55 research outputs found

    Effects of fish predation on Posidonia oceanica amphipod assemblages

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    Amphipod assemblages that inhabit Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows are potentially relevant trophic resources for ichthyofauna. However, the effects of fish predation on amphipod assemblages in this system have received little attention. To address this gap in knowledge, experimental manipulations of predation intensity (exclusion and inclusion cages) were conducted at two sites in a Mediterranean marine protected area, where different levels of fish predation were expected to occur. We found that in the absence of predatory fishes (exclusion cages), total amphipod density and biomass were higher than in uncaged areas and partially controlled cages. At the species level, Caprella acanthifera and Iphimedia minuta responded to caging with increased abundance, while in most cases different species did not exhibit differences in density or biomass between treatments. The presence of one enclosed labrid fish predator (inclusion cages) resulted in a lower density and biomass of Aora spinicornis and a lower biomass of Phtisica marina, although total amphipod density and biomass were unchanged. In the inclusion cages, a size-frequency analysis revealed that predators mainly targeted large A. spinicornis and Apherusa chiereghinii individuals. Our results suggest that predation by fish may be an important factor in controlling amphipod abundances and biomasses in P. oceanica meadows. Overall, amphipod community composition was not affected by exclusion or inclusion of fish predators. However, some significant effects at the species level point to more complex interactions between some amphipods and fish

    Lithology could affect benthic communities living below boulders

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    AbstractStructure and diversity of sessile zoobenthic assemblages seem to be driven not only by chemical-physical constraints and biological interactions but also by substrate lithology and its surface features. Nevertheless, broadly distributed crustose epilithic corallines could mask the role of substrate on animal settling. To evaluate the direct influence of different rocky substrates, occurrence and coverage of several sessile species, growing on the dark (i.e. coralline-free) face of sublittoral limestone and granite boulders were compared in the Tavolara MPA (Mediterranean Sea). The analysis of photographic samples demonstrated significant differences in terms of species composition and coverage, according to lithology. Moreover, limestone boulders were widely bare, while the cover per cent was almost total on granite. The leading cause of observed patterns could be the different level of dissolution of the two types of rocks, due to their different mineral composition and textural characteristics. Limestone has previously been shown to have higher dissolution compared with granite, and consequently, a more unstable surface. Our results suggest that, in dark habitats, the absence of the crustose coralline layer allows more rock dissolution and consequent lower stability of the limestone compared with granite, which, in turn, reduces the zoobenthos colonization

    Distribution and density of the benthic microalga <i>Chrysophaeum taylorii</i> Lewis &amp; Bryan from Northern to central-Eastern Sardinian coasts = Distribuzione e densità della microalga bentonica <i>Chrysophaeum taylorii</i> Lewis &amp; Bryan dalle coste nord a quelle centro orientali della Sardegna

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    In August 2009 the distribution and density of the alien microalga Chrysophaeum taylorii Lewis &amp; Bryan (Pelagophyceae) were investigated on hard benthic substrates in seventeen sites from northern to central-eastern Sardinia, in order to estimate the distribution and abundance of this species in the area

    Esperimento di rimozione degli ammassi mucillaginosi della microalga alloctona <i>Chrysophaeum taylorii</i> Lewis &amp; Bryan = Experiment of removal of the mucilaginous aggregates by the alien microalga <i>Chrysophaeum taylorii</i> Lewis &amp; Bryan

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    A manipulative experiment was carried out in a small bay of Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area in order to investigate the triggers for formation and storage of the macroscopic mucilaginous aggregates of the benthic microalga Chrisophaeum taylorii Lewis &amp; Bryan (Pelagophyceae) and to test the efficacy of mucillage removal

    Comparative evaluation of multiple protein extraction procedures from three species of the genus Caulerpa

