293 research outputs found


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    Calorie imbalance due to high energy intake vs. expenditure is considered a major cause of obesity. Molecular mechanisms underlying diet-induced obesity remain unclear due to the complexity of disease progression. The impact of environmental factors contributing to obesity also remains poorly understood. Activation of the xenobiotic sensor, aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR), by obesogens may contribute to diet-induced obesity. AhR has the potential to influence lipid metabolism, insulin resistance, and the development of diabetes. Activation of AhR increases the risk of metabolic dysfunction by impairing adipose tissue function. Thus, the hypothesis was that conditional AhR depletion specifically from mature adipose tissue (CadKO) would improve high fat diet (HFD) induced metabolic dysfunction.Our study suggests CadKO protects mice from HFD (60% calories from fat) induced weight gain. However, the effects were more profound in females compared to males. CadKO female intake significantly less food/calorie and increase energy expenditure (EE) on HFD. No changes in calorie intake and EE were observed among the genotypes in males. Morphology of adipocytes by H&E reveals CadKO improves adipose tissue biology such that females can maintain a lean adipocyte phenotype. This assists in resisting HFD-induced serum leptin rise, as well as promotes maintaining leptin receptor (LepR) expression in the energy regulatory regions of the hypothalamus, suggesting an increased sensitivity to leptin in CadKO female. Furthermore, estrogen receptor α (ERα), which has anti-obesity effects, was higher in CadKO female adipose tissue and energy regulatory regions hinting that the sex differences observed may be mediated by differences in estrogen signaling. Concurrently, exploration of other metabolic functions, such as lipid spillover, beiging of adipose tissue, adipogenesis, lipolysis, and glucose metabolism also demonstrated sexual asymmetry. Depletion of AhR from adipocytes provides female mice with beneficial metabolic parameters mediated by the PPAR-family, HSL, and Fgf21 pathways. Furthermore, the study also demonstrated improved adipose biology in CadKO females as also advantageous for systemic glucose homeostasis. Fasting glucose and glucose tolerance were significantly better in CadKO females under HFD compared to WT. However, contrary to our previous study on global AhR knockout (AhRKO), CadKO male were not protected from HFD-induced changes in systemic glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Although, we did find that CadKO male mice were delayed in disease progression for both obesity and insulin resistance. In males, CadKO ameliorated proinflammatory adipocytokine secretion (such as TNFα, IL1β, IL6) that facilitates less inflammatory macrophage infiltration into adipose depots.Altogether, these results indicate AhR deficiency from adipocytes improves overall weight control and systemic glucose homeostasis when faced with HFD challenges in both sexes, but more profoundly in females. Exploration of metabolic functions of tissues demonstrates definite sexual dimorphism. Adipose-specific depletion facilitates the maintenance of a lean phenotype in females that is mediated by healthy adipose-hypothalamic crosstalk. Whereas in males, adipose-specific AhR depletion delays the development of obesity and insulin resistance, due to the maintenance of healthy crosstalk between adipose tissue and the peripheral immune cells

    ELT in Covid-19-Augmented-Technological-Educational Ambience at the Private Universities in Bangladesh

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    This study aims to examine students’ obstacles encountered and the modifications they recommended in English language teaching and learning at private universities in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic. Applied mixed-method approach comprised of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The findings of the study show that all participants go through virtual English language learning during the COVID-19 lockdown and the majority of them mention the difficulties to adopt a new approach in ELT suddenly, unstable network connection, costly internet data package, unskilled teachers, load shedding, mental stress, teachers’ and students’ lack of technological skills, not having technological devices and sense of remoteness as the prevailing disadvantages they face in online English language learning during COVID-19. This study also recommends that university authorities should train students and teachers concerning technological devices and uninterrupted internet network and power supply, high-speed internet, and fair assessment should be ensured. The prevalent result of the study is that online English language teaching and learning at private universities in Bangladesh require considerable pedagogical and technological modifications

