10 research outputs found

    La tecnología del arte rupestre Levantino

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    [spa]Después de un siglo de estudios, la tecnología del Arte Levantino sigue ocupando un lugar marginal en el ámbito de las investigaciones sobre este ciclo artístico prehistórico. Entre los escasos trabajos desarrollados bajo esta perspectiva se encuentran hipótesis aún no corroboradas, ubicadas en la categoría de axiomas sin una adecuada base de sustentación empírica. Frente a este panorama, se hace evidente la necesidad de profundizar en el conocimiento acerca del proceso tecnológico de producción de las representaciones. En el presente artículo se expone el camino que ha recorrido la investigación y se propone que a través del estudio de las cadenas operativas sea posible ampliar la comprensión sobre el arte rupestre de los últimos grupos de cazadores-recolectores de la vertiente oriental de la Península Ibérica.[eng] After a century of studies, the technology of the Levantine Rock Art continues to occupy a marginal place in the research about this prehistoric artistic cycle. Among the few works developed under this perspective are hypotheses not yet corroborated, placed in the category of axioms without an adequate base of empirical support. Faced with this panorama, it becomes evident the need to deepen the knowledge about the technological process involved in the production of the representations. In the present work we expose the path that the research has traveled until now, proposing that through the study of the operative chains it would be possible to expand the understanding on the rock art of the last groups of hunter-gatherers of the eastern area of the Iberian Peninsula

    Smallness, islandness and foreign policy behaviour: aspects of island microstates foreign policy behaviour with special reference to Cook Islands and Kiribati

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    As a subcategory of small states, island microstates are the smallest. Using the Cook Islands and Kiribati as case studies, this thesis examines the relationship and effect of small size on foreign policy behaviour. The thesis also examines the implications of the other key characteristic of island microstates, namely islandness, for foreign policy behaviour. On the relationship between size and foreign policy behaviour, the thesis reveals two sides. First, foreign policy behaviour is conceptuahsed as one of the key areas through which the two island microstates respond and seek to manage problems, including economic dependence, which originate from their small size. In other words, the conditions and problems deriving from smallness motivate activities in the external environment which make up foreign policy behaviour. These external activities include the quest for increased intemational recognition as competent intemational actors, the maximisation of economic benefits in the form of increased aid and development assistance and improved retums from extemal ttade and other forms of external relations. Second, small size and its correlates, also circumscribe and constrain foreign policy behaviour. The two manifestations of the relationship between smallness and foreign policy behaviour are demonstrated in the two case studies, which comply broadly with the characteristics postulated by the main theories of small state foreign policy behaviour, particularly East\u27s (1973) well-known model. The data from both case studies show some variations in detail from the main theories of small states\u27 foreign policy behaviour, and qualify the postulates of these theories from the situations of smaller states. In so far as islandness (the other key characteristic of island microstates) is concemed, data from Cook Islands and Kiribati show that islandness not only imposes difficulties over and above those of smallness per se, but also accord them with a specific set of options. The evidence show that islandness has important implications for improving the instrumentalities and capacities of island microstates to manipulate their extemal environments. With the advent of the Law of the Sea, island microstates are now controlling vast expanses of ocean areas which not only increased their physical area, but more impportantly redefined their economic prospects and, to a considerable extent, increased their extemall involvements beyond the restricted foreign policy behavioural pattems predicted by most theories of small states foreign policy behaviour, including the influential East model

    Arte levantino en la depresión central del Ebro: El abrigo de a Foz de Zafrané I, La Puebla de Albortón (Campo de Belchite, Zaragoza)

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    [esp]El presente trabajo constituye un avance sobre un nuevo hallazgo de Arte Rupestre Levantino, localizado en la Foz de Zafrané, en la localidad zaragozana de La Puebla de Albortón, en plena Depresión Central del Ebro. Se trata de un abrigo formado por dos grandes concavidades y con un friso pintado en varios sectores. Su temática integra una escena faunística, centrada en varios ciervos y otros ungulados que son acechados por diversos arqueros. Una composición con cierta narrativa que nos permite plantear, como hipótesis, el momento de la berrea, donde los ejemplares mejor dotados entran en liza por las hembras. Además, el friso muestra elementos, marcas o manchones, algunos por encima de algunas figuras levantinas, así como restos indeterminados correspondientes a otras posibles composiciones.[eng]The present work constitutes an advance on a new discovery of Levantine Rock Art, located in the Foz de Zafrané, in the town of La Puebla de Albortón, in the middle of the Ebro Central Depression. It is a shelter formed by two large concavities and with a frieze painted in several sectors. Its theme integrates a faunal scene, centered on several deer and other ungulates that are stalked by various archers. A composition with a certain narrative that allows us to propose, as hypothesis, the moment of the bellowing, where the best equipped specimens enter into dispute for the females. In addition, the frieze shows elements, marks or patches, some above some Levantine figures, as well as undetermined remains corresponding to other possible compositions

