8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Relationship between Biceps-Glenoid Angle and Subscapularis Tendon Pathologies in the Biceps Long Head Tendon Subluxation with MRI

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    Amaç: Manyetik rezonans görüntülemede (MRG) biseps uzun başı tendonunda (BUBT) subluksasyon tespit edilen olgularda biseps-glenoid açısındaki değişkenliklerin tespiti ve subskapularis tendon patolojileri ile ilişkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2014-Mart 2018 tarihleri arasında Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Radyoloji Anabilim Dalı’nda çekilen omuz manyetik rezonans görüntüleri incelendi. BUBT’da subluksasyon olan 30 hasta ve subluksasyon olmayan 32 kontrol hastası karşılaştırıldı. T2 ağırlıklı oblik-koronal MRG görüntülerde, BUBT’un supraglenoid tuberküle yapışma düzeyinden geçen kesitte, biseps tendonuna çizilen paralel çizgi ile glenoid kemik çatıya çizilen teğet çizgi arasındaki biseps glenoid açısı ölçüldü. Ayrıca subskapularis tendon patolojileri normal, parsiyel ve tam kat yırtık açısından analiz edildi. Bulgular: BUBT’da subluksasyon olan grupta 12 erkek, 18 kadın olup yaş ortalaması 61.0±13.6 yıl idi. BUBT’da subluksasyon olmayan grupta 14 erkek, 18 kadın olup yaş ortalaması 55.9±14.0 yıl idi. Subluksasyon olan grupta bisepsglenoid açı ortalaması 84.1º±4.9º ve subluksasyon olmayan grupta 92.8º±4.7º idi (p<0.05). BUBT’da subluksasyon olan olguların da %80’inde subskapularis tendon patolojisi mevcuttu. Sonuç: BUBT’da subluksasyon olan hastalarda, bisepsglenoid açı değerleri, subluksasyon olmayanlara göre düşüktür. BUBT subluksasyonu tanısında arada kalınan olgularda biseps-glenoid açı ölçümü yardımcı olabilir. Ayrıca BUBT subluksasyonuna, subskapularis tendon patolojileri sıklıkla eşlik etmektedir.Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the variability of biceps-glenoid angle in patients with subluxation of the long head of the biceps tendon (LHBT) in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and to evaluate the relationship between subscapular tendon pathologies. Material and Method: Shoulder MRIs taken in Kirikkale University Medical School Radiology Department between January 2014 and March 2018 were reviewed. Thirty patients with subluxation in BUBT and 32 control patients without subluxation were compared. In the T2-weighted oblique-coronal MRI images, the biceps-glenoid angle between the parallel line drawn to the biceps tendon and the tangent line drawn on the glenoid bone roof was measured in the cross-section at the level of supraglenoid tubercle adhesion of BUBT. In addition, subcapularis tendon pathologies were analyzed for normal, partial and full-thickness tear. Results: There were 12 males and 18 females in the subluxation group in BUBT and the mean age was 61±13.6 years. There were 14 males and 18 females in the non-subluxation group in BUBT and the mean age was 55.9±14 years. The mean biceps-glenoid angle was 84.1º±4.9º in the subluxation group and 92.8º±4.7º in the non-subluxation group, showing a statistically significant difference (p<0.05). Subcapularis tendon pathology was present in 80%of patients with subluxation in BUBT. Conclusion: In patients with subluxation in BUBT, bicepsglenoid angle values are lower than those with non-subluxation. Biceps-glenoid angle measurement may be helpful in cases where diagnosis of BUBT subluxation is obscure. In addition, subcapularis tendon pathologies frequently accompany BUBT subluxation

