21 research outputs found

    Formación, ocupación, capital humano y políticas de empleo

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    Las políticas de empleo constituyen un elemento esencial de intervención sobre el mercado de trabajo con el objetivo de reducirla tasa de desempleo. El presente artículo se centra en un aspecto particular de la misma: el papel de la educación y la formación y, en general, de la dotación de capital humano, como instrumento de lucha contra el paro. El trabajo aborda, en pruner lugar, el problema de la conceptualización de las políticas activas del mercado de trabajo. Posteriormente, se analiza la relación entre la formación y la inserción laboral como una de esas medidas. El artículo termina con un estudio de uno de los subsistemas que conforman la Formación Profesional, la denominada formación ocupacional.______________________________Employment Policy is the most important in stniment ofEconomic Policy in orderto reduce the unemployment rate. This paper studies a specífc aspect of employment policy : education and training and, in a general way, human capital, as an essential instrument offighting against unemployment. First, thepaperanalyses labour market active policies. Second, the relationship between en training and participation in the labour market as an important active measure. The paper ends with the particular analysis of specific job training

    Electrochemical devices for cholesterol detection

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    Cholesterol can be considered as a biomarker of illnesses such as heart and coronary artery diseases or arteriosclerosis. Therefore, the fast determination of its concentration in blood is interesting as a means of achieving an early diagnosis of these unhealthy conditions. Electrochemical sensors and biosensors have become a potential tool for selective and sensitive detection of this biomolecule, combining the analytical advantages of electrochemical techniques with the selective recognition features of modified electrodes. This review covers the different approaches carried out in the development of electrochemical sensors for cholesterol, differentiating between enzymatic biosensors and non-enzymatic systems, highlighting lab-on-a-chip devices. A description of the different modification procedures of the working electrode has been included and the role of the different functional materials used has been discussed

    Determination of aluminium using different techniques based on the Al(III)-morin complex

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    Three different methods for the determination of Al(III) in aqueous samples were compared. The different described procedures were based on the formation of the Al(III)-morin complex. UV–Vis spectrophotometry, spectrofluorimetry and differential pulse adsorptive stripping voltammetry (DPAdSV) techniques were compared under optimized experimental conditions. The DPAdSV method showed a better performance for the analysis of Al(III) in terms of capability of detection (70 nM) in comparison with the value obtained for UV–Vis spectrophotometric (300 nM) and spectrofluorimetic (110 nM) techniques. Thus, DPAdSV method was selected for the analysis of aluminium in river, tap and bottled water samples under the following optimized experimental conditions: pH = 4.4, deposition potential = +243 mV, deposition time = 210 s, giving satisfactory results

    SARS-CoV-2-spike antibody and T-cell responses elicited by a homologous third mRNA COVID-19 dose in hemodialysis and kidney transplant recipients

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    This article belongs to the Section Medical Microbiology.The effect of a third vaccine dose (3D) of homologous mRNA vaccine on blood levels of SARS-CoV-2-receptor binding domain (RBD)-total antibodies was assessed in 40 hemodialysis patients (HD) and 21 kidney transplant recipients (KTR) at a median of 46 days after 3D. Anti-RBD antibodies were detected in 39/40 HD and 19/21 KTR. Overall, 3D boosted anti-RBD antibody levels (median: 58-fold increase). Neutralizing antibodies (NtAb) against the Wuhan-Hu-1, Delta, and Omicron variants were detected in 14, 13, and 11 out of 14 HD patients, and in 5, 5, and 4 out of 8 KTR patients, respectively. The median fold increase in NtAb titers in HD patients was 77, 28, and 5 and 56, 37, and 9 in KTR patients for each respective variant. SARS-CoV-2-S S-IFN-γ-producing CD8+ and CD4+ T-cell responses were detected in the majority of HD (35 and 36/37, respectively) and all KTR (16/16) patients at 3D. Overall, the administration of 3D boosted T-cell levels in both population groups. In conclusion, a homologous mRNA COVID-19 vaccine 3D exerts a booster effect on anti-RBD antibodies, NtAb binding to Wuhan-Hu-1, Delta, and Omicron variants, and SARS-CoV-2-S-IFN-γ-producing T cells in both HD and KTR patients. The magnitude of the effect was more marked in HD than KTR patients.This research work was supported by funding from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (FIS, PI21/00563) to DN and by funding from the European Commission NextGenerationEU fund (EU 2020/2094), through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global), to RG, and funding from the Valencian Society of Neprology. The project received the Isabel Burches grant from the Valencian Society of Nephrology (2/2/21).Peer reviewe

