441 research outputs found

    L’espace hospitalier comme révélateur des pratiques professionnelles au sein des services de soin

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    Les résultats que nous exposons dans cet article font suite aux travaux menés lors d’une thèse portant sur les représentations de l’espace architectural hospitalier et la communication entre les acteurs du projet. Notre étude visait à comprendre les effets du déménagement de services hospitaliers sur les soignants et leurs représentations mentales de l’espace de travail. Elle nous a permis d’apprécier les effets du regroupement de lieux initialement dispersés et ceux de la segmentation de locaux initialement partagés sur les relations interindividuelles, l’exercice professionnel et les modalités d’appropriation de l’espace. L’étude révèle également comment l’espace traduit l’existence d’une hiérarchie hospitalière.The deductions that we expose in this article are the continuation of a doctorate study based on the representations of architectural space in hospitals and the communication between the different actors within this context. The study aimed to understand the effects of relocating different services within hospitals, and the reaction and mental representations created by nursing staff due to their new work space. This study has resulted in a belter appreciation of the effects in bringing together various work spaces that were orinally dispersed, and the segmentation of others that were originally shared due to relations between staff, professional needs and the modalities associated with the appropriation of space. The study also revealed how the occupation of space can translate the hierarcy

    Optimisation Mechanisms for MPICH/Madeleine

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    This report presents optimisations mechanisms within MPICH/Madeleine , the implementation of MPICH over Madeleine. These mechanisms aim to decrease the communication time of derived datatypes for which data is stored in noncontiguous memory areas. The report presents the mechanisms as well as some performance evaluation

    MPICH/Madeleine Installer's, User's and Developer's Guide

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    MPICH/Madeleine is a new free implementation of the MPI standard based on the MPICH implementation and the multi-protocol communication library called Madeleine. It aims to efficiently exploit clusters of clusters with heterogeneous networks. This manual presents an installer's, user's and developer's guide for MPICH/ Madeleine. The latest version of this document is available from the following URL: http://runtime.futurs.inria.fr/mpi/manual/

    Quality of Life in rural and urban populations in Lebanon using SF-36 Health Survey

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    BACKGROUND: Measuring health status in a population is important for the evaluation of interventions and the prediction of health and social care needs. Quality of life (QoL) studies are an essential complement to medical evaluation but most of the tools available in this area are in English. In order to evaluated QoL in rural and urban areas in Lebanon, the short form 36 health survey (SF-36) was adapted into Arabic. METHODS: SF-36 was administered in a cross-sectional study, to collect sociodemographic and environmental variables as well as self reported morbidity. We analysed a representative sample containing 1632 subjects, from whom we randomly picked 524 subjects aged 14 years and over. The translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the SF-36 followed the International Quality of Life Assessment methodology. Multivariate analysis (generalized linear model) was performed to test the effect of habitat (rural on urban areas) on all domains of the SF-36. RESULTS: The rate of missing data is very low (0.23% of items). Item level validation supported the assumptions underlying Likert scoring. SF-36 scale scores showed wide variability and acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha >0.70), factor analysis yielded patterns of factor correlation comparable to that found in the U.S.A and France. Patients resident in rural areas had higher vitality scores than those in urban areas. Older people reported more satisfaction with some domains of life than younger people, except for physical functioning. The QoL of women is poorer than men; certain symptoms and morbidity independently influence the domains of SF-36 in this population. CONCLUSION: The results support the validity of the SF-36 Arabic version. Habitat has a minor influence on QoL, women had a poor QoL, and health problems had differential impact on QoL

    Prévention des difficultés d’apprentissage en lecture chez les enseignants de maternelle

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    Cet article décrit une démarche collaborative de développement professionnel relatif à la prévention des difficultés d’apprentissage en lecture dans des maternelles de milieux socioéconomiques faibles, ainsi que des retombées chez les enseignants et les élèves. Cette démarche consiste en l’implantation d’un programme de prévention des difficultés en lecture, intégrant le meilleur des approches globale et phonique. L’analyse des résultats montre que la démarche de développement professionnel a donné des retombées significatives chez les enseignants ; ceux-ci parlent de pratiques qui témoignent d’une plus grande importance accordée à la connaissance des lettres et aux habiletés métaphonologiques. De plus, cette démarche des enseignants a eu un effet positif sur la connaissance des lettres et la motivation des élèves du groupe expérimental.This article describes a collaborative approach to professional development related to the prevention of reading difficulties in low socio-economic Kindergartens, as well as the impact on both teachers and students. This approach includes the implementation of a program to prevent reading difficulties that integrates both global and phonetic teaching approaches. An analysis of the results shows that this process of professional development had a significant impact on teachers: their descriptions of teaching practices show the importance placed on letter knowledge and meta-phonological abilities. As well, this approach had a positive impact on letter knowledge and motivation for children in the experimental group.Este artículo describe un proceso cooperativo de desarrollo profesional relativo a la prevención de las dificultades de aprendizaje en lectura en clases de preescolares de medio socioeconómico bajo, así como las repercusiones en los docentes y los alumnos. Este proceso consiste en la implantación de un programa de prevención de las dificultades en lectura, integrando lo mejor de los enfoques global y fónico. El análisis de los resultados demuestra que el proceso de desarrollo profesional tuvo repercusiones significativas en los docentes; los cuales hablan de prácticas que demuestran que se otorga una importancia más grande al conocimiento de las letras y a las habilidades metafonológicas. Además, se ha observado que este proceso, por parte de los docentes, tuvo un efecto positivo en el conocimiento de las letras y la motivación de los alumnos del grupo experimental

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    National audienc

    The GEOVIDE cruise in May-June 2014 reveals an intense Meridional Overturning Circulation over a cold and fresh subpolar North Atlantic

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    The GEOVIDE cruise was carried out in the subpolar North Atlantic (SPNA) along the OVIDE section and across the Labrador Sea in May-June 2014. It was planned to clarify the distribution of the trace elements and their isotopes in the SPNA as part of the GEOTRACES international program. This paper focuses on the state of the circulation and distribution of thermohaline properties during the cruise. In terms of circulation, the comparison with the 2002-2012 mean state shows a more intense Irminger Current and also a weaker North Atlantic Current, with a transfer of volume transport from its northern to its central branch. However, those anomalies are compatible with the variability already observed along the OVIDE section in the 2000s. In terms of properties, the surface waters of the eastern SPNA were much colder and fresher than the averages over 2002-2012. In spite of negative temperature anomalies in the surface waters, the heat transport across the OVIDE section estimated at 0.56±0.06PW was the largest measured since 2002. This relatively large value is related to the relatively strong Meridional Overturning Circulation measured across the OVIDE section during GEOVIDE (18.7±3.0Sv). By analyzing the air-sea heat and freshwater fluxes over the eastern SPNA in relation to the heat and freshwater content changes observed during 2013 and 2014, we concluded that on a short timescale these changes were mainly driven by air-sea heat and freshwater fluxes rather than by ocean circulation
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