1,741 research outputs found


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    Breastfeeding is a beautiful process and very beneficial, medical researchers have proven that breast milk has various advantages that are irreplaceable with any milk. Research objective: To determine the effect of the leaves of Bangun- Bangun on increasing breast milk production in breastfeeding mothers in Selayang Village, the working area of the Puskesmas Kesejahteraan, Prestasi District, Langkat Regency. The research methodology is using a Quasi Experiment Design research design using a Non-Equevalent Control Group approach. This study looked at how the effect of giving the leaves of wake-waking tea on milk production in nursing mothers with a total sample of 20 people. Univariate analysis was carried out using descriptive analysis to see the characteristics of each of the variables studied. The results of the analysis will be presented in the form of a frequency distribution. Bivariate analysis is the mean difference between the 2 groups that are treated and the control by looking at the influence between the two variables. In this study, the Independent T-test was conducted to measure the significance of the difference between the 2 groups.Research Results: The results of this study obtained a p value = 0.000 (p value <0.05) meaning that Ho was rejected, which means that there is an effect of wake-awara leaves on milk production in Sidodadi village, Delitua Health Center Work Area in 2023. Conclusion: It is hoped that institutions can facilitate research development by adding book sources and establishing collaboration with related agencies and future researchers are expected to be able to develop this research by using Bangun- Bangun leaves as herbal medicine to cure other diseases. &nbsp


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    One of the inhibiting factors for stopping breastfeeding is insufficient milk production. The Ministry of Health's Data and Information Center in 2017 stated that only 35% of mothers provide exclusive breastfeeding in Indonesia. 50% of this figure is far below the recommendation of the WHO (World Health Organization). This is due to lack of family support, low knowledge of mothers and less food intake of nursing mothers. Breast milk really helps strengthen the immune system or immunity of babies, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The current impact of Covid-19 has made the people's economy decline, many are unemployed. This results in the lack of adequate milk and the mother becomes worried about not being able to breastfeed her baby. Researchers want to help the community, especially breastfeeding mothers, to consume katuk leaf stew during the current Covid-19 pandemic, considering that katuk leaves are very easy to get in the market and the price is cheap. However, previously the researcher wanted to see how much influence the katuk leaf stew had on the adequacy of breast milk. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of katuk leaf decoction on the adequacy of breast milk in nursing mothers during the Covid-19 pandemic. This type of research is quantitative analytic with a Quasy-Experiment research design with One Group Pretest-Posttest. The study population was all mothers who had babies aged 0-2 years at Eka Sri Wahyuni ​​Maternity Clinic. Data analysis using the Wilxocon test was used to analyze how much influence the katuk leaf decoction had on the adequacy of breast milk. The results of this study were the effectiveness of katuk leaves on breastfeeding adequacy with a P-value of 0.002


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    Diaper rash is often caused by the use of the wrong diaper because does not immediately change the diaper after the baby urinates and defecates. If stool mixes with urine, there will be formation of ammonia (a substance from baby feces) which causes increased acidity of the skin resulting in irritation to the baby's skin. Usually also occurs because using disposable diapers exceeds the capacity, the skin becomes moist, so that friction occurs, the skin is easily irritated, this facilitates the growth of germs and fungi. Aim : To find out the relationship of use diapers with the incidence of diaper rash in infants aged 0-12 months. This study is an analytical study with a cross sectional study design with a sample of 15 taken by porposive sampling technique. Data analysis used bivariate analysis with chi-square test statistic test. Result : It can be seen that of the 15 respondents, most of the babies using dispossible diapers were 9 people (60.0%) who had diaper rash as many as 8 people (53.3%) and those who did not experience diaper rash were 1 person (6.7%) while babies who did not use dispossible diapers were 6 people (40.0%), and those who did not experience diaper rash were 6 people (40.0%)

