512 research outputs found

    Investigating seasonal patterns in enteric infections: a systematic review of time series methods

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    Foodborne and waterborne gastrointestinal infections and their associated outbreaks are preventable, yet still result in significant morbidity, mortality, and revenue loss. Many enteric infections demonstrate seasonality, or annual systematic periodic fluctuations in incidence, associated with climatic and environmental factors. Public health professionals use statistical methods and time series models to describe, compare, explain, and predict seasonal patterns. However, descriptions and estimates of seasonal features, such as peak timing, depend on how researchers define seasonality for research purposes and how they apply time series methods. In this review, we outline the advantages and limitations of common methods for estimating seasonal peak timing. We provide recommendations improving reporting requirements for disease surveillance systems. Greater attention to how seasonality is defined, modeled, interpreted, and reported is necessary to promote reproducible research and strengthen proactive and targeted public health policies, intervention strategies, and preparedness plans to dampen the intensity and impacts of seasonal illnesses. © 2022 Cambridge University Press. All rights reserved

    Press in the Works of Russian Literature

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    Russian classical literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries constitutes the whole with the finest Russian journalism of the same period. Almost all famous authors started their careers by releasing their first works of literature in magazines and even in newspapers. Nevertheless, even when gaining popularity, they continued to cooperate with periodicals, offering them their masterpieces. Thus, Leo Tolstoy published his novels War and Peace and Anna Karenina in the Russkiy Vestnik [Russian Herald] magazine, while his novel Resurrection was published in Niva, the most popular Russian magazine aimed at mass reader. The writer wanted to reach as many ordinary people as possible. Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, and The Brothers Karamazov first appeared in the same Russkiy Vestnik, along with Ivan Turgenev’s novel Fathers and Sons. This list is long indeed. Russian authors actively employed material published in press in their works. Therefore, the characters of Anna Karenina passionately discussed the events highlighted by the newspapers and magazines of that time. The references to certain periodicals, their brief description made it possible to understand better the mood and to expose the nature of their characters for the readers. During Soviet times, the attitude of the characters to certain newspapers and magazines displayed the role of media in public relations and their place in the political system of the country. Finally, thanks to the media subscriptions of the characters in novels and short stories, the reader could better understand their worldview, hobbies, and dreams. The authors set themselves the task of studying the specifics of the use of references to certain media as an artistic detail in literary works. They attempt to identify the role of such details in creating the artistic character, as well as in recreating the atmosphere and ideology of the era. They also examine references to journal articles read by the characters of a literary work from the perspective of intertextuality theory, as well as the task of revealing the peculiarities of the interaction of artistic and journalistic texts in the context of the era. The authors also raise the question of the possibility of using texts of literary works as a source for the study of media history

    Prevalence of severe bronchial asthma phenotypes in the middle Urals

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    Background : to determine the prevalence of severe bronchial asthma in the Middle Urals and to phenotype patients with severe asthma for determination of the need of targeted therap

    High-voltage pulse discharge as factor of the methanogenesis initiation

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    Results of scientific research on influence of the high-voltage pulse discharge on process of bioorganic waste methane sludge fermentation in agricultural production are given in the article. Powerful infra- and ultrasonic fluctuations leading to emergence of shock waves exert strong impact on processes: disinfecting, cleanings and deflocculation of bioorganic mix, as well as on activity of various physical and chemical changes of synthesis products. Selecting the modes of high-voltage pulse processing, it is possible to provide highly productive anaerobic bacteria. At the same time "artificial selection" as a result of which weak microorganisms perish is observed, and the strong group remains. Viable species of microorganisms, having received at the order nutrient medium, as a result of destruction and death of weak microorganisms, begin to breed quickly, increasing growth of a biofilm responsible for a biogas exit. For the analysis of experimental data on development of technological process for anaerobic sludge fermentation the method of trans-resonant functional topography which provided informational content of the active environment concerning ions and free radicals arising in the course of modifying the organic substratum was used.Keywords: biogas unit, anaerobic sludge fermentation, electro technology, methanogenesis,pulse discharge, bioorganic waste, water substratum, organic fertilizers, processing, ecology

    Three Dimensional Relativistic Electromagnetic Sub-cycle Solitons

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    Three dimensional (3D) relativistic electromagnetic sub-cycle solitons were observed in 3D Particle-in-Cell simulations of an intense short laser pulse propagation in an underdense plasma. Their structure resembles that of an oscillating electric dipole with a poloidal electric field and a toroidal magnetic field that oscillate in-phase with the electron density with frequency below the Langmuir frequency. On the ion time scale the soliton undergoes a Coulomb explosion of its core, resulting in ion acceleration, and then evolves into a slowly expanding quasi-neutral cavity.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures; http://www.ile.osaka-u.ac.jp/research/TSI/Timur/soliton/index.htm

