43 research outputs found

    The influence of location, source, and emission type in estimates of the human health benefits of reducing a ton of air pollution

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    The benefit per ton (/ton)ofreducingPM2.5variesbythelocationoftheemissionreduction,thetypeofsourceemittingtheprecursor,andthespecificprecursorcontrolled.Thispaperexamineshoweachofthesefactorsinfluencesthemagnitudeofthe/ton) of reducing PM2.5 varies by the location of the emission reduction, the type of source emitting the precursor, and the specific precursor controlled. This paper examines how each of these factors influences the magnitude of the /ton estimate. We employ a reduced-form air quality model to predict changes in ambient PM2.5 resulting from an array of emission control scenarios affecting 12 different combinations of sources emitting carbonaceous particles, NOx, SOx, NH3, and volatile organic compounds. We perform this modeling for each of nine urban areas and one nationwide area. Upon modeling the air quality change, we then divide the total monetized health benefits by the PM2.5 precursor emission reductions to generate /tonmetrics.Theresulting/ton metrics. The resulting /ton estimates exhibit the greatest variability across certain precursors and sources such as area source SOx, point source SOx, and mobile source NH3. Certain /tonestimates,includingmobilesourceNOx,exhibitsignificantvariabilityacrossurbanareas.Reductionsincarbonaceousparticlesgeneratethelargest/ton estimates, including mobile source NOx, exhibit significant variability across urban areas. Reductions in carbonaceous particles generate the largest /ton across all locations

    Evaluating the Sensitivity of Mortality Attributable to Pollution to Modeling Choices: A Case Study for Colorado

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    We evaluated the sensitivity of estimated PM2.5 and NO2 health impacts to varying key input parameters and assumptions including: 1) the spatial scale at which impacts are estimated, 2) using either a single concentration-response function (CRF) or using racial/ethnic group specific CRFs from the same epidemiologic study, 3) assigning exposure to residents based on home, instead of home and work locations. This analysis was carried out for the state of Colorado. We found that the spatial scale of the analysis influences the magnitude of NO2, but not PM2.5, attributable deaths. Using county-level predictions instead of 1 km2 predictions of NO2 resulted in a lower estimate of mortality attributable to NO2 by ~ 50% for all of Colorado for each year between 2000-2020. Using an all-population CRF instead of racial/ethnic group specific CRFs results in a higher estimate of annual mortality attributable to PM2.5 by a factor 1.3 for the white population and a lower estimate of mortality attributable to PM2.5 by factors of 0.4 and 0.8 for Black and Hispanic residents, respectively. Using racial/ethnic group specific CRFs did not result in a different estimation of NO2 attributable mortality for white residents, but led to lower estimates of mortality by a factor of ~ 0.5 for Black residents, and by a factor of 2.9 for to Hispanic residents. Using NO2 based on home instead of home and workplace locations results in a smaller estimate of annual mortality attributable to NO2 for all of Colorado by ~0.980 each year and 0.997 for PM2.5.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Estimates of the global burden of ambient PM2.5, ozone, and NO2 on asthma incidence and emergency room visits

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    Abstract Background: Asthma is the most prevalent chronic respiratory disease worldwide, affecting 358 million people in 2015. Ambient air pollution exacerbates asthma among populations around the world and may also contribute to new-onset asthma. Objectives: We aimed to estimate the number of asthma emergency room visits and new onset asthma cases globally attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ozone, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations. Methods: We used epidemiological health impact functions combined with data describing population, baseline asthma incidence and prevalence, and pollutant concentrations. We constructed a new dataset of national and regional emergency room visit rates among people with asthma using published survey data. Results: We estimated that 9–23 million and 5–10 million annual asthma emergency room visits globally in 2015 could be attributable to ozone and PM2.5, respectively, representing 8–20% and 4–9% of the annual number of global visits, respectively. The range reflects the application of central risk estimates from different epidemiological meta-analyses. Anthropogenic emissions were responsible for ∼37% and 73% of ozone and PM2.5 impacts, respectively. Remaining impacts were attributable to naturally occurring ozone precursor emissions (e.g., from vegetation, lightning) and PM2.5 (e.g., dust, sea salt), though several of these sources are also influenced by humans. The largest impacts were estimated in China and India. Conclusions: These findings estimate the magnitude of the global asthma burden that could be avoided by reducing ambient air pollution. We also identified key uncertainties and data limitations to be addressed to enable refined estimation. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP376

    Global estimates of mortality associated with long-term exposure to outdoor fine particulate matter.

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    Exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is a major global health concern. Quantitative estimates of attributable mortality are based on disease-specific hazard ratio models that incorporate risk information from multiple PM2.5 sources (outdoor and indoor air pollution from use of solid fuels and secondhand and active smoking), requiring assumptions about equivalent exposure and toxicity. We relax these contentious assumptions by constructing a PM2.5-mortality hazard ratio function based only on cohort studies of outdoor air pollution that covers the global exposure range. We modeled the shape of the association between PM2.5 and nonaccidental mortality using data from 41 cohorts from 16 countries-the Global Exposure Mortality Model (GEMM). We then constructed GEMMs for five specific causes of death examined by the global burden of disease (GBD). The GEMM predicts 8.9 million [95% confidence interval (CI): 7.5-10.3] deaths in 2015, a figure 30% larger than that predicted by the sum of deaths among the five specific causes (6.9; 95% CI: 4.9-8.5) and 120% larger than the risk function used in the GBD (4.0; 95% CI: 3.3-4.8). Differences between the GEMM and GBD risk functions are larger for a 20% reduction in concentrations, with the GEMM predicting 220% higher excess deaths. These results suggest that PM2.5 exposure may be related to additional causes of death than the five considered by the GBD and that incorporation of risk information from other, nonoutdoor, particle sources leads to underestimation of disease burden, especially at higher concentrations

    The recent and future health burden of the U.S. mobile sector apportioned by source

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    Mobile sources emit particulate matter as well as precursors to particulate matter (PM _2.5 ) and ground-level ozone, pollutants known to adversely impact human health. This study uses source-apportionment photochemical air quality modeling to estimate the health burden (expressed as incidence) of an array of PM _2.5 - and ozone-related adverse health impacts, including premature death, attributable to 17 mobile source sectors in the US in 2011 and 2025. Mobile sector-attributable air pollution contributes a substantial fraction of the overall pollution-related mortality burden in the U.S., accounting for about 20% of the PM _2.5 and ozone-attributable deaths in 2011 (between 21 000 and 55 000 deaths, depending on the study used to derive the effect estimate). This value falls to about 13% (between 13 000 and 37 000 deaths) by 2025 due to regulatory and voluntary programs reducing emissions from mobile sources. Similar trends across all morbidity health impacts can also be observed. Emissions from on-road sources are the largest contributor to premature deaths; this is true for both 2011 (between 12 000 and 31 000 deaths) and 2025 (between 6700 and 18 000 deaths). Non-road construction engines, C3 marine engines and emissions from rail also contribute to large portions of premature deaths. Across the 17 mobile sectors modeled, the PM _2.5 -attributable mortality and morbidity burden falls between 2011 and 2025 for 12 sectors and increases for 5. Ozone-attributable mortality and morbidity burden increases between 2011 and 2025 for 10 sectors and falls for 7. These results extend the literature beyond generally aggregated mobile sector health burden toward a representation of highly-resolved source characterization of both current and future health burden. The quantified future mobile source health burden is a novel feature of this analysis and could prove useful for decisionmakers and affected stakeholders