424 research outputs found

    Macrofinancial indicators for 117 developing and industrial countries

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    This paper examines macrofinancial data from 117 developing and industrial countries for the year 1985. The objective is to broadly characterize the financial systems of these countries using generally available data and to produce a set of comparative indicators for use in other work in this area. The analysis reveals the following : a) the level of economic development and institutional factors associated with geographic location are key determinants of the size of a country's financial system. Other macrofinancial characteristics, such as the mix between monetary and interest bearing financial instruments, also vary systematically with region and level of economic development; b) inflation negatively influences the overall size of the financial system; c) nominal returns on financial assets positively influence the overall size of the financial system; and d) since the inflation response is quantitatively more negative than the deposit rate response is is positive, maintaining the size of the financial system at high inflation rates by raising deposit rates requires sustaining exceptionally high real deposit rates.Poverty Impact Evaluation,Economic Theory&Research,Environmental Economics&Policies,Inequality,Financial Economics

    Oxidation processes in magneto-optic and related materials

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    The surface oxidation processes of thin films of magneto-optic materials, such as the rare-earth transition metal alloys have been studied, starting in ultrahigh vacuum environments, using surface analysis techniques, as a way of modeling the oxidation processes which occur at the base of a defect in an overcoated material, at the instant of exposure to ambient environments. Materials examined have included FeTbCo alloys, as well as those same materials with low percentages of added elements, such a Ta, and their reactivities to both O2 and H2O compared with materials such as thin Fe films coated with ultrathin adlayers of Ti. The surface oxidation pathways for these materials is reviewed, and XPS data presented which indicates the type of oxides formed, and a critical region of Ta concentration which provides optimum protection

    Long-term determination of energetic electron precipitation into the atmosphere from AARDDVARK subionospheric VLF observations

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    We analyze observations of subionospherically propagating very low frequency (VLF) radio waves to determine outer radiation belt energetic electron precipitation (EEP) flux magnitudes. The radio wave receiver in Sodankylä, Finland (Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory) observes signals from the transmitter with call sign NAA (Cutler, Maine). The receiver is part of the Antarctic-Arctic Radiation-belt Dynamic Deposition VLF Atmospheric Research Konsortia (AARDDVARK). We use a near-continuous data set spanning November 2004 until December 2013 to determine the long time period EEP variations. We determine quiet day curves over the entire period and use these to identify propagation disturbances caused by EEP. Long Wave Propagation Code radio wave propagation modeling is used to estimate the precipitating electron flux magnitudes from the observed amplitude disturbances, allowing for solar cycle changes in the ambient D region and dynamic variations in the EEP energy spectra. Our method performs well during the summer months when the daylit ionosphere is most stable but fails during the winter. From the summer observations, we have obtained 693 days worth of hourly EEP flux magnitudes over the 2004–2013 period. These AARDDVARK-based fluxes agree well with independent satellite precipitation measurements during high-intensity events. However, our method of EEP detection is 10–50 times more sensitive to low flux levels than the satellite measurements. Our EEP variations also show good agreement with the variation in lower band chorus wave powers, providing some confidence that chorus is the primary driver for the outer belt precipitation we are monitoring

    In acute lung injury, inhaled nitric oxide improves ventilation-perfusion matching, pulmonary vascular mechanics, and transpulmonary vascular efficiency

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    AbstractAcute respiratory distress syndrome continues to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality related to ventilation-perfusion mismatch, pulmonary hypertension, and right ventricular failure. It has been suggested that inhaled nitric oxide, which is a selective pulmonary vasodilator, may be effective in the treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome; however, the effects of nitric oxide on cardiopulmonary interactions are poorly understood. We therefore developed a model of acute lung injury that mimics the clinical syndrome of acute respiratory distress syndrome. In our model, inhaled nitric oxide significantly reduced pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, and pulmonary vascular impedance. In addition, inhaled nitric oxide improved transpulmonary vascular efficiency and ventilation-perfusion matching, which resulted in increased arterial oxygen tension. Although arterial oxygen tension increased, oxygen delivery did not improve significantly. These data suggest that by improving ventilation-perfusion matching and arterial oxygen tension while lowering pulmonary vascular resistance and impedance, nitric oxide may be beneficial in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, additional measures to enhance cardiac performance may be required. ( J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1995;110: 593-600

    How experimental biology and ecology can support evidence-based decision-making in conservation: avoiding pitfalls and enabling application

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    Policy development and management decisions should be based upon the best available evidence. In recent years, approaches to evidence synthesis, originating in the medical realm (such as systematic reviews), have been applied to conservation to promote evidence-based conservation and environmental management. Systematic reviews involve a critical appraisal of evidence, but studies that lack the necessary rigour (e.g. experimental, technical and analytical aspects) to justify their conclusions are typically excluded from systematic reviews or down-weighted in terms of their influence. One of the strengths of conservation physiology is the reliance on experimental approaches that help to more clearly establish cause-and-effect relationships. Indeed, experimental biology and ecology have much to offer in terms of building the evidence base that is needed to inform policy and management options related to pressing issues such as enacting endangered species recovery plans or evaluating the effectiveness of conservation interventions. Here, we identify a number of pitfalls that can prevent experimental findings from being relevant to conservation or would lead to their exclusion or down-weighting during critical appraisal in a systematic review. We conclude that conservation physiology is well positioned to support evidence-based conservation, provided that experimental designs are robust and that conservation physiologists understand the nuances associated with informing decision-making processes so that they can be more relevant

