1,532 research outputs found

    Research of Influence of Potassium-rich Diets on the Physical Performance of Students

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    The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (Maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance

    The Study of Influence of Aronia Additives on Functional-technological Properties of Wheat Flour

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    The expedience of the use of aronia in technology of short dough products as a source of vitamins, mineral, pectin substances, phenol compounds, easily assimilated sugars, organic acids and so on was substantiated. To study the influence of aronia additives on the main receipt component of short dough (wheat flour) there was elaborated an algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical-chemical experiment. The expedience of introduction of aronia as a powder directly into wheat flour was theoretically grounded. The methods of estimation of the content of polyphenol compounds, influence of aronia additives on amylolytic and proteolytic activity of wheat flour, its sugar-creating ability, were selected. The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were realized using computer program MS Excel 97 2003.In was established, that the aronia additive weakens the gluten of wheat flour and prevents the swelling of gluten proteins. It positively influences the process of short dough formation and provides a possibility of its storage during the long time until baking. The use of aronia additives in technology of short dough products allows not only raise their food value but also improve the quality of short dough

    Specific features of state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies in the conditions of digitalization

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    Purpose: The article investigates specific features of state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies in the conditions of the world economy digitalization. Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to form the state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies, which create additional risks for the national currencies functioning in international financial and credit relations, it is necessary to consider this phenomenon first, from the position of a complete ban on the use of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, second, in combination of a ban on the use of cryptocurrencies as means of payment, third, from the possibility of expanding the range of cryptocurrency users by including legal entities into it and fourth, the full legalization of the cryptocurrency. Findings: The authors developed and proposed a set of measures aimed at the formation of common standards and norms of state regulation of operations with cryptocurrencies in international financial relations. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be applied in the development of legal regulation of virtual currencies not only at the national level, but also at the international level. Originality/Value: The main contribution of the study is to identify possible risks in the sphere of state regulation of cryptocurrencies based on the experience of some countries: from formal permission (including recommendations on possible risks) or the application of general principles of regulation in the field of payments to the complete ban of such activities.peer-reviewe

    Ocean–atmosphere interactions modulate irrigation’s climate impacts

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    Numerous studies have focused on the local and regional climate effects of irrigated agriculture and other land cover and land use change (LCLUC) phenomena, but there are few studies on the role of ocean– atmosphere interaction in modulating irrigation climate impacts. Here, we compare simulations with and without interactive sea surface temperatures of the equilibrium effect on climate of contemporary (year 2000) irrigation geographic extent and intensity.We find that ocean–atmosphere interaction does impact the magnitude of globalmean and spatially varying climate impacts, greatly increasing their global reach. Local climate effects in the irrigated regions remain broadly similar, while non-local effects, particularly over the oceans, tend to be larger. The interaction amplifies irrigation-driven standing wave patterns in the tropics and midlatitudes in our simulations, approximately doubling the global-mean amplitude of surface temperature changes due to irrigation. The fractions of global area experiencing significant annual-mean surface air temperature and precipitation change also approximately double with ocean–atmosphere interaction. Subject to confirmation with other models, these findings imply that LCLUC is an important contributor to climate change even in remote areas such as the Southern Ocean, and that attribution studies should include interactive oceans and need to consider LCLUC, including irrigation, as a truly global forcing that affects climate and the water cycle over ocean as well as land areas

    Використання наночасток гідроксилапатиту стронцію для профілактики та лікування підвищеної стертості зубів (лабораторні дослідження)

