22 research outputs found

    Anxiety Levels of Children with Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia and Their Mothers at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Change in the First Year

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    We aimed to assess anxiety of children with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) and their primary caregivers at the beginning of Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and change in levels of anxiety in first year with prolongation of pandemic. This was a two-step study; first step was questionnaire-based, conducted via teleconference. In first step, 29 patients and 105 healthy children and their mothers were participated; 25 children with PCD and their mothers were in second step. Demographic characteristics, clinical informations were recorded. Children’s and mothers’ state and trait anxiety levels were assessed and compared. Anxiety levels of mothers of patients were assessed according to clinical characteristics of children. Mothers’ knowledge of COVID-19 and effect of teleconference on their anxiety was evaluated. State anxiety levels in the first year of pandemic of children with PCD and their mothers were also compared. Compared to control group, state anxiety of children in 13-18 age group and trait anxiety of their mothers were lower (p<0.05). In both groups, trait and state anxiety of 13-18 years old children and mothers positively correlated. Trait anxiety of mothers of patients negatively correlated with patients’ FEV1 and MEF25-75. Patients’ mothers reported feeling less anxiety at the end of teleconference. Anxiety of mothers of patients (especially under 9 years old) had increased as pandemic continued. At the beginning of pandemic, children with PCD were less anxious than healthy children, and their mothers had lower trait anxiety than mothers of healthy children. Being followed for chronic disease and obtaining information about COVID-19 may have reduced anxiety of children with PCD and their mothers. However, as pandemic continues, need to protect their children with PCD from infection, especially of mothers with younger children, may have raised their concerns

    Honey Plants of Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden

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    In this study, melliferous plants that the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) can benefit from among the taxa planted in Düzce University Ornamental and Medicinal Plants Botanical Garden, are presented. Among the 451 taxa planted in the botanical garden, those with these characteristics were determined by reviewing studies on the subject. Of the 165 taxa (36.58%) included in the honey plant class; 119 contain both nectar and pollen, 25 contain pollen, 13 contain nectar, 4 contain both pollen and insect secretion (IS) or sweet sap (SS), 2 contain pollen, nectar and IS or SS, 1 contain both nectar and SS, 1 contain only IS. In order to prevent the decrease in pollinator and pollinator insects, whose numbers are decreasing due to global climate change, a "Bee and Insect Hotel" was placed in the botanical garden. For this reason, the majority of the plants selected for planting were chosen from taxa with honey plant properties. The main purpose here is both to pollinate the plants in the botanical garden and to show and explain the effects of insect species on pollination through nature education

    Riparian and rocky vegetation of the Argözü Valley in Kibriscik, Bolu

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    The object of this study is to analyse the riparian and rocky vegetation of Argözü Valley in Kıbrıscık, Bolu (Turkey)

    Moist meadow vegetation of the Argözü Valley in Kibriscik, Bolu, Turkey

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the moist meadow vegetation of Argözü Valley in Kibriscik, Bolu (Turkey)

    Shrub vegetation of the Argözü Valley in Kibriscik, Bolu, Turkey

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    The object of this study is to analyse the shrub vegetation of Argözü Valley in Kibriscik, Bolu (Turkey)

    Vertical and supracricoid laryngectomy for treatment of glottic cancer

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda glottik kanser nedeniyle vertikal parsiyel larenjektomi (VPL) ve suprakrikoid parsiyel larenjektomi (SCPL) uygulanan hastalar retrospektif olarak incelenmiş ve bu iki cerrahi yöntemin onkolojik sonuçları araştırılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kulak Burun Boğaz kliniğinde 2001- 2008 yılları arasında larenks kanseri tanısıyla primer olarak transservikal yöntemle VPL veya SCPL uygulanan 40 hasta incelemeye alındı. Bulgular: Aspirasyon VPL yapılan hastaların %10’unda, SCPL yapılan hastaların %30’unda gözlendi. VPL ve SCPL’nin lokal kontrol oranları %80 ve %85 olarak saptandı. Larenks korunma oranı VPL ile %80, SCPL ile %90 olarak saptandı. Üç ve 5 yıllık hastalıksız sağkalım oranları VPL ve SCPL için sırası ile %79- %74 ve %85- %75 olarak tesbit edildi. Sonuç: Gerek SCPL gerekse VPL glottik tümörlerin tedavisinde kullanılan, düşük rekürrens ve yüksek larenks korunma oranlarına sahip, güvenilir cerrahi yöntemlerdir. VPL ile kıyaslandığında SCPL’nin komplikasyon oranı yüksektir.Objective: We retrospectively analyzed the patients who underwent vertical partial laryngectomy (VPL) and supracricoid laryngectomy (SCPL) for glottic cancer and the oncologic results of these surgical techniques. Material and Methods: Forty patients who underwent VPL and SCPL for glottic cancer at Otolaryngology Clinic between 2001-2008 were included in the study. Results: Aspiration occurred in 10 %of the VPL patients and 30 %of the SCPL patients. Local control rates of VPL and SCPL were 80 %and 85 %respectively. Larynx preservation rate was 80 %for VPL and 90 %for SCPL. Three and 5-year disease free survival rates of VPL and SCPL were 79 %- 74 %and 85 %- 75 %respectively. Conclusion: Both VPL and SCPL are reliable surgical techniques that have low recurrence and high larynx preservation rates for the treatment of glottic cancer. When compared with VPL, SCPL has increased complication rates

