65 research outputs found

    Les salles obscures canadiennes : un éclairage géographique

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    Cet article propose un Ă©clairage gĂ©ographique sur la rĂ©partition des salles de cinĂ©ma au Canada, de maniĂšre Ă  faire apparaĂźtre certains Ă©lĂ©ments structurants de leur organisation spatiale. Cet Ă©clairage est fourni Ă  partir de la conception d’une base de donnĂ©es gĂ©ographiques Ă©volutive des salles de cinĂ©ma canadiennes. Cette base de donnĂ©es inclut notamment les profils sociodĂ©mographiques des quartiers d’implantation de chaque cinĂ©ma, dĂ©finis en fonction de leurs aires de services. L’analyse permet de mettre en Ă©vidence diffĂ©rentes logiques d’implantation propres aux principales chaĂźnes de cinĂ©ma tant Ă  l’échelle nationale qu’au niveau local. Alors que certaines chaĂźnes se rĂ©partissent de maniĂšre relativement uniforme dans le pays, d’autres ont une approche beaucoup plus rĂ©gionale, voire locale. En ce qui concerne les profils sociodĂ©mographiques des quartiers d’implantation, certaines chaĂźnes ont tendance Ă  privilĂ©gier leur implantation dans des quartiers Ă  hauts revenus, alors que d’autres sont beaucoup plus prĂ©sentes dans les quartiers Ă  faibles revenus. En revanche une analyse approfondie des profils sociodĂ©mographiques ne rĂ©vĂšle aucune disparitĂ© en termes d’accessibilitĂ© aux salles de cinĂ©ma.The goal of this paper is to provide a geographic perspective on the distribution patterns of cinemas in Canada and to focus on some of the features that underlie their spatial organization. This analysis is based on the development of a geographic and evolutionary database of Canadian cinema centres. Listed in the database are the sociodemographic profiles of the district locations of each movie theatre. These locations are defined in terms of their service areas. Analysis of the data illustrates the different spatial strategies of Canada’s largest cinema chains, both nationally and locally. While the spatial distribution of the cinemas of certain chains is relatively even across the country, it is more regional and local in others. Concerning the socioeconomic profiles of district locations, some chains tend to prefer high-income areas; others favour lower-income neighbourhoods. An in-depth analysis of sociodemographic profiles, on the other hand, does not reveal any significant difference in terms of cinema accessibility

    Cogentrification sociale et Ă©conomique : La colocalisation de la main-d’oeuvre et des emplois de services aux entreprises Ă  MontrĂ©al, 1996-2001

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    Plusieurs Ă©tudes se sont penchĂ©es sur l’évolution de la localisation des emplois de services aux entreprises. Une hypothĂšse qui n’a pas encore Ă©tĂ© pleinement explorĂ©e est celle selon laquelle ce secteur chercherait Ă  s’implanter Ă  proximitĂ© des quartiers rĂ©sidentiels oĂč rĂ©side sa main-d’oeuvre. Notre Ă©tude dĂ©montre qu’il semble effectivement y avoir une certaine colocalisation, mais que celle-ci affecte principalement la main-d’oeuvre rĂ©sidant Ă  proximitĂ© du centre-ville. Ici, on trouve que les nouveaux emplois de services aux entreprises tendent Ă  se localiser Ă  proximitĂ© des quartiers dĂ©jĂ  habitĂ©s par leurs employĂ©s. Ceci nous permet d’avancer l’hypothĂšse d’une cogentrification : d’abord rĂ©sidentielle, alors que certains professionnels se sont, depuis une vingtaine d’annĂ©es, rĂ©appropriĂ© des quartiers pĂ©ricentraux de MontrĂ©al. Ensuite Ă©conomique, tandis que les emplois de bureau en services aux entreprises se sont localisĂ©s vers ces mĂȘmes quartiers.Many studies are currently investigating the localization of business services jobs and its development. One hypothesis, which has been insufficiently researched to date, is that this sector tends to locate in the vicinity of residential neighbourhoods where its workforce lives. This study demonstrates that though colocalization does exist to some extent, it mainly affects workers living close to the downtown area. It has been discovered that new business services jobs tend to locate in close proximity to areas already inhabited by employees in the business services sector. We can therefore hypothesize that cogentrification is primarily residential. A number of professional workers have returned to live in Montreal’s pericentral neighbourhoods over the past twenty years. Cogentrification is also economic, insofar as business services office jobs have gravitated toward these same areas during the same period