    Image featuring for retrieval of multimedia documents

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    The utilization of massive multimedia documents collections, such as multimedia documents in the global Internet, needs search engines which can rank using both text and image evidence. Massive size and (dynamic) nature of collection can make manual indexing prohibitively expensive in such situations. Traditional search engines utilize only text components of multimedia documents. But there are information needs, which require the utilization of image evidence. In this paper, we investigate image-feature for large and heterogeneous collections. Both the nature and complexities of information needs are key elements for an effective retrieval. Retrieval needs that depend on perceptual similarities (as found in art galleries, building architecture) require the utilization of visual cues. In such situations, the retrieval of multimedia document based on image ranking can provide higher effectiveness. Experimental results show that effectiveness of ranking based on image feature can be higher where perceptual similarities are key elements for retrieval than the retrieval effectiveness of algorithms based on text ranking algorithms <br /

    Virtual Assessment in English Language Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Considerations in Bangladesh Perspectives

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    Background: This study examines the methods of assessing the learners of English Language Teaching (ELT) learners virtually, obstacles both the teachers and students face in virtual assessment, the kind of renovations both teachers and learners have to accommodate for effective virtual assessment, and the imperative suggestions they have in terms of more fruitful and plausible assessment during COVID-19-like pandemics in the context of Bangladesh. Methodology: 10 teachers and 21 students from 5 renowned private universities in Bangladesh participated in the study. And it applied a mixed-method approach consisting of both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Findings: The findings of the study revealed that all the teachers and students go through virtual assessment during the COVID-19 lockdown; the majority of them use Zoom Meeting App and Google Classroom for both summative and formative assessments in the form of mostly virtual viva voce, online assignment, and presentation; virtual assessment is time and money-saving, and has scheduled benefits; its disadvantages include, mainly, unstable internet connection across the country; and most suggest for both teachers’ and students’ training in dealing with technological devices and apps used for virtual assessment. Conclusion: The major results of the research suggest that virtual assessment in ELT in the Bangladeshi context requires substantial technological modifications and renovations. Originality: Since online assessment in ELT, like other academic disciplines, is in function in Bangladesh, better decisions on assessment methodology and, logically, more appropriate assessment policies can be formed. Conforming to this purpose, this research aims to unearth the existing challenges both teachers and learners encounter in virtual assessment and modifications recommended by them

    In-situ impregnation of polymer matrix with copper powder during additive manufacturing

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    The fillers are used to increase the functional properties of polymer matrix composites (PMCs). Additive manufacturing can be potentially used to tailor the PMCs' properties through customization of the spatial architecture of fillers (heterogeneous phases). In this study, a novel additive processing of PLA-copper composite is introduced. The fused deposition modeling (FDM) process was utilized as a platform to customize the spatial architecture of copper fillers in the 3-D structure of the PLA matrix. Prior to the extrusion process in FDM, the grooves were made on the surface of PLA filament by the knurling process. Based on the final design requirements, selected grooves were filled with copper powders. The copper powders were emulsified into liquid starch before introducing them to the groove regions. The geometry of the grooves, the interval between them, and the size/type of the powders can be independently changed to control the amount/distribution and size/type of the fillers in the final PMC product. Monolayer samples were manufactured layer by layer with a layer height and width of 0.6 and 25 mm, respectively. The PMC was devised to have a 20 mm length at the middle of samples with 90 mm length. After printing, the samples were treated with 3 kW microwave exposure for 30, 60, 75, and 90 seconds. Both treated and non-treated samples were subjected to uniaxial tensile tests to assess their fracture energy. For all samples, the fracture was brittle at the interface between the layers. The samples with PMC sections showed inferior fracture strength in comparison with pure PLA samples. This result was attributed to the presence of imperfections (voids and micro-cracks) at the interlayer areas. The microwave treatment for 75s significantly improved the fracture energy of composites. The microwave heating helped in enhancing the interlayer bond strength through the interaction with copper particles. Different mechanisms are suggested to explain this improvement. Further studies are required to assess the mechanisms


