41 research outputs found

    Real-life functioning in women with schizophrenia living in residential facilities: Gender-based comparison

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    IntroductionDespite many patients with schizophrenia being able to achieve good functional outcomes, the number of patients with poor functional outcome estimates at over 25 percent. One of the wider constructs, reflecting functional outcomes in schizophrenia, is real-life functioning, whose key domains include ability to live relatively autonomously, productive activity and social interaction. Negative symptoms are seen among independent predictors of real-life functioning. As most researchers agree that schizophrenia is a disease with gender differences in terms of both clinical and functional outcomes, the goal of our observational study was to examine real-life functioning of women with schizophrenia, living in residential care facilities, and study the relationship between daily functioning and negative symptoms.MethodsUsing the Standardized Protocol of Clinical Interview and observation for 1 or more weeks, we examined 46 females with schizophrenia, living in psychiatric residential facilities and compared them with 54 males with schizophrenia, living in the same facilities. In a pilot study 21 subjects with schizophrenia (13 females and 8 males), were evaluated by the Russian version of the Brief Negative Symptom Scale (BNSS).ResultsTo the results, more females with schizophrenia, compared to males with schizophrenia, remained active and took initiative in their physical care, vocational activities, involvement in cultural events, and maintained friendly relationships with other inmates. We have identified a group of inmates, in which females prevailed, with less pronounced negative symptoms and a higher level of social functioning, who did not need residential social care in the institutions.DiscussionLimitations of residential social care in the institutions for psychiatric patients are discussed

    Reflexão pedagógica e as formas de seu desenvolvimento entre os estudantes de profissões pedagógicas

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    This article is dedicated to the development of pedagogical reflection among students of professions related to teaching. Based on the works of S.Yu. Stepanov, I.N. Semenov, A.A. Bodalev, Yu.M. Orlov, N.I. Gutkin and other Russian researchers. The authors of the article clarified the types of pedagogical reflection, the corresponding skills and the related types of learning tasks that can be used in the training of future teachers. The article also presents the complex of authors of pedagogical conditions that guarantee the development of pedagogical reflection among students. The complex includes the following components: the creation of a favorable emotional environment during the lessons with the students; the use of the didactic technique system designed to take students to a reflective position; the application of reflective pedagogical technologies in the educational process of the university, promoting the development of pedagogical reflection among future teachers and improving the quality of their education. The article also describes the results of the experimental work, which confirmed the effectiveness of the developed complex of conditions that guarantee the development of reflection among students of pedagogical professions.Este artículo está dedicado al desarrollo de la reflexión pedagógica entre los estudiantes de profesiones relacionadas con la docencia. Basado en las obras de S.Yu. Stepanov, I.N. Semenov, A.A. Bodalev, Yu.M. Orlov, N.I. Gutkin y otros investigadores rusos. Los autores del artículo aclararon los tipos de reflexión pedagógica, las habilidades correspondientes y los tipos relacionados de tareas de aprendizaje que se pueden utilizar en la capacitación de futuros maestros. El artículo también presenta el complejo de autores de condiciones pedagógicas que garantizan el desarrollo de la reflexión pedagógica entre los estudiantes. El complejo incluye los siguientes componentes: la creación de un ambiente emocional favorable durante las lecciones con los estudiantes; el uso del sistema de técnica didáctica destinado a llevar a los estudiantes a una posición reflexiva; la aplicación de tecnologías pedagógicas reflexivas en el proceso educativo de la universidad, promoviendo el desarrollo de la reflexión pedagógica entre los futuros docentes y mejorando la calidad de su educación. El artículo también describe los resultados del trabajo experimental, que confirmó la efectividad del complejo desarrollado de condiciones que garantizan el desarrollo de la reflexión entre los estudiantes de profesiones pedagógicas.Este artigo é dedicado ao desenvolvimento da reflexão pedagógica entre estudantes de profissões relacionadas ao ensino. Baseado nos trabalhos de S.Yu. Stepanov, I.N. Semenov, A.A. Bodalev, Yu.M. Orlov, N.I. Gutkin e outros pesquisadores russos. Os autores do artigo esclareceram os tipos de reflexão pedagógica, as habilidades correspondentes e os tipos relacionados de tarefas de aprendizagem que podem ser usadas na formação de futuros professores. O artigo também apresenta o complexo de autores de condições pedagógicas que garantem o desenvolvimento da reflexão pedagógica entre os alunos. O complexo inclui os seguintes componentes: a criação de um ambiente emocional favorável durante as aulas com os alunos; o uso do sistema de técnica didática projetado para levar os alunos a uma posição reflexiva; a aplicação de tecnologias pedagógicas reflexivas no processo educativo da universidade, promovendo o desenvolvimento da reflexão pedagógica entre futuros professores e melhorando a qualidade de sua formação. O artigo também descreve os resultados do trabalho experimental, que confirmou a eficácia do complexo desenvolvido de condições que garantem o desenvolvimento da reflexão entre os estudantes de profissões pedagógicas.Palavras-chave

