41 research outputs found

    Coin Collecting in Colonial Turkestan (From Russian Conquest to the end of the 19th Century)

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    The article surveys coin collecting activities in Russian colonial Turkestan during the last three decades ofthe 19. century. Material presented makes it clear, that significant acquisitions were made by central and local museums with the help of Turkestan colonial government. Even larger volume of numismatic material was in the hands of a fairly large community of coin collectors. While it is impossible to estimate the overall mass of coins produced by Central Asian soil and settled in various collections locally and around the world, we can be sure that it was in tens of thousands. Such a demand called to life a market with professional coin seekers, dealers, and even forgers. In other words, coin collecting was quite developed in colonial Turkestan. It is interesting, however, that unlike British India and some other colonial societies, Turkestan amateur numismatist did not leave us a significant bulk of scholarly writings. There are two apparent reasons for this: (1) there was a wide spread notion that numismatic publications should be written by professional scholars and (2) there were no local scholarly periodicals suitable for numismatic publications and thus there was a definite lack of publication opportunities. As result, most of the important information about such things as the topography of finds and hoard composition was lost and the study of Central Asian coins, especially those of pre-Islamic period, seriously started only in 1930s-1940s

    La construcción discursiva de Página 12 y La Nación con respecto al secuestro de Eyal, Gilad y Naftalí

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo comparar los discursos que construyeron los diarios La Nación y Página 12 en su versiones subidas a la web, con respecto al secuestro de Gilad Shaer, Eyal Yifrah y Naftalí Frenkel en junio de 2014. Teniendo en cuenta el lugar donde se produjo el hecho (poblado de Gush Etzion), será necesario hacer una contextualización histórica del mismo para poder comprender los eventos previos y posteriores al secuestro y cómo afectan en el día a día de la sociedad palestina y de la israelí. A su vez, se analizará el origen de los dos medios seleccionados y la relación del gobierno de turno de aquel entonces para con dicho conflicto e identificar desde qué perspectiva cubrieron los eventos. Asimismo, para llevar a cabo el análisis se hará un abordaje sociosemiótico, desde la perspectiva de los discursos sociales de Eliseo Verón, quien postula que todo fenómeno social es un proceso de producción de sentido, en tanto que toda producción de sentido es necesariamente social.Fil: Naymark, Alan. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Escuela de Comunicación; Argentina

    Simulation and experimental research of Langmuir probe operation in electro-negative plasma

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    The mathematical model of single cylindrical Langmuir probe describing dependence of positive ion current gathered by the probe on the basic parameters of electronegative plasma, such as probe potential, densities of electrons, positive and negative ions, relation between ion and electron temperatures is built. The model is based on the theory of the radial motion of charged particles. The model covers wide parameters domain of the electronegative plasma, particularly the whole range typical for technological systems. The experimental measurements, confirming the high reliability of the model are reported. The model can be used in probe measurements of electronegative plasma parameters in laboratory and technological systems, as well as for further theories perfection of surface layers in gas-discharge plasma.Построена математическая модель работы одиночного цилиндрического зонда Ленгмюра, описывающая взаимосвязь собираемого зондом тока положительных ионов с основными параметрами электроотрицательной плазмы, такими как: потенциал зонда, плотности электронов, положительных и отрицательных ионов, отношение температур электронов и ионов. Модель основывается на теории радиального движения заряженных частиц. Она перекрывает широкую область параметров электроотрицательной плазмы, в частности, весь диапазон, характерный для технологических систем. Проведены экспериментальные измерения, подтверждающие высокую достоверность модели. Модель может быть использована при проведении зондовых исследований в электроотрицательной плазме в лабораторных и технологических системах, а также для дальнейшего совершенствования теорий приповерхностных слоев в газоразрядной плазме.Побудовано математичну модель роботи одиночного циліндричного зонда Ленгмюра, яка описує взаємозв'язок струму позитивних іонів, що збирається зондом, з основними параметрами електронегативної плазми, такими як: потенціал зонда, густина електронів, позитивних та негативних іонів, співвідношення температур електронів та іонів. Модель грунтується на теорії радіального руху заряджених частинок. Вона перекриває широку область параметрів електронегативної плазми, зокрема, весь діапазон, характерний для технологічних систем. Проведено експериментальні вимірювання, які підтверджують високу достовірність моделі. Модель може бути використана під час проведення зондових досліджень електронегативної плазми в лабораторних і технологічних системах, а також для подальшого вдосконалення теорій приповерхневих шарів в газорозрядній плазмі

