447 research outputs found


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    This an comparative experimental study that compares the quality of pindang cob packed with vacuum and non-vacuum at the shelf life of 0, 2, 7, 14, and 28 days at room temperature (30-33oC). The processing of fishery products plays an important role in post-harvest activities considering fishery products are perishable goods. Vacuum packaging technique is currently a packaging technique that is currently popular among the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vacuum packaging techniques on the quality and shelf life of pindang cobs (Auxis tharzad, Lac). The parameters evaluated included chemical parameters, namely moisture content, salt content, histamine levels, total volatile bases levels, and trimethylamine levels; microbiological parameters such as the number of bacteria, the number of coliforms, and the number of Escherichia coli; and organoleptic parameters including appearance, smell and texture. Based on the results of the research, the quality of the storage capacity of frigate mackerel which is vacuum packed at room temperature storage of 30-33oC, can only be stored < 7 days and there is a significant difference in quality and shelf life between vacuum packed and non-vacuum packed frigate mackerel


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    This an comparative experimental study that compares the quality of pindang cob packed with vacuum and non-vacuum at the shelf life of 0, 2, 7, 14, and 28 days at room temperature (30-33oC). The processing of fishery products plays an important role in post-harvest activities considering fishery products are perishable goods. Vacuum packaging technique is currently a packaging technique that is currently popular among the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of vacuum packaging techniques on the quality and shelf life of pindang cobs (Auxis tharzad, Lac). The parameters evaluated included chemical parameters, namely moisture content, salt content, histamine levels, total volatile bases levels, and trimethylamine levels; microbiological parameters such as the number of bacteria, the number of coliforms, and the number of Escherichia coli; and organoleptic parameters including appearance, smell and texture. Based on the results of the research, the quality of the storage capacity of frigate mackerel which is vacuum packed at room temperature storage of 30-33oC, can only be stored < 7 days and there is a significant difference in quality and shelf life between vacuum packed and non-vacuum packed frigate mackerel

    Characteristic of Orange Peel Waste-Based on Eco Enzyme at Different Fermentation Duration

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    One effort to overcome the waste problem is by recycling waste into something useful, such as by making eco enzymes that can be used in various fields through fermentation process. The duration of eco enzyme fermentation is determined by the purpose of its production, but most studies require a fermentation duration of 3 months to produce ideal eco enzyme. The raw material used in making eco enzyme in this study is the peel of the Kintamani orange (Citrus nobilis) that widely cultivated in Bali. This study was aimed to examine the differences in the characteristics of eco enzyme based on orange peel waste with different fermentation durations.  The research method used is experimental. Fermentation was carried out on orange peel waste, brown sugar, and water with a ratio of 3:1:10. Fermentation was carried out at a duration of 10 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days. Each eco enzyme with a different fermentation duration was chemically analyzed for PH, TSS, TDS, BOD, COD. The results showed that as the fermentation duration lengthened, there was a decrease in the TSS, TDS, BOD, and COD parameters in orange peel-based eco enzyme, but there was no change in PH. Teen days of fermentation was able to produce eco enzymes with an ideal PH, fresh sour aroma, and high organic content, however, the fermentation did not produce a dark brown color. This research helps in providing reference for the best fermentation duration that need to make eco enzyme

    A country-level national needs assessment of the Indonesian pharmacy workforce

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    Background: Conducting a systematic country-level workforce needs-assessment is a way to develop coherent strategic and justifiable workforce planning. / Objective(s): This article describes a country-level needs-assessment process using a systematic approach (via the FIP Development Goals (FIP DGs) workforce element) as an analytical framework. The needs-assessment aimed to prioritise gaps toward transforming the pharmacy workforce as a prelude to practice and pharmaceutical services reform in Indonesia. / Methods: The needs assessment consisted of three stages: needs identification, needs analysis, and needs prioritisation. The needs (workforce development gaps) were defined as the discrepancies between the perceived workforce challenges and the existing national workforce development projects. Interviews or group discussions were conducted to gather the workforce challenges of individual pharmacists. A structured workshop was conducted to identify workforce challenges and existing organisations' projects, with main stakeholders contributing to pharmacists' development in Indonesia. Perceived challenges findings and identified national workforce projects were mapped to the FIP DGs workforce element. The needs prioritisation was conducted by comparing the proportional mapping to the FIP DGs workforce element. / Results: There were forty-three individual pharmacists and 7 principal stakeholder categories that provided information related to perceived workforce challenges; thirty national projects were identified from stakeholders. While this study identified perceived challenges with workforce “competency development” and “pharmacy workforce intelligence,” there were no active ongoing national projects mapped to those goals. The framework mapping analysis showed there are workforce development gaps centred on “competency development” initiatives, “advanced and specialist development” initiatives, and strategic pharmacy workforce intelligence data gathering. Additionally, there were policy gaps with initiatives for strengthening “working with others” and a lack of clarity on infrastructure for early-career training strategies and workforce impact. / Conclusions: This study prioritises the gaps in developing pharmacists in Indonesia. This process could be used in conducting needs assessment of pharmacy workforce development in other Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs)

