6,286 research outputs found

    Coherence of the posterior predictive p-value based on the posterior odds.

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    ^aIt is well-known that classical p-values sometimes behave incoherently for testing hypotheses in the sense that, when Θ0Θ0\Theta_{0} \subset \Theta_{0}{'}, the support given to Θ0\Theta_{0} is greater than or equal to the support given to Θ0\Theta_{0}^{'} . This problem is also found for posterior predictive p-values (a Bayesian-motivated alternative to classical p-values). In this paper, it is proved that, under some conditions, the posterior predictive p-value based on the posterior odds is coherent, showing that the choice of a suitable discrepancy variable is crucial

    Comparación de la certificación energética de edificios entre los países miembros de la unión europea

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    Como consecuencia de la Directiva Europea de Eficiencia Energética en Edificios 2002/91/EC, y la Directiva 2010/31/Eu refundición de la anterior, se obliga a los países miembros de la Unión Europea a expedir un certificado de eficiencia energética y mejorar el comportamiento energético de manera que en el año 2021 sean edificios de consumo de energía casi nulo. El presente trabajo examina como se han introducido estas nuevas medidas en cada uno de los países miembros, con la finalidad de proporcionar un conocimiento más profundo de las diferentes normativas, y analizar las estrategias y métodos de cálculo existentes, así como la eficacia de su aplicación, a través de un estudio comparativo basado en los requerimientos establecidos por las citadas Directivas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de grandes desigualdades en sus modelos y algunos aspectos significativos que podrían servir de ayuda para una futura Implementación más efectiva

    Experiencias caseras que muestran aspectos del funcionamiento de la vista, el gusto y el tacto

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    En el laboratorio de Biología explicamos el funcionamiento de algunos de nuestros órganos de los sentidos (vista, olfato, gusto y tacto) a través de una serie de experiencias que a lo largo de los años han evidenciado ser muy didácticas. Muestran parte del proceso físico en sí y, al exigir la participación activa del alumnado, permiten que éste aprenda divirtiéndose. Lo fácil y barato que resulta realizar estas experiencias, junto a su gran capacidad degenerar asombro, invitan a su difusión y ejecución a todos los niveles

    Contrasting Response to Drought and Climate of Planted and Natural Pinus pinaster Aiton Forests in Southern Spain

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    Extreme drought events and increasing aridity are leading to forest decline and tree mortality, particularly in populations near the limits of the species distribution. Therefore, a better understanding of the growth response to drought and climate change could show the vulnerability of forests and enable predictions of future dieback. In this study, we used a dendrochronological approach to assess the response to drought in natural and planted forests of the maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) located in its southernmost distribution (south of Spain). In addition, we investigated how environmental variables (climatic and site conditions) and structural factors drive radial growth along the biogeographic and ecological gradients. Our results showed contrasting growth responses to drought of natural and planted stands, but these differences were not significant after repeated drought periods. Additionally, we found differences in the climate–growth relationships when comparing more inland sites (wet previous winter and late spring precipitation) and sites located closer to the coast (early spring precipitation). Response functions emphasized the negative effect of defoliation and drought, expressed as the June standard precipitation-evapotranspiration index calculated for the 12-month temporal scale and the mean temperature in the current February, on growth. The strong relationship between climatic variables and growth enabled acceptable results to be obtained in a modeling approach. The study and characterization of this tree species’ response to drought will help to improve the adaptive management of forests under climate change

    A single scaling parameter as a first approximation to describe the rainfall pattern of a place: application on Catalonia

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    As well as in other natural processes, it has been frequently observed that the phenomenon arising from the rainfall generation process presents fractal self-similarity of statistical type, and thus, rainfall series generally show scaling properties. Based on this fact, there is a methodology, simple scaling, which is used quite broadly to find or reproduce the intensity–duration–frequency curves of a place. In the present work, the relationship of the simple scaling parameter with the characteristic rainfall pattern of the area of study has been investigated. The calculation of this scaling parameter has been performed from 147 daily rainfall selected series covering the temporal period between 1883 and 2016 over the Catalonian territory (Spain) and its nearby surroundings, and a discussion about the relationship between the scaling parameter spatial distribution and rainfall pattern, as well as about trends of this scaling parameter over the past decades possibly due to climate change, has been presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Temporary Language Adaptation Classrooms: One of the Great Unknowns for Future Primary School teachers

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    El presente estudio pretende indagar en la opinión sobre la formación universitaria recibida por los futuros maestros de educación primaria en relación con la atención al alumnado inmigrante en las escuelas y, particularmente, con las aulas temporales de adaptación lingüística (ATAL) andaluzas. Se discuten los datos arrojados del análisis de un cuestionario formado por diez ítems, que combinaron tanto preguntas de índole cuantitativa como cualitativa, al que respondieron 54 estudiantes del último curso del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Almería (España). Según los resultados, al acabar la carrera, las estrategias y el aprendizaje adquirido se muestran insuficientes de acuerdo con la naturaleza multicultural que presenta la mayoría de los centros educativos españoles, mientras que se aprecia gran interés por cursar estudios de posgrado sobre enseñanza del español como segunda lengua. En conclusión, con el propósito de lograr una integración auténtica del alumnado inmigrante, se reivindica una conexión efectiva entre la formación académica de grado y la realidad multicultural y multilingüe de las aulas en la sociedad española actual.The present study aims to look into the opinion of prospective primary school teachers about their training for assisting migrant students. Special attention is drawn to their views on the linguistic adaptation temporary classes (ATAL) in Andalusia. The data obtained from the analysis of a questionnaire are discussed. This questionnaire consists of ten items, which combined both quantitative and qualitative questions, and was completed by 54 students in the last year of the Degree in Primary Education at University of Almería (Spain). According to the results, upon completion of training, the knowledge and strategies developed appear to be insufficient for the multicultural nature of most Spanish schools. At the same time, respondents show a great interest in postgraduate courses on teaching Spanish as a second language. In conclusion, in order to achieve the integration of migrant students, a more effective connection between teacher training programs and the multicultural and multilingual reality of Spanish schools nowadays is needed

