74 research outputs found

    A struggle for Austrian minds?

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    Die Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit Ursprung und Formierung der US-amerikanischen Reorientierungs-Konzepte fĂŒr eine Nachkriegsdemokratisierung und deren Umsetzung nach 1945, dargestellt anhand von Fallbeispielen im Bereich des universitĂ€r-akademischen Wiederaufbaus in Österreich in den Jahren 1945-1955. Auf Basis umfangreichen PrimĂ€rquellenmaterials werden die VerĂ€nderungen und Konkretisierungen der US-Reorientierung, beginnend in den Kriegsjahren bis zu den US-Propagandastrategien zur Zeit des ausbrechenden Kalten Krieges, dargestellt und analysiert. Die zivilgesellschaftliche Intention der US-Reorientierung, durch „geistige AbrĂŒstung“ und langfristige DemokratiÂŹsierungsÂŹmaßnahmen zu einer nachhaltigen Friedensicherung beizutragen, verengte sich nach Kriegsende unter dem pragma-tischen Blickwinkel militĂ€rischer Besatzungsaufgaben zunĂ€chst auf ein schmales Kontrollrepertoire kultur-, bildungs- und wissenschaftspolitischer Aufgaben, bis die US-Reorientierung schließlich vollends zum Instrument des Kalten Krieges wurde. Das edukative Experiment einer mentalen gesellschaftlichen Umorientierung wurde so selbst in seinem Kernbereich, der vollstĂ€ndigen EntnaziÂŹfizierung, nur ĂŒberaus eingeschrĂ€nkt wirksam. Im Windschatten der wissenschaftspolitischen „non-inter-ference-policy“ der US-MilitĂ€rverwaltung in Österreich vollzog sich der universitĂ€r-akademische WiederÂŹaufbau weit gehend ohne alliierte Kontrolle und Supervision in restaurativen Bahnen.The thesis discusses the origins and the formation of U.S. reorientation strategies for post-war democratization and its implementation in the aftermath of World War II, exemplified by case studies of university and academic reconstruction in Austria in the years from 1945 to 1955. Based on extensive primary sources, the study illustrates and analyzes both the changes and the specific implementations of U.S. reorientation strategies, starting with the war years and continuing up to U.S. propaganda strategies at the outbreak of the Cold War and its subsequent ramifications of post-war-democratization. After the end of World War II, the initial civil intent of U.S. reorientation was to foster a sustainable peacebuilding process by means of intellectual disarmament and a set of long-term democratization measures. Due to the pragmatic approach of the military occupation, the focus of reorientation narrowed first to the limited repertoire of educational and academic policy before ultimately becoming a propaganda instrument of the Cold War. Even in its core area, complete denazification, the educational experiment of mentally reorienting society had only a very limited effect. In the wake of the U.S. military authority’s policy of non-interference in academic policy in Austria from 1945-1955, the university and the academic system was to a great extent restored rather than reconstructed with hardly any control or supervision by the Allied Forces

    Library buildings around the world

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    "Library Buildings around the World" is a survey based on researches of several years. The objective was to gather library buildings on an international level starting with 1990

    Den SĂŒden erzĂ€hlen

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    Die direkte koloniale MachtausĂŒbung der europĂ€ischen Staaten endete zumeist wĂ€hrend der drei Dekaden nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg – zunĂ€chst in Asien und dem Nahen Osten, danach in Afrika und der Karibik. Dieses Buch untersucht, wie in der 1948 gegrĂŒndeten Organisation fĂŒr europĂ€ische wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (OEEC, ab 1961 Organisation fĂŒr wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, OECD) der Prozess der Dekolonisierung gedeutet und beeinflusst wurde. Das Ende der imperialen Weltordnung verunsicherte das Reden ĂŒber eine «europĂ€ische» beziehungsweise «westliche» Gemeinschaft nachhaltig. In diesem Kontext wirkte die OECD als Ort der westlichen Selbstvergewisserung und Sinnstiftung. Die Autorin analysiert die Entstehung mehrerer Studien der Organisation in den Jahren 1948–1975. Sie macht sichtbar, wie Relevanz und autoritative Geltung westlicher Expertise konstruiert wurden und wie sich dieses Wissen zu ErzĂ€hlungen ĂŒber den SĂŒden verdichtete

    Den SĂŒden erzĂ€hlen

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    Taxonomy, Natural History, and Ecology of Selected Herpetofaunal Species from the Sunda Islands and Adjacent Regions – Synergistic Effects of Fieldwork and Museum Collections for Biodiversity Research

