9 research outputs found

    Уточнение геологического строения на основе материалов многоспектральной космической съемки Талаканского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения (Республика Саха (Якутия))

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    Материалы мультиспектральной космической съемки Земли имеют широкую область применения в геологии. Исследуемой территорией был выбран Центральный блок Талаканского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения. В ходе работы было проведено дешифрирование космического снимка, изучены структурные особенности территории с применением автоматизированного линеаментного анализа, выделены потенциальные зоны вертикальной миграции углеводородов. В результате работы было определено, что северо-восточная и центральная части блока перспективны для разбуривания новых скважин. При выполнении автоматизированного линеаментного анализа подтверждено блоковое строение месторождения, приуроченность территории к областям поднятия, северо-восточное простирание Центрального блока.Materials for multispectral satellite imagery of the Earth have a wide field of application in geology. The study area was the central block of the Talakan oil and gas condensate field. In the course of the work, the space image was decoded, the structural features of the territory were studied using automated lineament analysis, and potential zones of vertical migration of hydrocarbons were identified. As a result of the work, it was determined that the northeastern and central parts of the block are promising for drilling new wells. When performing automated lineament analysis, the block structure of the field, the confinement of the territory to the areas of uplift, and the northeastern strike of the Central Block were confirmed

    Идетификација и изолација на некои флавоноиди и фенолни киселини од Verbascum scardicolum Bornm. и Melampyrum scardicum Wettst. со некои хроматографски методи

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    Заради бројни предности, како што се видовата специфичност и едноставната детекција (особено со поновите хроматографски техники), флавоноидите се погодни како таксномски маркери. Познавањето на флавоноидниот состав овозможува хемотаксономски квалитативно да се испита евентуалното сродство помеѓу одредени растителни групи. За разлика од другите припрадници на Verbascum или Melampyrum, не постојат литературни податоци за хемискиот состав на ендемичните видови Verbascum scardicolum и Melampyrum scardicum. Со цел овие видови да се доведат во врска со други видови од истиот род, испитувани се за присуството на дваесет и еден фалвоноид и две фолни киселини. Притоа, употребена е реверзно-фазна високоефикацна течна хроматографија, а компонентите се детектирани преку споредба на ретенционите времиња и податоците од ултравиолетовата спектроскопија со соодветни податоци за стандардните примероци

    Templated deposition of porous fullerene-C-60 in the interior of siliceous sponge spicules as a biogenic microvessel

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    The unique set of mechanical properties found in rigid biological tissues, which combine high strength and stiffness with superior toughness, offer inspiration for the design of advanced functional structural materials with outstanding performance. This paper reports on the first utilization of one such biogenic material-siliceous sponge spicules, the skeletal elements of sponges (Poriphera)-as a unique naturally nanostructured template for vacuum deposition, while also reporting on the effects of the required chemical and thermal treatments for template preparation on the material's microstructure and mechanical properties. The confined space within the central channel of spicules from the sponge Euplectella acts simultaneously as a nanotemplate and as a biogenic, optically transparent, glassy microchamber for the preparation of micrometer-sized clusters of fullerene-C-60 through vacuum deposition onto the nanostructured surface. This biological material allows an unprecedented and unique microporous morphology of C-60 particles to be obtained

    The thermal decomposition of the pyridine saccharinates of Co, Ni and Cu: A correlation of the structural and the infrared data

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    In order to investigate the differences in the stability of the isomorphous pyridine saccharinates [Co(H2O)4(C5H5N)2](C7H4NO3S)2·H2O and [Ni(H2O)4(C5H5N)2[ (C7H4NO3S)2·4H2O, their thermal behavior (TG, DTG and DTA curves) from ambient temperature up to 1000°C in a static air atmosphere was studied. For comparative purposes, the thermoanalytical curves of [Cu(H2O)(C5H5N)2(C7H4NO3S)2] were recorded as well. The decomposition pathways and the stability of the compounds are interpreted in the terms of the structural data. A possible mechanism for the decomposition of the saccharinato ion/ligand in an oxidizing atmosphere is proposed. The infrared spectral characteristics of the complexes are also discussed

    Crystal structure and geometry-optimization study of 2-benzyliminiomethylene-4-nitrophenolate

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    5-Nitro-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde condenses with benzylamine to yield a Schiff base that exists in the solid state as zwitterionic form as 2-benzyliminiomethylene-4-nitrophenolate. In the crystal structure, two zwitterions are linked together as a centrosymmetric dimer by hydrogen bonds involving the iminium hydrogen atom [N···Ointramonomer=2.653(2), N···Ointradimer=2.880(2) Å]. Geometry-optimizations on the monomeric zwitterion and the isomeric hypothetical 2-benzyliminomethylene-4-nitrophenol molecule by the B3LYP/6-31++G(d,p) method imply an endothermic process [ΔH=12.4 kcal mol−1] for the transfer of the phenolic proton in the hypothetical neutral molecule to furnish the zwitterionic molecule.© Elsevie

    Kinematic and mechanical profile of the self-actuation of thermosalient crystal twins of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene: A molecular crystalline analogue of a bimetallic strip