    Deformation and Damage Accumulation in a Ceramic Composite under Dynamic Loading

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    Methods of computer modelling were used to investigate the processes of deformation and microdamage formation in ceramic composite materials under intense dynamic loading. It was shown that there was no damage caused by dynamic compression in the vicinity of phase borders of a nanostructured aluminum oxide matrix and reinforcing particles of tetragonal zirconium dioxide. Also, the local origination of microdamages occurs only in the zones close to micropores

    General Aspects of PT-Symmetric and P-Self-Adjoint Quantum Theory in a Krein Space

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    In our previous work, we proposed a mathematical framework for PT-symmetric quantum theory, and in particular constructed a Krein space in which PT-symmetric operators would naturally act. In this work, we explore and discuss various general consequences and aspects of the theory defined in the Krein space, not only spectral property and PT symmetry breaking but also several issues, crucial for the theory to be physically acceptable, such as time evolution of state vectors, probability interpretation, uncertainty relation, classical-quantum correspondence, completeness, existence of a basis, and so on. In particular, we show that for a given real classical system we can always construct the corresponding PT-symmetric quantum system, which indicates that PT-symmetric theory in the Krein space is another quantization scheme rather than a generalization of the traditional Hermitian one in the Hilbert space. We propose a postulate for an operator to be a physical observable in the framework.Comment: 32 pages, no figures; explanation, discussion and references adde

    La Unión Europea y Chile: su relación bajo la lupa de los Derechos Humanos ante el “despertar chileno” de 2019

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    Este documento analiza la relación entre la Unión Europea y Chile bajo la lupa de los Derechos Humanos ante el “despertar chileno” de 2019Grupo de Estudios sobre la Unión Europea, Instituto de Investigaciones, Fac. Ca. Pol. y RRI

    Apprentissage et culture informatique : l'approche du Centre Mondial de l'Informatique et Ressource Humaine

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    This paper presents the Centre Mondial and its various projects in the field of education. Among the Centre's activities : computer literacy programs, development of educational software, dissemination of information concerning available software. A learning research group is investigating the use of the computer as facilitator in the learning process and has developed a methodology for the evaluation of the use of computer in schools.Le Centre Mondial a pour vocation d'irriguer par la « culture informatique» la jeunesse et toute la population volontaire, en France et dans les pays associés au même effort. Cette mission exige de concilier un double et difficile objectif de diffusion et recherche dans une pluralité de secteurs (Éducation, Santé, Agriculture), de publics (des jeunes, enfants aux adultes), de lieux (des régions au Tiers- monde) et de techniques (micro-ordinateurs, vidéodisque interactif, etc.).Naymark Jacques. Apprentissage et culture informatique : l'approche du Centre Mondial de l'Informatique et Ressource Humaine. In: Enfance, tome 38, n°1, 1985. L'ordinateur et l'écolier. pp. 49-54

    Turbulent mixing along the boundaries of parallel flow streams

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    This thesis document was issued under the authority of another institution, not NPS. At the time it was written, a copy was added to the NPS Library collection for reasons not now known. It has been included in the digital archive for its historical value to NPS. Not believed to be a CIVINS (Civilian Institutions) title.http://www.archive.org/details/turbulentmixinga00naymU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) authors

    Guide du multimédia en formation : bilan critique & prospectif /

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    Glossaire: p. 361-368Bibliogr.: p. 355-35

    The Lesson

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