41 research outputs found

    The Interaction of Cytokinin and Strigolactone in controlling Shoot Branching in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Shoot branching is regulated by auxin, cytokinin (CK) and strigolactone (SL). Cytokinin, being the only promoter of shoot branching, is antagonistic in function to auxin and strigolactone, which inhibit shoot branching. There is a close relationship between auxin and strigolactone, mediating each other to suppress shoot branching. Strigolactone reduces auxin transport from the buds, thus arresting bud outgrowth. On the other hand, auxin increases strigolactone production to control apical dominance. Antagonistic interaction between auxin and cytokinin has been reported as auxin inhibits lateral bud outgrowth by limiting CK supply to axillary buds. Previously, it has been found that levels of tZ-type CKs are extremely low in xylem sap of strigolactone mutants of Arabidopsis and pea.The current research aimed to explore the interaction between cytokinin and strigolactone, especially the regulatory mechanisms behind these low cytokinin levels. It was hypothesized that xylem-CKs may be controlled by strigolactone-mediated regulation of AtIPT genes in Arabidopsis thaliana. For this investigation, atipt double (atipt5,7, atipt3,5 and atipt3,7) and triple (atipt3,5,7) knockout mutants in wild-type and max backgrounds were screened and characterized. The GUS promoter-reporter system was used to study regulation of AtIPT expression by strigolactone. For this purpose, AtIPTs::GUS lines were generated in max SL mutant backgrounds. Further, cytokinin levels were quantified in root and shoot tissues as well as in phloem and xylem sap of atipt mutants in wild-type and max background. Cytokinin biosynthetic genes (AtIPTs) were shown to be regulated by strigolactone and cytokinin synthesis played an important role in the phenotype of max mutants. Loss of AtIPT3 from the SL-deficient mutant, max4, resulted in reduced growth and suppression of shoot branching. However, it was not possible to knockout AtIPT3 from the SL-insensitive mutant, max2, because double mutation of AtIPT3 and MAX2 genes was unexpectedly found to be lethal. Both max2 and max4 showed upregulation of AtIPT3 in phloem and downregulation of AtIPT5 in root and shoot. Application of GR24 (SL synthetic analogue) and NAA (auxin) reversed the regulation in max4. Auxin- and strigolactone-mediated regulation of AtIPT3 and AtIPT5 in root and shoot were strictly MAX2-dependent, apart from auxin upregulation of ATIPT5 in roots, independent of strigolactone. The phloem sap showed elevated levels of the CK metabolite, iPRP, and this was correlated with high expression of AtIPT3 in phloem of max mutants. The increased transport of iPRP to roots did not increase the production of tZ-type CKs in roots of max mutants. Rather the levels of tZ-type CKs in xylem sap of max mutants were highly reduced. The results lead to the conclusionthat SL controls shoot branching partly by mediating CK biosynthesis and iPRP in phloem may function as a feedback signal to modulate translocation of tZ-type CKs through xylem.Open Acces

    Non-Pressurized Topical Spray of Diclofenac Diethylamine

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    The objective of research work was an attempt to develop non-pressurized topical spray formulation to improve diclofenac diethylaminepermeationthrough lipoidal membrane obstruction. A prototype formulation and thirty formulations were prepared (using different concentration of permeation enhancer, cooling, buffering, film forming agent, plasticizer and lecithin), their characterization and optimization was done (FTIR spectroscopy, drugrelease, skin-irritation, kinetics study performed by construct the plot of zero order/first order/Higuchi/KorsmeyerPeppas). A screw neck HDPE bottle procured with metered spray (200mcl) pump and actuator was selected as a dispensing system. The result demonstrated drug release of optimized formulation (F30) was found to be 93.3%3.1gcm -2 andits i n vitro study revealed significant plus immediate topical drug permeation. According ton>value of F30 showed super case (II) transport, erosion release mechanism, moreover no skin-irritation score