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    AbstractThe aim of this study was to define the simplest and least expensive protocol for total protein extraction for three different macroalgae of the genus Caulerpa (the invasive C. taxifolia and C. cylindracea and the autochthonous C. prolifera). Five multi-step protein extraction procedures, set up for other macroalgal species, were tested. For each of them, different pre-treatment and extraction conditions were simultaneously examined, according to a factorial design, considering the starting material, the solvent-to-biomass ratio, and the incubation temperature. Protein yield in the obtained extracts was estimated with the Bradford method. Further, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was used to resolve proteins, assessing their quality and integrity. Significant differences in protein yield were observed among the extraction protocols and the conditions tested, also in relation to the considered species. Profiles having an acceptable quality were obtained for C. prolifera and C. cylindracea, and from the obtained results, the best method to obtain high yield and quality protein extracts for the two above-mentioned species appears to require the use of a primary TCA/acetone extraction buffer followed by a lysis buffer with NaCl, KCl, urea, Triton, SDS and a protease inhibitor. The best results, in particular, were obtained starting from fresh pulped material with a buffer-to-biomass ratio of 10:1 and an incubation temperature of 4°C. For C. taxifolia, instead, none of the tested protocols produced satisfactory results and further studies will be required

    Consumer depletion alters seagrass resistance to an invasive macroalga

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    Few field studies have investigated how changes at one trophic level can affect the invasibility of other trophic levels. We examined the hypothesis that the spread of an introduced alga in disturbed seagrass beds with degraded canopies depends on the depletion of large consumers. We mimicked the degradation of seagrass canopies by clipping shoot density and reducing leaf length, simulating natural and anthropogenic stressors such as fish overgrazing and water quality. Caulerpa racemosa was transplanted into each plot and large consumers were excluded from half of them using cages. Potential cage artifacts were assessed by measuring irradiance, scouring by leaf movement, water flow, and sedimentation. Algal invasion of the seagrass bed differed based on the size of consumers. The alga had higher cover and size under the cages, where the seagrass was characterized by reduced shoot density and canopy height. Furthermore, canopy height had a significant effect depending on canopy density. The alteration of seagrass canopies increased the spread of C. racemosa only when large consumers were absent. Our results suggest that protecting declining habitats and/or restoring fish populations will limit the expansion of C. racemosa. Because MPAs also enhance the abundance and size of fish consuming seagrass they can indirectly promote algal invasion. The effects of MPAs on invasive species are context dependent and require balancing opposing forces, such as the conservation of seagrass canopy structure and the protection of fish grazing the seagrass

    First direct evidence of reproductive behaviour of the white grouper, Epinephelus aeneus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817)

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    This study describes the first ever reported direct observation of a pair spawning event and the reproductive liveries of the white grouper, Epinephelus aeneus. Spawning took place on a rocky bank located in the Marine Protected Area (MPA) of Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo (NE Sardinia, Italy), in the Western Mediterranean Sea. In the evening of August 4th, 2018, the spawning of two large-sized individuals (~90 cm total length), displaying distinct colour patterns, was observed using SCUBA diving. This direct observation is the first record of E. aeneus male reproductive livery, characterized by a darker coloration on the head, the dorsal part of the body and the caudal fin. In addition, information on the environmental conditions in which reproduction occurred was collected. At the study site, relatively high seawater temperatures were recorded at the time of the E. aeneus spawning (24 °C at 24.7 m), as well as over the 2018 summer months (July-September), even in deep waters (>35 m), compared to previous summers. The spawning event occurred in a coralligenous-dominated seascape where fishing is prohibited, while diving activities are allowed. The site hosts abundant populations of ecologically and commercially valuable fish species (e.g., groupers, sparid fishes), with significant proportions of large-sized individuals (i.e. reproducers). Further studies are needed to advance our knowledge of the white grouper, with a particular emphasis on reproduction and the importance of implementing effective protection measures. Prioritizing management actions at key reproductive sites, such as rocky banks, is essential for ensuring the protection and/or recovery of over-exploited species

    Productivity changes in the Mediterranean Sea drive foraging movements of yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan from the core of its global breeding range

