134 research outputs found

    Dynamic Coalitional TU Games: Distributed Bargaining among Players' Neighbors

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    We consider a sequence of transferable utility (TU) games where, at each time, the characteristic function is a random vector with realizations restricted to some set of values. The game differs from other ones in the literature on dynamic, stochastic or interval valued TU games as it combines dynamics of the game with an allocation protocol for the players that dynamically interact with each other. The protocol is an iterative and decentralized algorithm that offers a paradigmatic mathematical description of negotiation and bargaining processes. The first part of the paper contributes to the definition of a robust (coalitional) TU game and the development of a distributed bargaining protocol. We prove the convergence with probability 1 of the bargaining process to a random allocation that lies in the core of the robust game under some mild conditions on the underlying communication graphs. The second part of the paper addresses the more general case where the robust game may have empty core. In this case, with the dynamic game we associate a dynamic average game by averaging over time the sequence of characteristic functions. Then, we consider an accordingly modified bargaining protocol. Assuming that the sequence of characteristic functions is ergodic and the core of the average game has a nonempty relative interior, we show that the modified bargaining protocol converges with probability 1 to a random allocation that lies in the core of the average game

    Injury Patterns of Drivers and Other Vehicle Occupants in the Banja Luka Region (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    Background: Traffic traumatism in Bosnia and Herzegovina has not been given adequate attention and there is a lack of serious research on this problem. Motor vehicle occupants represent a significant number of fatalities on local roads. The aim of this study was to identify particular risk groups of traffic participants and determine the differences in injuring due to the position of the vehicle.Methods: Study included 400 injured and fatally injured occupants among 2009-2013 in Banja Luka. We analyzed of demographic and injury characteristics, cause of death and alcohol intoxication of drivers. Data are presented numerically and in percentages, statistically analyzed.Results: Men account for nearly 3/4 of the total number of deaths and over 95% of dead drivers. Nearly two-thirds of victims were aged 15-44 years, and one third of injured were in the third decade of life. Drivers more often had AIS3+ injuries of head, chest, abdomen and AIS2+ injuries of thoracic spine and lower extremities. More often drivers and front passengers had AIS3+ chest injuries, while the back seat occupants had AIS3+ head injuries. There was a positive correlation between age and frequency of AIS3+ chest injuries and AIS2+ spinal injuries. The most common cause of death were head (41%) and chest injuries (33.3%). Nearly 3/4 of injured persons were died at the scene of accident or during transport to the nearest health care facility. Nearly 60% of killed drivers had legally prohibited BAC (> 0.3 g/kg).Conclusion: Men in motor vehicles more often die in traffic accidents, and a particularly vulnerable category is young male drivers. Seat belts using on domestic routes is dissatisfactory and additional efforts are required

    Cutting temperature measurement and material machinability

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    Cutting temperature is very important parameter of cutting process. Around 90% of heat generated during cutting process is then away by sawdust, and the rest is transferred to the tool and workpiece. In this research cutting temperature was measured with artificial thermocouples and question of investigation of metal machinability from aspect of cutting temperature was analyzed. For investigation of material machinability during turning artificial thermocouple was placed just below the cutting top of insert, and for drilling thermocouples were placed through screw holes on the face surface. In this way was obtained simple, reliable, economic and accurate method for investigation of cutting machinability

    Abrasive Wear Resistance of the Iron- and WC-based Hardfaced Coatings Evaluated with Scratch Test Method

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    Abrasive wear is one of the most common types of wear, which makesabrasive wear resistance very important in many industries. Thehard facing is considered as useful and economical way to improve theperformance of components submitted to severe abrasive wear conditions, with wide range of applicable filler materials. The abrasive wear resistance of the three different hardfaced coatings (two iron‐based and one WC‐based), which were intended to be used for reparation of the impact plates of the ventilation mill, was investigated and compared. Abrasive wear tests were carried‐out by using the scratch tester under the dry conditions. Three normal loads of 10, 50 and 100 N and the constant sliding speed of 4 mm/s were used. Scratch test was chosen as a relatively easy and quick test method. Wear mechanism analysis showed significant influence of the hardfaced coatings structure, which, along with hardness, has determined coatings abrasive wear resistance

    Experimental Research Using of MQL in Metal Cutting

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    In this paper an effect of using of minimal quantity lubrication (MQL) technique in turning operations is presented. Experimental research was performed on carbon steel C45E. Technological parameters: depth of cut, feed rate and cutting speed were adjusted to semi-machining and roughing. Higher values ​​of feed and cutting speed were used, than recommended from literature and different types of cooling and lubrication in turning conditions were applied. As a conventional procedure and technology, lubrication with flooding was applied. As special lubrication the MQL technique was used. During research, monitoring of the cutting force, chip shape, tool wear and surface roughness was performed. Relations between parameters, material machinability and economy of process were analyzed