    Transcription Factors and MicroRNA Interplay: A New Strategy for Crop Improvement

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) and transcription factors are master regulators of the cellular system. Plant genomes contain thousands of protein-coding and non-coding RNA genes; which are differentially expressed in different tissues at different times during growth and development. Complex regulatory networks that are controlled by transcription factors and microRNAs, which coordinate gene expression. Transcription factors, the key regulators of plant growth and development, are the targets of the miRNAs families. The combinatorial regulation of transcription factors and miRNAs guides the appropriate implementation of biological events and developmental processes. The resources on the regulatory cascades of transcription factors and miRNAs are available in the context of human diseases, but these resources are meager in case of plant diseases. On the other hand, it is also important to understand the cellular and physiological events needed to operate the miRNAs networks. The relationship between transcription factors and miRNA in different plant species described in this chapter will be of great interest to plant scientists, providing better insights into the mechanism of action and interactions among transcription factors (TFs) and miRNA networks culminating in improving key agronomic traits for crop improvement to meet the future global food demands

    Ovarian stromal tumor with minor sex-cord element with virilizing menifestations: a rare case report

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    Sex cord stromal tumor is a rare variety of ovarian tumor. These tumor have association with testosterone production which lead to virilisation in females. Here we report a case of 40yrs old female P2 L2 who presented with clinical signs and symptoms of virilisation: deepening of voice, hirsutism (Ferriman Gallwey score24), clitoromegaly, and breast atrophy. In this patient, serum testosterone and TSH levels were raised.  An ovarian mass was detected on ultrasonography. Exploratory laparotomy proceeds, total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-opherectomy was done. On histopathological examination the ovarian mass turned out a sex-cord stromal tumor of fibroma thecoma group-cellular fibroma with minor sex-cord like elements. Post-operatively her serum testosterone level declined and signs and symptoms of virilisation started regressing.

    Cyto-histological correlation of salivary gland lesions- a prospective study in a tertiary care institute

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    Background: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has an essential proven role in diagnosing most of the common and benign salivary gland lesions. However, limited cellularity and morphological heterogeneity of the lesion can pose diagnostic challenges. The present study was conducted in a tertiary care centre over a period of one year with an objective to study the cyto-morphological features of salivary gland lesions and correlate cytological findings with histopathology.Methods: The study was carried out over a period of one year from January 2014 to December 2014. FNA specimens obtained from 78 patients were analyzed. Of these, only 51 patients underwent biopsy or surgery and their specimens were subjected to histopathological examination. Validation of cytological diagnosis was done on the basis of histopathological diagnosis.Results: A total 78 patients with salivary gland lesions were subjected to FNAC. Non neoplastic lesions constituted 19 cases (25%) and benign lesions constituted 46 cases (80.70%).  Malignant lesions constituted 11 cases (19.30%). Two cases were inconclusive due to inadequate aspirated material. Overall sensitivity, specificity and diagnostic accuracy were 95.98%, 99.20% and 98.09% respectively.Conclusions: FNAC continues to be an accurate diagnostic technique in the hands of an experienced cytopathologist. It is a highly sensitive and specific technique for rapid diagnosis of most of the salivary gland swellings

    Emerging Avenues for Utilization of Exotic Germplasm

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    Breeders have been successful in increasing crop performance by exploiting genetic diversity over time. However, the reported annual yield increases are not sufficient in view of rapid human population growth and global environmental changes. Exotic germplasm possesses high levels of genetic diversity for valuable traits. However, only a small fraction of naturally occurring genetic diversity is utilized. Moreover, the yield gap between elite and exotic germplasm widens, which increases the effort needed to use exotic germplasm and to identify beneficial alleles and for their introgression. The advent of high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping technologies together with emerging biotechnologies provide new opportunities to explore exotic genetic variation. This review will summarize potential challenges for utilization of exotic germplasm and provide solutions