    Classroom communication skills: the need to fill a gap in the training of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language

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    This paper sets out the necessity of examining the communication skills of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language as conducted in other socio-educative contexts. According to this objective, the paper begins with a review of theoretical efforts that have been made during recent years referring to research methodology (such as instruments), and to their main results. This leads to a discussion of the training needs that teachers of Spanish as a foreign language presently face for the development of their communication s kills in the classroom and, in general terms, the paper discusses the different types of ideas and strategies that must be considered during teachers’ instruction. Finally, this brief proposal expects to be the seed of future research projects that impact positively on the improvement of teachers’ communication competence, whereby the ideas discussed here are taken as a nuclear component in the frame of future teaching competence

    How Reproducible are Surface Areas Calculated from the BET Equation?

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    This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (NanoMOFdeli), ERC-2016-COG 726380, Innovate UK (104384) and EPSRC IAA (IAA/RG85685). N.R. acknowledges the support of the Cambridge International Scholarship and the TrinityHenry Barlow Scholarship (Honorary). O.K.F. and R.Q.S. acknowledge funding from the U.S. Department of Energy (DE-FG02-08ER15967). R.S.F. and D.B. acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (SCoTMOF), ERC-2015-StG 677289. Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525. The authors gratefully acknowledge funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office, through the Hydrogen Storage Materials Advanced Research Consortium (HyMARC). This paper describes objective technical results and analysis. Any subjective views or opinions that might be expressed in the paper do not necessarily represent the views of the U.S. Department of Energy or the United States Government. J.D.E. acknowledges the support of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) at TU Dresden. S.K.G. and S.M. acknowledge SERB (Project No. CRG/2019/000906), India for financial support. K.K. and R.K. acknowledge Active Co. Research Grant for funding. S.K. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (COSMOS), ERC-2017-StG 756489. N.L. and J.G.M acknowledge funding from the European Commission through the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 program (ZEOBIOCHEM -872102) and the Spanish MICINN and AEI/FEDER (RTI2018-099504-B-C21). N.L. thanks the University of Alicante for funding (UATALENTO17-05). ICN2 is supported by the Severo Ochoa program from the Spanish MINECO (Grant No. SEV-2017-0706) S.M.J.R. and A.L. wish to thank the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO), under grant nos. 12T3519N and 11D2220N. L.S. was supported by the EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC EP/L015978/1. C.T.Y. and T.S.N. acknowledges funds from the National Research Foundation of Korea, NRF-2017M3A7B4042140 and NRF-2017M3A7B4042235. P.F. and H. Y. acknowledge US Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division under Award No. DE-SC0010596 (P.F.). R.O. would like to acknowledge funding support during his Ph.D. study from Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education-LPDP with the contract No. 202002220216006. Daniel Siderius: Official contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), not subject to copyright in the United States of America. Daniel Siderius: Certain commercially available items may be identified in this paper. This identification does not imply recommendation by NIST, nor does it imply that it is the best available for the purposes described. B.V.L, S.T.E and A.M.P acknowledge funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program (Grant agreement no. 639233, COFLeaf).Porosity and surface area analysis play a prominent role in modern materials science. At the heart of this sits the Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) theory, which has been a remarkably successful contribution to the field of materials science. The BET method was developed in the 1930s for open surfaces but is now the most widely used metric for the estimation of surface areas of microand mesoporous materials. Despite its widespread use, the calculation of BET surface areas causes a spread in reported areas, resulting in reproducibility problems in both academia and industry. To prove this, for this analysis, 18 already-measured raw adsorption isotherms were provided to sixty-one labs, who were asked to calculate the corresponding BET areas. This roundrobin exercise resulted in a wide range of values. Here, the reproducibility of BET area determination from identical isotherms is demonstrated to be a largely ignored issue, raising critical concerns over the reliability of reported BET areas. To solve this major issue, a new computational approach to accurately and systematically determine the BET area of nanoporous materials is developed. The software, called “BET surface identification” (BETSI), expands on the well-known Rouquerol criteria and makes an unambiguous BET area assignment possible.European Research Council (ERC) ERC-2016-COG 726380 ERC-2015-StG 677289 ERC-2017-StG 756489 639233UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) Innovate UK 104384 UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) IAA/RG85685Cambridge International Scholarship TrinityHenry Barlow ScholarshipUnited States Department of Energy (DOE) DE-FG02-08ER15967National Nuclear Security Administration DE-NA-0003525United States Department of Energy (DOE)Alexander von Humboldt FoundationCenter for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) at TU DresdenDepartment of Science & Technology (India)Science Engineering Research Board (SERB), India CRG/2019/000906Active Co. Research GrantEuropean Commission through the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 program ZEOBIOCHEM -872102Spanish MICINN and AEI/FEDER RTI2018-099504-B-C21University of Alicante UATALENTO17-05Spanish Government SEV-2017-0706 FWO 12T3519N 11D2220NUK Research & Innovation (UKRI)Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) EP/L015978/1National Research Foundation of Korea NRF-2017M3A7B4042140 NRF-2017M3A7B4042235United States Department of Energy (DOE) DE-SC0010596Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education-LPDP 20200222021600