51 research outputs found

    Margin analysis in management and operational profitability and pricing policy of a production organization

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    CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0The article aims to discuss methodological approaches to developing a profitability management policy for a manufacturing company’s operations and pricing based on a margin model. The article defines the effectiveness of operating activities, formed complementarily based on the etymological approach in the comparative analysis of similar formulations in the literature. The purpose of the research is to justify the system of performance indicators of profitability, reflecting the effectiveness of operating activities. Practical solutions for factor analysis and forecasting the impact of a set of external and internal factors on the level of cost and profitability of operating activities based on modeling key business valuation indicators are proposed. A methodology for the phased calculation of options for price scenarios using the accounting method NIFO and the level of marginal costs is proposed. The calculation algorithms and the practical implementation of the proposed methodology for predicting the optimal price level for a manufacturing enterprise’s sold products are presented

    The essence of temporary differences under the conditions of changes in RSA 18/02 and convergence with IAS 12 “Income taxes” and their impact on the financial statements

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    The article examines the latest changes in RSA 18/02 "Accounting for corporate income tax payments", adopted by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The new version of the Regulation comes into effect since January 01, 2020. As a result of the study, the authors revealed a convergence of Russian standards for determining temporary differences and deferred taxes, and at the same time indicated differences that still remained, and also assessed the existing differences. The authors considered it appropriate to systematize new principles for calculating deferred income taxes. For clarity, the definitions of current tax, net profit and other concepts, calculations of current tax and income tax expenses are presented in the form of formulas that can be easily compared with a previously existing methodology. The results of the study can be used when transforming financial statements, as well as in the construction of the consolidated financial statements generated in Russia in accordance with the requirements of IFRS, since the latest amendments in RSA 18/02 include the calculation of income tax for members of a consolidated group of taxpayers

    Modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization

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    Purpose: Within the framework of the study, a critical analysis of modern tools for assessing the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization is carried out. Design: the methods of economic analysis used to assess the investment attractiveness of a commercial organization are systematized; the disadvantages of the existing methodological support are identified and the criteria determining the quality and practical value of modern developments in the studied area are established. Findings:  it is proved that the main disadvantages of the existing methods of assessing investment attractiveness are: the lack of strategic orientation of the assessment; ignoring the influence of most external and internal factors of activity; the inability to assess the risk of investing in the analyzed object; the need to compare with the level of investment attractiveness of similar organizations for an objective interpretation of the results. Practical implications: to eliminate the significant shortcomings of modern methodological support in this area, the authors recommend the use of scenario method of strategic economic analysis in the process of assessing the investment attractiveness of the organization. Originality: The scenario method of strategic economic analysis proposed by the authors complements the existing approaches with the ability to take into account potential risks when making a far-sighted decision to invest in an organization by combining the results of retrospective analysis and forecasting changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of financial and economic activity

    To The Covid-19 Pandemic Experience: A View from Russia

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    In the presented work, an attempt to assess the correlation between the performance indicators of several sectors of the Russian economy and a set of restrictive measures taken by the Government of our country against the backdrop of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is made.  In addition, a comparative analysis of the impact of this pandemic on the neighboring countries of Russia, which, in the recent past, were part of the USSR and, therefore, have similar health care organization structures, is carried out

    Analysis of Public Procurement of Medicines in Russia

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    One of the main components of the drug supply of the country's population with medicines is public procurement, which at the legislative level implements the principle of universal access to medical care and guarantees the quality of medical services provided. The authors analyzed the system of public procurement of medicines in Russia: the main sources of financing, customers and suppliers, territorial distribution, structure of methods of placing state orders are determined
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