    Kajian Sosiologi dalam Cerkak "Pedhot Neng Sungginan" Karya Suryadi WS

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan yang seluruhnya diperoleh dari sumber tertulis. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada cerkak Suryadi WS yang berjudul β€œPedhot Neng Sungginan”. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mendeskripsikan aspek sosiologi sastra dalam cerkak karya Suryadi WS ,dan hubungan pengarang dan karyanya. Pemilihan cerpen ini didasari oleh persoalan kritik soaial masyarakat bersikap acuh terhadap perempuan kaya yang sombong yang tercermin dalam cerkak tersebut. teori yang digunakan adalah sosiologi sastra


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    Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan merupakan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa kependidikan guna mengupayakan suatu keterampilan kependidikan yang diperoleh di kampus dan berusaha mengembangkan inovasi pembelajaran mahasiswa di lokasi PPL. Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran dan praktik persekolahan. Adapun tujuan dari praktik pengalaman lapangan ini diantaranya untuk melatih para mahasiswa calon guru sehingga bisa menjadi guru yang profesional di bidangnya. Kegiatan praktik pengalaman lapangan yang dilakukan di SMA N 1 Depok Sleman meliputi kegiatan praktik pembelajaran di kelas dan praktik persekolahan. Kegiatan praktik pembelajaran di kelas mulai dilaksanakan pada tanggal 06 Agustus 2014. Kegiatan praktik pembelajaran di kelas bertujuan agar mahasiswa praktikan memperoleh pengalaman mengajar. Pada kesempatan ini praktikan mengajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Prancis kelas X-Mia 2, XII IPA 3 dan XII IPA 4 tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Sementara kegiatan praktik persekolahan bertujuan agar mahasiswa praktikan mampu mengenal manajemen sekolah dan melakukan kegiatan di luar pembelajaran formal. Kegiatan ini meliputi piket di ruang Tata Usaha, Bimbingan Konseling, piket guru serta Perpustakaan. Setelah melaksanakan praktik mengajar sebanyak 16 kali pertemuan, maka didapatkan hasil bahwa siswa SMA N 1 Depok Sleman rata-rata mempunyai rasa ingin tahu yang besar terhadap berbagai hal yang mendukung dalam pembelajaran. Siswa juga bisa berperan aktif dalam setiap pembelajaran, seperti mampu mengutarakan pendapatnya sendiri terkait dengan pembelajaran, bisa berdiskusi dengan baik, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam rangka mewujudkan output yang baik dari segi IQ, EQ, dan SQ, pihak sekolah menjalankan peranannya sebagai lembaga pendidikan secara profesional seperti konsolidasi kegiatan belajar mengajar, menjalin hubungan antar personal, s a l i n g m en g h a r g a i , melengkapi sarana dan prasarana dan tertib administrasi


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    Labor pain is a physiological condition that is generally experienced by almost all women who give birth. Pain comes from uterine contractions and cervical dilation. With the increasing frequency of uterine contractions, the pain felt by the mother in childbirth will be even stronger. This education aims to increase the knowledge and insight of mothers about how to use counter pre ssure massage techniques to reduce the pain of childbirth during the first stage of labor. This education uses an approach  approach  to  mothers  in  labor  so  that  they  can  perform  counter  pressure  massage techniques during the first stage of labor. This massage technique is carried out for 20 minutes during contractions. The targets in this education are 1st stage mothers. This counseling technique starts from identifying the first stage mothers, preparing places and targets, preparing materials, extension tools and implementing teams. This education was carried out at the Kurnia Independent Practice Midwives, Deli Tua District. The results of this counseling indicate that by applying a counter pressure massage technique on the mother's waist can reduce labor pain from mothers who experience moderate pain to mild pain and mothers who experience severe pain to moderate pain p value = 0.007 (p. <0.05). It can be concluded that there is a significant effect of the application of counter pressure massage techniques on reducing pain in stage I labor. It is recommended that mothers who give birth during stage I are able to do this technique of counter pressure massage correctly