    Investigación cronoestratigráfica en el conjunto rupestre de la sierra de La Pietat: abrigos de Ermites I y IV (Ulldecona, Tarragona, Catalunya)

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    [spa]Se expone una síntesis de los resultados cronológicos obtenidos en la 'Investigación cronoestratigráfica de los soportes y recubrimientos de las pinturas rupestres de la Sierra de la Pietat o Godall (Montsià, Tarragona') (2008-2011), vinculado al proyecto 'Estudio cronoestratigráfico de los soportes del Arte Rupestre del Levante Español'. El análisis 14C AMS del oxalato cálcico contenido en las capas de los soportes y recubrimientos de los abrigos de Ermites I y IV nos ha permitido obtener algunos parámetros temporales: fechas previas o sincrónicas, así como posteriores a la realización de sus murales (tradiciones rupestres levantina y esquemática).[eng] This paper presents a synthesis of the chronological results obtained in the 'Investigación cronoestratigráfica de los soportes y recubrimientos de las pinturas rupestres de la Sierra de la Pietat o Godall (Montsià, Tarragona)', performed during the project 'Estudio cronoestratigráfico de los soportes del Arte Rupestre del Levante Español" (2008-2011). The 14C AMS analysis of the calcium oxalate contained in the layers of the supports and coatings from Ermites I and IV, has allowed us to obtain some temporary parameters: previous or synchronic dates, as well as dates after the completion of the panels (Levantine and Schematic rock art traditions)

    The Soundscapes of the Lower Chuya River Area, Russian Altai: Ethnographic Sources, Indigenous Ontologies and the Archaeoacoustics of Rock Art Sites

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    The acoustics of the Lower Chuya River area rock art landscape are analyzed through both the exploration of its acoustic properties and the ethnographic information gathered about the region. The results obtained in the acoustics tests undertaken in the area, in particular at the rock art sites of Kalbak-Tash I, Kalbak-Tash II, and Adyr-Kan, are examined. They indicate that the perceived loudness resulting from a natural amplifcation of sound (strength parameter) and music and speech clarity may have been some of the reasons behind the selection of these locations for rock art production. The ethnographic sources related to the Altai and other Siberian areas are then reviewed as a way of providing an ontological framework for the study of Altaian sonic concepts and behaviors in nature. As the sources indicate, at least for the historical period and presumably earlier, in the prehistoric period, all existing beings are entangled by sound, and they mimic each other in endless ways. We argue that these sites were selected in a non-linear relational ontological framework. It is suggested that the multidisciplinary perspective combining archaeology, physical acoustics, and ethnography has considerable potential for providing a new, richer understanding of rock art landscapes

    Home gardening as a panacaea: A case study of South Tarawa

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    The Republic of Kiribati is a small, highly infertile Pacific Island nation and is one of the most challenging locations to attempt to support dense urban populations. Kiribati, like other nations in the Pacific, faces an urban future where food insecurity, unemployment, waste management and malnutrition will become increasing issues. Homegardening is suggested as one way to address many of these problems. However, the most recent study on agriculture production in urban centres in Kiribati shows that, in general, intensive cultivation of homegardens is not a common practice. This disparity between theory and practice creates an opportunity to re-examine homegardening in Kiribati and, more broadly, in the Pacific. This paper examines the practice of homegardening in urban centres in Kiribati and explores reasons why change has or has not occurred through interviews with homegardeners and government/donor representives. Results show that homegardening has increased significantly in the past five years, largely because of the promotion of homegardens and organic composting systems by donor organisations. While findings further endorse homegardening as an excellent theoretical solution to many of the problems that confront urban settlements in Kiribati and the Pacific, it raises additional questions regarding the continuation of homegarden schemes beyond donor support programmes

    Attempting constitutional reform on the island microjurisdiction of Alderney

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    Research into state size and democracy has revealed that the very smallest states are more likely to be democratic than their larger counterparts. Being an island, as well as having a British colonial past, is also associated with a state’s observance of democratic measures. With these observations in mind, this article examines an unsuccessful attempt to reform the political and constitutional governance of the Channel Island of Alderney, a self-governing dependency of the British Crown. Why was political reform rejected on this island microjurisdiction? Was the post-Brexit agenda too crowded to permit reform? Did Alderney have other priorities? Might smallness itself be the explanation