89 research outputs found

    Extraocular Muscle Imbalance and Outcomes of Scleral Buckling Surgery for Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

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    Objective: The objective was to study the muscle imbalance, restrictive motility in unlike gazes and the outcomes of the scleral buckling surgery for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Study design: Prospective follow-up study Settings and duration: The study was conducted at Al-Shifa Trust Eye Hospital Rawalpindi from Aug 2015 to Jan 2016. Methodology: The patients were checked prior to surgery and two follow up visits were done afterwards. Thorough history was taken along with full orthoptic assessment and ocular motility in all four main gazes including elevation, depression, adduction and abduction. Vision, type and position of explants, site of detachment, and risk factors of detachment were also observed. Results: A total of 48 eyes of 46 patients were taken. Mean age of the study participants was 37.16±20.37 years. Horizontal, vertical and combined deviations were observed in study population. Exo deviation was most common deviation among patients. Most reported risk factors of retinal detachment included trauma, pseudophakia, aphakia and myopia. Motility limitations of all four gazes was observed and it was found out that after buckling the squint and restriction is been increased up till two months. Conclusion: Ocular restriction among the patients was observed over a period of 2 months and it depicted that encircling with sclera buckling elicited an increase in restrictive ocular motility from pre-operative to 1 week and 2 months after surgery

    Relationship between fear, fall & balance in cummunity dwelling older adults

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    Background: In older population the risk of fall is always at high risk and there are many contributing factor which increase the prevalence of fall. The impaired balance leads to limited daily activities and confidence level. Purpose of the study: The main purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between fall, fear and balance in older population. Method & methodology: The descriptive cross sectional study design was used and a sample of 271 older adult were recruited through purpose sampling technique. The detail demographic was noted, history of fall and other related co-morbidities were mention in performa. The standardized test Activity based confidence scale (ABC) and Time up & go (TUG) were used for proper assessment. Results: The result shows that 72% sample were composed of females and 28% were male. Majority 71% belong to age bracket 65-74 years and 79% have no history of fall. Only 19% have high level of physical function on confidence scale, 36% and 45 % were in moderate and low level of physical functioning respectively. The ralationship shows that the older adults who have impaire mobility on TUG have 30% (82) and 11.43% (31) low and moderate level of physical functioning on ABC scale respectively. Conclusions: The findings indicate that majority of older adults have no fall history but still most of them have low level of confidence & physical functioning on ABC scale. The confidence balance is associated with the physical functioning in older adults and need to improve the balance training for proper functioning

    Characterization of antibiotic resistant gene in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from surgical wounds

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    Background: In the field of surgery wound infections have been a problem. Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Proteus species, Klebsiella species, Streptococcus species, Enterobacter species, Pseudomonas species and species of staphylococci are frequently isolated from wound. This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of different pathogens in surgical wounds and their antimicrobial susceptibility patterns.Methods: Pus swabs from each patient was collected aseptically, and inoculated on culture media. Isolates were characterized, identified, and their antibiotic susceptibility patterns were determined using the Kirby-Bauer diffusion method.Results: Out of 300 surgical wound specimens analyzed, 208 samples were positive culture among which Staphylococcus aureus was most frequent pathogen with 103 (49.51%). The other 33 (15.86%) isolates were Pseudomonas aeruginosa followed by 27 (12.98%) isolates ofKlebsiella 25 (12.01%) isolates of Proteus and 20 (9.61%). isolates of E.coli respectively. The antibiotic susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus was checked.Conclusions: It was observed that 103 isolates of S. aureus were resistant to Augmentin 65.04% to Sparfloxacin 59.22% to Amikacin 57.28% to Cefuroxime 57.28% to cefotaxime 56.31% to Ceftazidime 53.39% to Fusidic acid 48.54% to Ciprofloxacin 39.80% to Methicillin 37.86% to Gentamicin 28.15% to Meropenem 13.59% to Imipenem 5.82%. PCR assay for the detection of clinically relevant antibiotic resistance gene of S. aureus was done. Fragments of mecA (encoding methicillin resistance) gene were amplified and commercially sequenced which showed insertion at three sites; 480-481: T, 484-485: T, 464-465: G

    Knowledge Sharing Behavior Of Business Teachers Of Pakistani Universities: An Empirical Testing Of Theory Of Planned Behavior

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    This study aims to explain the knowledge sharing behavior of business teachers of Pakistani Universities using the theory of planned behavior. For this purpose, data was collected from 157 business teachers serving in the Pakistani Universities. Smart-PLS has been used to analyze the collected data. Factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha confirmed the validity and reliability of the measurement scales. Similarly, Structural model were applied to find out the relationship among independent variables (attitude towards knowledge sharing, subjective norms of knowledge sharing, perceived behavioral control of knowledge sharing) and dependent variable (knowledge sharing intention and knowledge sharing behavior). The findings show positive and significant relationship among all the study variables

    Bioassay studies of metal(II) complexes of 2,2'-(ethane-1,2-diyldiimino)diacetic acid

