8 research outputs found

    Correction du diffusé en tomographie par une méthode de convolution par noyaux continus

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    Advanced Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) typically uses a divergent conebeam source and a large area detector. As a result, there an inevitable increase in the size area of illumination causing an increase in the intensity of X-ray scatter signal, both from the object and the detector. This leads to the violation of prime assumption of reconstruction process which is based on straight line integrals path followed by the photons. Consequently scatter artifacts appear in the reconstruction images as steaks, cupping effect and thus produce wrong reconstruction values. Due to the severity of the reconstruction artifact caused by scatter, many scatter corrections methods have been adopted in literature. The first part of this study, reviews most of the existing scatter correction methods. The effect of scattering becomes more prominent and challenging in case of X-ray source of high energy which is used in industrial Non Destructive Testing (NDT), due to higher scatter to primary ratio (SPR). Therefore, in this study, we propose a continuously thickness-adapted deconvolution approach based on improvements in the Scatter Kernel Superposition (SKS) method. In this method, the scatter kernels are analytically parameterized over the whole thickness range of the object under study to better sample the amplitude and shape of kernels with respect to the thickness. The method is tested for both homogeneous and heterogeneous objects as well as simulated and experimental data. Another important aspect of this study is the comprehensive evaluation of contribution of the detector scatter performed using continuous method by separating the contribution of scatter due to the object and the detector. This is performed by modeling the scatter kernels using a four-Gaussian model. In the first approach, we performed this evaluation based on simulation of kernels from Monte Carlo simulations and the corrections are performed on typical industrial experimental data. The results obtained prove that the scatter correction only due to the object is not sufficient to obtain reconstruction image, free from artifacts, as the detector also scatters considerably. In order to prove this point experimentally and to have a better modeling of the detector, we describe a method based on combination of experiments and simulations to calculate the scatter kernels. The results obtained also prove, the contribution of the detector scattering becomes important and the PSF of the detector is not constant as considered in the studies so far, but it varies to a great extend with the energy spectrum.La tomodensitométrie intégrant une source de rayons X à faisceau divergent et un détecteur grand champ est une technique bien connue dans le domaine de la tomographie industrielle. La nature des matériaux et les épaisseurs traversées conduisent inévitablement à la génération de rayonnement diffusé. Ce dernier est généré par l’objet mais également par le détecteur. La présence de rayonnement parasite conduit à ne plus respecter l’hypothèse de la loi de Beer-Lambert. Par conséquent, on voit apparaitre sur les coupes tomographiques des artefacts de reconstruction comme des streaks, des effets ventouses ou des valeurs d’atténuation linéaire erronée. Par conséquence, on retrouve dans la littérature de nombreuses méthodes de correction du diffusé. Ce travail vise à mettre en point et tester une méthode originale de correction du diffusé. Le premier chapitre de cette étude, dresse un état de l’art de la plupart des méthodes de corrections existantes. Nous proposons, dans le deuxième chapitre, une évolution de la méthode de superposition des noyaux de convolution (Scatter Kernel Superposition). Notre méthode repose sur une description continue des noyaux en fonction de l’épaisseur traversée. Dans cette méthode, les noyaux de diffusion sont paramétrés analytiquement sur toute la plage d'épaisseur. Le procédé a été testé pour des objets à la fois mono-matériaux et poly-matériaux, ainsi que sur des données expérimentales et simulées. Nous montrons dans le troisième chapitre l’importance de la contribution du diffusé détecteur dans la qualité de l’image reconstruite. Mais également l’importance de décrire les noyaux de convolution à l'aide d'un modèle à quatre gaussienne. Les résultats obtenus à partir de données expérimentales prouvent que la correction du diffusé de l'objet seul ne suffit pas pour obtenir une image de reconstruite sans artefacts. Afin de disposer d’une meilleur modélisation du diffusé du détecteur, nous décrivons, dans le dernier chapitre, une méthode basée sur la combinaison de données expérimentales et simulées permettant d’améliorer l’estimation des noyaux de diffusé

    Separable scatter model of the detector and object contributions using continuously thickness-adapted kernels in CBCT

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    International audienceDue to the increased cone beam coverage and the introduction of flat panel detector, the size of X-ray illumination fields has grown dramatically in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT), causing an increase in scatter radiation. Existing reconstruction algorithms do not model the scatter radiation, so scatter artifacts appear in the reconstruction images. The contribution of scattering of photons inside the detector itself becomes prominent and challenging in case of X-ray source of high energy (over a few 100 keV) which is used in typical industrial Non Destructive Testing (NDT). In this paper, comprehensive evaluation of contribution of detector scatter is performed using continuously thickness-adapted kernels. A separation of scatter due to object and the detector is presented using a four-Gaussian model. The results obtained prove that the scatter correction only due to the object is not sufficient to obtain reconstruction image free from artifacts as the detector also scatters considerably. The obtained results are also validated experimentally using a collimator to remove the contribution of object scatter

