2,940 research outputs found

    Nueva población de Cynara tournefortii Boiss. & Reut. (Compositae) en Andalucía (S. España)

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    New record for Cynara tournefortii Boiss. & Reut. (Compositae) in Andalusia (S. Spain)Palabras clave. Cynara tournefortii, Compositae, corología, conservación, S. España.Key words. Cynara tournefortii, Compositae, chorology, conservation, S. Spain

    Nuevas citas de Monocotiledóneas para la provincia de Granada (Sur de España)

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    New floristic records of Monocotyledons for Granada province (S Spain).Palabras clave. Corología, Monocotiledóneas, Granada. Key words. Corology, Monocotyledons, Granada, Spain

    Nuevas citas para la provincia de Granada (Andalucía, España)

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    New cites for Granada province (Spain).Palabras clave. Guadix-Baza, corologfa, ecología.Key words. Guadix-Baza, corology, ecology

    Contribución al catálogo florístico del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Baza (Granada, España), II

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    Contribution to the floristic check-list of the Sierra de Baza natural park (Granada, Spain) IIPalabras clave. Sierra de Baza, corología, ecología, cultivos abandonados, forestaciones.Key words. Sierra de Baza, corology, ecology, old fields, afforestations

    Carbon and nutrient contents in the miscellaneous fraction of litterfall under different thinning intensities in a semiarid Pinus halepensis afforestation

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    Litterfall evaluation and the effects caused by forestry practices provide valuable information on nutrient-cycle dynamics in managed forests. So far, most of the studies have focused on leaf-fall, omitting other litterfall fractions that can be also relevant for forest and soil modelling in a global change context. With this aim the miscellaneous fraction was quantified in a Pinus halepensis afforestation in the semiarid SE of Spain five years after four different thinning regimes were applied (T75: 75% of mean basal area removed; T60: 60%; T48: 48%; and T0: no thinning). Concentrations and pools (kg ha-1) of carbon and nutrients in the miscellanea fraction were monthly analysed for C and N (June 2010-May 2013), and for P, K, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, and Mn (June 2011- May 2013). No differences in concentrations of carbon and nutrients were found among treatments with the exception of N, which showed significant differences between T75 and T60 plots. For pools, a high variability was found over time with maximum C and N pools found during spring, likely reflecting the influence of Thaumetopoea pityocampa attacks. Thinning affected C, N, Mn, and Zn pools in 2011-2012 period, and P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, and Zn pools in 2012-2013. Significant differences were mainly found between the most intensive treatment (T75) and unthinned plots (T0). The percentage of annual mean C and nutrient pools in miscellanea showed the importance of its monitoring, with pools that represented from 43.0% to 57.9% of the total litterfall for C (278.81-746.01 kg ha-1 yr-1), N (4.18-10.44 kg ha-1 yr-1), and P (0.37-1.43 kg ha-1 yr-1). Our results stress the high relevance of miscellany monitoring in order to gain a better understanding of nutrient cycles in forest ecosystems.This study was funded by Egmasa (Government of Andalucía, Spain) through the project “Grazed fuelbreaks as a fire-preventive silvicultural tool in Mediterranean forestlands”

    Arundo mediterranea Danin (Poaceae) en la Península Ibérica

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    Arundo mediterranea Danin (Poaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula Palabras clave. Poaceae, Arundo mediterranea, flora vascular, Península Ibérica. Key words. Poaceae, Arundo mediterranea, vascular flora, Iberian Peninsula

    Native Plant Capacity for Gentle Remediation in Heavily Polluted Mines

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    This research was funded by Research Groups RNM-269 and RNM-207 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain).The authors would like to thank Francisco J. Martín Peinado for their help with the portable field X-ray fluorescence analyzer NITON XLt 792. We would also like to thank D. Nesbitt for improving the English.The use of plant species to stabilize and accumulate trace elements in contaminated soils is considered of great usefulness given the difficulty of decontaminating large areas subjected to mining for long periods. In this work, the bioaccumulation of trace elements is studied by relating the concentrations in leaves and roots of three plants of Mediterranean distribution (Dittrichia viscosa, Cistus salviifolius, Euphorbia pithyusa subsp. cupanii) with the concentrations of trace elements in contaminated and uncontaminated soils. Furthermore, in the case of D. viscosa, to know the concentration of each element by biomass, the pool of trace elements was determined both in the aerial part and in the roots. The bioaccumulation factor was not high enough in any of the species studied to be considered as phytoextractors. However, species like the ones studied in this work that live on soils with a wide range of concentration of trace elements and that develop a considerable biomass could be considered for stabilization of contaminated soils. The plant species studied in this work are good candidates for gentle-remediation options in the polluted Mediterranean.Junta de Andaluci

    Nuevas citas paras las provincias de Granada y Jaén (Andalucía, España).

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    New floristic records for the Granada and Jaén provinces (Andalusia, Spain)Palabras clave. Flora, corología, Granada, Jaén, Andalucía.Key words. Flora, corology, Granada, Jaén, Andalucía