    Rescue medication use as a patient-reported outcome in COPD: a systematic review and regression analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Reducing rescue medication use is a guideline-defined goal of asthma treatment, however, little is known about the validity of rescue medicine use as a marker of symptoms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). To improve patient outcomes, greater insight is needed into the relationship between rescue medication use and alternative COPD outcomes. METHODS: A systematic search of electronic databases (Embase®, MEDLINE® and Cochrane CENTRAL) was conducted from database start to 26 May, 2015. Studies of bronchodilator therapy with a duration of ≥24 weeks were included if they reported either mean change from baseline (CFB) in rescue medication use in puffs/day or % rescue-free days (%RFD), and at least one other COPD endpoint. Correlation and meta-regression analyses were undertaken to test the association between rescue medication use and other COPD outcomes using weighted means (weights proportional to the sample size of the treatment group) and unweighted means (equal weight for each treatment group). Each association was assessed at 6 months and study end. RESULTS: Forty-six studies involving 46,531 patients provided mean data from 145 treatment groups for evaluation. Changes in both measures of rescue medication use were correlated with changes in trough forced expiratory volume in one second ([FEV1]; Pearson correlation coefficients |r| ≥ 0.63; p < 0.0001) and with St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) score (|r| ≥ 0.70; p < 0.0001) at study end. Change in rescue medication use in puffs/day during the study correlated with annualized rates of moderate/severe exacerbations at 6 months and study end (both r = 0.66; p ≤ 0.0028). CFB in puffs/day was not well correlated with Transition Dyspnoea Index (TDI), but %RFD did correlate with TDI score at 6 months and study end (both r = 0.69; p < 0.0001). The values for CFB in puffs/day corresponding to the proposed minimal clinically important differences for trough FEV1 and SGRQ score were -1.3 and -0.6 puffs/day, respectively. A -1.0 puffs/day CFB in rescue use corresponded to a change of 0.26 events/patient-year in moderate/severe exacerbations. CONCLUSION: This analysis provides clear evidence of associations at a patient group level between rescue medication use and other clinically important COPD outcomes

    DASBE: Decision-Aided Semi-Blind Equalization for MIMO Systems with Linear Precoding

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    [Abstract] Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) digital communications standards usually acquire Channel State Information (CSI) by means of supervised algorithms, which implies a loss of performance since pilot symbols do not convey information. We propose to obtain this CSI by using the so-called semi-blind techniques, which combine both supervised and unsupervised (blind) methods. The key idea consists in introducing a decision criterion to determine when the channel has suffered a significant change. In such a case, transmission of pilot symbols is required. The use of this criterion also allows us to determine the time instants in which CSI has to be sent to the transmitter from the receiver through a low-cost feedback channel.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; 09TIC008105PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; TEC2007-68020-C04-01Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; CSD2008-0001

    A Novel Hybrid Approach to Improve Performance on Frequency Division Duplex Systems with Linear Precoding

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    The final publication is available http://dx.doi.org/DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13803-4_31[Abstrtact] Linear precoding is an attractive technique to combat interference in multiple-input multiple-output systems because it reduces costs and power consumption in the receiver equipment. Most of the frequency division duplex systems with linear precoding acquire the channel state information at the receiver by using supervised algorithms. Such algorithms make use of pilot symbols periodically sent by the transmitter. In a later step, the channel state information is sent to the transmitter side through a limited feedback channel. In order to reduce the overhead inherent to the periodical transmission of training data, we propose to acquire the channel state information by combining supervised and unsupervised algorithms, leading to a hybrid and more efficient approach. Simulation results show that the performance achieved with the proposed scheme is clearly better than that with standard algorithms.Consellería de Economía e Industria; 09TIC008105PRMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia; TEC2007-68020-C04-0

    EHEA Adaptation of the Exercises of Electricity and Electronics at the University of A Coruña Using a Design Based on Competences

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    [Summary] The adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) of the subject of Electricity and Electronics at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Náutica y Máquinas of the University of A Coruña requires important modifications not only in the methodology to be used but also in the evaluation system. The objective is that the students acquire the specific competences and cross-competences identified for this subject. As a consequence of the process of adaptation to the new EHEA, a great improvement in the quality of the learning process has been obtained. Moreover, the necessity of such improvements have been confirmed by the results presented in this work, based on the teaching experience acquired during the last three years. However, the required improvements in the learning process also demand important changes in the relationship between professor and students.[Resumen] La adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) de la asignatura de Electricidad y Electrónica impartida en la E.T.S. de Náutica y Máquinas de la Universidade da Coruña requiere importantes modificaciones tanto en la metodología a usar como en el sistema de evaluación. El objetivo es que los estudiantes adquieran las competencias tanto específicas como transversales que han sido identificadas para esta asignatura. Como consecuencia del proceso de adaptación al EEES, se obtiene una importante mejora en la calidad del proceso de aprendizaje. Además, la necesidad de dichas mejoras queda claramente demostrada por los resultados presentados en este trabajo, basados en la experiencia adquirida a lo largo de los últimos tres años. Sin embargo, las mencionadas modificaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje también implican cambios importantes en la relación existente entre el profesor y los alumnos


