181 research outputs found

    Discrete and continuous character-based disparity analyses converge to the same macroevolutionary signa. A case study from captorhinids

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    The relationship between diversity and disparity during the evolutionary history of a clade provides unique insights into evolutionary radiations and the biological response to bottlenecks and to extinctions. Here we present the first comprehensive comparison of diversity and disparity of captorhinids, a group of basal amniotes that is important for understanding the early evolution of high-fiber herbivory. A new fully resolved phylogeny is presented, obtained by the inclusion of 31 morphometric characters. The new dataset is used to calculate diversity and disparity through the evolutionary history of the clade, using both discrete and continuous characters. Captorhinids do not show a decoupling between diversity and disparity, and are characterized by a rather symmetric disparity distribution, with a peak in occupied morphospace at about the midpoint of the clade’s evolutionary history (Kungurian). This peak represents a delayed adaptive radiation, identified by the first appearance of several high-fiber herbivores in the clade, along with numerous omnivorous taxa. The discrete characters and continuous morphometric characters indicate the same disparity trends. Therefore, we argue that in the absence of one of these two possible proxies, the disparity obtained from just one source can be considered robust and representative of a general disparity pattern

    Dental characters used in phylogenetic analyses of mammals show higher rates of evolution, but not reduced independence

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    Accurate reconstructions of phylogeny are essential for studying the evolution of a clade, and morphological characters are necessarily used for the reconstruction of the relationships of fossil organisms. However, variation in their evolutionary modes (for example rate variation and character non-independence) not accounted for in analyses may be leading to unreliable phylogenies. A recent study suggested that phylogenetic analyses of mammals may be suffering from a dominance of dental characters, which were shown to have lower phylogenetic signal than osteological characters and produced phylogenies less congruent with molecularly-derived benchmarks. Here we build on this previous work by testing five additional morphological partitions for phylogenetic signal and examining what aspects of dental and other character evolution may be affecting this, by fitting models of discrete character evolution to phylogenies inferred and time calibrated using molecular data. Results indicate that the phylogenetic signal of discrete characters correlate most strongly with rates of evolution, with increased rates driving increased homoplasy. In a dataset covering all Mammalia, dental characters have higher rates of evolution than other partitions. They do not, however, fit a model of independent character evolution any worse than other regions. Primates and marsupials show different patterns to other mammal clades, with dental characters evolving at slower rates and being more heavily integrated (less independent). While the dominance of dental characters in analyses of mammals could be leading to inaccurate phylogenies, the issue is not unique to dental characters and the results are not consistent across datasets. Molecular benchmarks (being entirely independent of the character data) provide a framework for examining each dataset individually to assess the evolution of the characters used

    The Completeness of the Fossil Record of Mesozoic Birds: Implications for Early Avian Evolution

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    Many palaeobiological analyses have concluded that modern birds (Neornithes) radiated no earlier than the Maastrichtian, whereas molecular clock studies have argued for a much earlier origination. Here, we assess the quality of the fossil record of Mesozoic avian species, using a recently proposed character completeness metric which calculates the percentage of phylogenetic characters that can be scored for each taxon. Estimates of fossil record quality are plotted against geological time and compared to estimates of species level diversity, sea level, and depositional environment. Geographical controls on the avian fossil record are investigated by comparing the completeness scores of species in different continental regions and latitudinal bins. Avian fossil record quality varies greatly with peaks during the Tithonian-early Berriasian, Aptian, and Coniacian–Santonian, and troughs during the Albian-Turonian and the Maastrichtian. The completeness metric correlates more strongly with a ‘sampling corrected’ residual diversity curve of avian species than with the raw taxic diversity curve, suggesting that the abundance and diversity of birds might influence the probability of high quality specimens being preserved. There is no correlation between avian completeness and sea level, the number of fluviolacustrine localities or a recently constructed character completeness metric of sauropodomorph dinosaurs. Comparisons between the completeness of Mesozoic birds and sauropodomorphs suggest that small delicate vertebrate skeletons are more easily destroyed by taphonomic processes, but more easily preserved whole. Lagerstätten deposits might therefore have a stronger impact on reconstructions of diversity of smaller organisms relative to more robust forms. The relatively poor quality of the avian fossil record in the Late Cretaceous combined with very patchy regional sampling means that it is possible neornithine lineages were present throughout this interval but have not yet been sampled or are difficult to identify because of the fragmentary nature of the specimens