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    Pelagic seabirds are tied to their breeding colonies throughout their long-lasting breeding season, but at the same time, they have to feed in a highly dynamic marine environment where prey abundance and availability rapidly change across space and seasons. Here, we describe the foraging movements of yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan, a seabird endemic to the Mediterranean Sea that spends its entire life cycle within this enclosed basin and whose future conservation is intimately linked to human-driven and climatic changes affecting the sea. The aim was to understand the main factors underlying the choice of foraging locations during the reproductive phases. A total of 34 foraging trips were obtained from 21 breeding adults tagged and tracked on Tavolara Archipelago (N Sardinia, Italy). This is the largest and most important breeding area for the species, accounting for more than 50% of the world population. The relationships between foraging movements during two different breeding stages and the seasonal changes of primary productivity at sea were modeled. Movements appeared to be addressed toward inshore (&lt;20 km), highly productive, and relatively shallow (&lt;200 m) foraging areas, often in front of river mouths and at great distances from the colony. During incubation, the Bonifacio Strait and other coastal areas close to North and West Sardinia were the most preferred locations (up to 247 km from the colony). During the chick-rearing phase, some individuals reached areas placed at greater distances from the colony (up to 579 km), aiming at food-rich hotspots placed as far north as the Gulf of Lion (France). The need for such long distance and long-lasting foraging trips is hypothesized to be related to unfavorable conditions on the less productive (and already depleted) Sardinian waters

    Untangling natural variability of macrofaunal populations from protection effects

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    Marine protected areas are essential for conservation purposes. Remarkably, few studies have assessed the responses of small macrofaunal species to different protection levels in the Mediterranean Sea. Using a hierarchical sampling design spanning four orders of magnitude (1, 10, 100 and 1000 m), we investigated whether a marine protected area had an effect on crustacean (amphipod) and mollusc (mainly gastropod) assemblages associated with Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows. Based on this investigation, we report spatial and temporal variability patterns of these assemblages in four different protection levels. We also discuss potential confounding effects on these areas, such as different habitat features. The structure of amphipod and gastropod assemblages based on density data was patchy at small and large spatial scales, and differed markedly among protection levels. Multiscale analyses showed that lower densities and/or biomasses of several taxa occurred within fully protected areas when compared to partially protected areas. Moreover, the seagrass meadows accounted for a low proportion of the total variability of the studied macrofaunal assemblages. We suggest therefore that the observed patchiness is likely to occur for multiple and interrelated reasons, ranging from the ecological and behavioural traits (e.g., dispersion and mobility) of macrofaunal species to protection-dependent factors such as fish predation. Multiscale spatial and temporal monitoring of macrofaunal assemblages in a long-term perspective, as well as experimental manipulations, are needed to better understand the protection effects

    Using complementary visual approaches to investigate residency, site fidelity and movement patterns of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) in a Mediterranean marine protected area

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    AbstractAssessing individuals' abundance, residency (presence at a site within a certain period) and site fidelity (tendency to return to the same site in subsequent seasons or years) is crucial for evaluating and improving the effectiveness of spatial conservation/management measures regarding ecologically and socio-economically valuable species. Using underwater visual census (UVC) and photo-identification (photo-ID) techniques, we estimated the abundance, residency and site fidelity of the dusky grouper, Epinephelus marginatus, at two protected sites within the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area (Sardinia, Italy) in the summers of 2017–2018. The scope and spatio-temporal resolution of the study was extended by involving volunteer recreational divers in the photo collection. Grouper mean densities varied significantly across sampling dates, with a significant variability between the 2 years and the two investigated sites. At least 94 grouper visited the study sites in the summers of 2017–2018 based on the analysis of 968 high-quality photos using a semi-automated software to photo-identify individuals. Overall, the most frequently sighted grouper was recorded on 32 different days and 21 individuals (22%) identified in 2017 were re-sighted in 2018. The participation of volunteer recreational divers helped detect the inter-site (3.5–4 km apart) movements of a female and a male, supporting previous findings regarding the occurrence of reproduction-related movements. This study provides novel insights into the residency and site-fidelity patterns of the dusky grouper, and its small-scale movements probably related to reproduction. Specifically, we provide indications that effective protection from fishing should encompass the entire area used by grouper for reproductive movements
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