    Carte mĂ©thodologique d’un groupe tĂ©moin

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    Comme mĂ©thode d’observation, le groupe tĂ©moin est utilisĂ© par un nombre grandissant de chercheurs, aussi bien pour le travail sur le terrain que dans des sphĂšres spĂ©cialisĂ©es. Cette mĂ©thode consiste Ă  rassembler des personnes en vue de recueillir des opinions ou des rĂ©actions sur un thĂšme particulier Ă  l’aide de questions ouvertes ou fermĂ©es. La formalisation des groupes tĂ©moins en tant que mĂ©thode en gĂ©ographie fut rĂ©alisĂ©e Ă  compter des annĂ©es 1980 Ă  la suite d’une Ă©tude sur les valeurs environnementales et les espaces publics. Les groupes tĂ©moins permettent des Ă©changes directs et s’avĂšrent une mĂ©thode particuliĂšrement intĂ©ressante pour rĂ©aliser des entrevues. Les groupes tĂ©moins tĂ©lĂ©phoniques, en particulier, font ressortir l’importance du rĂŽle de pilote que tient le modĂ©rateur.Focus groups provide a method of observation used by an increasing number of researchers in field research, specialized or otherwise. The method consists in bringing together a small group of individuals as a sample of a larger population group in order to collect opinions or reactions concerning a predetermined theme, using mainly closed questions. The formal use of focus groups in geography began in the 1980s with a study on environmental values and public spaces. The benefits derived from this flexible interviewing method depend on the moderator’s steering ability as revealed during direct exchanges between participants. The talents required of focus group moderators in their steering of the group are best identified in telephone focus groups