    Magnetic resonance imaging perception of the society in Kars : a local study

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    BACKGROUND: The start point of this study was the sentence that a patient used: 'my pains had gone with MRI'. It is known that MRI has not a usage area in treatment, yet. Perhaps, the feeling of loss of pain was only a perception. But we want to search the demographic factors that make the perception of loss of pain. The purpose of this study was to determine the consciousness level of the society about MRI. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This prospective survey study included 302 (107 men, 195 women; mean age 43.11±15.18 years) patients who were referred to the radiology clinic to undergo MRI. RESULTS: Almost half of the patients were illiterate and graduated from a primary school. Low level of education was more frequent in women than in men. Most of the patients declared that MRI would diagnose their disease. Among all the patients surveyed, 209 of 302 patients indicated no changes in the degree of pain before and after MRI, 30 indicated increased pain, 62 indicated decreased pain, and one patient did not answer the question. Most of the patients who declared decreasing pain had lumbar or cervical MRI. CONCLUSIONS: The function of MRI was known by the patients independently from their educational status. The degree of decrease in pain was higher in the 'treatment' answer. Perhaps the relatively higher percentage was a result of the expectations about treatment and was related with psychological motivation

    Evaluation of peripheral olfactory pathways in chronic autoimmune thyroiditis

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    Purpose In this study, we aimed to radiologically evaluate the olfactory bulb (OB) volume and olfactory sulcus (OS) depth of adult patients diagnosed with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Methods Sixty-eight patients over 18 years of age with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and 66 healthy controls with normal thyroid function tests were included in the study. OB volume and OS depth measurements were performed using cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) obtained from coronal T2-weighted images. The relationship between thyroid function tests, autoantibodies, and measurements of the OB and OS were evaluated. Results The right and left OB volumes were significantly lower in the patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis than in the control group (p 0.05). There were significantly negative correlations among TSH, thyroid antibodies, and the bilateral OB volume measurements. In the Bonferroni post hoc analysis, when people with euthyroid Hashimoto's thyroiditis and the control group were compared, there was no statistically significant difference between bilateral OB volumes and thyroid function tests. Conclusion Diminished bilateral OB volumes were found in our patients with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Interestingly, the OB volumes were not affected in patients with euthyroid Hashimoto's thyroiditis. When a decrease in OB volume is detected on MRI, it should be kept in mind that odor dysfunction in hypothyroid patients with Hashimoto's thyroiditis may occur and patients should be clinically evaluated

    Evaluation of the relationship between coronary artery disease and carotid ıntima-media thickness

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    Amaç: 64 kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi anjiografi (BTA) ile tespit edilen koroner arter hastalığı (KAH) ve ultrasonografi (US) ile izlenen ana karotis arterdeki (ACA) intima-media kalınlığı (İMK) arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya koroner BTA için gönderilen 214 olgu dahil edildi. Tüm olgulara 64-kesitli BTA cihazı ile inceleme ve KAH varlığı yönünden Gensini skorlaması (GS) yapıldı. Bütün olgulara 64 kesitli BTA sonrası, İMK açısından ACA’nın değerlendirilmesi için US cihazı ile bakıldı. BTA değerlendirmesi ve US bakısı birbirinden bağımsız iki radyolog tarafından yapıldı. İMK ve plak değerlendirilmesi için Spearman’ın korelasyon testi, ROC analizi, regresyon grafikleri ve linear grafikleri kullanıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza dahil edilen 214 olgudan 94 tanesi erkek, 120 tanesi kadındı. Olguların ortalama yaşı 55,112±0,74 idi. Ortalama GS erkeklerde 8,94±1,038, kadınlarda 5,35±0,715 idi. Cinsiyet ile GS arasında, yaş ile GS arasında, ortalama intima-media kalınlığı (ORT-İMK) ve en yüksek intima-media kalınlığı (EY-İMK) ile GS arasında anlamlı korelasyon olduğu bulundu. Yine plak varlığı ile GS arasında ve yaşla plak arasında anlamlı korelasyon saptandı. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda GS ile yaş arasında anlamlı ilişki izlenmekte olup ileri yaşlarda KAH sıklığında artış görülmekte, ORT-İMK ve EY-İMK değerleri ile plak varlığı ve GS arasında da anlamlı ilişki bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca karotis arterde plak ya da İMK artışı şeklinde izlediğimiz aterosklerotik değişikliklerin KAH’ı öngörmede anlamlı olduğu düşünülmüştür. Popülasyon tabanlı çalışmaların yapılması ile KAH’ın erken tespitinde İMK’nın tarama testi olarak kullanılmasında umut verici sonuçlar ortaya çıkabilirObjective: To investigate the relationship between carotid artery disease detected by 64-slice computed tomography angiography (CTA) and the common carotid artery (CCA) in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) followed by ultrasonography (US). Material and Methods: The study included 214 cases that were referred for coronary CTA. Sixty-four-slice CTA in all cases was performed with the examination for the presence of CAD, Gensini score (GS) was performed. After 64-slice CTA in all cases, the CCA IMT was evaluated by US devices. Evaluation of the CTA and US examination were performed by two radiologists who are independent from each other. Spearman's correlation test for the evaluation of IMT and plaque, ROC analysis, linear regression graphs and charts were used. Results: Of 214 patients, 94 were male, and 120 of them were women. The average age was 55.112 ± 0.74. In females average GS was 5.35 ± 0.715, in men it was 8.94 ± 1.038. Gender, age, average-IMT and maximum-IMT were found to be correlated with the GS. The GS and the presence of plaque, and age and plaque were significantly correlated. Conclusion: We have found a significant correlation between GS and age, increasing CAD risk in older ages. In addition, the average-IMT and the highest-value was significantly correlated with plaque and GS. In addition, we suggest the formation of carotid artery plaque or increased IMT (arteriosclerotic changes) are essential in predicting CAD. Population-based studies for early detection of CAD with the use of IMT as a screening test could yield promising findings

