47 research outputs found

    Development and mastery of soft skills among graduate students

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    The paper addresses content-related issues, a state-of-the-art assessment, and the key trends in the growth of soft skills. Soft skills should be emphasized in university curricula because they are currently necessary for having decent career possibilities. The article examines the findings of a study on the development of soft skills among postgraduate students at Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro, Ukraine who are majoring in professional education. These statistics demonstrate that postgraduate students are aware of the value of developing soft skills in order to have a successful career. Additionally, creative teaching strategies and tactics geared at developing soft skills will be incorporated into the educational process.The paper addresses content-related issues, a state-of-the-art assessment, and the key trends in the growth of soft skills. Soft skills should be emphasized in university curricula because they are currently necessary for having decent career possibilities. The article examines the findings of a study on the development of soft skills among postgraduate students at Alfred Nobel University in Dnipro, Ukraine who are majoring in professional education. These statistics demonstrate that postgraduate students are aware of the value of developing soft skills in order to have a successful career. Additionally, creative teaching strategies and tactics geared at developing soft skills will be incorporated into the educational process

    Desenho pedagógico: Recurso metodológico melhorando a qualidade do ensino universitário

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    The article reveals the possibilities of pedagogical design as an important methodological resource for implementing the strategy for improving the quality of training future specialists for the chosen profession. Based on the analysis of the scientific achievements of domestic and foreign authors, the essence, content, structure, ways of implementing pedagogical design are concretized, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training future specialists for professional activity. The practical significance of it in updating the content, forms, methods, means of training students, ensuring the quality of higher education, is substantiated. Pedagogical design is represented by a model of specific pedagogical actions to achieve the planned result of the educational process, predicting the decision-making process to optimize teaching methods and tools in order to achieve planned changes in knowledge, skills and abilities, taking into account the specifics of the content of training future specialists for professional activity.El artículo revela las posibilidades del diseño pedagógico como importante recurso metodológico para implementar la estrategia de mejora de la calidad de la formación de los futuros especialistas en la profesión elegida. Con base en el análisis de los logros científicos de autores nacionales y extranjeros, se concretan la esencia, el contenido, la estructura y las formas de implementar el diseño pedagógico, lo que tiene un efecto positivo en la efectividad de la formación de futuros especialistas para la actividad profesional. Se fundamenta la trascendencia práctica de la misma en la actualización de los contenidos, formas, métodos, medios de formación de los estudiantes, asegurando la calidad de la educación superior. El diseño pedagógico está representado por un modelo de acciones pedagógicas específicas para lograr el resultado planificado del proceso educativo, prediciendo el proceso de toma de decisiones para optimizar los métodos y herramientas de enseñanza con el fin de lograr cambios planificados en conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas, teniendo en cuenta los detalles del contenido de la formación de futuros especialistas para la actividad profesional.O artigo revela as possibilidades do design pedagógico como importante recurso metodológico para a implementação da estratégia de melhoria da qualidade da formação de futuros especialistas para a profissão escolhida. Com base na análise das realizações científicas de autores nacionais e estrangeiros, concretiza-se a essência, o conteúdo, a estrutura, as formas de implementação do design pedagógico, o que tem um efeito positivo na eficácia da formação de futuros especialistas para a atividade profissional. Constata-se a importância prática do mesmo na atualização dos conteúdos, formas, métodos, meios de formação dos alunos, garantindo a qualidade do ensino superior. O design pedagógico é representado por um modelo de ações pedagógicas específicas para alcançar o resultado planejado do processo educacional, prevendo o processo de tomada de decisão para otimizar métodos e ferramentas de ensino, a fim de alcançar mudanças planejadas em conhecimentos, habilidades e habilidades, levando em consideração as especificidades do conteúdo da formação de futuros especialistas para a atividade profissional

    Effect of Heterogeneous Deacetylation on the Properties of Northern Shrimp Chitin and Chitosan