    Les discours ruraux, urbains et périurbains du cinéma québécois

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    Ce projet s’intĂ©resse aux reprĂ©sentations que fait le cinĂ©ma des territoires et Ă  la maniĂšre dont ces reprĂ©sentations reflĂštent des grands enjeux socio-spatiaux. L’espace cinĂ©matographique devient une clĂ© d’entrĂ©e pour l’analyse gĂ©ographique. Cette analyse porte plus particuliĂšrement sur les reprĂ©sentations que fait le cinĂ©ma quĂ©bĂ©cois contemporain des espaces urbains, ruraux et pĂ©riurbains. Les rĂ©cits et les reprĂ©sentations spatiales qui les composent se positionnent souvent sur les enjeux socio-spatiaux, produits par l’histoire nationale et les processus socioĂ©conomiques. La proposition d’analyser les reprĂ©sentations cinĂ©matographiques en lien avec le contexte socioĂ©conomique vise deux principaux objectifs conceptuels. D’une part, elle s’intĂ©resse Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension du façonnement des discours sur l’espace, en ce qui a trait Ă  leur Ă©mergence et leur nĂ©gociation. D’autre part, l’analyse vise une dĂ©finition Ă©largie des espaces ruraux, urbains et pĂ©riurbains contemporains, en rĂ©vĂ©lant la complexitĂ© et simultanĂ©ment, la simplification dont ils font l’objet, ainsi que les enjeux qui leurs sont associĂ©s. Il s’agit d’exploiter la cinĂ©matographie quĂ©bĂ©coise comme un outil d’analyse qui permet de dĂ©voiler la diversitĂ© des discours socio-spatiaux. Des approches quantitatives et qualitatives d’interprĂ©tation des discours sont jumelĂ©es pour rĂ©aliser une analyse complĂšte. La mĂ©thode retenue est l’analyse critique du discours (ACD), qui tient compte des rapports idĂ©ologiques et vise Ă  la dĂ©naturalisation du discours. En quelques mots, l’analyse consiste en l’identification de relations entre les reprĂ©sentations spatiales et le contexte socioĂ©conomique duquel elles ont Ă©mergĂ©. Le cadre opĂ©rationnel est constituĂ© d’un corpus de 50 films quĂ©bĂ©cois rĂ©alisĂ©s entre 1980-2008, « lus » Ă  l’aide d’une grille de lecture originale et analysĂ©s avec des mĂ©thodes d’analyse spatiale et statistique, combinĂ©es Ă  une interprĂ©tation qualitative. L’analyse quantitative rĂ©vĂšle que le monde urbain et le monde rural sont souvent mis en opposition. Les films font de MontrĂ©al le principal pĂŽle urbain, tandis que le reste du QuĂ©bec est associĂ© au milieu rural. InfluencĂ©es par les flux culturels et Ă©conomiques globaux, les reprĂ©sentations montrĂ©alaises suggĂšrent une ville fragmentĂ©e et continuellement en mouvement. En opposition Ă  ces reprĂ©sentations urbaines, les cinĂ©astes envisagent l’espace rural comme Ă©tant exempt de travail, axĂ© sur le chez-soi et dotĂ© d’un esprit communautaire. Il est suggĂ©rĂ© que la ville, toujours en croissance, restreint les possibilitĂ©s d’un dĂ©veloppement communautaire fort. Face Ă  une ville transformĂ©e par la globalisation et en perte d’authenticitĂ©, une forme de rĂ©gionalisme est observĂ©e. Ce dernier associe un ensemble de valeurs Ă  une communautĂ© ou Ă  un territoire, afin de se distinguer devant des forces globalisantes qui semblent homogĂ©nĂ©iser les valeurs. Pourtant, l’analyse quantitative laisse voir des contradictions au sein de chaque entitĂ© gĂ©ographique ou milieu. L’analyse qualitative permet d’approfondir l’interprĂ©tation et rĂ©vĂšle sept grands discours sur les espaces urbains et ruraux. Sont notamment identifiĂ©s des discours sur la contestation de la modernitĂ© urbaine, sur la rĂ©appropriation du milieu de vie par les citoyens et sur un espace rural parfois brutal. Cette analyse amĂšne Ă  conclure que la diversitĂ© des discours s’explique par l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des pratiques socio-spatiales, qui remettent en question l’idĂ©e d’un discours national homogĂšne. Cela tĂ©moigne de l’évolution et la nĂ©gociation des regards que nous posons sur nos espaces. Au final, cette thĂšse contribue Ă  une meilleure utilisation du matĂ©riel cinĂ©matographique comme support d’étude gĂ©ographique en proposant une approche mĂ©thodologique claire et originale. Sur un plan conceptuel, elle rappelle la complexitĂ© et le dynamisme des reprĂ©sentations territoriales quĂ©bĂ©coises, ainsi que les stratĂ©gies de nĂ©gociation des cinĂ©astes face aux enjeux socio-spatiaux vĂ©cus dans la province.Fictional narratives help identify novel perspectives regarding both socio-spatial practices and perceptions of space. By extracting geographic data out of cinematic narratives, it is possible to investigate their relationship with major socio-spatial issues. This dissertation studies the territory of Quebec through its film production. More precisely, this research examines the way in which urban, rural and suburban areas are represented through Quebecois cinema. Narratives and spatial representations express values associated with the spaces and cultural practices produced by national development. The spatial representations under study offer, therefore, important insight into socio-spatial issues that are of concern to QuĂ©bec society. The proposal to analyze cinematic representations in relation to the spatial practices has two main conceptual objectives. On the one hand, it is interested in developing a better understanding of the role of socio-spatial practices in shaping cinematographic representations. On the other hand, the analysis aims at elaborating a comprehensive definition of contemporary urban, rural and suburban areas, revealing their complexity and ongoing transformation. Thus, the goal is to deploy Quebec cinema as an analytical tool in order to identify the diversity of socio-spatial discourses. Quantitative and qualitative approaches to interpret discourses are combined for a comprehensive analysis. The chosen method is a critical discourse analysis (CDA), which takes account of ideologies and seeks the denaturalization of discourses. In a nutshell, the analysis involves the identification of relationships between observed spatial representations and the socio-economic context in which they are embedded. The empirical basis for this analysis is a corpus of 50 Quebec films produced between 1980 and 2008, analyzed by using a comprehensive reading grid. Spatial and statistical analysis as well as qualitative interpretation were used, in turn, to examine the resulting data. The quantitative analysis shows that urban and rural worlds are often set in opposition. In general, filmmakers associate urban space with Montreal, while the rest of Quebec is represented in relationship to rural spaces. Dominant representations of Montreal suggest a fragmented city, constantly in motion, and deeply influenced by global cultural and economic flows. In contrast to these globalizing urban representations, filmmakers propose rural areas free from work, focused on private space and community spirit. Accordingly, cinematographic discourses imply that ever increasing urbanization undermines community development. In light of this presumed loss of community, certain films mobilize the development of local identity. The latter links a set of values to a community or a territory in order to distinguish itself from the presumably homogenizing impact of globalization. Despite the presence of these overarching narratives, the quantitative analysis also reveals deep contradictions within each kind of territory. The qualitative analysis allows for further interpretation, revealing seven distinct territorial discourses in the films under study. These discourses challenge a fragmented view of the city, encouraging at times the reappropriation of the urban environment by citizens. Rural territories, on the other hand, are represented as violence and crisis-prone, while one can also obverse the emergence of discourses surrounding suburban areas. One is led to conclude that the diversity of discourses reflects a heterogeneity of socio-spatial practices, which in turn challenges the idea of one dominant discourse. This fine-grained analysis highlights a series of social negotiations that underpin the contemporary transformation of Quebec. Ultimately, this thesis contributes to a better use of film as a support material for geographic analysis, by offering a clear and original methodological approach. At a conceptual level, it demonstrates the complexity and dynamism of QuĂ©bec territorial representations, as well as the legitimization strategies used by filmmakers to address the socio-spatial issues experienced in the province