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    A paradigm shift from hard to flexible, organic-based optoelectronics requires fast and reversible mechanical response from actuating materials that are used for conversion of heat or light into mechanical motion. As the limits in the response times of polymer-based actuating materials are reached, which are inherent to the less-than-optimal coupling between the light/heat and mechanical energy in them, a conceptually new approach to mechanical actuation is required to leapfrog the performance of organic actuators. Herein, we explore single crystals of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene (TBB) as actuating elements and establish relations between their kinematic profile and mechanical properties. Centimeter-size acicular crystals of TBB are the only naturally twinned crystals out of about a dozen known materials that exhibit the thermosalient effect - an extremely rare and visually impressive crystal locomotion. When taken over a phase transition, crystals of this material store mechanical strain and are rapidly self-actuated to sudden jumps to release the internal strain, leaping up to several centimeters. To establish the structural basis for this colossal crystal motility, we investigated the mechanical profile of the crystals from macroscale, in response to externally induced deformation under microscope, to nanoscale, by using nanoindentation. Kinematic analysis based on high-speed recordings of over 200 twinned TBB crystals exposed to directional or nondirectional heating unraveled that the crystal locomotion is a kinematically complex phenomenon that includes at least six kinematic effects. The nanoscale tests confirm the highly elastic nature, with an elastic deformation recovery (60%) that is far superior to those of molecular crystals reported earlier. This property appears to be critical for accumulation of stress required for crystal jumping. Twinned crystals of TBB exposed to moderate directional heating behave as all-organic analogue of a bimetallic strip, where the lattice misfit between the two crystal components drives reversible deformation of the crystal

    Kinematic and Mechanical Profile of the Self-Actuation of Thermosalient Crystal Twins of 1,2,4,5-Tetrabromobenzene: A Molecular Crystalline Analogue of a Bimetallic Strip

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    A paradigm shift from hard to flexible, organic-based optoelectronics requires fast and reversible mechanical response from actuating materials that are used for conversion of heat or light into mechanical motion. As the limits in the response times of polymer-based actuating materials are reached, which are inherent to the less-than-optimal coupling between the light/heat and mechanical energy in them, 1 a conceptually new approach to mechanical actuation is required to leapfrog the performance of organic actuators. Herein, we explore single crystals of 1,2,4,5-tetrabromobenzene (TBB) as actuating elements and establish relations between their kinematic profile and mechanical properties. Centimeter-size acicular crystals of TBB are the only naturally twinned crystals out of about a dozen known materials that exhibit the thermosalient effect-an extremely rare and visually impressive crystal locomotion. When taken over a phase transition, crystals of this material store mechanical strain and are rapidly self-actuated to sudden jumps to release the internal strain, leaping up to several centimeters. To establish the structural basis for this colossal crystal motility, we investigated the mechanical profile of the crystals from macroscale, in response to externally induced deformation under microscope, to nanoscale, by using nanoindentation. Kinematic analysis based on high-speed recordings of over 200 twinned TBB crystals exposed to directional or nondirectional heating unraveled that the crystal locomotion is a kinematically complex phenomenon that includes at least six kinematic effects. The nanoscale tests confirm the highly elastic nature, with an elastic deformation recovery (60%) that is far superior to those of molecular crystals reported earlier. This property appears to be critical for accumulation of stress required for crystal jumping. Twinned crystals of TBB exposed to moderate directional heating behave as all-organic analogue of a bimetallic `strip, where the lattice misfit between the two crystal components drives reveriible deformation of the crystal

    Emission Properties of oxyluciferin and Its Derivatives in Water: Revealing the Nature of the Emissive Species in Firefly Bioluminescence

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    The first systematic steady-state and time-resolved emission study of firefly oxyluciferin (emitter in firefly bioluminescence) and its analogues in aqueous buffers provided the individual emission spectra of all chemical forms of the emitter and the excited-state equilibrium constants in strongly polar environment with strong hydrogen bonding potential. The results confirmed the earlier hypothesis that excited-state proton transfer from the enol group is favored over proton transfer from the phenol group. In water, the phenol-keto form is the strongest photoacid among the isomers and its conjugate base (phenolate-keto) has the lowest emission energy (634 nm). Furthermore, for the first time we observed green emission (525 nm) from a neutral phenol-keto isomer constrained to the keto form by cyclopropyl substitution. The order of emission energies indicates that in aqueous solution a second deprotonation at the phenol group after the enol group had dissociated (that is, deprotonation of the phenol-enolate) does not occur in the first excited state. The pH-dependent emission spectra and the time-resolved fluorescence parameters revealed that the keto-enol tautomerism reaction, which can occur in a nonpolar environment (toluene) in the presence of a base, is not favored in water.status: publishe

    Crystallographic snapshots of the interplay between reactive guest and host molecules in a porous coordination polymer: Stereochemical coupling and feedback mechanism of three photoactive centers triggered by UV-induced isomerization, dimerization, and po

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    We carried out photopolymerization by [2 + 2] dimerization of a photoreactive guest molecule in the channels of a photoreactive porous coordination polymer. The photoreactions of the guest and two host ligands were monitored by single-crystal X-ray crystallography, providing snapshots of the interplay between the reactive centers. By correlating the structures of these three photocenters, a strong synergism was discovered among three reaction (quasi)equilibria and three types of photochemical reactions (isomerization, dimerization, and polymerization). This result indicates a strong coupling and feedback mechanism among the photocenters moderated by the coordination backbone. ? 2013 American Chemical Society