    Comprehensive Study of Flow to Program FPGA Kit Using VHDL

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    Abstract- This paper deals with the comprehensive study of flow to program FPGA kit using VHDL. This will enhance the description, simulation and hardware realization of complex system and improvement of the performance of system. VHDL is a hardware description language that is used to model a digital system. The VHDL coding of design is compiled and simulated using Xilinx ISE tool and then incorporate it into FPGA chip to check the feasibility of the proposed design and then the required hardware can be brought into effect. Keywords- FPGA, Spartan, VHDL, Xilin

    Percolating Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Diseases in Rural North India

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    Background: World has seen a tremendous epidemiological transition in disease patterns from communicable to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Currently cardiovascular diseases are a major cause of disability and premature deaths globally. Objective: (1) To know prevalence of various risk factors of cardiovascular diseases in the rural area of Meerut. (2) To find out the association of sociodemographic factors with hypertension. Settings and design: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Machchra village. Methods: The study was conducted among 315 study participants over time period of one year in which all the adults aged >30 years above residing in the ward of study area were included. Sampling technique used was systematic random sampling. Results: The prevalence of hypertension, diabetes and hypercholesterolemia was found to be 30.2%, 22.2% and 15.2% respectively. The prevalence of pre-obese and obese were 14.3% and 7.0% respectively. The maximum prevalence of hypertension was seen in the age group of 70 years (66.7%), in females (30.6%), SES as class IV (36.5%), secondary school completed population (42.9%) and among homemakers (40.9%). The prevalence of hypertension was found to be statistically significant in relation to age, educational status and occupation. Conclusion: In our study the prevalence of hypertension was found to be 30.2% (in males 29.6% while in females 30.6%)

    Conservation Agriculture: An Option to Enhance Pollinators and Sustainability

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    Abstract: Pollinators provide an essential ecosystem service that contributes to the maintenance of biodiversity and ensures the survival of pt species including crop pts. Furthermore, the reproductive success in pts is often pollinator limited. Most of the vegetable crops are cross-pollinated i.e. the flowers of these crops need conspecific foreign pollen for pollination and seed set. Insect pollinators set a greater proportion of early flowers of the crop and increase quality and quantity of the seed yield. Heat, soil moisture / water availability to the pts during drought periods are some major factors that decide the number of pollinators in the crop. Conservation agriculture is a technology for maintaining soil quality, retaining soil moisture for longer period, reduces irrigation need of the fields optimises pesticide & fertilizer use and moreover helps in creating the natural habitats for the pollinators and natural enemies. ” Conservation technologies collectively helps in reducing the use of pesticides and fertilisers, better crop growth and most important good population of pollinators and natural enemies in the fields. Key words: Pollination Biodiversity Conservation agriculture Climate change IP

    Nanotechnology based approaches for detection and delivery of microRNA in healthcare and crop protection

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    Abstract Nanobiotechnology has the potential to revolutionize diverse sectors including medicine, agriculture, food, textile and pharmaceuticals. Disease diagnostics, therapeutics and crop protection strategies are fast emerging using nanomaterials preferably nanobiomaterials. It has potential for development of novel nanobiomolecules which offer several advantages over conventional treatment methods. RNA nanoparticles with many unique features are promising candidates in disease treatment. The miRNAs are involved in many biochemical and developmental pathways and their regulation in plants and animals. These appear to be a powerful tool for controlling various pathological diseases in human, plants and animals, however there are challenges associated with miRNA based nanotechnology. Several advancements made in the field of miRNA therapeutics make it an attractive approach, but a lot more has to be explored in nanotechnology assisted miRNA therapy. The miRNA based technologies can be employed for detection and combating crop diseases as well. Despite these potential advantages, nanobiotechnology applications in the agricultural sector are still in its infancy and have not yet made its mark in comparison with healthcare sector. The review provides a platform to discuss nature, role and use of miRNAs in nanobiotechnology applications