157 research outputs found

    Before and Beyond the Bachelor Machine

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    This paper will examine the importance of Marcel Duchamp’s La Machine Célibataire (The Bachelor) on Art and Technology in the 20th and 21st centurie

    Styling Sagaciousness

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    During the Paris pandemic confinement period of 2020, with the dread of viral death in the air, artist Joseph Nechvatal finished his second book of poetry, titled Styling Sagaciousness: Oh Great No! The mythopoeic mélange of Styling Sagaciousness is intended as a complicated forensic fairy-tale, suitable for Nô theater, which keeps slipping in and out of idiosyncratic narration, a ghostly appearance-disappearance act that turns on the nub of our narcissism concerning our death – that strange, incurable, and deeply irrational affliction we all share. Putting identity aside, Nechvatal's poetry tests the limits of form and stretches the bounds of meaning by recasting our experiences of encountering our self as the sumptuous physicality of total negation. As such, Styling Sagaciousness delivers an airy irrational punch of needed nonsensical negation by tying together insouciant informality with a visceral camp irony: at turns hip and flamboyant and morally outrageous. This seven-part death farce epic poem follows up Nechvatal's sex farce epic poem Destroyer of Naivetés. Nechvatal intends these two books (with complementary cover images of his painting penelOpe in agOny) to be the sum total of his mature poetic output; addressing first Eros, and then, with Styling Sagaciousness, Thanatos

    Immersion Into Noise

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    Joseph Nechvatal's Immersion Into Noise investigates multiple aspects of cultural noise by applying our audio understanding of noise to the visual, architectual and cognative domains. The author takes the reader through phenomenal aspects of the art of noise into algorithmic and network contexts, beginning in the Abside of the Grotte de Lascaux


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    Destroyer of Naivetés

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    Victor J. Vitanza (author of Sexual Violence in Western Thought and Writing) continues to rethink the problem of sexual violence in cinema and how rape is often represented in “chaste” ways, in the form of a Chaste Cinematics. Vitanza continues to discuss Chaste Cinematics as participating in transdisciplinary-rhetorical traditions that establish the very foundations (groundings, points of stasis) for nation states and cultures. In this offering, however, the initial grounding for the discussions is “base materialism” (George Bataille): divine filth, the sacred and profane. It is this post-philosophical base materialism that destabilizes binaries, fixedness, and brings forth excluded thirds. Vitanza asks: why is it that a repressed third, or a third figure, returns, most strangely as a “product” of rape and torture? He works with Jean-Paul Sartre and Page duBois’s suggestion that the “product” is a new “species.” Always attempting unorthodox ways of approaching social problems, Vitanza organizes his table of contents as a DVD menu of “Extras” (supplements). This menu includes Alternate Endings and Easter Eggs as well as an Excursus, which invokes readers to take up the political exigency of the DVD-Book. Vitanza’s first “Extra” studies a trio of films that need to be reconsidered, given what they offer as insights into Chaste Cinematics: Amadeus (a mad god), Henry Fool (a foolish god), and Multiple Maniacs (a divine god who is raped and eats excrement). The second examines Helke Sander’s documentary Liberators Take Liberties, which re-thinks the rapes of German women by the Russians and Allies during the Battle of Berlin. The third rethinks Margie Strosser’s video-film Rape Stories that calls for revenge. In the Alternate Endings, Vitanza rethinks the problem of reversibility in G. Noé’s Irréversible. In the Easter Eggs, he considers Dominique Laporte’s “the Irreparable,” as the object of loss and Giorgio Agamben’s “the Irreparable,” as hope in what is without remedy. The result is not another film-studies book, but a new genre, a new set of rhetorics, for new ways of thinking about cinematics, perhaps postcinematics

    Immersion Into Noise

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    Joseph Nechvatal's Immersion Into Noise investigates multiple aspects of cultural noise by applying our audio understanding of noise to the visual, architectual and cognative domains. The author takes the reader through phenomenal aspects of the art of noise into algorithmic and network contexts, beginning in the Abside of the Grotte de Lascaux

    Homogenization of monotone problems with uncertain coefficients

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    The homogenization problem for a nonlinear elliptic equation modelling some physical phenomena set in a periodically heterogeneous medium is studied. Contrary to the usual approach, the coefficients in the equation are supposed to be uncertain functions from a given set of admissible data satisfying suitable monotonicity and continuity conditions. The problem with uncertainties is treated by means of the worst scenario method

    Experimental realization of a highly secure chaos communication under strong channel noise

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    A one-way coupled spatiotemporally chaotic map lattice is used to contruct cryptosystem. With the combinatorial applications of both chaotic computations and conventional algebraic operations, our system has optimal cryptographic properties much better than the separative applications of known chaotic and conventional methods. We have realized experiments to pratice duplex voice secure communications in realistic Wired Public Switched Telephone Network by applying our chaotic system and the system of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), respectively, for cryptography. Our system can work stably against strong channel noise when AES fails to work.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Tjelesne aktivnosti i sport nakon cervikalne diskektomije

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    Vertebral syndromes are frequent diseases among today‘s population. The success of conservative treatment of discogenic disease of the cervical spine is high, but not all states can handle it a conservative way. As a result, surgical solutions are often indicated. In clinical practice we often meet patients who have undergone implantation of an artificial cervical intervertebral disc or an interbody cage for spinal fusion. These are often people of productive age who can be fully involved in personal and professional life after the surgery. Regular sports activity helps these patients maintain good health, as well as physical and mental fitness. Patients who have undergone intervertebral disc surgery in the cervical spine should be educated about what kinds of sports and physical activity they should avoid, or at least what principles should be followed when engaging in physical activity. If a chosen physical activity is inappropriate, or if it is not performed in the right way, there is a possibility of damage to the locomotor system, and even injury. This article summarizes and recommends types of physical and sports activities that these patients can perform, emphasizing correct procedures.Vertebralni i vertebrogeni sindromi česta su oboljenja. Uspješnost konzervativnog liječenja diskogenih oboljenja vratne kralježnice je visoka. Međutim, ne postoji uvijek mogućnost njihovog tretmana na konzervativni način, već je često puta indicirano kirurško liječenje. U kliničkoj praksi sve češće susrećemo pacijente kojima je ugrađena proteza cervikalnog intervertebralnog diska. To su često puta ljudi u produktivnom dobu, koji se poslije operacije u potpunosti ponovo uključuju u osobni i profesionalni život. Redovito bavljenje sportom pomaže tim osobama u očuvanju dobrog zdravstvenog stanja, kao i fizičke i psihičke kondicije. Pacijente podvrgnute operaciji intervertebralnog diska u području vratne kralježnice potrebno je podučiti o tome koje sportove i tjelesne aktivnosti trebaju izbjegavati, odnosno koja načela moraju poštivati tijekom bavljenja tim aktivnostima. Ako se izabere neprikladna tjelesna aktivnost, odnosno ako se ona ne izvodi na pravilan način, može doći do ozljede odnosno oštećenja lokomotornog sustava. Ovim radom želimo široku stručnu javnost izvjestiti o preporučenim tjelesnim i sportskim aktivnostima kojima se pacijenti poslije operacije intervertrebralnog diska mogu baviti, s naglaskom na njihovo ispravno izvođenje