8 research outputs found

    Kekerasan Simbolik Pada Fasilitas Ladies Parking

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    Semangat kesetaraan gender menjadi perhatian masyarakat luas. Seperti kita ketahui, isu tentang perempuan menjadi isu yang sensitif di berbagai diskusi akademis. Salah satu perbincangan kesetaraan gender yang banyak di bahas adalah pembuatan ruang publik seperti fasilitas parkir khusus perempuan. Fasilitas parkir khusus perempuan, yang biasa dikenal dengan ladies parking ini, disediakan oleh para pengembang pusat perbelanjaan dan apartemen sebagai privilese perempuan untuk lebih mudah mendapatkan tempat parkir. Fasilitas ini ditandai dengan simbol perempuan warna merah jambu. Simbol ini diletakkan di tempat yang strategis dan dekat dengan pintu masuk. Fasilitas ini sungguh memudahkan dan membantu perempuan untuk memarkir mobilnya. Dalam jurnal ini pendekatan teori yang digunakan adalah teori kekerasan simbolik  dari Pierre Bourdieu, yang berfokus pada persembunyian kekerasan simbolik melalui fasilitas ladies parking. Kekerasan simbolik sendiri dapat diartikan kekerasan yang tidak dirasakan oleh objek penderita, dalam hal ini perempuan. Hal ini berbanding terbalik terhadap semangat emansipasi dan empowerment perempuan dalam berkendara. Metode yang dilakukan dalam jurnal ini adalah dengan studi literatur. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan buku teks, jurnal, artikel berita, dan opini. Dari hasil analisis menggunakan teori kekerasan simbolik yang dilakukan, bahwa fasilitas ladies parking merendahkan kemampuan perempuan berkendara mobil. Hal ini merupakan bentuk dominasi patriarki terhadap perempuan dalam berkendara. Konstruksi makna yang kebanyakan para pengamat isu kesetaraan gender memandang fasilitas ini tidak sesuai dengan semangat emansipasi dan empowerment terhadap perempuan. Perempuan dianggap tidak memiliki kecakapan mengemudi yang sama dengan para pria.

    Komunikasi Antar Pribadi Murobbi dalam Proses Taaruf pada Lembaga Darul Fattah Bandar Lampung

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    Pernikahan merupakan proses awal dari pembentukan sebuah keluarga, sehingga dibutuhkan cara yang paling tepat dalam pencarian pasangan hidup. Dalam agama Islam, pencarian pasangan tersebut dibenarkan dengan menerapkan konsep taaruf atau perkenalan. Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada komunikasi antarpribadi yang dilakukan murobbi/murobbiah terhadap mutarobbi laki-laki dan perempuan dalam proses taaruf, yang dianalisis berdasarkan lima aspek dalam paradigm humanistik dan pemahaman taaruf, pemahaman serta kesesuaian calon pasangan taaruf. Tujuannya adalah mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, dan menjelaskan komunikasi antarpribadi yang dilakukan murobbi/murobbiah dalam proses taaruf di Lembaga Darul Fattah Bandar Lampung. Penentuan penelitian ini menggunakan teknik sampel purposive. Informan dalam penelitian ini adalah murobbi/murobbiah/guru yang melaksanakan proses taaruf. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik reduksi data, display dan verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah murobbi/murobbiah telah menunjukkan kelima aspek dalam paradigm humanistik pada pelaksanaan kegiatan komunikasi antarpribadinya dengan mutarobbi dalam proses taaruf.

    Peningkatan jiwa entrepreneurship bagi pengelola media komunitas

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    Entrepreneurial spirit in Indonesia is still very low, the ratio of entrepreneurship in Indonesia is still at the level of 3.74%, still lagging behind neighboring countries. The government targets that by 2024, Indonesia is expected to have an entrepreneurship ratio above 3.9%, to make this happen, the younger generation, especially students, will be the determining actors, considering that creativity is needed in entrepreneurship, such as students working in community media. This service is based on the idea that community media are indispensable for public knowledge, especially the academic community at the University level in Bandar Lampung city. Community media has a weakness, namely the difficulty of community media in covering news because they are still underestimated compared to mainstream media. But thanks to this, community media can live together with mainstream media and even fill each other's roles. In order to live sustainably, community media need to develop the business sector so that it can be independent and more developed. This is necessary to realize the sustainability and sustainability of community media. The service team deems it necessary to develop an entrepreneurial spirit in community media managers at the University in Bandar Lampung. This service activity lasted for 2 days. Consists of training, mentoring, to evaluation of activities. The target of the activity is 5 community media in Bandar Lampung.

