126 research outputs found

    Controlled deposition of gold nanoparticles on polystyrene

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    Gold nanoparticle (AuNP) number density gradients functionalised with (bio)molecules have applications in the study of e.g. stem cell differentiation. Currently, AuNP number density gradients are available on glass substrates, but many cell cultivation studies are performed on plastic substrates, e.g. polystyrene. Therefore, it is of interest to investigate if AuNP number density gradients can be achieved also on polystyrene. This thesis investigates several methods of depositing AuNPs on polystyrene substrates. The experimental work is limited to uniform AuNP deposition, thus covering a first step towards AuNP gradients on polystyrene substrates. Two different functionalisation paths were tested: silanisation with aminosilane (APDMES, 3-aminopropyldimethylethoxysilane) and coating with poly-l-lysine (PLL). For the silanisation, O2 plasma, UV/O3 treatment and (base) piranha wash were tested as oxidising pre-treatments. For coating with PLL, O2 plasma was tested as pre-treatment for increased surface wettability. AuNP deposition for the different functionalisation methods is determined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the functionalisation methods are evaluated in terms of AuNP number density and range of interparticle dispersion, as determined by spatial descriptive statistics (Ripley’s K function). Furthermore, a rudimental extended random sequential adsorption (RSA) computational model is developed for the system. Of the tested functionalisation methods, silanisation with pre-treatment by UV/O3 exhibited the most promising results with AuNP number density of same order of magnitude as on glass reference samples (5.73 ∙ 1014 m-2, compared to 2.48 ∙ 1015 m-2 for the glass reference) and similar range of dispersion (75 nm, compared to 40-60 nm for the glass reference). It should, however, be noted that the conclusions are based on few experiments and need to be verified by additional experiments. The computational model seems to capture the basic phenomena of AuNP adsorption but underestimates the AuNP number density and the interparticle potential, or at least the range of the interparticle potential

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Melalui Model Cooperative Learning Inside Outside Circle

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    The research is aimed at finding out the quality improvement and learning outcome of social science subject of the fifth grade students through Cooperative Learning Inside Outside Circle. The subjects of the research were the fifth grade students of an elementary school. There were 59 students with the composition of 28 males and 31 females. The study was conducted in the odd semester in 2015/2016. The research result shows that the learning outcome in the first cycle reached 70,48 or the percentage of passing grade was 46,55% while in the second cycle, it reached 78,62 or the percentage of passing grade was 84,48%; it means that the treatment was successful. For the quality of the learning, in the first cycle it reached 76%, and in the second cycle it was 86%. The observational result shows that students behavior improved. In the first cycle it reached 70%, while in the second it was 90%. Based on the research result above, it can be inferred that the implementation of Cooperative Learning Inside Outside Circle could improve the learning outcome of social science subject. Besides that, it could also improve the learning quality, students, participation and behavior

    Microstructure and EDS Contact Surfaces Characterization for Statistical Analysis of Doped BaTiO3-Ceramics

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    Barium-titanate based ceramics belongs to one of very important group of functional ceramics that can be used on a large scale of applications. The properties of BaTiO3 based ceramics are fundamentally correlated with grain boundary effects and consequently with the microstructure developed during sintering process. The purpose of this paper is an investigation of the effects of various dopants (La, Nb, Er, Yb, Ho, Sb) on the microstructure properties and contact surfaces. The grain size and microstructure were investigated using SEM and EDS analysis. SEM and EDS studies were performed by scanning electron microscopy (JEOL-JSM 5300) equipped with EDS (QX 2000S) system

    Analiza faktora koji utiču na racionalno propisivanje lekova kod pacijenata sa bubrežnom insuficijencijom

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    Introduction. Prescribing may be inappropriate if the potential benefits outweigh risks, when there are more appropriate alternatives for prescribed drugs or when potentially useful drug was omitted. PIP in elderly is quite widespread, but it is preventable, given that valid explicit criteria for determining improper prescribing of drugs are used in practice, such as Beers, STOPP and START criteria. Purpose. The main objective of this study is to determine the prevalence of PIP on the sample of elderly patients with different degrees of kidney failure and to explore factors that influence rational prescribing of drugs. We used Beers, STOPP and START criteria to identify potentially inadequately prescribed drugs. Methods. The research was performed at the Department of Nephrology, Clinical Center Niš. The data were collected from medical files and patient surveys. The study included a total of 218 patients aged 65 years and over, of which 83 patients (38.1%) were undergoing chronic hemodialysis treatment due to the end stage kidney failure (the first group), while the other 135 patients (61.9% ), with varying degrees of renal insufficiency, was examined in the daily hospital of the Clinic for Nephrology (the second group). Results. The number of patients with potentially inadequately prescribed medication, or medications, did not differ significantly between patients with CKF treated with hemodialysis and those examined in the daily hospital. The main predictors of PIP in our patients were a greater number of co-morbidity and polypharmacy. The patients living in the urban places, the patients with lower levels of education, as well as the patients who did not read the drug instructions, had significantly greater number of PIP’s. Conclusion. Оur study showed that potentially inappropriate prescribing of drugs was frequent phenomenon in both hemodialysis patients and those without renal replacement therapy, present in about a third of patients from both groups. Determining factors that may be associated with the PIP can be of great help in clinical practice in the complex decision-making process