    Aging all over the place : a multidisciplinary framework, that considers place and life trajectories of older adults within their communities

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    Abstract : Purpose This conceptual paper describes Aging All Over the Place (AAOP), a federative framework for action, research and policy that considers older adults’ diverse experiences of place and life trajectories, along with person-centered care. Design/methodology/approach The framework was developed through group discussions, followed by an appraisal of aging models and validation during workshops with experts, including older adults. Findings Every residential setting and location where older adults go should be considered a ‘place’, flexible and adaptable enough so that aging in place becomes aging all over the place. Healthcare professionals, policymakers and researchers are encouraged to collaborate around four axes: 1) biopsychosocial health and empowerment; 2) welcoming, caring, mobilized, and supportive community; 3) spatiotemporal life and care trajectories; and 4) out-of-home care and services. When consulted, a Seniors Committee showed appreciation for flexible person-centered care, recognition of life transitions and care trajectories, and meaningfulness of the name. Originality Building on the introduction of an ecological experience of aging, AAOP broadens the concept of care as well as the political and research agenda by greater integration of community and clinical actions. AAOP also endeavors to avoid patronizing older adults and engage society in strengthening circles of benevolence surrounding older adults, regardless of their residential setting. AAOP’s applicability is evidenced by existing projects that shared its approach. Social implications Population aging and the pandemic call for intersectoral actions and for stakeholders beyond healthcare to act as community leaders. AAOP proposes opportunities to connect environmental determinants of health and person-centered care

    Scoping study of definitions and instruments measuring vulnerability in older adults

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    Abstract: It is important to foster social participation and health equity especially for older adults in situations of vulnerability Despite growing interest in the concept of vulnerability there is no consensus regarding how to define or measure it This paper provides an inventory and synthesis of definitions and instruments measuring vulnerability in older adults Using a scoping study framework eight databases Abstracts in Social Gerontology Academic Search Complete AgeLine CINAHL MEDLINE SocINDEX PsycInfo Scopus were searched with relevant keywords Vulnerab AND Concept Defin Meaning Terminology Measurement Assessment Indicator Instrument Scale Questionnaire OR Test AND Aging Ageing Elder Gerontolog Older OR Senior Thirty-one original definitions and five measurement instruments were identified content-analyzed and compared Vulnerability definitions mostly focused on people under conditions that increased their risk of being harmed because of individual physical factors or the social environment Considering these definitions experts in the field of aging including two representing older adults took part in a workshop and a consensus was reached to define a situation of vulnerability as a set of circumstances in which one or more individuals experience at a specific moment in time one or multiple physiological psychological socioeconomic or social difficulties that may interact to increase their risk of being harmed or having coping problems that lead to negative consequences on their life Although none of the measures fully targeted this definition the Perceived Vulnerability Scale PVS was judged best at operationalizing the concept with 22 items considering feelings of vulnerability toward personal and environmental factors it also has good psychometric properties The proposed definition and the PVS help to provide a common language and measure in health and social sciences research policy and practice identifying and reaching older adults in situations of vulnerability and intervening to foster social participation and health equity