    Macroevolutionary dynamics of dentition in Mesozoic birds reveal no long-term selection towards tooth loss

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    Several potential drivers of avian tooth loss have been proposed, although consensus remains elusive as fully toothless jaws arose independently numerous times among Mesozoic avialans and dinosaurs more broadly. The origin of crown bird edentulism has been discussed in terms of a broad-scale selective pressure or trend toward toothlessness, although this has never been quantitatively tested. Here, we find no evidence for models whereby iterative acquisitions of toothlessness among Mesozoic Avialae were driven by an overarching selective trend. Instead, our results support modularity among jaw regions underlying heterogeneous tooth loss patterns, and indicate a substantially later transition to complete crown bird edentulism than previously hypothesized (∼ 90 MYA). We show that patterns of avialan tooth loss adhere to Dollo’s law and suggest that the exclusive survival of toothless birds to the present represents lineage-specific selective pressures, irreversibility of tooth loss, and the filter of the K–Pg mass extinction

    Late Quaternary glacier sensitivity to temperature and precipitation distribution in the Southern Alps of New Zealand

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    Glaciers respond to climate variations and leave geomorphic evidence that represents an important terrestrial paleoclimate record. However, the accuracy of paleoclimate reconstructions from glacial geology is limited by the challenge of representing mountain meteorology in numerical models. Precipitation is usually treated in a simple manner and yet represents difficult-to-characterize variables such as amount, distribution, and phase. Furthermore, precipitation distributions during a glacial probably differed from present-day interglacial patterns. We applied two models to investigate glacier sensitivity to temperature and precipitation in the eastern Southern Alps of New Zealand. A 2-D model was used to quantify variations in the length of the reconstructed glaciers resulting from plausible precipitation distributions compared to variations in length resulting from change in mean annual air temperature and precipitation amount. A 1-D model was used to quantify variations in length resulting from interannual climate variability. Assuming that present-day interglacial values represent precipitation distributions during the last glacial, a range of plausible present-day precipitation distributions resulted in uncertainty in the Last Glacial Maximum length of the Pukaki Glacier of 17.1 km (24%) and the Rakaia Glacier of 9.3 km (25%), corresponding to a 0.5°C difference in temperature. Smaller changes in glacier length resulted from a 50% decrease in precipitation amount from present-day values (−14% and −18%) and from a 50% increase in precipitation amount (5% and 9%). Our results demonstrate that precipitation distribution can produce considerable variation in simulated glacier extents and that reconstructions of paleoglaciers should include this uncertainty

    The ORACLE Children Study:Educational outcomes at 11 years of age following antenatal prescription of erythromycin or co-amoxiclav

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    Background Antibiotics used for women in spontaneous preterm labour without overt infection, in contrast to those with preterm rupture of membranes, are associated with altered functional outcomes in their children. Methods From the National Pupil Database, we used Key Stage 2 scores, national test scores in school year 6 at 11 years of age, to explore the hypothesis that erythromycin and co-amoxiclav were associated with poorer educational outcomes within the ORACLE Children Study. Results Anonymised scores for 97% of surviving children born to mothers recruited to ORACLE and resident in England were analysed against treatment group adjusting for key available socio-demographic potential confounders. No association with crude or with adjusted scores for English, mathematics or science was observed by maternal antibiotic group in either women with preterm rupture of membranes or spontaneous preterm labour with intact membranes. While the proportion receiving special educational needs was similar in each group (range 31.6-34.4%), it was higher than the national rate of 19%. Conclusions Despite evidence that antibiotics are associated with increased functional impairment at 7 years, educational test scores and special needs at 11 years of age show no differences between trial groups. Trial registration number ISCRT Number 52995660 (original ORACLE trial number).</p

    The effect of a monetary incentive on return of a postal health and development questionnaire: a randomised trial [ISRCTN53994660]