    Scattering correction using continuously thickness-adapted kernels

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    International audienceQuantitative reconstruction values are often miscalculated in Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) due to the presence of secondary radiation originating from scattering of photons inside the object and detector under consideration. The effect becomes more prominent and challenging in case of X-ray source of high energy (over a few 100 keV) which is used in industrial Non-Destructive Testing (NDT), due to higher scatter to primary ratio (SPR). This paper describes a scatter correction algorithm for correcting the combined scattering due to the object and the detector based on variations in Scatter Kernel Superposition (SKS) method. Scatter correction is performed for homogeneous and heterogeneous objects in a robust iterative manner suitable for high SPR, using pencil beam kernels which are simulated in computed tomography (CT) module of the CIVA software for NDT simulations. Two methods for scatter correction using SKS approach are discussed and compared in the paper. In the first method, we use a discrete approach in which kernels for only few thicknesses are used. In the second method a continuous approach is proposed where the kernels are analytically parameterised for all thicknesses. The results obtained after scatter correction are well within the expected reconstruction values. The continuous method produces better edge enhanced corrected projections and the method results in improved reconstruction values than the discrete method

    Evaluation of a scattering correction method for high energy tomography

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    One of the main drawbacks of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the contribution of the scattered photons due to the object and the detector. Scattered photons are deflected from their original path after their interaction with the object. This additional contribution of the scattered photons results in increased measured intensities, since the scattered intensity simply adds to the transmitted intensity. This effect is seen as an overestimation in the measured intensity thus corresponding to an underestimation of absorption. This results in artifacts like cupping, shading, streaks etc. on the reconstructed images. Moreover, the scattered radiation provides a bias for the quantitative tomography reconstruction (for example atomic number and volumic mass measurement with dual-energy technique). The effect can be significant and difficult in the range of MeV energy using large objects due to higher Scatter to Primary Ratio (SPR). Additionally, the incident high energy photons which are scattered by the Compton effect are more forward directed and hence more likely to reach the detector. Moreover, for MeV energy range, the contribution of the photons produced by pair production and Bremsstrahlung process also becomes important. We propose an evaluation of a scattering correction technique based on the method named Scatter Kernel Superposition (SKS). The algorithm uses a continuously thickness-adapted kernels method. The analytical parameterizations of the scatter kernels are derived in terms of material thickness, to form continuously thickness-adapted kernel maps in order to correct the projections. This approach has proved to be efficient in producing better sampling of the kernels with respect to the object thickness. This technique offers applicability over a wide range of imaging conditions and gives users an additional advantage. Moreover, since no extra hardware is required by this approach, it forms a major advantage especially in those cases where experimental complexities must be avoided. This approach has been previously tested successfully in the energy range of 100 keV – 6 MeV. In this paper, the kernels are simulated using MCNP in order to take into account both photons and electronic processes in scattering radiation contribution. We present scatter correction results on a large object scanned with a 9 MeV linear accelerator

    Evaluation of a scattering correction method for high energy tomography

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    One of the main drawbacks of Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is the contribution of the scattered photons due to the object and the detector. Scattered photons are deflected from their original path after their interaction with the object. This additional contribution of the scattered photons results in increased measured intensities, since the scattered intensity simply adds to the transmitted intensity. This effect is seen as an overestimation in the measured intensity thus corresponding to an underestimation of absorption. This results in artifacts like cupping, shading, streaks etc. on the reconstructed images. Moreover, the scattered radiation provides a bias for the quantitative tomography reconstruction (for example atomic number and volumic mass measurement with dual-energy technique). The effect can be significant and difficult in the range of MeV energy using large objects due to higher Scatter to Primary Ratio (SPR). Additionally, the incident high energy photons which are scattered by the Compton effect are more forward directed and hence more likely to reach the detector. Moreover, for MeV energy range, the contribution of the photons produced by pair production and Bremsstrahlung process also becomes important. We propose an evaluation of a scattering correction technique based on the method named Scatter Kernel Superposition (SKS). The algorithm uses a continuously thickness-adapted kernels method. The analytical parameterizations of the scatter kernels are derived in terms of material thickness, to form continuously thickness-adapted kernel maps in order to correct the projections. This approach has proved to be efficient in producing better sampling of the kernels with respect to the object thickness. This technique offers applicability over a wide range of imaging conditions and gives users an additional advantage. Moreover, since no extra hardware is required by this approach, it forms a major advantage especially in those cases where experimental complexities must be avoided. This approach has been previously tested successfully in the energy range of 100 keV – 6 MeV. In this paper, the kernels are simulated using MCNP in order to take into account both photons and electronic processes in scattering radiation contribution. We present scatter correction results on a large object scanned with a 9 MeV linear accelerator