    Identification of two-dimensional prestress fields in inhomogeneous plates

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    Based on the model of in-plane oscillations of inhomogeneous prestressed plates, the new inverse problems of identifying the components of the prestress tensor via acoustic response probing are considered for the plates with and without holes and inclusions; the prestress components are assumed to be functions of two coordinates. Prestresses were set as a result of solving auxiliary problems of static loading of plates by some initial mechanical load. To solve the main and auxiliary problems of calculating the plates’ displacement functions, a finite element (FE) scheme was developed based on the derived corresponding weak problem statements, implemented in the form of software systems in the FE package FreeFem++. Rectangular plates clamped along one face, both solid and having a hole or a rigid insert, were considered. Inverse problems of identification of three prestress functions depending on two coordinates are formulated on the basis of additional data about the acoustic response on the non-clamped edges of the plates as a result of considering several sets of probing loads at several frequencies. In view of the nonlinearity of the inverse problems under study, an iterative approach was developed to solve them, which combines solving the direct problems for current approximations of the desired functions and the determination of the corresponding corrections from the operator equation built at each iteration. To solve the operator equation, a projection method has been employed that allows one to present the corrections in the form of expansions in terms of some smooth given functions and reduce the problem solution to the study of ill-conditioned SLAEs with respect to sets of the expansion coefficients using the A. N. Tikhonov method. The results of computational experiments on the simultaneous identification of two-dimensional prestress fields corresponding to various types of initial actions on the considered plates are discussed


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    ANALYSIS OF SATISFACTION OF LECTURERS AND STUDENTS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF ELEMENTARY TEACHER EDUCATION STUDY PROGRAMS, UNIVERSITY OF PAKUAN.The quality of educational institutions is strongly influenced by input from various factors that influence it, including leadership policy factors, facilities supporting the teaching and learning process. The performance of study programs is one of the most important benchmarks of the success of education in a tertiary institution because it will determine the high or low quality of education in tertiary institutions. Lecturers and students often complain about the policies implemented by study programs, especially about the facilities and facilities in the classroom that are not good so that the learning process becomes less conducive. The impact of the problem about dissatisfaction on the performance of the study program is shown by its uncomfortable learning behavior. The purpose of this study is to find out how the study program performance is assessed by lecturers and students, and to find out what indicators of lecturer and student satisfaction have been carried out by Elementary Teacher Education (PGSD) Study Programs. To analyze the satisfaction of lecturers and students on the performance of PGSD Study Programs with qualitative methods with descriptive designs. The results showed that lecturers and students' satisfaction with PGSD Study Programs services was in the quite satisfied range. In general, students felt quite satisfied with PGSD Study Programs services. Students feel quite satisfied with tangible aspects, reliability, assurance, and empathy. The study program performance was responded to very satisfied by lecturers and students. In general, lecturers and students are quite satisfied with the service performance of PGSD Study Programs, but there are still some indicators that still require the attention of PGSD Study Programs, especially in the tangible, reliability, assurance, and empathy aspects

    Comportamiento del concreto armado tratado superficialmente con pintura intumescente sometido a fuego en la ciudad de Juliaca