    Taxonomical and chorological notes on the Turkish endemic Bupleurum pendikum Snogerup (Umbelliferae)

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    Aslan, Serdar/0000-0002-7021-7702WOS: 000288779300087Bupleurum pendikum Snogerup is a local endemic species known from only two localities in western Turkey. After the rediscovery of Bupleurum pendikum, it has been recorded from a new locality in Kocaeli province. Brief history, morphology, habitat and ecology of this endemic species have been discussed in this research. The conservation status of Bupleurum pendikum is also reviewed based on the present distribution data.Evren Koprulu (AKIFER), TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [DFG 2225]; BGBM HerbariumThe authors would like to thank Evren Koprulu (AKIFER), TUBITAK-DFG 2225 scholarship program and BGBM Herbarium for their financial support, Neriman Ozhatay, Tuna Ekim, Tamer Ozcan, Dilek Demir Oral, Burcu Ceylan, Asli Dogru Koca, Adele Smith and Mustafa Keskin for their help and valuable comments

    Flora of Argözü Valley (Kıbrıscık-Bolu)

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    This study was carried out to determine flora of Argözü Valley (Kıbrıscık- Bolu) and contribute to plant diversity in Western Black Sea Region. Kıbrıscık is situated on the southern slope of Köroğlu Mountains which is located 35 km south east of Bolu. The study area is also located to the north east of Kıbrıscık and in the A3 grid square according to the categorization of P.H.Davis. 1074 plant samples were collected in 47 field trips to research area between 2012 and 2015. 63 families, 273 genus and 554 taxa were determined. 65 of the collected taxa are endemic and endemism ratio is 11,73 %. Endemic and rare plants were classified according to IUCN categories. The largest families are as follows: Poaceae 55 taxa (%9,93), Asteraceae 51 taxa (%9,21), Fabaceae 47 taxa (%8,48), Rosaceae 33 taxa (%5,96), Brassicaceae 29 taxa (%5,23), Lamiaceae 27 taxa (%4,87), Caryophyllaceae 27 taxa (%4,87), Liliaceae 20 taxa (%3,61), Boraginaceae 19 taxa (%3,43), Rubiaceae 16 taxa (%2,89), Plantaginaceae 16 taxa (%2,89), Apiaceae 13 taxa (%2,35), Campanulaceae 11 taxa (%1,99), Orchidaceae 10 taxa (%1,81). Phytogeographical regions of 334 taxa (%60,28) was identified in the research area. The distribution of taxa according to phytogeographic regions are as follows: 109 taxa (%19,68) Euro-Siberian, 78 taxa (%14,08) Mediterranean, 63 taxa (%11,37) Irano-Turanian, 80 taxa (%14,44) WS and 224 taxa (%40,43) are unknown. According to Raunkiaer’s life form of the plants are 38 (%6,86) Phanerophytes, 59 (%10,63) Chamaephytes, 114 (%20,58) Cryptophytes, 209 (%37,73) Hemicryptophytes and 135 (%24,37) Therophytes. Keywords: Flora, Raunkiaer, Argözü Valley, Kıbrıscık, Bol

    Riparian and Rocky Vegetation of the Argözü Valley in Kibriscik, Bolu

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    The object of this study is to analyse the riparian and rocky vegetation of Argözü Valley in Kıbrıscık, Bolu (Turkey)