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    Internet stvari (eng. Internet of Things, IoT) je niz tehnologija za povezivanje nainternet uređaja kao što su senzori, laboratorijska i druga merna oprema koji prikupljajuinformacije od značaja i njihovo slanje prema serverima smeštenim u oblakuna kojima se vrši agregacija podataka i njihovo pretvaranje u informacije i izveštavanjenad njima prema potrebama različitih zainteresovanih strana. IoT tehnologijazasniva se na projektovanju i izradi vertikalnih rešenja za izveštavanje korisnika sistemao događajima i procesima od interesa. Poslednjih godina razvijeno je niz vertikalnihIoT rešenja u stočarstvu i veterini kojima se omogućavaju telemedicina,totalno praćenje lanaca snabdevanja prehrambenim proizvodima te informacije ozdravstvenom stanju stoke. Kao suštinski revolucionarna tehnologija, IoT bi mogaotransformisati način na koji posluje agrarni sektor, ali i način na koji se kontroliše ivrši upravljanje bezbednošću prehrambenih proizvoda

    Induction and synchronization of estrus in dairy cows using a single injection of PGF2α and GnRH

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    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of treatment with a single injection of GnRH and PGF2α on estrous response, fertility and service period. A total of 120 lactating Simmental cows were divided into four groups of 30 cows each: group PGF2α 40 was treated on the 40th day post partum with a single injection of 2 mL prostaglandin analogue (Estrumate), group PGF2α 50 was treated in the same way on the 50th day, group GnRH was treated on the 40th day post partum with a single injection of 2 mL GnRH analogue (Receptal), and the fourth group (control) was not hormonally treated. Fertility of cows was not significantly different (p>0.05). The difference in the estrous response and service-period between the control group and experimental groups was statistically significant (p<0.01)

    Information Leakage Games

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    We consider a game-theoretic setting to model the interplay between attacker and defender in the context of information flow, and to reason about their optimal strategies. In contrast with standard game theory, in our games the utility of a mixed strategy is a convex function of the distribution on the defender's pure actions, rather than the expected value of their utilities. Nevertheless, the important properties of game theory, notably the existence of a Nash equilibrium, still hold for our (zero-sum) leakage games, and we provide algorithms to compute the corresponding optimal strategies. As typical in (simultaneous) game theory, the optimal strategy is usually mixed, i.e., probabilistic, for both the attacker and the defender. From the point of view of information flow, this was to be expected in the case of the defender, since it is well known that randomization at the level of the system design may help to reduce information leaks. Regarding the attacker, however, this seems the first work (w.r.t. the literature in information flow) proving formally that in certain cases the optimal attack strategy is necessarily probabilistic

    Veterinarski informacioni menadžment sistem (VIMS) u procesu prijavljivanja i menadžmenta zaraznih bolesti

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    A prerequisite to the development of an efficient animal health, food safety and traceability management system in the animal food production chain is the implementation of an integrated veterinary informational management system (VIMS) capable for the capture, storage, analysis and retrieval of data and providing the opportunity for the cumulative gathering of the knowledge and capability for its competent interpretation. Such a system will enable collecting appropriate data, including quality management and inspection controls, from all establishments and commodities in the 'from farm to fork' food production chain (farms, holdings, slaughterhouses, laboratories, traders etc.) in a structured, predefined format, and facilitate competent analyses and reporting of such data, as well as the improvement of the existing programs and strategies. The role of information system in animal disease diagnosis, surveillance and notification, control of national and international trade of commodities, food safety management, investigation of diseases, predictive microbiology and quantitative risk assessment is of great importance for the quality of veterinary service. Integral part of the VIMS is animal disease notification system designed according to and in compliance with international requirements, standards and recommendation and able to exchange relevant information with similar information systems. The aim of this contribution is to describe national animal disease notification system which is in place in Serbia as a part of VIMS.Preduslov za uspostavljanje efikasnog sistema menadžmenta zdravstvene zaštite životinja, bezbednosti hrane i sledljivosti u lancu proizvodnje hrane je uvođenje integrisanog veterinarskog informacionog menadžment sistema (VIMS) razvijenog na takav način da omogući prikupljanje, čuvanje, analizu i povlačenje podataka i obezbedi kumulativno skupljanje saznanja i njihovu stručnu interpretaciju. Takav sistem će omogućiti prikupljanje podataka, uključujući one iz upravljanja kvalitetom i u okviru inspekcijskih kontrola, od svih objekata u sistemu proizvodnje hrane 'od farme do viljuške' (farme, gazdinstva, klanice, laboratorije, lica koja se bave prometom i dr.) u strukturirano, unapred definisanom obliku, i obezbediti kompetentnu analizu takvih podataka kao i unapređenje postojećih programa i strategija. Uloga informacionih sistema u dijagnostici, nadzoru i prijavljivanju zaraznih bolesti, kontroli unutrašnjeg i međunarodnog prometa, upravljanju bezbednošću hrane, istraživanju žarišta zaraznih bolesti, prediktivnoj mikrobiologiji i kvantitativnoj analizi rizika je od izuzetnog značaja za kvalitet veterinarske službe. Sastavni deo VIMS-a je sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti dizajniran prema i u saglasnosti sa međunarodnim zahtevima, standardima i preporukama i osposobljen da vrši razmenu određenih podatka sa sličnim informacionim sistemima. Cilj ovog rada je da se opiše nacionalni sistem za prijavljivanje zaraznih bolesti koji je u Srbiji u primeni kao deo VIMS-a