    Structural Characterization of the NodD Transcription Factor

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    Abstract Using computer analysis and modeling we studied NodD transcription factor which controls expression of nodulation genes of symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria. On the basis of the amino acid sequences it was predicted that in the secondary structure of NodD protein it must be present ten alpha helices and three beta sheets which form two do mains after folding. Since NodD acts in oligo meric mode, it was analy zed all four known for other similar factors of transcription ways of assembly into dime rs. Using molecular docking the probable mechanism o f NodD act ivation by binding of low molecular weight inducer (on the model o f luteolin) was clarified

    Drone Enabled 3D Urbanism

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    This paper examines how urban architecture might be affected if the widespread use of drone technology were to partially replace conventional transportation infrastructure with multidimensional systems made up of multilayered aerial highways. How would building typologies and urban environment have to be rearranged to ensure efficient work of these systems.Applied Science, Faculty ofArchitecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School ofUnreviewedGraduat


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    The article discusses the publication history of André Gide’s book Return from the USSR written after his trip to the Soviet Union. It explains how the Kremlin gathered information about the book and how official Soviet reaction to this publication was developed. Since Gide’s decision to join in the camp of the “friends of the USSR,” information about it had been deliberately mispresented, that is why at the end of 1936 communist ideologues had to reap the fruits of their shortsightedness. Immediately after the Congress in the Defense of Culture, which took place in 1935 in Paris, Gide converged with the anti-Stalinist opposition in France and Belgium and welcomed a campaign in support of Victor Serge, politician and writer who had passed in the case of the so called Zinoviev group and had been exiled to Orenburg. Soviet authorities knew about Gide’s conversion but accepted Mikhail Koltsov’s position who vouched Gide’s absolute loyalty. When Gide began preparing his manuscript for publication, the Kremlin was immediately informed about it. Among the informers were I. Ehrenburg, F. Masereel, and E. Ratmanova. Attempts to dissuade Gide from publication failed. The book was translated into Russian for the leaders of the Communist party and Gide was condemned in the Soviet press. The history of the book’s publication and attention that the Kremlin paid to this question, however, demonstrates that the State control of the literary and cultural field was circumscribed within the Soviet borders. The Soviets failed to implement their program in the West. The case of Gide’s Return from the USSR shows the obvious failure of Soviet cultural diplomacy and its strategies. Keywords: André Gide, USSR, cultural diplomacy, opposition, Return from the USS

    Les intellectuels au service de la République : le voyage de Rafael Alberti et María Teresa León en Union Soviétique en 1937

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    International audienceThe paper reconstructs the travel which Rafael Alberti and Maria Teresa León took in 1937 to Moscow, achieving the Soviet authorization for the Congress of Antifascist Writers in Spain. The story of this visit shows that the role of foreign writers who visited Russia did not reduce to passive perception of Soviet propaganda. Writers also could be active participants in the political process.En 1937, María Teresa León et Rafael Alberti allèrent à Moscou afin d’obtenir l’aval des Soviétiques pour la tenue du Congrès des écrivains antifascistes en Espagne. L’histoire de leur visite en URSS montre que le rôle des écrivains étrangers ne se réduisait pas à la réception passive de la propagande soviétique. Ils pouvaient également être des acteurs importants dans les processus de négociation politique