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    The effect of alkaline treatment of shrimp chitin on the molecular weight, the degree of deacetylation and degree of crystallinity of the resulting chitosan is studied. The viscosity of chitosan solutions from repeatedly deacetylated chitin is studied. It is shown that repeated treatment of chitin/chitosan with alkali causes the destruction of polysaccharide macromolecules. After four-time deacetylation and one-time deacetylation of chitin/chitosan for four hours, the molecular weight of the polysaccharide decreases by ten times. The maximum degree of chitosan deacetylation under experimental conditions was 92.0 -92.5%. The diffractograms of chitin and chitosan from the Northern shrimp are of the form typical for samples containing an amorphous phase in addition to a crystalline phase. The degree of crystallinity of chitin from Northern shrimp was 40.8%, of chitosan samples after one-, two-, and three-time deacetylation was 62-65%. For a sample of chitosan obtained after four-time deacetylation, recrystallization, and drying in a freeze dryer, the degree of crystallinity is close to the degree of crystallinity of shrimp chitin. The investigated acetic acid chitosan solutions with a concentration of 5% (wt.) and the chitosan molecular weight of 250, 160 and 130 kDa in their rheological properties are liquid-like non-Newtonian systems, their viscosity decreasing with increasing shear stress. After four-time deacetylation of chitin, the viscosity of chitosan solutions practically does not change with increasing shear stress, which apparently can be due to a significant decrease in the molecular weight of chitosan under these conditions

    Constitutional principles of protection of family rights and interests of the child in civil proceedings

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    In today's society, paradigms and models of child-rearing, values, and opportunities of parents, competent authorities, and the court to ensure the rights of the child are changing. Most states have identified the protection of family rights and interests of the child, the avoidance of violence against the child, the prohibition of bullying, etc. among the priority areas of state policy. It is important to analyze the constitutional principles of protection of family rights and the concept “the best interests of the child” in civil proceedings, because it is the court that the legislator has the broadest powers in this area, compared to other jurisdictions. The work aims to study the guiding constitutional principles based on which the court can protect the family rights and interests of the child. The research methodology consists of general theoretical and special scientific methods, namely: hermeneutic, system-structural, structural-functional, historical-legal, comparative-legal, and formal-logical. As a result of the study, the mechanisms of the best possible protection of children's rights by the courts were analyzed. An analysis of current case law, including the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, concluded that today courts and other competent bodies pay considerable attention to analyzing "how a child will be better" and make informed decisions and, if necessary, correct previous mistakes

    Current issues of the application of ECTHR decisions and its implementation in the field of children's rights protection

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    The main jurisdictional body in the field of human rights protection is the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). The activities of the ECtHR, among other things, are of key importance for ensuring the effective functioning and continuous improvement of the international system for the protection of children's rights. Thus, the study of the ECtHR's practice in the field of protection of children's rights is relevant in view of the importance of applying appropriate approaches to resolving disputes at the national level, as well as from the point of view of improving national and international legislation in the field of protection of children's rights. Therefore, the purpose of the work is the analysis of the practice of the ECtHR in the field of the protection of children's rights, as well as the study of the peculiarities of the implementation of relevant decisions of the ECtHR at the national level. Research methods used in writing the article include analysis, synthesis, formal-logical and comparative-legal methods. As a result of the research, the authors of the article analyzed the specific decisions of the ECtHR in the field of protection of children's rights, summarized the main approaches, standards, and principles used by the ECtHR in solving relevant cases, as well as making their own proposals for improving the current legislation of Ukraine aimed at protecting children's rights

    Загальна характеристика позову в країнах англосаксонського та континентального права

