11 research outputs found

    EOLO: Sistema per la regolazione controllata di gas ad uso medico per terapia e diagnosi

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    not availableIl progetto riguarda principalmente l\u27ossigeno terapia e la somministrazione di ossido nitrico per terapia e diagnostica La somministrazione controllata di gas ad uso terapeutico ? oggi una pratica clinica consolidata in special modo nella ossigeno terapia per patologie quali le broncopneumopatie croniche ostruttive (BPCO). Nuove terapie con altri gas quali l\u27ossido nitrico NO rappresentano metodiche in corso di validazione clinica ma gi? accettate da organismi di controllo quali FDA, soprattutto nei casi di ipertensione polmonare primitiva. Ci si riferisce quindi a sistemi di somministrazione di gas, come quelli rammentati, mettendo a punto metodiche originarie di "feedback" su parametri fisiologici, misurati durante la terapia in modo incruento, per gestire i relativi dispositivi di erogazione del gas stesso e al monitoraggio delle variabili biologiche rilevanti da parte di centri opportuni. Le malattie respiratorie, dopo le malattie cardiocircolatorie ed i tumori, sono tra le maggiori cause di morte nel mondo. Il loro trend ? crescente, essendo esse causate, fra l\u27altro, da fattori come il fumo e l\u27inquinamento, che sono a loro volta in crescita. Da qui la necessit? di realizzare sistemi semplici ed efficaci per il controllo della strumentazione di ossigenoterapia in una vasta popolazione, anche per gli usi domiciliari. Non ultimo diventa importante con questi numeri, pensare ad una razionalizzazione automatica dei consumi di ossigeno. Per quel che riguarda l\u27ipertensione polmonare, altra patologia verso cui EOLO ? rivolto, un potenziale rimedio ? costituito dalla somministrazione in dosi terapeutiche di Ossido Nitrico in sostituzione ad esempio delle prostacicline con il vantaggio di non ricorrere ad applicazioni invasive cruente e di evitare effetti collaterali sistemici. L\u27uso di questo gas medicale ? per? limitata in quanto il mercato non propone dispositivi per la somministrazione di ossido nitrico ottimizzati alle sue indicazioni d\u27uso. Le indicazione d\u27uso prevedono, infatti, la somministrazione di ossido nitrico a bassi dosaggi(5-40 ppm) e la limitazione del tempo di contatto tra l\u27ossido nitrico e i gas inalatori che il paziente deve respirare. Tale metodologia di somministrazione ? requisito essenziale per il suo impiego, in quanto questo gas si combina molto velocemente con l\u27ossigeno formando Biossido d\u27Azoto (NO2), un gas altamente nocivo. Il biossido di azoto reagendo a sua volta con l\u27acqua forma acido nitrico (HNO3), che ? un acido particolarmente reattivo quindi pericoloso

    Gas embolization of the liver in a rat model of rapid decompression

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    Occurrence of liver gas embolism after rapid decompression was assessed in 31 female rats that were decompressed in 12 min after 42 min of compression at 7 ATA (protocol A). Sixteen rats died after decompression (group I). Of the surviving rats, seven were killed at 3 h (group II), and eight at 24 h (group III). In group I, bubbles were visible in the right heart, aortic arch, liver, and mesenteric veins and on the intestinal surface. Histology showed perilobular microcavities in sinusoids, interstitial spaces, and hepatocytes. In group II, liver gas was visible in two rats. Perilobular vacuolization and significant plasma aminotransferase increase were present. In group III, liver edema was evident at gross examination in all cases. Histology showed perilobular cell swelling, vacuolization, or hydropic degeneration. Compared with basal, enzymatic markers of liver damage increased significantly. An additional 14 rats were decompressed twice (protocol B). Overall mortality was 93%. In addition to diffuse hydropic degeneration, centrilobular necrosis was frequently observed after the second decompression. Additionally, 10 rats were exposed to three decompression sessions (protocol C) with doubled decompression time. Their mortality rate decreased to 20%, but enzymatic markers still increased in surviving rats compared with predecompression, and perilobular cell swelling and vacuolization were present in five rats. Study challenges were 1) liver is not part of the pathophysiology of decompression in the existing paradigm, and 2) although significant cellular necrosis was observed in few animals, zonal or diffuse hepatocellular damage associated with liver dysfunction was frequently demonstrated. Liver participation in human decompression sickness should be looked for and clinically evaluated