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    Industrialisasi telah diplih sebagai suatu kebijakan di negara-negara berkembang, untuk menyeleaaikan berbagai masalah yang terkait dengan kemiskinan negara dan bangsa, serta lapangan kerja yang sempit. Kebijakan industrialisasi itu ternyata menimbulkan masalah baru yaitu negara berkembang berhutang kepada negara maju, baik kapital maupun sumber daya manusia terdidik. Industrialisasi telah menimbulkan pola-pola baru dalam lapangan kerja, di mana masyarakat harus mengikuti pola-pola kerja yang diciptakan oleh teknologi baru, manajemen baru, serta keinginan-keinginan produksi. Masyarakat kemudian bergeser dari pola-pola kerja agraris menuju ke pola-pola kerja industrial. Dalam kondisi demikian masyarakat berkembang menjadi lebih rasional dan banyak memperhatikan pola kerja yang mampu berorientasi pada kualitas produksi. Pola-pola kerja di dalam industri telah mempengaruhi polapola kerja anggota kekerabatan dalam masyarakat, di mana seluruh warga memperoleh kesempatan terbuka di sektor industri, termasuk kaum wanitanya. Kaum wanita telah diangkat menjadi faktor produksi. Dengan adanya kelompok pekerja wanita di pabrik-pabrik, maka hubungan suami dabn istri berkembang semakin rasional, dan wanita semakin memandang bahwa pria dan wanita memiliki kedudukan yang sama kekerabatan dan keluarga. Jumlah kaum pria yang menyatakan posisi kaum wanita lebih rendah semakin berkurang, sebab mereka semakin sadar bahwa wanita juga diakuinya sebagai anggota kekerabatan yang dapat membawa sejumlah materi untuk kepentingan keluarga. Hubungan suami istri dan anak-anak serta mertua semakin rasional dan semakin dilandasi dengan kebebasan atau keseukarelaan. Memang masih dijumpai pandangan kekerabatan yang tradisional dan ortodoks tentang kegiatan wanita di luar rumah, namunjumlah kekerabatan yang demikian itu semakin berkurang. Masyarakat desa telah menerima industrialisasi sebagai suatu proses sosial yang memberi makna bagi perkembangan dan perubahan masyarakat, dan telah dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga masyarakat pedesaan. Industrialisasi telah dianggap sebagai suatu proses sosial yang membawa modernisasi dalam amsyarakat, namun modernisasi belum teritu semuanya mempunyai makna-makna yang sesuai dengan kehendak warga masyarakat. Perubahan-perubahan perilaku warga masyarakat salama ini tidaklah suatu perkembanganyang menuju tahapan liberal dan tak bermakna, sebab selama ini perubahan perubahan sosia1 budaya yang terkait dengan peri1aku sosia1 masih sangat terkenda1i, terutama masih dikenda1ikan oleh organisasi sosia1 yang ada da1am masyarakat. Po1a-po1a hubungan anggota kekerabatan semakin terbuka,rasiona1, kritis, dan semakin f1eksibe1 mengikuti perkembangan. Proses sosia1 yang dibentuk industria1isasi dan modernisasi mengarah ke po1a kekerabatan modern, yang sangat memberikan kebebasan dan kesukare1aan ll::e [pada semua anggota untuk mengembangkan kemampuan dan harkat diri sendiri sebagai manusia yang berkua1itas da1am masyarakat maju

    Channel estimation techniques for linear precoded systems: Supervised, unsupervised, and hybrid approaches

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2011.01.001[Abstract] Linear precoding is an attractive technique to combat interference in multiple-input multiple-output systems because it reduces cost and power consumption at the receiver. Frequency division duplex systems with linear precoding acquire the channel state information at the receiver side by using supervised algorithms. Such methods make use of pilot symbols periodically provided by the transmitter. Next, this channel state information is sent to the transmitter side through a low-cost feedback channel. Thus, the available channel information allows the transmitter to adapt signals to the channel conditions. Given that pilot symbols do not convey user data, they penalize throughput, spectral efficiency, and transmission energy consumption of the system. In this work, we propose to mitigate the aforementioned limitations by combining both supervised and unsupervised algorithms to acquire the channel state information needed by the transmitter. The key idea consists in introducing a simple criterion to determine whether the channel has suffered a significant variation which requires the transmission of pilot symbols. Otherwise, when small fluctuations happen, an unsupervised method is used to track these channel variations instead. This criterion will be evaluated by considering two types of strategies for the design of the linear precoders: Zero-Forcing and Wiener criteria.Consellería de Economía e Industria; 10TIC105003PR.Consellería de Economía e Industria; 09TIC008105PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación; TEC2010-19545-C04-01Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación; CSD2008-00010