10 research outputs found

    Learning to Predict Ischemic Stroke Growth on Acute CT Perfusion Data by Interpolating Low-Dimensional Shape Representations

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    Cerebrovascular diseases, in particular ischemic stroke, are one of the leading global causes of death in developed countries. Perfusion CT and/or MRI are ideal imaging modalities for characterizing affected ischemic tissue in the hyper-acute phase. If infarct growth over time could be predicted accurately from functional acute imaging protocols together with advanced machine-learning based image analysis, the expected benefits of treatment options could be better weighted against potential risks. The quality of the outcome prediction by convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is so far limited, which indicates that even highly complex deep learning algorithms are not fully capable of directly learning physiological principles of tissue salvation through weak supervision due to a lack of data (e.g., follow-up segmentation). In this work, we address these current shortcomings by explicitly taking into account clinical expert knowledge in the form of segmentations of the core and its surrounding penumbra in acute CT perfusion images (CTP), that are trained to be represented in a low-dimensional non-linear shape space. Employing a multi-scale CNN (U-Net) together with a convolutional auto-encoder, we predict lesion tissue probabilities for new patients. The predictions are physiologically constrained to a shape embedding that encodes a continuous progression between the core and penumbra extents. The comparison to a simple interpolation in the original voxel space and an unconstrained CNN shows that the use of such a shape space can be advantageous to predict time-dependent growth of stroke lesions on acute perfusion data, yielding a Dice score overlap of 0.46 for predictions from expert segmentations of core and penumbra. Our interpolation method models monotone infarct growth robustly on a linear time scale to automatically predict clinically plausible tissue outcomes that may serve as a basis for more clinical measures such as the expected lesion volume increase and can support the decision making on treatment options and triage

    Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT)

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    Although clinical applications represent the next challenge in single-cell genomics and digital pathology, we still lack computational methods to analyze single-cell or pathomics data to find sample-level trajectories or clusters associated with diseases. This remains challenging as single-cell/pathomics data are multi-scale, i.e., a sample is represented by clusters of cells/structures, and samples cannot be easily compared with each other. Here we propose PatIent Level analysis with Optimal Transport (PILOT). PILOT uses optimal transport to compute the Wasserstein distance between two individual single-cell samples. This allows us to perform unsupervised analysis at the sample level and uncover trajectories or cellular clusters associated with disease progression. We evaluate PILOT and competing approaches in single-cell genomics or pathomics studies involving various human diseases with up to 600 samples/patients and millions of cells or tissue structures. Our results demonstrate that PILOT detects disease-associated samples from large and complex single-cell or pathomics data. Moreover, PILOT provides a statistical approach to find changes in cell populations, gene expression, and tissue structures related to the trajectories or clusters supporting interpretation of predictions.</p

    Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT)

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    Although clinical applications represent the next challenge in single-cell genomics and digital pathology, we still lack computational methods to analyze single-cell or pathomics data to find sample-level trajectories or clusters associated with diseases. This remains challenging as single-cell/pathomics data are multi-scale, i.e., a sample is represented by clusters of cells/structures, and samples cannot be easily compared with each other. Here we propose PatIent Level analysis with Optimal Transport (PILOT). PILOT uses optimal transport to compute the Wasserstein distance between two individual single-cell samples. This allows us to perform unsupervised analysis at the sample level and uncover trajectories or cellular clusters associated with disease progression. We evaluate PILOT and competing approaches in single-cell genomics or pathomics studies involving various human diseases with up to 600 samples/patients and millions of cells or tissue structures. Our results demonstrate that PILOT detects disease-associated samples from large and complex single-cell or pathomics data. Moreover, PILOT provides a statistical approach to find changes in cell populations, gene expression, and tissue structures related to the trajectories or clusters supporting interpretation of predictions.</p

    Deep-Learning based segmentation and quantification in experimental kidney histopathology