    Gene expression profile predicts response to the combination of tosedostat and low-dose cytarabine in elderly AML

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    Tosedostat is an orally administered metalloenzyme inhibitor with antiproliferative and antiangiogenic activity against hematological and solid human cancers. Clinical activity has been demonstrated in relapsed acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Thirty-three elderly patients with AML (median age, 75 years) received 120 mg tosedostat orally once daily combined with subcutaneous low-dose cytarabine (20 mg twice per day for 10 days, up to 8 cycles), until disease progression. Induction mortality was 12%. According to an intention-to-treat analysis, the complete remission (CR) rate was 48.5%, and thus the primary end point of the study was reached (expected CR, 25%). The partial remission rate was 6.1%, with an overall response rate of 54.5%. Furthermore, 4 of 33 patients had stable disease (median: 286 days). The median progression-free survival and overall survival (OS) were 203 days and 222 days, respectively. Responding patients had a longer median OS than nonresponding patients (P = .001). A microarray analysis performed in 29 of 33 patients identified 188 genes associated with clinical response (CR vs no CR). Three of them (CD93, GORASP1, CXCL16) were validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction, which correctly classified 83% of the patients. Specifically, CR achievement was efficiently predicted by the gene expression patterns, with an overall accuracy exceeding 90%. Finally, a negative predictive value of 100% was validated in an independent series, thus representing the first molecular predictor for clinical response to a specific combination drug treatment for AML. This trial has been registered at the European Medicines Agency and on the European Clinical Trials Database (https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu) as #2012-000334-19

    MicroRNAs sequencing unveils distinct molecular subgroups of plasmablastic lymphoma

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    Plasmablastic lymphoma (PBL) is an aggressive lymphoma, often arising in the context of immunodeficiency and associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The most frequently detected genetic alteration is the deregulation of MYC gene through the translocation - t(8;14)(q24;q32). The diagnosis of PBL is often challenging because it has an overlap in morphology, immunophenotype, cytogenetics and virus association with other lymphomas and plasma cell neoplasms; further, its molecular basis remains elusive. In the present study we aimed to better define the possible contribution of EBV infection as well as miRNA deregulation in PBL pathogenesis. We studied 23 cases of PBL, 19 Burkitt lymphomas (BL), and 17 extra-medullary plasmacytoma (EMPC). We used qPCR and immunohistochemistry to assess EBV latency patterns, while micro-RNA (miRNA) profiling was performed by next generation sequencing (Illumina) and validated by qPCR. Our analysis revealed a non-canonical EBV latency program with the partial expression of some proteins characterizing latency II and the activation of an abortive lytic cycle. Moreover, we identified miRNA signatures discriminating PBL from BL and EMPC. Interestingly, based on the miRNA profile, PBL appeared constituted by two discrete subgroups more similar to either BL or EMPC, respectively. This pattern was confirmed in an independent set of cases studied by qPCR and corresponded to different clinico-pathological features in the two groups, including HIV infection, MYC rearrangement and disease localization. In conclusion, we uncovered for the first time 1) an atypical EBV latency program in PBL; 2) a miRNA signature distinguishing PBL from the closest malignant counterparts; 3) the molecular basis of PBL heterogeneity

    Higher cortisol levels are associated with smaller left hippocampal volume in first-episode psychosis

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    This study investigated the relationship between cortisol secretion and hippocampal volume in first-episode psychosis and healthy controls. Hippocampal volume was measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 24 first-episode psychosis patients and in 18 healthy controls, together with diurnal cortisol levels. Twelve patients received a second MRI scan at 3-month follow-up. Diurnal cortisol levels were inversely correlated with left hippocampal volume in patients, both at baseline and at follow-up, while no correlation was found in controls. Our findings suggest that smaller hippocampal volume in first-episode psychosis can partly be explained by stress-related processes in the brain, as measured by cortisol hyper-secretion

    Abnormal cortisol levels during the day and cortisol awakening response in first-episode psychosis: The role of stress and of antipsychotic treatment

