, and the consistency of the peak colors in the others, may be indications of the origins of the two populations found in most bright elliptical galaxies.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, to be published in ApJ Letters Corrections to introductio

    Ubiquitous equatorial accretion disc winds in black hole soft states

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    High resolution spectra of Galactic Black Holes (GBH) reveal the presence of highly ionised absorbers. In one GBH, accreting close to the Eddington limit for more than a decade, a powerful accretion disc wind is observed to be present in softer X-ray states and it has been suggested that it can carry away enough mass and energy to quench the radio jet. Here we report that these winds, which may have mass outflow rates of the order of the inner accretion rate or higher, are an ubiquitous component of the jet-free soft states of all GBH. We furthermore demonstrate that these winds have an equatorial geometry with opening angles of few tens of degrees, and so are only observed in sources in which the disc is inclined at a large angle to the line of sight. The decrease in Fe XXV / Fe XXVI line ratio with Compton temperature, observed in the soft state, suggests a link between higher wind ionisation and harder spectral shapes. Although the physical interaction between the wind, accretion flow and jet is still not fully understood, the mass flux and power of these winds, and their presence ubiquitously during the soft X-ray states suggests they are fundamental components of the accretion phenomenon.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Numerical stability of a new conformal-traceless 3+1 formulation of the Einstein equation

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    There is strong evidence indicating that the particular form used to recast the Einstein equation as a 3+1 set of evolution equations has a fundamental impact on the stability properties of numerical evolutions involving black holes and/or neutron stars. Presently, the longest lived evolutions have been obtained using a parametrized hyperbolic system developed by Kidder, Scheel and Teukolsky or a conformal-traceless system introduced by Baumgarte, Shapiro, Shibata and Nakamura. We present a new conformal-traceless system. While this new system has some elements in common with the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura system, it differs in both the type of conformal transformations and how the non-linear terms involving the extrinsic curvature are handled. We show results from 3D numerical evolutions of a single, non-rotating black hole in which we demonstrate that this new system yields a significant improvement in the life-time of the simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    3D simulations of Einstein's equations: symmetric hyperbolicity, live gauges and dynamic control of the constraints

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    We present three-dimensional simulations of Einstein equations implementing a symmetric hyperbolic system of equations with dynamical lapse. The numerical implementation makes use of techniques that guarantee linear numerical stability for the associated initial-boundary value problem. The code is first tested with a gauge wave solution, where rather larger amplitudes and for significantly longer times are obtained with respect to other state of the art implementations. Additionally, by minimizing a suitably defined energy for the constraints in terms of free constraint-functions in the formulation one can dynamically single out preferred values of these functions for the problem at hand. We apply the technique to fully three-dimensional simulations of a stationary black hole spacetime with excision of the singularity, considerably extending the lifetime of the simulations.Comment: 21 pages. To appear in PR

    Coherent Ro-vibrational Revivals in a Thermal Molecular Ensemble

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    We report an experimental and theoretical study of the evolution of vibrational coherence in a thermal ensemble of nitrogen molecules. Rotational dephasing and rephasing of the vibrational coherence is detected by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering. The existence of ro-vibrational coupling and the discrete energy spectrum of the rotational bath lead to a whole new class of full and fractional ro-vibrational revivals. Following the rich ro-vibrational dynamics on a nanosecond time scale with sub-picosecond time resolution enables us to determine the second-order ro-vibrational constant gammaegamma_e and assess new possibilities of controlling decoherence.Comment: submitted at Physical Review

    Relativistic MHD with Adaptive Mesh Refinement

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    This paper presents a new computer code to solve the general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) equations using distributed parallel adaptive mesh refinement (AMR). The fluid equations are solved using a finite difference Convex ENO method (CENO) in 3+1 dimensions, and the AMR is Berger-Oliger. Hyperbolic divergence cleaning is used to control the ∇⋅B=0\nabla\cdot {\bf B}=0 constraint. We present results from three flat space tests, and examine the accretion of a fluid onto a Schwarzschild black hole, reproducing the Michel solution. The AMR simulations substantially improve performance while reproducing the resolution equivalent unigrid simulation results. Finally, we discuss strong scaling results for parallel unigrid and AMR runs.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    The Surface Brightness Fluctuations and Globular Cluster Populations of M87 and its Companions

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    Using the surface brightness fluctuations in HST WFPC-2 images, we determine that M87, NGC 4486B, and NGC 4478 are all at a distance of ~16 Mpc, while NGC 4476 lies in the background at ~21 Mpc. We also examine the globular clusters of M87 using archived HST fields. We detect the bimodal color distribution, and find that the amplitude of the red peak relative to the blue peak is greatest near the center. This feature is in good agreement with the merger model of elliptical galaxy formation, where some of the clusters originated in progenitor galaxies while other formed during mergers.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
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