    The effectiveness of single inhaler triple therapy in patients with bronchial asthma in real clinical practice

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    Introduction. About 40% of patients with bronchial asthma on dual therapy with inhaled glucocorticosteroids and long-acting β2-agonists do not achieve asthma control.Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of triple therapy (fluticasone furoate, umeclidinium bromide, vilanterol) in a single inhaler in patients with bronchial asthma in real clinical practice.Material and methods. The study included 43 patients with bronchial asthma from municipal outpatients’ clinics in Ekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. The clinical-functional and clinical-economic efficiency of therapy was evaluated for 6 months before and after the appointment of a triple combination (fluticasone furoate, umeclidinium bromide, vilanterol) in a single inhalerResults and discussion. Of the 43 patients, 39 patients were included in the analysis. During 6 months of triple therapy in a single inhaler, the  mean ACT value increased from 13  (Q1–Q3: 12–14) to 21  points (Q1–Q3: 20–22) (p <   0.001), the  proportion of patients with uncontrolled asthma decreased from 100% initially to 15.4% at 6 months of therapy (p< 0.001). By the 6th month of therapy, all patients refused to take systemic glucocorticosteroids (p = 0.003), there was an increase in FEV1 from 73.0% (Q1–Q2: 70.0–75.0) to 82% (Q1–Q2: 80.0–86.5) (p < 0.001). The number of ambulance calls (from 0.28 ± 0.46 per 1 patient at baseline) and hospitalizations (from 0.67 ± 0.84 per 1 patient at baseline) decreased to 0 (p >< 0.001) after 6 months of treatment with the  study drug. Savings in  the management of  1  patient for  6  months on a  triple therapy in  a single inhaler amounted to 10523 rubles, and the prevented economic damage for 39 patients for 6 months of therapy is 410418 rubles. Conclusion. The triple therapy in a single inhaler made it possible to improve asthma control and respiratory function, stop taking systemic glucocorticosteroids, reduce the number of hospitalizations and emergency calls, while reducing direct costs per unit of efficiency.>< 0.001). The number of ambulance calls (from 0.28 ± 0.46 per 1 patient at baseline) and hospitalizations (from 0.67 ± 0.84 per 1 patient at baseline) decreased to 0 (p< 0.001) after 6 months of treatment with the  study drug. Savings in  the management of  1  patient for  6  months on a  triple therapy in  a single inhaler amounted to 10523 rubles, and the prevented economic damage for 39 patients for 6 months of therapy is 410418 rubles.Conclusion. The triple therapy in a single inhaler made it possible to improve asthma control and respiratory function, stop taking systemic glucocorticosteroids, reduce the number of hospitalizations and emergency calls, while reducing direct costs per unit of efficiency

    Food anaphylaxis in pediatric population of Ekaterinburg

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    Background: The number of patients suffering from food allergy is increasing worldwide and also in Russia. The growth rate certainly depends on the country region, natural landscape, ecology and cuisine features of the are

    Food allergy to nuts and fruits in children with hay fever and oral allergy syndrome in the middle Urals

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    The aim of research is to study the frequency of true sensitization to nuts and fruits in children sensitized to Bet v 1 and having oral allergy syndrome (OAS) and hay fever

    Bryophyte Diversity of Calcareous Fens in the Bashkir Cis-Urals (Republic of Bashkortostan, the Southern Urals)

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    The bryophyte diversity of base-rich fens was studied in 16 calcareous mires of the Bashkir Cis-Urals (the Southern Ural region). Thirty-seven moss species and nine liverworts were recorded in treeless communities dominated by Schoenus ferrugineus, Molinia caerulea, small sedges and mosses. The annotated species list with precise locations is provided. Most of the surveyed mires are located in the northeastern part of the Bashkir Cis-Urals, that is, in the Mesyagutovo forest-steppe bordering with the western foothills of the Southern Ural Mountains. In the plain areas of the western part of the Bashkir Cis-Urals, calcareous mires are very rare and characterized by the low number of habitat specialists. Arctic-boreo-alpine species (Cinclidium stygium,Paludella squarrosa, Palustriella decipiens, Pseudocalliergon trifarium, etc.) make up approximately 30% of the total bryophyte diversity of the surveyed fens. In the study area, these species grow in small isolated populations at the southern limit of the species range. Currently, only half of the surveyed calcareous mires are located within protected areas. It is essential to improve the protection of these unique habitats inthe study area. Keywords: calcareous mires, base-rich fens, bryophytes, the Southern Ural