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    This paper aims to explore the challenges of English language teaching in the Bogura district, Bangladesh. Although Bogura is advanced in establishing educational institutions and trades, it is still lagging in respect of the quality and consequence of English language teaching in higher secondary education. In comparison to the other subject, it seems much more difficult for both teachers and learners. Therefore, the problems of English language learning have been listed, and the result of class observation of colleges in the Bogura district has been presented. To do this study, a descriptive research design, quantitative method, and questionnaires are used. The present findings opine that the majorities depend on the exam system to just pass the exam and there is no equal chance to be skilled in four skills of the English language students. The lacking of teachers has also been detected. However, the study attempts to illuminate a scenario of the English teaching system as well as the problems and prospects of English language learning and teaching in higher secondary education

    The absence of political will to implement competition policy in Bangladesh is a major obstruction of its rapidly growing economy

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    The Competition policy and law designed to maintain market behavior by preventing anti-competitive practices of undertakings as well as promoting fair stable market competition. The Adaptations of the competition system now has become a global norm, today, more than 120 jurisdictions have competition policy systems and for a variety of reasons it is indeed a very remarkable development for all of us. First the application of competition law has tremendous economic significance which provides great economic benefits in the form of greater productivity and growth, it can assist in developing more effective ways to deliver goods and services. The basic foundation of the competition law set in European Union through the adaptation of the Treaty of Rome (which creates the EU), and significantly that treaty has powerful competition policy provisions provided the foundation of competition policy in Europe. EU Commission is now the toughest and one of the harsh enforcers in the world fighting anticompetitive behavior, reviews mergers and state aid thus encouraging liberalization. An effective, suitably implemented competition law and policy is an inevitable necessity for any country, as it for Bangladesh. Bangladesh as one of the developing countries, significantly suffering from anti-competitive practices as it detrimental to its market-based economy and consumer rights. The absence of competition policy had led the existence of monopoly, oligopoly in the internal market thus consumers and small enterprises are adversely affected. Initiatives were taken to develop a competition policy at the 1996 Ministerial Conferences in Singapore but abandoned after Doha Meeting. At Doha meeting in 2001, there were some dissent among WTO members to adopt competition policies for developing countries, as a result, Bangladesh gave its least attention for its competition policy. This paper examines the anti-competitive practices in Bangladesh, the overview of the competition policies and it also answers the question why still institutions and enforcement of these laws are ineffective. Furthermore, this article will also explore the type of anticompetitive practices in internal market and its harmful effect in Bangladesh

    Impact of image organizations on multimedia document retrieval

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    In this paper we compare ranking effectiveness of heterogeneous multimedia document retrieval when different image organizations are used for formulating queries. The quality of image queries depends on the organization of images used to make queries which in turn significantly impacts retrieval precision. CBIR (content based information retrieval) needs an effective and efficient organization of images including user interface which must be part of the configuration parameters of image retrieval research. <br /

    How effective WTO in practice? : what is its core activities and contribution to the development of international trade?

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    International trade and the integrated capital market both are essentially unique features of 20th century. The process of internationalizing businesses through the foreign investment was still in practice in the earlier period of gradual globalization but in the form of foreign direct investment. There were still some barriers in existence in international trade and it was necessary to eliminate such barriers like tariffs and import quotas, relationship between countries and an effective dispute resolution system therefore, a unified trading system based on the international trade law was an inevitable necessity for countries. This research paper examines the general overview of World Trade Organization; it also analyzes its potency in the development of international trades and how effective it is in practice. An attempt is made in this paper to examine the core activities of WTO and answering the questions whether developing countries are benefited through the adaptation of the WTO. The paper further discusses the impact of WTO policies on developing countries, whether or not the WTO policies have positive effect on the trade of developing countries
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