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    BACKGROUND: Postal questionnaires are widely used to collect data in healthcare research but a poor response rate may reduce the validity and reliability of results. There was a lack of evidence available relating to use of a monetary incentive to improve the response rate in the healthcare setting. METHODS: The MRC ORACLE Children Study is assessing the health and development of nearly 9000 seven year old children whose mothers' joined the MRC ORACLE Trial. We carried out a randomised controlled trial of inclusion of monetary incentive (five pound voucher redeemable at many high street stores) with the reminder questionnaire to parents. This trial took place between April 2002 and November 2003. When the parents were sent the reminder questionnaire about their child's health and development they were randomly assigned by concealed computer-generated allocation stratified by week of birthday to receive a five pound voucher or no incentive. The population were 722 non-responders to the initial mailing of a 12-page questionnaire. Main outcome measures: Difference in response rate between the two groups. RESULTS: Inclusion of the voucher with the reminder questionnaire resulted in a 11.7%(95% CI 4.7% to 18.6%) improvement in the response rate between the two groups. CONCLUSION: This improvement in response rate and hence the validity and reliability of results obtained appears to be justified ethically and financially

    Prigodom 60-godišnjice zadružne mlekarne u Škofjoj Loki

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    Background The Parent Report of Children's Abilities–Revised (PARCA-R) can be used to identify preterm born children at risk for developmental delay at age 24 months. However, standardised scores for assessing all children in the general population and quantifying development relative to the norm are unavailable, thus limiting the use of the questionnaire. We aimed to develop scores that are standardised by age and sex for the PARCA-R to assess children's cognitive and language development at age 24–27 months. Methods Anonymised data from PARCA-R questionnaires that were completed by parents of 2-year-old children in three previous studies were obtained to form a standardisation sample that was representative of the UK general population. Anonymised data were obtained from three further studies to assess the external validity and clinical validity of the standardised scores. We used the lambda-mu-sigma (lambda for skewness, mu for median, sigma for the coefficient of variation) method to develop scores that are standardised by age and sex for three scales (non-verbal cognitive development, language development, and total parent report composite [PRC]) for children in four 1-month age bands, spanning age 23·5–27·5 months. Findings We included 6402 children (mean age 25 months and 1 day [range 23 months and 16 days to 27 months and 15 days]) in the standardisation sample and 709 (mean age 24 months and 19 days [23 months and 16 days to 27 months and 15 days]) to test the external validity and 1456 (mean age 24 months and 8·5 days [23 months and 16 days to 27 months and 15 days]) to test the clinical validity of the standardised scores. For all PARCA-R scales, mean standardised scores approximated 100 (SD 15) in both sexes and all age groups. These scores were independent of socioeconomic status. Standardised scores were close to 100 (15) in the external validation sample, showing the validity of the scores. Standardised scores for the total PRC scale for children born very preterm (<32 weeks' gestation) were 0·47 SD lower on average than the normative mean, and for children with neonatal sepsis were 0·73 SD lower on average than the normative mean. These scores were equivalent to a standardised score of 93 (95% CI 91–94) for children born very preterm and 89 (88–91) for children with neonatal sepsis, thus showing clinical validity. Interpretation The PARCA-R provides a norm-referenced, standardised assessment of cognitive and language development at 24–27 months of age. The questionnaire is available non-commercially in English with translations available in 14 other languages, thus providing clinicians and researchers with a cost-effective tool for assessing development and identifying children with delay

    Factors influencing perinatal outcomes in women with preterm preeclampsia: A secondary analysis of the PHOENIX trial

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    This secondary analysis of the PHOENIX trial (evaluating planned delivery against expectant management in late preterm preeclampsia) demonstrates that in women who started induction of labour, 63% of women delivered vaginally (56% at 34 weeks’ gestation). Compared to expectant management, planned delivery was associated with higher rates of neonatal unit admission for prematurity (but lower proportions of small-for-gestational age infants); length of neonatal unit stay and neonatal morbidity (including respiratory support) were similar across both intervention groups at all gestational windows. Neonatal unit admission was increased by earlier gestation at delivery, development of severe preeclampsia, and being small-for-gestational age