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    First-episode psychosis (FEP) patients show hyperactivity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, but the mechanisms leading to this are still unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of stress and antipsychotic treatment on diurnal cortisol levels, and on cortisol awakening response, in FEP. Recent stressful events, perceived stress and childhood trauma were collected in 50 FEP patients and 36 healthy controls using structured instruments. Salivary cortisol was obtained at awakening, at 15, 30, and 60 min after awakening, and at 12 and 8 pm. Patients experienced more recent stressful events, perceived stress and childhood trauma than controls (p < 0.001). Patients had a trend for higher diurnal cortisol levels (p=0.055), with those with less than two weeks of antipsychotics showing significantly higher cortisol levels than both patients with more than two weeks of antipsychotics (p=0.005) and controls (p=0.002). Moreover, patients showed a blunted cortisol awakening response compared with controls, irrespectively of antipsychotic treatment (p=0.049). These abnormalities in patients were not driven by the excess of stressors: diurnal cortisol levels were negatively correlated with the number of recent stressful events (r=−0.36, p=0.014), and cortisol awakening response was positively correlated with a history of sexual childhood abuse (r=0.33, p=0.033). No significant correlations were found between perceived stress or severity of symptoms and cortisol levels, either diurnal or in the awakening response. Our study shows that antipsychotics normalize diurnal cortisol hyper-secretion but not the blunted cortisol awakening response in FEP; factors other than the excess of psychosocial stress explain HPA axis abnormalities in FEP

    Metabolic switch and cytotoxic effect of metformin on Burkitt Lymphoma

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    Altered cellular energetic metabolism has recently emerged as important feature of neoplastic cells. Indeed, interfering with cancer cell metabolism might represent a suitable therapeutic strategy. In this study, we aimed to assess glucose metabolism activation in human lymphomas and evaluate how metformin can exert its action on lymphoma cells. We studied a large series of human lymphomas (N = 252) and an in vitro model of Burkitt lymphoma (BL) cells. We combined molecular biology techniques, including global gene expression profiling (GEP) analysis, quantitative PCR (qPCR) and Western blotting, and biochemical assays, aimed to assess pentose phosphate pathway, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle, and aerobic glycolysis rates. We found that glucose metabolism is overall enhanced in most lymphoma subtypes, based on gene expression profiling (GEP), with general shift to aerobic glycolysis. By contrast, normal B cells only showed an overall increase in glucose usage during germinal center transition. Interestingly, not only highly proliferating aggressive lymphomas but also indolent ones, like marginal zone lymphomas, showed the phenomenon. Consistently, genes involved in glycolysis were confirmed to be overexpressed in BL cells by qPCR. Biochemical assays showed that while aerobic glycolysis is increased, TCA cycle is reduced. Finally, we showed that metformin can induce cell death in BL cells by stressing cellular metabolism through the induction of GLUT1, PKM2, and LDHA. In conclusion, we unveiled glucose metabolism abnormalities in human lymphomas and characterized the mechanism of action of metformin in Burkitt lymphoma model

    Extracellular Signal-Regulated Kinase 5 Regulates the Malignant Phenotype of Cholangiocarcinoma Cells

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is characterized by high resistance to chemotherapy and poor prognosis. Several oncogenic pathways converge on activation of extracellular signal‐regulated kinase 5 (ERK5), whose role in CCA has not been explored. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of ERK5 in the biology of CCA. APPROACH AND RESULTS: ERK5 expression was detected in two established (HuCCT‐1 and CCLP‐1) and two primary human intrahepatic CCA cell lines (iCCA58 and iCCA60). ERK5 phosphorylation was increased in CCA cells exposed to soluble mediators. In both HuCCT‐1 and CCLP‐1 cells, ERK5 was localized in the nucleus, and exposure to fetal bovine serum (FBS) further increased the amount of nuclear ERK5. In human CCA specimens, ERK5 mRNA expression was increased in tumor cells and positively correlated with portal invasion. ERK5 protein levels were significantly associated with tumor grade. Growth, migration, and invasion of CCA cells were decreased when ERK5 was silenced using specific short hairpin RNA (shRNA). The inhibitory effects on CCA cell proliferation, migration and invasion were recapitulated by treatment with small molecule inhibitors targeting ERK5. In addition, expression of the angiogenic factors VEGF and angiopoietin 1 was reduced after ERK5 silencing. Conditioned medium from ERK5‐silenced cells had a lower ability to induce tube formation by human umbilical vein endothelial cells and to induce migration of myofibroblasts and monocytes/macrophages. In mice, subcutaneous injection of CCLP‐1 cells silenced for ERK5 resulted in less frequent tumor development and smaller size of xenografts compared with cells transfected with nontargeting shRNA. CONCLUSIONS: ERK5 is a key mediator of growth and migration of CCA cells and supports a protumorigenic crosstalk between the tumor and the microenvironment