    Acromion types and subacromial distances in symptomatic patients; MRI findings

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    AMAÇ: Bu çalı?manın amacı; semptomatik hastalarda farklı akromion tiplerinin sıklığını belirlemek ve subakromial mesafelerini kar?ıla?tırmaktı. YÖNTEM: Klinik semptomları olan 100 hastanın omuz MRG görüntüleri retrospektif olarak incelendi. Akromion tipleri dört alt grupta sınıfl andırıldı ve subakromial mesafeleri ölçüldü. Çalı?ma popülasyonu akromion tipleri ve cinsiyete göre incelendi. BULGULAR: Ortalama hasta ya?ı 47,4±16,1 olarak hesaplandı ve cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı fark tespit edilmedi. Katılımcıların 38’i erkek ve 62’si kadındı. Dört akromion tipinin de görülme sıklığı erkeklerde benzerdi (p>0,05), ancak kadınlarda Tip I en sık ve Tip IV en az görülecek biçimde anlamlı olarak farklıydı (p0.05), however signifi cantly different in females (p<0.05) as Type I was the most and Type IV was the least frequent ones. The subacromial distances were signifi cantly shorter in females in comparison with the males (p<0.05). In addition, female Type III acromions had signifi cantly shorter subacromial distances in comparison to female Type I and Type IV acromions (p <0.05). CONCLUSION: Type I acromion was the most frequent acromion type in symptomatic patients. The subacromial distances were signifi cantly shorter in females. Female Type III acromions had signifi cantly shorter subacromial distances in comparison to female Type I and Type IV acromions

    Pelvic magnetic resonance imaging in gynecologic masses

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency and the addition of the pelvic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to the ultrasonography (US) in adnexal and uterine masses.Materials and methods: Magnetic resonance imaging was performed to 61 patients (age 10-83 years) who refer with gynecologic mass prediagnosis. The study includes 53 patients having histopathological diagnosis and follow up results. Transvaginal, transabdominal or pelvic US were performed to all patients before or after a few days of MRI. Postoperative histopathological results and clinical and radiological follow up were used for definite diagnosis. The results verified with US and MRI findings.Results: Totally 62 pelvic lesions detected in 53 patients. Forty-two of 62 lesions (66%) were adnexal masses, 20 of 62 lesions were uterine (34%) masses, six patients had bilateral adnexal lesions and three had two different lesions in the same ovoadnexal side. Fourteen of the uterine masses were cervix cancer, four were leiomyoma, one was endometrium cancer and one vaginal cancer. Forty (40/42) adnexal masses detected in MRI, and 38 (38/42) were detected in US. Distinction between benign and malign masses was made with 80% accuracy by US and 85% accuracy by MRI.Conclusion: MRI was superior to the US in detecting the origin and the characterization of the gynecologic masses with well contrast resolution, multiplanar and multisecans imaging and detecting the soft tissue pathologies. However, US should be the first screening modality in gynecologic cases, if necessary MRI could be performe