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    Pengelolahan sampah harus semakin diperhatikan karena berhubungan dengan efisiensi biaya. Dengan optimasi transportasi sampah diharapkan pengangkutan sampah menjadi mudah, cepat, serta biaya relatif murah dengan tujuan akhir meminimalkan penumpukan sampah yang akan memberi dampak langsung bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan keindahan kota. Pada Kecamatan Binjai Kota rute pengangkutan sampah dilakukan secara acak sehingga menimbulkan biaya dan waktu yang tidak efisien. Pengangkutan sampah lebih optimal bila pengangkutan tersebut tidak memerlukan banyak waktu dan biaya. Penentuan lintasan terpendek untuk mempersingkat waktu dan biaya digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah pengangkutan sampah tersebut menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall. Setelah menyelesaikan tahapan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall dalam pengoptimalan rute pengangkutan sampah di Kecamatan Binjai Kota, jarak optimal yang dilalui oleh dump truck yaitu sebesar 13,27 km maka jarak yang ditempuh setiap bulannya adalah 398,1 km. Rute optimal yang dilalui yaitu V1 β†’ V2 β†’ V3 β†’ V4 β†’ V5 β†’ V4 β†’ V3 β†’ V2 β†’ V19 β†’ V18 β†’ V17 β†’ V13 β†’ V14 β†’ V12 β†’ V10 β†’ V9 β†’ V10 β†’ V11 β†’ V15 β†’ V14 β†’ V13 β†’ V17 β†’18β†’ V19 β†’ V20 β†’ V21 β†’ V22. Total biaya bahan bakar yang dikeluarkan Dinas selama ini Rp.1.545.000,- sebanyak 300 liter solar dalam sebulan dan setelah menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall bahan bakar yang dibutuhkan setiap bulan untuk rute tersebut adalah 132,7 liter dan biaya bahan bakar sebesar Rp.683.405,- dengan asumsi truk mematikan mesin saat mengangkut sampah. Penghematan bahan bakar sebanyak 167,3 liter dan biaya bahan bakar yang dihemat Rp.861.595,-. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukan bahwa rute yang dibuat menggunakan Algoritma Floyd-Warshall menghasilkan rute dan biaya bahan bakar pengangkutan sampah yang lebih minimum


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    Low birth weight (LBW) infants are newborns with a birth weight less than 2500 grams. In 2017, the Simangambat Community Health Center in Bandung City reported the highest number of LBW cases, which amounted to 3,147 cases. The incidence of LBW at the Simangambat Community Health Center fluctuated from 2016 to 2018 and did not reach the set target, which was a maximum of 7%. The causes of LBW can be categorized into three factors: maternal factors, including maternal age, parity, anemia, and pregnancy complications such as antepartum bleeding, preeclampsia, and prenatal care; fetal factors, such as polyhydramnios and multiple gestations; and environmental factors, such as socioeconomic conditions. The objective of this study was to identify  factors associated with the occurrence of low birth weight children at  Simangambat community health center. The research employed Accidental Sampling, involving a total of 83 respondents. The findings revealed no significant correlation between maternal age and LBW, with a p-value of 0.585. A relationship was found between parity and LBW with a p-value of 0.029. Conversely, there was no link between twin pregnancies and LBW, indicated by a p-value of 0.248. On the other hand, there was a connection between preeclampsia and LBW, with a p-value of 0.038. Additionally, socioeconomic factors, particularly education and family income, were also linked to LBW. The p-value for the education factor was 0.003, and for family income, it was 0.024

    Peranan Lembaga Adat dalam Pelaksanaan Pembangunanan di Desa Balla Barat Kecamatan Balla Kabupaten Mamasa

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    This research aims to find out how the traditional institute of Balla west village in collecting and channeling aspirations to the developing community, as well as to know how customary institutions in improving activities in Balla West Village, Balla District, Mamasa Regency.The research method used is qualitative method with descriptive type. Data collection using literature study techniques, and interviews. Furthermore, the data are analyzed qualitatively.Β The results of this study indicate that first, the role of traditional institute in Balla west village in accommodating and channeling the aspirations of the community has not been implemented properly, it is seen from the parties responsible. The suggestions provided by the traditional institute can not be used well by the public in collecting information and responses, since they are inaccessible to all communities. As well as the traditional institute also does not schedule the right time to hold a joint meeting. Secondly, the role of the traditional institute in increasing community participation in this case does not exist, it is seen that the traditional institute in Balla west village are not proactive towards physical development. The program of physical development in Balla west village on the third party is transferred to an institution formed from the traditional institute
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