    Red-Cockaded Woodpecker Status and Management: West Gulf Coastal Plain and Interior Highlands

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    Red-cockaded woodpecker populations declined precipitously following European settlement and expansion and cutting of the original pine forests across the southeastern United States. By 1990 most residual populations lacked demographic viability, existed in degraded habitat, and were isolated from other populations. The primary causes of this situation were harvest of the original pine forests of the southeastern United States, conversion of forested lands to other uses, short-rotation silvicultural practices, and alteration of the fire regime in the regenerated forests. As social and legal mandates changed, management of red-cockaded woodpeckers became a higher priority. Intensive management for red-cockaded woodpeckers is currently practiced on most public and a few private lands that still support populations. Recent population trends and the current status of red-cockaded woodpeckers in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana reflect historical factors and the efficacy of recent management

    Polycyclic ethers and an unexpected dearomatisation reaction during studies towards the bioactive alkaloid, perophoramidine

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    We would like to acknowledge EPSRC for PhD funding through the Doctoral Training Schemes and the EPSRC National Mass Spectrometry Service Centre, Swansea for mass spectrometric analysis.The bioactive alkaloid natural product perophoramidine and the related family of compounds known as the communesins have inspired the synthesis community for more than a decade. Many of the elegant approaches have required the synthesis of complex intermediates that have not always reacted in the expected manner. In this study we describe a series of cyclic ether-containing precursors that were prepared during our synthetic studies towards these natural products. Attempts to open the cyclic ether ring and trap the resulting stabilised carbocation with a carbon nucleophile ultimately led to the preparation of a diallyl-substituted all carbon quaternary centre. Subsequent attempts to differentiate between the two allyl groups resulted in a relatively clean transformation to an unexpected compound. Extensive structural characterisation, including small molecule X-ray crystallography, showed that a dearomatisation reaction had occurred.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A single vertebrate DNA virus protein disarms invertebrate immunity to RNA virus infection

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    Virus-host interactions drive a remarkable diversity of immune responses and countermeasures. We found that two RNA viruses with broad host ranges, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and Sindbis virus (SINV), are completely restricted in their replication after entry into Lepidopteran cells. This restriction is overcome when cells are co-infected with vaccinia virus (VACV), a vertebrate DNA virus. Using RNAi screening, we show that Lepidopteran RNAi, Nuclear Factor-kappaB, and ubiquitin-proteasome pathways restrict RNA virus infection. Surprisingly, a highly conserved, uncharacterized VACV protein, A51R, can partially overcome this virus restriction. We show that A51R is also critical for VACV replication in vertebrate cells and for pathogenesis in mice. Interestingly, A51R colocalizes with, and stabilizes, host microtubules and also associates with ubiquitin. We show that A51R promotes viral protein stability, possibly by preventing ubiquitin-dependent targeting of viral proteins for destruction. Importantly, our studies reveal exciting new opportunities to study virus-host interactions in experimentally-tractable Lepidopteran systems

    FLP/FRT Recombination from Yeast: Application of a Two Gene Cassette Scheme as an Inducible System in Plants

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    Phytosensors are plants that are genetically engineered for sensing and reporting the presence of a specific contaminant, including agriculturally important biological agents. Phytosensors are constructed by transforming plants to contain specific biotic- or abiotic-inducible promoters fused to a reporter gene. When such transgenic plants encounter the target biotic or abiotic agent, the specific inducible promoter is triggered and subsequently drives the expression of the reporter gene, which produces a signal for detection. However, several systems lack robustness, rapid induction and promoter strength. Here, we tested the FLP/FRT recombination system in a construct containing a two gene cassette organization and examined its potential in transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants using a β-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter. In this model system, a heat-shock inducible promoter was employed to control the expression of the FLP recombinase gene. Upon heat induction and subsequent active FLP-mediated excision event, the GUS gene was placed in close proximity to the 35S promoter resulting in an active GUS reporter expression. Our results demonstrate that the two gene cassette scheme of inducible FLP/FRT recombination system is functional in tobacco and Arabidopsis, providing additional insights into its possible application in phytosensing such as creating strong readout capabilities

    Fine-mapping identifies multiple prostate cancer risk loci at 5p15, one of which associates with TERT expression

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    Associations between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at 5p15 and multiple cancer types have been reported. We have previously shown evidence for a strong association between prostate cancer (PrCa) risk and rs2242652 at 5p15, intronic in the telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) gene that encodes TERT. To comprehensively evaluate the association between genetic variation across this region and PrCa, we performed a fine-mapping analysis by genotyping 134 SNPs using a custom Illumina iSelect array or Sequenom MassArray iPlex, followed by imputation of 1094 SNPs in 22 301 PrCa cases and 22 320 controls in The PRACTICAL consortium. Multiple stepwise logistic regression analysis identified four signals in the promoter or intronic regions of TERT that independently associated with PrCa risk. Gene expression analysis of normal prostate tissue showed evidence that SNPs within one of these regions also associated with TERT expression, providing a potential mechanism for predisposition to disease