345 research outputs found

    Exploração do efeito de crowding ao perto

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    Objetivo: O crowding é um fenómeno que acontece nas diferentes situações no nosso dia-a-dia. Apesar de muito explorado na visão de longe, pouco se conhece do seu efeito produzido na visão de perto. Como tal, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a existência ou não do fenómeno a uma distância de 40 cm numa faixa etária jovem (dos 18 aos 30 anos). Procedimentos: Avaliaram-se 18 jovens (9 homens e 9 mulheres), todos estudantes da Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI), com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e os 30 anos (média de idades: 22,77 ± 3,25 anos). O protocolo de trabalho incluiu a medida da Acuidade Visual (AV) simples e a AV de crowding com distratores em forma de barras (|) e em forma de C´s, com diferentes espaçamentos entre o estímulo alvo e os estímulos distratores, perfazendo um total de 8 medidas de Acuidade Visual de crowding. Todos os participantes foram sujeitos a um exame optométrico que incluiu a avaliação do estado refrativo, binocularidade e acomodação. Só foram incluídos no trabalho voluntários com visão binocular normal. Resultados: Os resultados revelam que as cartas de acuidade visual produzidas para este estudo são repetíveis . Na comparação entre a AV simples e as diversas AV de crowding (cartas de AV com diferentes distratores e com diferentes espaçamentos), encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a acuidade visual simples e as acuidades visuais de crowding, sugerindo que a visualização dos estímulos sem distratores é mais fácil. Conclusão: A população estudada indica-nos que à partida existe crowding ao perto e que quanto menor é o espaçamento entre o estímulo alvo e o distrator, menor é a acuidade visual de crowding, ou seja, o índice de crowding é maior. Verificou-se também que as cartas de AV produzidas para este estudo são repetíveis, pois não revelaram diferenças quando aplicadas com uma semana de diferença e em voluntários diferentes. O presente estudo sugere que o fenómeno de crowding é mais significativo na visão perto do que na visão de longe.Purpose: Crowding is phenomenon that occurs in different situations in our day-to-day. However, despite much explored in the far vision, little is known about its effect produced in the near vision. As such, the present work aims to evaluate the existence of the phenomenon at a distance of 40 cm in a young age group (from 18 to 30 years). Procedures: It was evaluated 18 young people (9 men and 9 women), all students of the University of Beira Interior (UBI), aged between 18 and 30 years (mean age: 22,77 ± 3,25 years). The working protocol included the measurements of the simple Visual Acuity (VA) and of the crowded VA with distractors in the form of bars (|) and in the form of C‟s, with different distances between the target stimulus and the distractor stimuli, making a total of 8 measures of the crowded Visual Acuity. All participants were subject to an optometric examination which includes the evaluation of the refractive state, binocularity and accommodation. Only volunteers with normal vision were included in the study. Results: The results show that the visual acuity cards produced for this study are repeatable . When comparing the simple VA with the several crowded VA (VA cards with different distractors and with different spacings), we found statistically significant differences between the simple visual acuity and the crowded visual acuities, suggesting that the visualization of the stimuli without distractors is easier. Findings: The population studied indicates to us that in principle there exists near crowding and that the lower is the spacing between the target stimulus and the distractor, the lower is the crowded visual acuity, that is, the crowding index is higher. It was also confirmed that the visual acuity cards produced for this study are repeatable because no differences were revealed when applied with one week of spacing and in different volunteers. The present study suggests that the phenomenon is more significant in the near vision than in the far vision

    Análisis de las brechas competitivas en las PYMES de la industria manufacturera del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito subsector CIIU C14: fabricación de prendas de vestir.

