23 research outputs found

    Selektivnost vizuelne pažnje kod adolescenata sa lakom i umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću

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    Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi nivo selektivnosti vizuelne pažnje kod adolescenata sa lakom i umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću. U istraživanju je učestvovalo pedeset tri ispitanika sa intelektualnom ometenošću, oba pola (25/47,2% devojaka i 28/52,8% mladića), starosti 15-21 godina (AS=17,86; SD=2,16). Grupu ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO) činilo je 27 (50,9%), a grupu sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću (UIO) 26 (49,1%) ispitanika. Grupe su ujednačene prema uzrastu (p=0,112) i polu (p=0,443). Za procenu vizuelne selektivne pažnje primenjena su tri zadatka poništavanja iz Protokola za procenu kognitivnih sposobnosti, u kojima se od ispitanika očekuje identifikacija ciljnih stimulusa u različitim uslovima (nasumično ili linearno raspoređeni stimulusi i sukcesivna promena ciljnih stimulusa, namenjena proceni fleksibilnosti vizuelne pažnje). Beleženo je vreme potrebno za dovršavanje zadatka i broj grešaka. U statističkoj obradi podataka korišćeni su Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije, t test i analiza varijanse. Analizom rezultata utvrđena je statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija starosti ispitanika i vremena rešavanja zadataka sa nasumičnim (p=0,269; r=0,050) i linearnim rasporedom (r=0,272; p=0,048) stimulusa, dok uspešnost na zadatku kojim se procenjuje fleksibilnost pažnje nije povezana sa starošću (p=0,522). Primenom analize varijanse nije potvrđen statistički značajan odnos starosti ispitanika i uspešnosti na zadacima selektivnosti. Ispitanici sa LIO rešavaju zadatke poništavanja u linearnom rasporedu (t(51)=2,907; p=0,005) i sa sukcesivnom promenom ciljnog stimulusa (t(51)=1,998; p=0,050) statistički značajno brže i sa manje grešaka (p=0,026-0,001) nego ispitanici sa UIO. Nije utvrđena statistički značajana povezanost uspešnosti (vremena i broja grešaka) na zadacima za procenu selektivnosti pažnje i pola ispitanika (p=0,646-0,066). Sumirajući rezultate, možemo da zaključimo da kod adolescenata sa LIO i UIO sa uzrastom dolazi do izvesnog, ali ne i statistički značajnog porasta uspešnosti u rešavanju zadataka selektivnosti vizuelne pažnje. Ispitanici sa LIO su uspešniji u zadacima koji zahtevaju finiju vizuelnu diskriminaciju i fleksibilnost pažnje nego njihovi vršnjaci sa UIO

    Selektivnost vizuelne pažnje kod adolescenata sa lakom i umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću

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    Cilj istraživanja je da se utvrdi nivo selektivnosti vizuelne pažnje kod adolescenata sa lakom i umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću. U istraživanju je učestvovalo pedeset tri ispitanika sa intelektualnom ometenošću, oba pola (25/47,2% devojaka i 28/52,8% mladića), starosti 15-21 godina (AS=17,86; SD=2,16). Grupu ispitanika sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO) činilo je 27 (50,9%), a grupu sa umerenom intelektualnom ometenošću (UIO) 26 (49,1%) ispitanika. Grupe su ujednačene prema uzrastu (p=0,112) i polu (p=0,443). Za procenu vizuelne selektivne pažnje primenjena su tri zadatka poništavanja iz Protokola za procenu kognitivnih sposobnosti, u kojima se od ispitanika očekuje identifikacija ciljnih stimulusa u različitim uslovima (nasumično ili linearno raspoređeni stimulusi i sukcesivna promena ciljnih stimulusa, namenjena proceni fleksibilnosti vizuelne pažnje). Beleženo je vreme potrebno za dovršavanje zadatka i broj grešaka. U statističkoj obradi podataka korišćeni su Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije, t test i analiza varijanse. Analizom rezultata utvrđena je statistički značajna pozitivna korelacija starosti ispitanika i vremena rešavanja zadataka sa nasumičnim (p=0,269; r=0,050) i linearnim rasporedom (r=0,272; p=0,048) stimulusa, dok uspešnost na zadatku kojim se procenjuje fleksibilnost pažnje nije povezana sa starošću (p=0,522). Primenom analize varijanse nije potvrđen statistički značajan odnos starosti ispitanika i uspešnosti na zadacima selektivnosti. Ispitanici sa LIO rešavaju zadatke poništavanja u linearnom rasporedu (t(51)=2,907; p=0,005) i sa sukcesivnom promenom ciljnog stimulusa (t(51)=1,998; p=0,050) statistički značajno brže i sa manje grešaka (p=0,026-0,001) nego ispitanici sa UIO. Nije utvrđena statistički značajana povezanost uspešnosti (vremena i broja grešaka) na zadacima za procenu selektivnosti pažnje i pola ispitanika (p=0,646-0,066). Sumirajući rezultate, možemo da zaključimo da kod adolescenata sa LIO i UIO sa uzrastom dolazi do izvesnog, ali ne i statistički značajnog porasta uspešnosti u rešavanju zadataka selektivnosti vizuelne pažnje. Ispitanici sa LIO su uspešniji u zadacima koji zahtevaju finiju vizuelnu diskriminaciju i fleksibilnost pažnje nego njihovi vršnjaci sa UIO