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    El comportamiento estructural de una edificación es importante debido a que proporciona resistencia, rigidez y estabilidad necesarias para evitar que la edificación colapse, sin embargo, hay factores eventuales que alteran esté comportamiento estructural como el fuego; este factor puede resultar muy perjudicial debido a los daños a los cuales estará sometido la edificación y los ocupantes que se encuentran en ella. Las estructuras de concreto, al ser expuestas a elevadas temperaturas tienden a perder la estabilidad, ocasionando daños de manera significativa en los elementos estructurales, que estas afectan directamente sus propiedades mecánicas, disminuyendo la resistencia a la compresión y flexión. Sin embargo, se puede disminuir el efecto del fuego con alternativas que puedan disipar estos efectos negativos. De esta manera, la presente investigación estudia los efectos que tiene el fuego frente a estructuras de concreto y evalúa la protección superficial que tiene la pintura intumescente; para ello se elaboraron muestras (vigas) que fueron sometidas a 30, 60 y 90 minutos de exposición al fuego a una temperatura de hasta 550°C. Las propiedades mecánicas que se evaluaron son: la resistencia a compresión y resistencia a flexión, mediante la normativa NTP 339.034, se determinó que la resistencia a compresión disminuye conforme incrementa el tiempo de exposición al fuego, las muestras tratadas superficialmente con pintura intumescente tuvieron un mejor comportamiento respecto de las muestras patrón, presentando resultados mejores hasta en un 10% mayor a los resultados de las muestras patrón MPQSP (Muestra patrón quemada sin pintura). Por otro lado, según la normativa ASTM C293 se determinó la resistencia a flexión y esta disminuye conforme incrementa el tiempo de exposición al fuego, sin embargo, al ser tratadas con pintura intumescente tuvieron un mejor comportamiento respecto a las muestras patrón, presentando resultados mejores hasta en un 7%. Finalmente se observó una disminución considerable de fisuras en las vigas tratadas superficialmente con pintura intumescente; ya que la pintura intumescente posee un compuesto químico llamado melamina que al ser expuesta al fuego forma espumas que esta sirve como aislante térmico entre el concreto y el fuego.JULIACAEscuela Profesional de Ingeniería CivilMateriales y procesos constructivo

    Modelamiento de un sistema de control predictivo generalizado para la distribución del agua en el canal principal del Valle de Cañete

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    La aplicación de métodos de control automático a los canales de riego es una forma de mejorar la gestión de los sistemas de riego. Las dificultades que presentan estos sistemas hidráulicos, como la no linealidad, los retrasos y las perturbaciones incontroladas, hacen que la elección de un sistema automático o método de control se convierta en un desafío. Por lo tanto se debe estudiar la aplicabilidad de las estrategias de control que podrían compensar el retraso y superar la no linealidad del sistema. El método propuesto en esta tesis es el denominado Control Predictivo Generalizado (GPC) en el canal de riego viejo imperial Cañete, para lo cual es importante tener una adecuada descripción general del modelado de flujo de canales abiertos, según los principios básicos del GPC Siendo el objetivo, regular el nivel de agua aguas abajo de cada alcance controlando las descargas aguas arriba y, por lo tanto, las aperturas de las compuertas. La primera parte de este trabajo consiste en la recopilación de información correspondiente a la dinámica de canales de riego, posteriormente se revisará la teoría necesaria acerca del control predictivo generalizado. La segunda parte desarrollaremos un experimento de identificación del comportamiento dinámico de la variación de nivel de agua en el canal de riego que es objeto de estudio. Se obtiene un modelo matemático lineal discreto de segundo orden que describe el comportamiento dinámico del canal de riego. En la tercera parte desarrollamos el diseño del sistema de control predictivo generalizado (GPC) de la planta objeto de estudio, para controlar la apertura de la compuerta, el cual se implementa en el entorno de MATLAB-SIMULINK mediante la simulación estudiar su efectividad, así como sus prestaciones. En el trabajo se muestra el diseño de cada etapa del GPC, los resultados obtenidos y las recomendaciones para su implementaciónTesi


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    Insufficient physical activity in the world annually is the cause of death of 1.9 million people. According to the data from the World Health Report, physical inactivity is about to become the global problem. Regular physical activity and good physical shape raise the functional capacity and the quality of patient’s life. With physical activity it is possible to improve metabolic, endothelial, lateral-muscular, pulmonary and cardiovascular functions of an organism, but also the function of the autonomous nervous system. The endothelium has the important role in maintaining the normal cardiovascular tonus and blood fluidity by reducing the platelet activity and the adhesion of leukocytes, and also by restricting the reaction of vascular inflammation. The aim of this paper was to present the recent data about effects of cardiovascular rehabilitation and physical training on lipoproteins’ status and markers of endothelial function. The impact of physical activity on the lipid status is accomplished by affecting the enzymes of lipoprotein metabolism, including the lipoprotein and the liver lipase and the movable protein of cholesterol ester (11). The studies point out that aerobic physical activity result in increasing of HDL concentration and the decrease of the triglycerides value, total and LDL cholesterol. The connection, which is dose-dependant, exists between physical activity and the lipid level, as the arguments which suggest that the duration of physical activity is the key parameter in modification of the lipid metabolism. Physical activity leads to the beneficial changes in the cardiovascular and lipid indicators and improves the endothelial function in the secondary prevention of coronary disease. Reduction of the lipid parameters by introducing physical rehabilitation and dietetic regime lie in the basis of secondary prevention of coronary disease. Furthermore, there is a constant improvement in NO biodisposability and therewith the improvement in endothelial function