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    El sector de la Industria es el eje central para el desarrollo económico y social del país, éste cumple un rol importante en generar empleo, en innovación tecnológica, en el desarrollo de diferentes actividades, en la capacidad de flexibilidad y en la adaptación a cambios

    CRECIMIENTO COMPENSATORIO DE CACHAMOTO (Colossoma macropomum x Piaractus brachypomus)

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    Para mantener alevines disponibles en un segundo ciclo de cultivo, se aplicó la facultad que poseen los peces para soportar periodos de tiempo bajo restricción de alimento y el crecimiento que experimentan al ser realimentados, Se adquirieron 15.000 alevines híbridos de la especie cachama (Colossoma macropomum X Piaractus brachypomus), con un peso y una  talla promedio de 2 g y 4 cm respectivamente y se colocaron en una laguna de tierra de 3.672 m2 donde se mantuvieron por espacio de 363 días sin suministro de alimento concentrado. Transcurrido este tiempo, se seleccionaron al azar 9.000 alevines, con pesos promedios de 25 g y se distribuyeron equitativamente en tres lagunas de tierra de 3.672 m2 c/u resultando una densidad promedio de 0,82 pez/m2. La alimentación inicial consistió en un concentrado comercial con 28 % y final de 24% de proteína. Se evaluaron variables de producción como talla, peso, tasa de crecimiento absoluta, ganancia de peso y conversión alimenticia. Las variables fisicoquímicas del agua fueron  monitoreadas durante las evaluaciones. Después de 180 días de cultivo, se obtuvo un peso promedio final 771,67±95,69 (g); un crecimiento absoluto (g.día-1) 4,99±2,04, una ganancia de peso (g) de 746,67 y una tasa de conversión alimenticia (TCA) de 1,20±0,10. Mantener un stock de alevines bajo esta estrategia, asegura su disponibilidad en cualquier momento para su respectivo engorde, duplicando la oferta de este híbrido por año, sin afectar su desempeño en los aspectos productivos estudiados

    Coronavirus Outbreaks: Literature Review

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    Coronaviruses are observed in birds and mammals and can be transmitted to humans, leading to outbreaks and pandemics. Among the most recent ones are SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and COVID 19. Thus, the objective was to describe a discussion about coronaviruses, with an emphasis on Sars-Cov-2. From the data collected, it can be seen that the current pandemic has had impacts on public health and socioeconomic life in more than 170 countries worldwide, to date, with tens of millions of people infected and hundreds of thousands of deaths. In this regard, prevention actions must be intensified, especially among the most vulnerable patients (the elderly and those with comorbidities that affect immunity). In addition, new studies should be carried out so that vaccines and antivirals can be implemented for application to COVID-19

    El Programa Madre Canguro de Yopal, Colombia: una oportunidad de seguimiento del niño prematuro

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    Objetivo En Colombia, la incidencia de prematurez y bajo peso al nacer (BPN) es del 12,8%. El objetivo del estudio fue describir el seguimiento estandarizado hasta 12 meses de 1 138 prematuros y/o BPN, atendidos en el Programa Madre Canguro (PMC) de Yopal durante 2014 y 2015.Materiales y Métodos Estudio de cohorte prospectiva.Resultados Los pacientes eran del sistema subsidiado. El 58,2% vivía en la ciudad y 24,6% a más de dos horas de la ciudad. El 80,6% de los padres eran parejas estables y 78,9% tenía empleo. El 69% de las madres inició control prenatal desde el primer trimestre. Las patologías obstétricas más frecuentes fueron la infección urinaria y la pre-eclampsia. El 47% de los partos fueron intrahospitalarios, 55% por cesárea. La mayoría eran prematuros tardíos. El 13,3% pasaron por cuidados intensivos con 27% ventilados y 5,9% oxígeno-dependientes al egreso. A los seis meses, más del 50% tenía lactancia materna exclusiva. Se realizó tamizado de oftalmología en 54% (4,6% retinopatía), de optometría en 72% y de audiología en 70% (4,7% con déficit de audición). A los 12 meses 4,4% tenían examen neurológico anormal y 95% vacunas completas. La deserción fue de 35% y la mortalidad de 0,4%.Conclusiones Es importante implementar PMC en las ciudades intermedias de Colombia que manejan BPN y/o prematuros para asegurar un seguimiento de alto riesgo que detecte anomalías del desarrollo somático, sensorial o neuro-psicomotor y realizar intervenciones oportunas.Objective In Colombia, the incidence of prematurity and low birth weight (LBW) is 12.8%. To describe a standardized follow-up until 12 months of 1138 premature and/or LBW included in the Yopal KMCP (2014 -2015).Materials and Methods Prospective cohort.Results The patients are from the subsidized health care system (Colombia government), 58.2% live in the city and 24.6% at more than two hours from the city; 80.6% of parents are stable couples and 78.9% are employed; 69% of mothers started prenatal control from the first trimester. The most frequent obstetric pathologies were urinary tract infection and pre-eclampsia; 97% of deliveries were in the hospital; 55% by caesarean section. Majority of infants were late preterm; 13.3% passed through the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) with 27% ventilated and 5.9% oxygen-dependent at discharge. At 6 months more than 50% had exclusive breastfeeding. Ophthalmology screening was performed in 54% (4.6% retinopathy), optometry in 72% and audiology in 70% (4.7% with hearing deficit). At 12 months 4.4% had abnormal neurological exam and 95% complete vaccines schedule. Lost to follow up was 35% and mortality 0.4%.Conclusion It is important to implement KMCP in intermediate and isolated cities to ensure a high-risk follow-up for all LBW and / or premature babies, to detect somatic, sensory or neuro-psychomotor development anomalies and to perform timely interventions