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    In this cumulative thesis (papers 1–13) I investigated the taxonomy, natural history, and ecology of selected species of amphibians and reptiles from the Sunda Islands and adjacent regions, and highlighted the importance of natural history collections for biodiversity research. Several Sundaic species provided unexpected challenges, primarily because of significant problems stemming from their taxonomic history. Only the synergy of fieldwork and collection-based studies, allowed me to resolve some of these issues, as outlined below. Herpetological surveys in all districts of Timor-Leste (except the Oecusse exclave), including its offshore islands, contributed towards a comprehensive inventory of the amphibians and reptiles of this country at the southern border of the Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot. New distribution records of amphibians and reptiles for 11 of the country’s 12 contiguous districts, along with natural history data were presented. Results of the survey work increased the number of amphibian and reptile species known to occur in Timor-Leste to > 60, including > 20 candidate species. Many of the recorded species appear to be endemic to Timor Island, including the frog Kaloula sp. nov., several bent-toed gecko species of the genus Cyrtodactylus, and the agamid Draco timoriensis. Notable reptile discoveries included at least seven undescribed Cyrtodactylus species, a genus previously not recorded from Timor, the first records of the gecko Hemidactylus garnotii and of the gecko genus Hemiphyllodactylus for Timor-Leste, and several undescribed skinks (chapter 4, papers 1 & 2). Revisions of the genus Cyrtodactylus, and the skink genus Eremiascincus on Timor and adjacent islands, including the description of new species, are currently in preparation together with colleagues from the USA and the UK. A revision of Timorese Cyrtodactylus is not possible without resolving the tangled taxonomy of some extralimital species. The taxonomy of selected non-Timorese Cyrtodactylus geckos was investigated accordingly, in three papers (chapter 5, papers 3–5). A new species of Cyrtodactylus, originally catalogued as C. fumosus in the herpetological collection of the Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt, Germany, was described from Klakah, Lumajang Regency, Jawa Timur Province, Indonesia. The new species differs from all other congeners by a combination of seven characters (paper 3). The Cyrtodactylus fauna of Java had been underestimated for centuries with four out of the five endemic species described as late as during the 2000s. Cyrtodactylus fumosus, hitherto considered widespread in the Sunda Archipelago, including the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, and Halmahera, was redescribed and confirmed to possess a precloacal groove in males. Examination of the type specimen and additional vouchers from Rurukan and Mount Masarang, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, revealed that this population was distinct from other forms heretofore called ‘fumosus’ by a combination of unique morphological characters. Cyrtodactylus fumosus was identified as the most distinctive species among the six bent-toed geckos recorded from Sulawesi, differing from Sulawesi congeners by four striking characters (paper 5). Since there was also much taxonomic confusion of C. fumosus with C. marmoratus, the type series of the latter taxon was described for the first time. I was able to demonstrate that the type series actually comprises two sets of specimens, and that examination of specimens from only one set or the other was responsible for some confusion surrounding these vouchers. Owing to the inconsistent naming and application of terms for some key characters (e.g., groove, sulcus, pit, hollow, depression) used in the diagnoses of Cyrtodactylus species, a set of novel and useful definitions was proposed. A comparative table for the bent-toad geckos of the Sunda Islands and Sulawesi was provided for the first time (paper 4). Cyrtodactylus throughout the Lesser Sundas, the Moluccas, and Sulawesi will be further investigated in future studies. Several museum vouchers will be described as new species. The discovery of snakes of the genus Cylindrophis in Timor-Leste led to an investigation of the taxon C. ruffus, which is widely distributed in Maritime Southeast Asia. A new species of Cylindrophis, originally catalogued as C. ruffus in the herpetological collections of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden, The Netherlands and the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Austria, was described from Grabag, Purworejo Regency, Jawa Tengah Province, Java, Indonesia. The new species can be distinguished from all congeners by several, distinct morphological features. A detailed account of the tangled taxonomic history of the similar and only putatively wide-ranging C. ruffus was provided, Scytale scheuchzeri (name referring to a colubroid taxon) was removed from the synonymy of C. ruffus, C. rufa var. javanica (a taxon originally described from Borneo) was listed as species inquirenda, and the recently described C. mirzae was synonymized with C. ruffus. Evidence was provided that the type locality of C. ruffus is Java. The discovery of C. subocularis and the bent-toed gecko Cyrtodacytlus klakahensis on Java highlights how little we know about the diversity of an island, on which herpetological research in Indonesia began two centuries ago (paper 6). The systematic relationships within Cylindrophis are being investigated in an ongoing study utilizing both molecular and morphological methods. Based on specimens discovered in the collection of The Natural History Museum, London, UK, a new distribution record for the skink Sphenomorphus oligolepis was made for Seram Island, Maluku Province, Indonesia. The find constituted the westernmost record for this species and extended the distribution of this Papuan lizard well into Wallacea (paper 7). The Asian toad, Duttaphrynus melanostictus, which was recently introduced to Madagascar (paper 8), is the main research focus of chapter 6. During field work in Timor-Leste, an Asian toad that had consumed a brahminy blindsnake, Indotyphlops braminus, was discovered. This indicated that indiscriminate foraging by this recently introduced toad species could endanger small vertebrates (paper 9). Timor shows an exceptionally high level of endemism in a wide range of faunal groups, and concerns that D. melanostictus may have a negative impact on this diversity, including vertebrates, through direct predation, had been raised by scientists. To evaluate the potential impact the feeding by D. melanostictus might have on the local fauna, gut contents of > 80 preserved toad specimens from five habitat types in Timor-Leste were examined and almost 6000 prey items identified. All prey items were invertebrates, with small eusocial insects comprising the major component of the diet. The wide prey spectrum demonstrated that D. melanostictus is a generalist invertebrate feeder. Although the Asian toad seems to not generally prey on vertebrates, vertebrate species that are morphologically similar to invertebrates in their overall appearance (worm-like gestalt) may be consumed. Data on intestinal parasites occuring in D. melanostictus were presented alongside the food spectrum analysis (paper 11). Whereas information on the diet and internal parasites of anurans based on internal examinations have been published by numerous researchers, details of the incision method used to open the abdominal cavity of preserved specimens are rarely explained. An optimal incision into the pleuroperitoneal cavity of liquid-preserved anuran specimens to gain access to and permit easy removal of parts of the digestive tract in preparation for food spectrum analyses was formally proposed. This U-shaped cut is easy to perform and teach, and it has already been adopted in lab manuals. It provides better access to the pleuroperitoneal cavity than a small ventrolateral incision, and is less destructive than the classic textbook medial “double T-incision” routinely listed in dissection protocols. This new method may encourage other researchers to use preserved anurans for the purpose of food spectrum analyses and other examinations of internal morphology (paper 10). An instance of captive breeding in a species of Timorese night skink (genus Eremiascincus) was reported, and the taxon demonstrated to be viviparous. A summary of information pertaining to the reproductive biology of other members of the genus Eremiascincus was provided (paper 12). Increased knowledge on the reproductive biology of Eremiascincus taxa will contribute to revisions of the group carried out by morphological and molecular analyses. The type of the skink Anomalopus leuckartii was rediscovered in the herpetological collection of the Museum fĂŒr Tierkunde, Dresden, Germany, together with other specimens from the original collection of Karl Georg Friedrich Rudolf Leuckart, who was one of zoology’s leading scientists during the second half of the 19th century and the founder of modern parasitology. This rediscovery serves as an excellent example to highlight the importance of maintaining natural history collections, not merely as static archives but rather as valuable dynamic and lively databases. This, in combination with optimal taxonomic expertise as a bedrock, guarantees an environment, in which new discoveries, like the ones presented in this dissertation, are actively promoted, thereby inevitably advancing modern biodiversity research (paper 13). In a general conclusions section (chapter 8), the effects resulting from the combination and coordination of field work and collection-based studies are elaborated and illustrated in a diagram. The value of the studies presented in this thesis is primarily derived from specific interactions, synergistic effects, and an iterative process that connects them. Finally, the benefit for decision-makers dealing with conservation and species management is assessed