    Meeting the Spiritual Needs of the Elderly: A Qualitative Study of Communication Patterns at PSLU Tresna Werda Lampung

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    Abstrak:  Memenuhi kebutuhan lansia dapat membantu dalam peningkatan kesehatan, termasuk memenuhi kebutuhan spiritual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kebutuhan spiritual lansia muslim yang menetap di Tresna Werda UPTD Lampung. Subyek diminta untuk berpartisipasi dalam wawancara semi-terstruktur serta observasi. Kebutuhan spiritual lansia di kelompokkan menjadi tiga temuan utama yaitu kebutuhan religius, kebutuhan eksistensial, dan kebutuhan komunikasi. Kebutuhan keagamaan dibagi menjadi keyakinan agama, praktik keagamaan individu, dan praktik keagamaan kolektif. Kebutuhan komunikasi di konseptualisasikan untuk mencakup hubungan dengan Tuhan dan hubungan dengan orang lain. Idealnya, pengasuh lansia diwajibkan mengenal ikebutuhan spiritual lansia, termasuk kebutuhan agama, eksistensial, dan komunikasi, serta berupaya menjaga dan meningkatkan kesehatan spiritual lansia, namun faktanya berbeda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan, pola komunikasi bintang dan pola roda paling efektif digunakan dalam proses bimbingan ibadah di Tresna Werda UPTD Lampung. Abstract:   Complied with the requirements of the elderly can help improve health, and also complied with the spiritual requirements. This study examined the spiritual requirements of Muslim elderly living at Tresna Werda UPTD Lampung. Subjects were asked to participate in semi-structured interviews and observations. The spiritual needs of the elderly are grouped into three main themes, namely religious requirements, existential requirements, and communication requirements. Religious requirements are divided into religious faith, individual spiritual practices, and collective religious practices. Communication requirements are conceptualized to include a relationship with God and relationships with other people. It is said that elderly caregivers must recognize the spiritual needs of the elderly, including religious, existential, and communication requirements, and strive to maintain and improve the spiritual health of the elderl

    Strategi dan Implementasi Komunikasi Dakwah Persuasif di Komunitas Punk Hijrah Bandar Lampung

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    This study tries to explore the strategy and implementation of persuasif da'wah communication in the hijrah punk community. Participants in this study were hijrah actors, founders of the hijrah punk community, as well as administrators from the hijrah punk community. The research findings reflect that the hijrah punk community movement occurred communally and gave birth to a religious-based social movement. The hijrah punk community movement has built a new identity, namely as a religious youth who is closer to Islam and becomes a useful person. The hijrah punk community has the intention of making punk children in Bandarlampung City to know Islam with three main approach strategies, namely psychodynamic strategies that involve emotional and cognitive factors in persuasion. A sociocultural strategy that utilizes environmental factors, namely the friendship that exists between the administrators to preach. The meaning construction strategy focuses more on providing understanding by manipulating understanding without having to change the meaning, the goal is to simplify conveying persuasif messages with understandable analogies

    The Influence of COVID-19 News for Religious Activities in Lampung using Apriori Algorithm

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    The COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, which affected countries in the world, has become a phenomenon that has shaken social life, especially customs in Indonesia. The information about COVID-19 that people get from various sources, such as mass media, social media or word of mouth. Social distancing and calls for “just at home” are being increasingly informed by the government, along with the increase in COVID-19 sufferers in Indonesia, especially in the province of Lampung. Religious activities, especially Islam, which are full of togetherness, such as congregational prayers in mosques, and recitation are among the things that must be undone, along with the government's call to “worship from home” in order to stop the spread of COVID-19. This study seeks to reveal the relationship between information sources, understanding, and people's attitudes towards religious activities, with data mining techniques. That way, we can conclude which media are the most effective in conveying information. The data mining referred to in this study uses a priori algorithm. The priori algorithm is one of the classic data mining algorithms. A priori algorithms are used so that computers can learn association rules, looking for patterns of relationships between one or more items in a dataset. This research was conducted with survey data which were distributed in various districts and cities in the province of Lampung. The results of this study are that there is a connection, if people are afraid of the Covid-19 outbreak and get Covid-19 information through Instagram, they will be relatively obedient, and worship at home. These results can be used by the government in choosing the most appropriate channels/channels, to maximize the dissemination of information, namely through Instagram, especially for millennials


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    Verbal symbols use both spoken and written language. In contrast, non-verbal symbols can include pictures, clothing, smiling faces, and movements and strategies that advertisers use to manipulate and influence their customers. This research uses qualitative methods, while this type uses Teun Van Dijk's media representation approach and discourse analysis. The discourse embedded in television advertising has a significant influence on its audience. The results show that advertisers promote their products and highlight people's cultural and religious values. This emphasis on Islamic rules is reflected in Muslim women's clothing styles, lifestyles, and how TV advertising has shaped ideology in social practices in Indonesia

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Menghadapi Perkembangan Destinasi Ekowisata di Kecamatan Suoh Kabupaten Lampung Barat

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    Developing the tourism sector in various regions certainly benefits the local community. Such beautiful and exotic nature makes the area valuable and unique. On the other hand, local indigenous people must also be able to survive and keep up with changes in tourism development in their area. The method used is counseling and simulation. This service tries to explore and study social communication problems, primarily business communication, that occurs in communities in remote areas. Problems in society, the first is the lack of understanding of the proper and correct post-harvest processing of agricultural and plantation products; the second is the lack of knowledge of the importance of establishing MSMEs and the use of legal brands and third, the forestry and tourism departments have not entirely given the trust in tourism management. , even though the local community has made a significant contribution to the forestry department financially by inviting forest encroachers to come down the mountain. The result of this service activity is that there is a need for entrepreneurship assistance to the community and government of Suoh District, especially Suka Marga Village, as an area that directly impacts tourism objects, which aim to increase independence and welfare. Legal assistance is also needed so that the community and local government have a better understanding of the law