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    Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) coordination compounds with modified diammine 2,2'-(ethane-1,2-diyldiimino)diacetic acid (EDDA) were prepared and characterized. Coordination complexes of the EDDA were characterized by physical measurements including elemental analysis, IR, UV-Visible, magnetic susceptibilities and conductance measurements. The complexes were screened against four pathogenic bacteria like Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus and their concentrations for maximum inhibition zones were obtained. KEY WORDS: EDDA, Coordination complexes, Antibacterial studies Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2011, 25(2), 239-245


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    In the title compound, C12H9NO3S, the isoindoline-1,3-dione group is almost planar, with an r.m.s. deviation of 0.020 Å, whereas the heterocyclic ring approximates to an envelope with the methyl­ene group not adjacent to the S atom in the flap position. A short intra­molecular C—H⋯O contact generates an S(6) ring motif. In the crystal structure, weak aromatic π–π stacking inter­actions occur between the centroids of the benzene rings at a distance of 3.558 (2) Å

    (2R)-2-(1,3-Dioxoisoindolin-2-yl)-3-methyl­butanoic acid

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    In the title compound, C13H13NO4, the dihedral angle between the nine-membered phthalimino ring system and the carb­oxy­lic acid group is 67.15 (9)°. An intra­molecular C—H⋯O close contact, which forms an S(6) ring, may help to establish the mol­ecular conformation. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, thereby forming C(7) chains propagating in [010]

    A Research Review on Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus Disease Complex

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    Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (TBSV) was firstly reported on tomatoes by Smith in 1935 in England. The virus belongs to genus Tombusvirus and family Tombusviridae, is a soil-borne virus with isometric particle about 30 nm in diameter. Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus can cause chlorosis, necrosis, stunting, leaf yellowing, leaf mottling, leaf crinkling and fruit setting may be reduced or become zero. These symptoms were depending upon the host morphology. Transmission of this virus is naturally through infected seeds, propagative material and manually by the use of infective cutting tools. A numbers of varieties were affected. But it’s also observed that Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium not susceptible host plant. Gel Electropherotic analysis shows that virus distantly related serologically with several other viral species in the genus Tombusvirus. In phosphotungstic acid, the particles show an angular outline and unresolved surface structure but when mounted in uranyl acetate, they exhibit a rounded outline and somewhat knobby surface and edges. The viral genome is monopartite and TBSV-Ch has been completely sequenced and shown to contain 4,776 nucleotides. The protein shell is constructed by 180 subunits, each subunit contain Mr 41,000 and made icosahedral surface lattice. These subunits show a dimeric clustering on the surface of particles, which give rise to 90 morphological units. These were located on the two-fold axes of the lattice. Each coat protein subunit contains 387 amino acid residues and has four regions. Keywords: Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus, Genus Tombusvirus, Family Tombusviridae, Monopartite, Genome analysis of TBSV

    Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Reinforcement Stimuli in a Robotic Therapy for Children With ASD

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    Recent research has shown reliability in robotic therapies for improvement in core impairments of autism. To improve the efficiency of communication using robots, this study evaluates the effectiveness of three different stimuli in a robotic intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder. Three different reinforcement stimuli presented in least-to-most (LTM) order introduced in this therapy using NAO robot are: visual (color variation), auditory and motion cues. The therapy was tested on 12 ASD children, 4 out of 12 children fall under mild category whereas 8 fall under the minimal category of autism. The experimentation was conducted for 2 months. Total 8 experiments were conducted with 1 trial per week. Total 12 cues were given per trial, 4 cues corresponding to each category. In total 96 cues were given per subject, 32 cues from each category. The results indicate a general trend for linking a particular autism category with the most effective stimulus for that category. It can be concluded that visual cue (color variation) is the most effective reinforcement stimulus for children with minimal autism as 8 out of 8 i.e., 100% were more responsive to visual cues whereas for children with mild autism category, 3 out of 4 i.e., 75% are more receptive towards the motion stimulus. The parameters used for assessment were joint attention and the time eye contact is maintained. Single factor ANOVA was used for the statistical analysis of results with alpha is 0.05 and p-value 0.0342, F value is 3.7456 and F critical value is 3.2834. The test was performed on 96 ( 8×128\times 12 ) trails in total, therefore ensuring the significance and reliability of our results

    Coping Strategies in Adolescent Siblings of Individuals with and Without Physical Disability

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    Raising a child with a physical disability can be challenging for families and may demand strong coping strategies to maintain stability in family relationships. According to the previous literature, sibling bond is a process that plays a vital role in an individual’s growth and development since childhood. Thus, it is very important to understand the underlying linkage between siblings. This study aims to extrapolate the affinity amongst siblings and their way of coping when one individual is physically disabled, as these siblings may carry potential triggers of disturbed emotional state. This comparative study included 100 overall participants. 50 participants for each of the two groups without gender specification, selected by purposive sampling from different special schools in Karachi, Pakistan. The measures involved, Coping Strategy Indicator, Amirkhan (1994a) which is a self-reporting scale along with a demographic form. It was formulated that, the coping strategies of typically developing adolescent siblings of individuals without physical disability had no difference as compared to the coping strategies present in typically developing adolescent siblings of individuals with physical disability. This study serves as an implication for the psychologists and care givers who need to be well-adjusted to the needs of both disabled and non-disabled individuals, as the results depict an integral literature for different institutionalized settings where disabled individuals receive better support needed by them to establish further stronger bonds within their household especially with their siblings
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