    Expressive speech in younger school-aged children

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    Uvod: Razvoj govorno-jezičkih sposobnosti je jedan od krucijalnih činilaca akademskog postignuća i socijalizacije. Cilj: Istraživanje je sprovedeno s ciljem da se utvrdi dinamika razvoja ekspresivnog govora kod dece tipičnog razvoja od šest do devet godina. Metod: U istraživanju je učestvovalo 111 dece tipičnog razvoja, učenika beogradskih osnovnih škola, oba pola (49,5% devojčica), uzrasta 6-9,11 godina (starost u mesecima: AS=95,09; SD=16,82). Ispitanici su prema uzrastu podeljeni u četiri grupe. Uzorak je ujednačen prema uzrastu i polu ispitanika (p=0,785). Za procenu ekspresivnog govora primenjen je Protokol za procenu ekspresivnog govora, koji sadrži zadatke za procenu imenovanja, automatskog i neautomstskog govora, dijaloškog i produktivnog govora. Rezultati Protokola analizirani su pojedinačno i u formi opšteg skora ekspresivnog govora. U statističkoj obradi podataka korišćene su deskriptivne statističke mere, Pirsonov koeficijent korelacije, χ2 test, multivarijatna analiza varijanse (MANOVA) i post hoc test. Rezultati: Primenom analize varijanse utvrđeno je da je uzrast značajan činilac postignuća na zadacima imenovanja (p≤0,000), neautomatskog govora (p≤0,000) i produktivnog govora (p≤0,000), dok u domenima automatskog (p=0,207) i dijaloškog govora (p=0,609) odnos nije značajan, iako se uočavaju izvesne razlike aritmetičkih sredina u korist dece starijeg uzrasta. Utvrđen je statistički značajan odnos uzrasta i opšteg skora ekspresivnog govora (p≤0,000), a uzrastom se može objasniti 47,3% varijabilnosti rezultata (η2part=0,473). Primenom post hoc analize ustanovljeno je da se statistički značajne razlike (p=0,007-0,000) javljaju između svih uzrasnih grupa sem osmogodišnjaka i devetogodišnjaka (p=0,993), što bi se moglo objasniti karakteristikama primenjenog instrumenta, ali i specifičnostima dinamike razvoja sposobnosti u tom uzrasnom periodu. Analizom percentilnih rangova nije utvrđeno odstupanje koje bi ukazalo na postojanje specifičnih jezičkih poremećaja ili intelektualne ometenosti kod ispitanika koji su učestvovali u istraživanju. Zaključak: Sumirajući rezultate možemo da zaključimo da je razvoj ekspresivnog govora kod većine dece koja su učestvovala u istraživanju u skladu sa razvojnim miljokazima.Introduction: The development of speech and language skills is one of the crucial factors of academic achievement and socialization. Aim: The research was conducted with the aim to determine the dynamics of expressive speech development in typically developed children from six to nine years of age. Method: The sample consisted of 111 children with typical development, of both genders (49.5% of girls), aged between 6 and 9.11 years (age in months: M=95.09; SD=16.82). Participants were distributed into four age groups. The number of girls and boys was relatively equally distributed in all age groups (p=.785). Expressive speech was assessed by the Protocol for the Assessment of Expressive Speech that contains tasks for assessing naming ability, automatic and non-automatic speech, dialogue speech and productive form of speech. The results of the Protocol were analyzed by sub-domains and in the form of a general score of expressive speech. In statistical data processing we employed descriptive statistical measures, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, χ2 test, multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and post hoc test. Results: Using the analysis of variance, it was found that age was a significant factor in achievement on the tasks of naming (p≤.000), non- automatic speech (p≤.000) and productive speech (p≤.000), while in the domains of automatic (p=.207) and dialogic speech (p=.609) the relationship was not significant, although some differences in arithmetic means were observed in favor of older children. A statistically significant relationship between age and the general score of expressive speech (p≤.000) was found, and 47.3% of the variability of the results can be explained by age (η2part=.473). Using post hoc analysis, it was found that statistically significant differences (p=.007-.000) occur between all age groups except eight-year-olds and nine-year-olds (p=.993), which could be explained by the characteristics of the applied instrument, but also by the specifics of developmental dynamics at that age period. The analysis of percentile ranks did not reveal any deviation that would indicate the existence of specific language disorders or intellectual disability. Conclusion: Summarizing the results, we can conclude that the development of expressive speech is in line with developmental milestones in most children who participated in the research

    Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic effects of flumazenil and theophylline application in rats acutely intoxicated by diazepam

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    Background/Aim. The majority of symptoms and signs of acute diazepam poisoning are the consequence of its sedative effect on the CNS affecting selectively polisynaptic routes by stimulating inhibitory action of GABA. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of combined application of theophylline and flumazenil on sedation and impaired motor function activity in acute diazepam poisoning in rats. Methods. Male Wistar rats were divided in four main groups and treated as follows: group I - with increasing doses of diazepam in order to produce the highest level of sedation and motor activity impairment; group II - diazepam + different doses of flumazenil; group III - diazepam + different doses of theophylline; group IV - diazepam + combined application of theophylline and flumazenil. Concentrations of diazepam and its metabolites were measured with LC-MS. The experiment was performed on a commercial apparatus for spontaneous motor-activity registration (LKBFarad, Sweden). Assessment of diazepam- induced neurotoxic effects and effects after theophylline and flumazenil application was performed with rotarod test on a commercial apparatus (Automatic treadmill for rats, Ugo Basile, Italy). Results. Diazepam in doses of 10 mg/kg and 15 mg/kg produced long-time and reproducible pharmacodynamic effects. Single application of flumazenil or theophylline antagonized effects of diazepam, but not completely. Combined application of flumazenile and theophylline resulted in best effects on diazepaminduced impairment of motoric activity and sedation. As a result of theopylline application there was better elimination of diazepam and its metabolites. Conclusion. Combined application of flumazenil and theophylline resulted in the best antidotal effects in the treatment of diazepam poisoned rats. These effects are a result of different mechanisms of their action, longer half-life of theophylline in relation to that of flumezenil and presumably the diuretic effect of theophylline

    Teška trovanja olanzapinom – analitički podatci Nacionalnoga centra za kontrolu trovanja u Beogradu u dvogodišnjem razdoblju

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    Olanzapine is a thienobenzodiazepine class antipsychotic that strongly antagonises the 5-HT2A serotonin receptor, but acute poisonings are reported rarely. Symptoms of an overdose include disorder of consciousness, hypersalivation, myosis, and coma. Serum concentration higher than 0.1 mg/L is toxic, while concentration above 1 mg/L can be fatal. Here we report key data about 61 patients admitted to the National Poison Control Centre in Belgrade, Serbia over olanzapine poisoning in 2017 and 2018. The ingested doses ranged from 35 to 1680 mg, and time from ingestion to determination from two to 24 hours. In 34 patients olanzapine serum concentrations were in the therapeutic range and in 27 in the toxic range. In five patients they were higher than fatal, but only one patient died. The most common symptoms of poisoning were depressed consciousness (fluctuating from somnolence to coma), tachycardia, hypersalivation, hypotension, myosis, and high creatine kinase. All patients but one recovered fully after nonspecific detoxification and symptomatic and supportive therapy.Olanzapin je antipsihotik koji pripada grupi tienobenzodiazepina. Kao i drugi atipični antipsihotici, olanzapin je jak antagonist 5-HT2A serotoninskih receptora. Akutna trovanja olanzapinom su rijetka. Simptomi predoziranja uključuju duboki ili fluktuirajući poremećaj stanja svijesti s hipersalivacijom i miozom, kao i komu i smrt u slučaju ingestije velikih doza. Koncentracije olanzapina u serumu veće od 0,1 mg/L smatraju se toksičnima, a letalnima veće od 1 mg/L. U radu su prikazana akutna trovanja olanzapinom zabilježena u Nacionalnom centru za kontrolu trovanja u Beogradu tijekom dvije godine. Koncentracije olanzapina u serumu pacijenata akutno otrovanih olanzapinom određene su pouzdanom metodom tekuće kromatografije s masenom spektrometrijom. Registriran je 61 pacijent s predoziranjem olanzapinom: u njih 34 koncentracije olanzapina bile su u terapijskom opsegu, a u njih 27 zabilježene su toksične koncentracije. Pet pacijenata imalo je koncentracije veće od letalnih, a zabilježen je i jedan smrtni ishod. Najčešći simptomi trovanja bili su hipotenzija, tahikardija i povećanje aktivnosti enzima kreatin kinaze. Nakon primjene nespecifičnog detoksikacijskog simptomatskog i potpornog liječenja svi pacijenti osim jednog su se potpuno oporavili