    The Dietary Antioxidant Piceatannol Inhibits Adipogenesis of Human Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Limits Glucose Transport and Lipogenic Activities in Adipocytes

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    Phenolic compounds are among the most investigated herbal remedies, as is especially the case for resveratrol. Many reports have shown its anti-aging properties and the ability to reduce obesity and diabetes induced by high-fat diet in mice. However, such beneficial effects hardly translate from animal models to humans. The scientific community has therefore tested whether other plant phenolic compounds may surpass the effects of resveratrol. In this regard, it has been reported that piceatannol reproduces in rodents the anti-obesity actions of its parent polyphenol. However, the capacity of piceatannol to inhibit adipocyte differentiation in humans has not been characterized so far. Here, we investigated whether piceatannol was antiadipogenic and antilipogenic in human preadipocytes. Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), isolated from adipose tissues of lean and obese individuals, were differentiated into mature adipocytes with or without piceatannol, and their functions were explored. Fifty mu M of piceatannol deeply limited synthesis/accumulation of lipids in both murine and hMSC-derived adipocytes. Interestingly, this phenomenon occurred irrespective of being added at the earlier or later stages of adipocyte differentiation. Moreover, piceatannol lowered glucose transport into adipocytes and decreased the expression of key elements of the lipogenic pathway (PPAR gamma, FAS, and GLUT4). Thus, the confirmation of the antiadipogenic properties of piceatanol in vitro warrants the realization of clinical studies for the application of this compound in the treatment of the metabolic complications associated with obesity.This project has been partially supported by grants from Interreg POCTEFA, European Union, via Refbio-the Pyrenees Biomedical Network, also by the project PI17/02268 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid, Spain) and by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) funds: "Una manera de hacer Europa"

    Proteinase-activated receptor 2 modulates neuroinflammation in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis

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    The proteinase-activated receptors (PARs) are widely recognized for their modulatory properties of inflammation and neurodegeneration. We investigated the role of PAR2 in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice. PAR2 expression was increased on astrocytes and infiltrating macrophages in human MS and murine EAE central nervous system (CNS) white matter (P < 0.05). Macrophages and astrocytes from PAR2 wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice exhibited differential immune gene expression with PAR2 KO macrophages showing significantly higher interleukin 10 production after lipopolysaccharide stimulation (P < 0.001). PAR2 activation in macrophages resulted in the release of soluble oligodendrocyte cytotoxins (P < 0.01). Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein–induced EAE caused more severe inflammatory gene expression in the CNS of PAR2 WT animals (P < 0.05), together with enhanced T cell proliferation and interferon γ production (P < 0.05), compared with KO littermates. Indeed, PAR2 WT animals showed markedly greater microglial activation and T lymphocyte infiltration accompanied by worsened demyelination and axonal injury in the CNS compared with their PAR2 KO littermates. Enhanced neuropathological changes were associated with a more severe progressive relapsing disease phenotype (P < 0.001) in WT animals. These findings reveal previously unreported pathogenic interactions between CNS PAR2 expression and neuroinflammation with ensuing demyelination and axonal injury
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