    Galactose inhibition of the constitutive transport of hexoses in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The relationship between the pathways of glucose and galactose utilization in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been studied. Galactose (which is transported and phosphorylated by inducible systems) is a strong inhibitor of the utilization of glucose, fructose and mannose (which have the same constitutive transport and phosphorylation systems). Conversely, all these three hexoses inhibit the utilization of galactose, though with poor efficiency. These cross-inhibitions only occur in yeast adapted to galactose or in galactose-constitutive mutants. The efficiency of galactose as inhibitor is even greater than the efficiencies of each of the other three hexoses to inhibit the utilization of each other. Phosphorylation is not involved in the inhibition and transport of sugars is the affected step. The cross-inhibitions between galactose and either glucose, fructose or mannose do not implicate utilization of one hexose at the expense of the other, as it occurs in the mutual interactions between the latter three sugars. it seems that, by growing the yeast in galactose, a protein component is synthesized, or alternatively modified, that once bound to either galactose or any one of the other three hexoses (glucose, fructose or mannose), cross-interacts respectively with the constitutive or the inducible transport systems, impairing their function.This work was supported by a grant (PB87-0206) from the DGICYT, Promoción General del Conocimiento.Peer Reviewe

    Escalada en educación primaria: organización y aprendizajes fundamentales

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    El artículo presentado expone las secuencias didácticas de escalada en Educación Física a lo largo de la etapa de Educación Primaria en el CEIP María Moliner (Zaragoza). El centro cuenta con un pequeño rocódromo y una sala interior con espalderas. Desarrollamos una progresión de aprendizajes (trepa, destrepe y rápel) y los aspectos de seguridad (arnés y casco, introducción a cabuyería). Partimos de las situaciones lúdicas del proyecto “Un mundo de alternativas” (Pinos, 2006) enriqueciéndolas con tareas interdisciplinares y distintos hilos conductores, aplicando los aprendizajes en salidas educativas dentro del entorno urbano de la localidad y cercanas a la realidad del alumnado, facilitando el acceso en el tiempo de ocio a la escalada deportiva. La secuencia didáctica (8-10 sesiones) obedece a la siguiente estructura: presentación, adquisición aprendizajes en espalderas y gimnasio, escalada en rocódromo, aplicación de aprendizajes fuera del centro, conclusiones y evaluación. Cuidamos el aspecto motivacional (carné de Spiderman y video-corrección), la gestión de las emociones (respiración, auto-mensajes, Aulas Felices) y la pedagogía del éxito (inclusión, opciones dificultad, ajustes). El grado de motivación y satisfacción del alumnado es elevado, siendo una actividad muy solicitada. Hay muy pocos alumnos que no superan sus bloqueos. Son conscientes de lo aprendido, influyendo positivamente en la autoestima del alumnado. Más información en www.deportediversionydisfrute.blogspot.co

    Recent Trends in Enzyme-Based Electrosensing Devices Modified with Nanomaterials

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    Enzyme-based electrochemical biosensors are analytical devices with great potential in various fields, thanks to their specificity, high sensitivity, and the possibility of automation and miniaturization. The analytical performance of these electrochemical devices can be remarkably improved by the employing of advanced nanomaterials due to the important features of these materials, including great effectiveness in electron transfer related to its high surface area and conductivity. This chapter reports the recent applications of different enzymatic biosensors based on the modification of the working electrode with nanomaterials, including fullerenes, graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), carbon and graphene quantum dots (QDs), metallic nanoparticles (NPs), and inorganic QDs. The reported devices are categorized according to the target biomolecule, and their description has considered not only the nanomaterial used but also the type of electronic transfer that takes place (direct or mediated) as well as the enzymatic mechanism involved

    Electrochemical sensors for the determination of 4-ethylguaiacol in wine

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    The development of an electrochemical procedure for the determination of 4-ethylguaiacol and its application to wine analysis is described. Modified screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) with fullerene C60 (C60) have been shown to be efficient in this kind of analysis. The developed activated C60/SPCEs (AC60/SPCEs) were adequate for the determination of 4-ethylguaicol, showing a linear range from 200 to 1000 µg/L, a reproducibility of 7.6% and a capability of detection (CCβ) value of 200 µg/L, under optimized conditions. The selectivity of the AC60/SPCE sensors was evaluated in the presence of possibly interfering compounds, and their practical applicability was demonstrated in the analysis of different wine samples obtaining recoveries ranging from 96 to 106%.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the project code PID2020-117095RB-I00