    Differences in MB-COMT DNA methylation in monozygotic twins on phenotypic indicators of impulsivity

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    Epigenetic modifications of the membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB-COMT) gene may affect the enzymatic degradation of dopamine, and consequently, human behavior. This study investigated the association between membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNA methylation (DNAm) differences in 92 monozygotic (MZ) twins with phenotypic manifestations of cognitive, behavioral, and personality indicators associated with reward-related behaviors and lack of control. We used pyrosequencing to determine DNAm of the regulatory region of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in saliva DNA. Results of intrapair differences in the percentage of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm at each of five CpG sites show that there are associations between phenotypic indicators of lack of control and membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm differences on CpG1, CpG2 and CpG4, suggesting the common epigenetic patterns for personality traits, cognitive functions, and risk behaviors

    Clinical and analytical experience of the National Poison Control Centre with synthetic cannabinoids

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    A rising number of patients are being treated for overdosing with new psychoactive substances (NPS) available at the illegal drug market in Serbia. The aim of this study was to report clinical and analytical experience of the National Poison Control Centre of Serbia (NPCC) with synthetic cannabinoids (SCs) and point to the NPS available at the illegal drug market in our country. From January 2013 to December 2016, 58 patients (aged between 14 and 25) were treated for the effects of synthetic cannabinoids at the NPCC. Tachycardia was established in 53, mydriasis in 31, somnolence, nausea. vomiting, and agitation in 16, dizziness in 10, disorientation in 9, dyspnoea and chest pain in 4, and loss of consciousness, pallor, paraesthesia, muscle twitches, and short-term memory impairment in 2 patients. After receiving symptomatic and supportive treatment in the emergency ward, all patients had fully recovered within 8 h and were discharged shortly afterwards. Another part of the study was focused on the analysis of the products known under their local street names as "Biljni tamjan" (herbal incense), "Beli slez", and "Rainbow Special" and the analysis of urine sampled from the patients with gas chromatography - mass spectrometry, and high performance liquid chromatography. The detected synthetic cannabinoids were AB-PINACA, JWH-018, JWH-122, JWH-210, 5F-AKB48, and MDMB-CHMICA in herbal products and AB-FUBINACA, AB-CHMINACA, and MDMB-CHIvIICA in the urine samples. Our findings have shown the great capacity of NPCC to I) monitor NPS abuse in Serbia, II) reliably detect SCs in illicit products and biological samples, and III) clinically manage the adverse effects in their users. Future commitments of the NPCC will include systematic collection of relevant data on SCs and their adverse effects, detection of changes in purity and composition of the controlled NPS-based products, and raising the public awareness of NPS to improve the effectiveness of the national Early Warning System

    Differences in MB-COMT DNA methylation in monozygotic twins on phenotypic indicators of impulsivity

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    Epigenetic modifications of the membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB-COMT) gene may affect the enzymatic degradation of dopamine, and consequently, human behavior. This study investigated the association between membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNA methylation (DNAm) differences in 92 monozygotic (MZ) twins with phenotypic manifestations of cognitive, behavioral, and personality indicators associated with reward-related behaviors and lack of control. We used pyrosequencing to determine DNAm of the regulatory region of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase in saliva DNA. Results of intrapair differences in the percentage of membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm at each of five CpG sites show that there are associations between phenotypic indicators of lack of control and membrane bound catechol-O-methyltransferase DNAm differences on CpG1, CpG2 and CpG4, suggesting the common epigenetic patterns for personality traits, cognitive functions, and risk behaviors

    Infringement of the presumption of innocence by statements of the court and public officials

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    U radu se daje prikaz povrede pretpostavke okrivljenikove nedužnosti izjavama suda i javnih dužnosnika. Prvi dio rada prikazuje razvoj instituta pretpostavke nedužnosti i značenje koje institut ima u suvremenom kaznenom procesnom pravu. Nastavak rada se fokusira na presude Europskog suda za ljudska prava u kojima su utvrđene povrede pretpostavke okrivljenikove nedužnosti od strane suda i javnih dužnosnika. Zatim se daje prikaz zakonodavstva Europske unije vezan uz institut pretpostavke nedužnosti. Zadnje poglavlje analizira povredu pretpostavke nedužnosti u sudskoj praksi Republike Hrvatske