    Die US-amerikanische First Lady und die Inszenierung der PrÀsidentenehe in den WahlkÀmpfen 1964 - 1996

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    Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen LĂ€ndern findet in den USA kein Wahlkampf ohne die stete PrĂ€senz der Familie der Kandidaten statt. Insbesondere die Ehefrau darf nie an seiner Seite fehlen, lĂ€chelt von Wahlplakaten, backt PlĂ€tzchen um die Wette und gibt intime Details aus dem Familienleben preis. Die Dissertation erklĂ€rte diese - fĂŒr Nicht-Amerikaner erstaunliche - Instrumentalisierung der Familie und die Faszination der Öffentlichkeit fĂŒr das Privatleben des PrĂ€sidenten. Nach einer historischen Rekonstruktion der Rolle der PrĂ€sidentenfrauen in den WahlkĂ€mpfen 1964 bis 1996, die auf internen Strategiepapieren aus dem Weißen Haus basiert (Teil B), werden im systematischen und theoretisch unterfĂŒtterten Teil C, der sich auf politik- und sozialwissenschaftliche AnsĂ€tze stĂŒtzt, ErklĂ€rungen auf vier Analyseebenen (Politisches System, Politische Kultur, Struktur des Mediensystems, journalistische Kultur) geboten. Damit erlĂ€utert die Autorin nicht nur die OmniprĂ€senz von First Ladys w! ie Hillary Clinton, sondern fĂŒhrt dem europĂ€ischen Beobachter einige Besonderheiten der politischen Kultur der USA vor Augen und bietet Einsichten in den amerikanischen Sonderweg in der modernen Mediendemokratie