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    The relevance of the article is to investigate the concept of lawsuits and class actions in the leading countries of the world. The object of the study is the public relations that arise when civil actions are brought in court. The subject of the study is the law of foreign countries, which define the civil lawsuit, its legal nature.In accordance with the goals and objectives set, the basis of the methodology of the study were general scientific and special methods of knowledge of legal phenomena. The authors analyzed the legal acts of the USA, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Sweden, France, and the Netherlands.Based on the research, the authors made conclusions about the legal nature of the lawsuit, defining the concept of the lawsuit in the acts of normative-legal acts of foreign countries. The conclusion about the status of the class-action lawsuit in foreign countries and the further improvement of the domestic class-action lawsuit was also made.La relevancia del artículo es investigar el concepto de demandas y acciones colectivas en los principales países del mundo. El objeto del estudio son las relaciones públicas que surgen cuando se inician acciones civiles en los tribunales. El tema del estudio es la ley de los países extranjeros, que definen la demanda civil, su naturaleza legal. De acuerdo con las metas y objetivos establecidos, la base de la metodología del estudio fueron los métodos generales científicos y especiales de conocimiento de los fenómenos legales. Los autores analizaron los actos jurídicos de los Estados Unidos, Alemania, el Reino Unido, los Países Bajos, Suecia, Francia y los Países Bajos. Con base en la investigación, los autores sacaron conclusiones sobre la naturaleza legal de la demanda, definiendo el concepto de la demanda en los actos de actos normativos-legales de países extranjeros. También se llegó a la conclusión sobre el estado de la demanda colectiva en países extranjeros y la mejora adicional de la demanda interna.Актуальність статті полягає в дослідженні поняття позову та групових позовів в провідних країнах світу. Об'єктом дослідження є суспільні відносини, які виникають при подачі цивільних позовів до суду. Предметом дослідження є норми законодавства зарубіжних країн, яка надають визначення цивільном позову, його правовій природі.Відповідно до поставлених мети і задач основою методології дослідження стали загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи пізнання правових явищ. Авторами проаналізовані нормативно-правові акти США, Німеччини, Великобританії, Нідерландів, Швеції, Франції та Нідерландів.На основі дослідження авторами були зроблені висновки щодо правової природи позову, визначення поняття позову в актах нормативно-правових актах зарубіжних країн. Також зроблено висновок про стан інституту групових позовів зарубіжних країнах та про подальше удосконаленнівітчизняного інституту групових позовів

    Linguistic and semiotic representation of pessimism in The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde

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    This paper focuses on the indirect means of verbalising the phenomenon of pessimism in the texts of literary fairy tales from the point of view of linguosemiotics. The study aims to identify the linguistic and semiotic means that create the pessimistic discourse of Oscar Wilde's collection The Happy Prince and Other Tales. Pessimistic discourse is treated as a person-centred type of discourse, represented by a complex system of means that reveals the speaker's pessimistic worldview and is characterised by its aims, style, and tenor. The study employs semantic and lingo-semiotic analysis of the ontological phenomenon of pessimism in fictional texts, using content analysis to ensure the reliability and validity of the results. Furthermore, the four-stage methodological procedure used in this research allows us to define a general literary context of the analysed works, select the research material, determine the frequency characteristics of the symbols as lingo-semiotic means that create the pessimistic tonality and discourse of Oscar Wilde's collection The Happy Prince and Other Tales. The research identifies the symbols of nature (seasons, flowers), the material world (colours, everyday objects), distance and death (as an ontological category) as verbal triggers of the author's pessimism implemented in the narrative through the contextual markers of basic, adjacent and related qualitative features of pessimism reflecting its social, psychological and cognitive aspects. The study contributes to the development of linguistic semiotics, psycholinguistics and discourse studies by enriching the knowledge of idiostyles. The proposed methodology of the given research is considered promising within the framework of different genres.  Disclosure Statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. * Corresponding author: Alla Pavliuk, 0000-0002-6037-4819 [email protected]

    Роль суду у захисті сімейних прав та інтересів дитини у цивільному процесі відповідно до судової реформи України

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    Волкова Н. В. Роль суду у захисті сімейних прав та інтересів дитини у цивільному процесі відповідно до судової реформи України / Н. В. Волкова // Новели цивільного процесуального кодексу України [Електронне видання] : матеріали "круглого cтолу" (м. Одеса, 26 берез. 2018 р.) / за заг. ред. Н. Ю. Голубєвої; Нац. ун-т "Одес. юрид. акад.". – Одеса : Фенікс, 2018. - С. 20-23

    State Control Mechanisms as Means of Improving the Quality of Public Services of Local Self-Government Bodies

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    The article deals with the state control mechanisms and their role in improving the quality of public services provided by local self-government bodies. The aim of the article is to identify key state control mechanisms, opportunities for improving the level of public services of local self-government bodies, and provide recommendations for improving the system of state control. Different state control mechanisms were studied, including inspections, performance evaluation, financial audit, quality standards, legal oversight, and citizen feedback mechanisms. Contextual analysis, comparison, and graphic methods were used as research methods. Satisfaction with services in the EU countries was determined by different areas of public services. The study emphasizes the importance of state control in promoting transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in local government service delivery. The results of the study demonstrate ways of optimization of state control mechanisms by public authorities to improve the overall quality of public services. Attention is focused on the need for effective state control to increase the level of satisfaction and well-being of citizens at the local level. A model of comprehensive implementation of state control mechanisms over the quality of public services of local self-government bodies was developed