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    Summary. The paper describes a method for strontium hydroxyapatite nanoparticles for the prevention and treatment of high abrasion of teeth with minimum size of the primary particles with a high degree of aggregation and the penetration of nanoparticles into the crystal lattice of the tooth enamel, which is provided by increasing the density of the enamel layer the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of high abrasion of teeth.The aim of the study – development of several derivatives of strontium salts having different structure of nanoparticles for the purpose of their further integration into the enamel layer to increase the enamel strength.Materials and Methods. On the basis of the proposed method we designed research protocol samples of teeth with increased abrasion to assess the penetration and fixation of nanoparticles on the surface of the tooth enamel. The use of the proposed method in a dental practice would improve the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of high abrasion of teeth due to inclusion in the complex treatment in the form of applications, ointments and gels.Results and Discussion. We obtained nanoparticles synthesized from strontium nitrate in the form of prisms measuring from 30 nm to 34 nm in size obtained by precipitation from strontium chloride.Conclusions. As a result of experimental research, strontium hydroxylapatite nanostructures from anion derivatives (chloride, nitrate, acetate) were discovered. Microscopic investigation showed that they consisted of plates, needles and equiaxed particles with dimensions from 19.4 to 35 nm, which is confirmed by X-ray, trace studies and microscopic studies.Резюме. В статье описан метод наночастиц гидроксилапатита стронция для предотвращения и лечения абразии зубов с минимальным размером первичных частиц высокой степени агрегации и проникновением наночастиц в кристаллическую решетку зубной эмали, которая обеспечивается увеличивая плотность эмалевого слоя, эффективность лечения и предотвращение высокой абразии зубов.Цель исследования – разработать несколько производных солей стронция, имеющих различную структуру наночастиц с целью дальнейшей интеграции их в эмалевый слой для повышения прочности эмали.Материалы и методы. На основе предложенного метода разработаны исследовательские протокольные образцы зубов с повышенной абразией для оценки проникновения и фиксации наночастиц на поверхности зубной эмали. Использование предложенного метода в стоматологической практике повысило бы эффективность лечения и профилактики высокой абразии зубов из-за включения в комплексное лечение мазей и гелей в виде приложений.Результаты исследований и их обсуждение. Мы исследовали наночастицы, синтезированные из нитрата стронция в виде призм размером от 30 нм до 34 нм, полученных осаждением из хлорида стронция. Морфология образцов изменяется в зависимости от природы производных анионов. Пластинки, иглы и равноосные частицы можна объяснить различными видами взаимодействия анионов исходных солей с гидроксилапатитом.Выводы. В результате экспериментальных исследований были обнаружены наноструктуры гидроксилапатита стронция из анионных производных (хлорид, нитрат, ацетат). Результаты микроскопических исследований показали, что они состоят из пластин, игл и равноосных частиц размером от 19,4 до 35 нм, что подтверждается рентгеновскими, следовыми и микроскопическими исследованиями.Резюме. У статті описано спосіб застосування наночастинок гідроксилапатиту стронцію для профілактики та лікування абразії зубів із мінімальним розміром первинних часток високого ступеня агрегації та проникнення наночастинок у кристалічну решітку зубної емалі, збільшуючи щільність емалевого шару, ефективність обробки та запобігання швидкій абразії зубів.Мета дослідження – розробити кілька похідних солей стронцію, що мають різну структуру наночастинок з метою подальшої інтеграції їх в емалевий шар для підвищення міцності емалі.Матеріали і методи. На основі запропонованого методу розроблено дослідницькі протоколи зразків зубів із підвищеною абразією для оцінки проникнення та фіксації наночастинок на поверхні зубної емалі. Використання запропонованого методу в стоматологічній практиці дозволить підвищити ефективність лікування і профілактики високої абразії зубів завдяки включенню в комплексне лікування мазей і гелів у вигляді аплікацій, мазей і гелів.Результати досліджень та їх обговорення. Ми дослідили наночастинки, синтезовані з нітрату стронцію у вигляді призм розміром від 30 нм до 34 нм, які отримали при осадженні хлориду стронцію. Морфологія зразків змінюється залежно від природи похідних аніонів. Пластинки, голки і рівновісні частинки можна пояснити різними видами взаємодії аніонів вихідних солей з гідроксилапатитом.Висновки. В результаті експериментальних досліджень були виявлені наноструктури стронцію гідроксилапатиту з похідних аніонів (хлорид, нітрат, ацетат). Мікроскопічні дослідження показали, що вони складаються з пластин, голок і рівноосних частинок з розмірами від 19,4 до 35 нм, що підтверджується рентгенівськими дослідженнями, дослідженнями мікроскопії та мікроскопічними дослідженнями

    Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy of 117Sn from1 eV to 1.5 keV

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    Parity violation has been studied recently for neutron resonances in 117Sn. The neutron resonance spectroscopy is essential for the analysis of the parity violation data. We have measured neutron resonances in 117Sn for neutron energies from 1 to 1500 eV using the time-of-flight method and the (n,γ) reaction. The sample was enriched to 87.6% 117Sn. Neutron scattering and radiative widths were determined, and orbital angular momentum assignments were made with a Bayesian analysis. The s-wave and p-wave strength functions and average level spacings were determined

    Stem cells

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    Надзвичайно актуальним у наш час є вивчення характеристик стовбурових клітин з метою лiкування патологiчних станiв організму. Доказано, що регенерація тканин на протязі життєдіяльності живих організмів проходить завдяки стовбуровим клітинам. Всі клітини цього типу можуть самовідновлюватись і диференціюватися. Проте, крім цих двох критичних здібностей, стовбурові клітини широко різняться

    Parity Violation in Neutron Resonances of 117 Sn

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    Parity nonconservation (PNC) has been studied in neutron p-wave resonances of 117Sn. The longitudinal asymmetries were measured for 29 p-wave resonances in the neutron energy range 0.8 eV to 1100 eV. Statistically significant PNC effects were observed for four resonances. A statistical analysis determined the rms weak mixing matrix element and the weak spreading width. A weak spreading width of Γw=(0.28-0.15+0.56)×10-7 eV was obtained for117Sn

    Hole photoproduction in insulating copper oxide

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    Basing on t-J model we calculate the k-dependence of a single hole photoproduction probability for CuO2 plane at zero doping. We also discuss the radiation of spin-waves which can substantially deform the shape of photoemission spectra.Comment: latex 8 pages, 3 figure

    Stripes in Doped Antiferromagnets: Single-Particle Spectral Weight

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    Recent photoemission (ARPES) experiments on cuprate superconductors provide important guidelines for a theory of electronic excitations in the stripe phase. Using a cluster perturbation theory, where short-distance effects are accounted for by exact cluster diagonalization and long-distance effects by perturbation (in the hopping), we calculate the single-particle Green's function for a striped t-J model. The data obtained quantitatively reproduce salient (ARPES-) features and may serve to rule out "bond-centered" in favor of "site-centered" stripes.Comment: final version as appeared in PRL; (c) 2000 The American Physical Society; 4 pages, 4 figure