    Die BekÀmpfung der Adipositas in den USA

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    Mehr als zwei Drittel der US-Amerikaner gelten gegenwĂ€rtig als ĂŒbergewichtig; ein Drittel der amerikanischen Bevölkerung ist gar so ĂŒbergewichtig, dass es als adipös bzw. fettleibig eingestuft werden muss. Das Thema „obesity“ beherrscht seit einem halben Jahrzehnt die Medien und wird auf zunehmend polemische Art und Weise diskutiert. Insbesondere der Einfluss der Fastfood-Industrie auf die Adipositas-Genese ist umstritten. Über deren Verantwortung wird sowohl in populĂ€ren als auch in wissenschaftlichen Diskursen spekuliert. Akribisch dokumentiertes Faktum ist, dass Nahrung im modernen Amerika ubiquitĂ€r und im Überfluss vorhanden ist. Der BĂŒrger steht als Omnivore vor der Qual der Wahl. Die Arbeit „Die BekĂ€mpfung der Adipositas in den USA“ widmet sich dem Ausmaß und den möglichen Ursachen der Adipositas in den USA sowie Strategien des individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Umgangs damit

    Cyber Threats and NATO 2030: Horizon Scanning and Analysis

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    The book includes 13 chapters that look ahead to how NATO can best address the cyber threats, as well as opportunities and challenges from emerging and disruptive technologies in the cyber domain over the next decade. The present volume addresses these conceptual and practical requirements and contributes constructively to the NATO 2030 discussions. The book is arranged in five short parts...All the chapters in this book have undergone double-blind peer review by at least two external experts.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/asbook/1038/thumbnail.jp

    Deakzession von SammlungsgegenstÀnden durch Museen

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    Deakzession ist die dauerhafte Entfernung eines Gegenstandes aus einer bestehenden Sammlung. Dieses in der Rechtswissenschaft bislang nahezu unerforschte Gebiet gewinnt vor dem Hintergrund leerer Haushaltskassen und ĂŒberquellender Depots zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der rechtlichen ZulĂ€ssigkeit der Deakzession von SammlungsgegenstĂ€nden durch Museen. Hierbei wird zunĂ€chst eine Betrachtung vorgenommen, wie in den USA und Großbritannien mit diesem Thema umgegangen wird, welche EinschrĂ€nkungen durch die jeweilige Rechtsordnung vorgegeben werden und mit welchen praktischen Problemen sich Museen in diesen LĂ€ndern konfrontiert sehen. Vor diesem Hintergrund gilt es zu untersuchen, welche Argumente generell fĂŒr und gegen die ZulĂ€ssigkeit von Deakzession als Instrument des Sammlungsmanagements sprechen und welchem Verwendungszweck Deakzessionserlöse zugefĂŒhrt werden können. Es wird die Frage beantwortet, welche rechtlichen Grundlagen und Schranken das deutsche Recht fĂŒr die Deakzession durch hiesige Museen in öffentlich-rechtlicher und privatrechtlicher TrĂ€gerschaft bereithĂ€lt und wie de lege ferenda auftretenden Problemen begegnet werden könnte. Abschließend wird untersucht, ob und inwieweit die US-amerikanische oder die britische Deakzessionspraxis eine Vorbildfunktion fĂŒr Deutschland haben kann

    Staat als Gemeinschaft (nur) der Freien - Untersuchung ĂŒber komplementĂ€re Wirkungen von US-Masseninhaftierungsregime und Liberal Market Economy

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    Die sich in den USA seit Ronald Reagan vollziehende neoliberale Wende bringt Stresserfahrungen fĂŒr Arbeitnehmer, LegitimitĂ€tsdefizite und InstabilitĂ€ten des polit-ökonomischen Systems mit sich. Diese werden durch den zeitgleich eröffneten war on drugs and organized crime und die damit einhergehende Masseninhaftierung von welthistorischem Ausmaß kompensiert