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    BACKGROUND: Nephropathologic analyses provide important outcomes-related data in experiments with the animal models that are essential for understanding kidney disease pathophysiology. Precision medicine increases the demand for quantitative, unbiased, reproducible, and efficient histopathologic analyses, which will require novel high-throughput tools. A deep learning technique, the convolutional neural network, is increasingly applied in pathology because of its high performance in tasks like histology segmentation. METHODS: We investigated use of a convolutional neural network architecture for accurate segmentation of periodic acid-Schiff-stained kidney tissue from healthy mice and five murine disease models and from other species used in preclinical research. We trained the convolutional neural network to segment six major renal structures: glomerular tuft, glomerulus including Bowman\u27s capsule, tubules, arteries, arterial lumina, and veins. To achieve high accuracy, we performed a large number of expert-based annotations, 72,722 in total. RESULTS: Multiclass segmentation performance was very high in all disease models. The convolutional neural network allowed high-throughput and large-scale, quantitative and comparative analyses of various models. In disease models, computational feature extraction revealed interstitial expansion, tubular dilation and atrophy, and glomerular size variability. Validation showed a high correlation of findings with current standard morphometric analysis. The convolutional neural network also showed high performance in other species used in research-including rats, pigs, bears, and marmosets-as well as in humans, providing a translational bridge between preclinical and clinical studies. CONCLUSIONS: We developed a deep learning algorithm for accurate multiclass segmentation of digital whole-slide images of periodic acid-Schiff-stained kidneys from various species and renal disease models. This enables reproducible quantitative histopathologic analyses in preclinical models that also might be applicable to clinical studies

    Improving unsupervised stain-to-stain translation using self-supervision and meta-learning

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    Background: In digital pathology, many image analysis tasks are challenged by the need for large and time-consuming manual data annotations to cope with various sources of variability in the image domain. Unsupervised domain adaptation based on image-to-image translation is gaining importance in this field by addressing variabilities without the manual overhead. Here, we tackle the variation of different histological stains by unsupervised stain-to-stain translation to enable a stain-independent applicability of a deep learning segmentation model. Methods: We use CycleGANs for stain-to-stain translation in kidney histopathology, and propose two novel approaches to improve translational effectivity. First, we integrate a prior segmentation network into the CycleGAN for a self-supervised, application-oriented optimization of translation through semantic guidance, and second, we incorporate extra channels to the translation output to implicitly separate artificial meta-information otherwise encoded for tackling underdetermined reconstructions. Results: The latter showed partially superior performances to the unmodified CycleGAN, but the former performed best in all stains providing instance-level Dice scores ranging between 78% and 92% for most kidney structures, such as glomeruli, tubules, and veins. However, CycleGANs showed only limited performance in the translation of other structures, e.g. arteries. Our study also found somewhat lower performance for all structures in all stains when compared to segmentation in the original stain. Conclusions: Our study suggests that with current unsupervised technologies, it seems unlikely to produce “generally” applicable simulated stains

    Tackling stain variability using CycleGAN-based stain augmentation

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    Background: Considerable inter- and intra-laboratory stain variability exists in pathology, representing a challenge in development and application of deep learning (DL) approaches. Since tackling all sources of stain variability with manual annotation is not feasible, we here investigated and compared unsupervised DL approaches to reduce the consequences of stain variability in kidney pathology. Methods: We aimed to improve the applicability of a pretrained DL segmentation model to 3 external multi-centric cohorts with large stain variability. In contrast to the traditional approach of training generative adversarial networks (GAN) for stain normalization, we here propose to tackle stain variability by data augmentation. We augment the training data of the pretrained model by the stain variability using CycleGANs and then retrain the model on the stain-augmented dataset. We compared the performance of i/ the unmodified pretrained segmentation model with ii/ CycleGAN-based stain normalization, iii/ a feature-preserving modification to ii/ for improved normalization, and iv/ the proposed stain-augmented model. Results: The proposed stain-augmented model showed highest mean segmentation accuracy in all external cohorts and maintained comparable performance on the training cohort. However, the increase in performance was only marginal compared to the pretrained model. CycleGAN-based stain normalization suffered from encoded imperceptible information into the normalizations that confused the pretrained model and thus resulted in slightly worse performance. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that stain variability can be tackled more effectively by augmenting data by it than by following the commonly used approach of normalizing the stain. However, the applicability of this approach providing only a rather slight performance increase has to be weighted against an additional carbon footprint

    Large-scale extraction of interpretable features provides new insights into kidney histopathology – A proof-of-concept study

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    Whole slide images contain a magnitude of quantitative information that may not be fully explored in qualitative visual assessments. We propose: (1) a novel pipeline for extracting a comprehensive set of visual features, which are detectable by a pathologist, as well as sub-visual features, which are not discernible by human experts and (2) perform detailed analyses on renal images from mice with experimental unilateral ureteral obstruction. An important criterion for these features is that they are easy to interpret, as opposed to features obtained from neural networks. We extract and compare features from pathological and healthy control kidneys to learn how the compartments (glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, tubule, interstitium, artery, and arterial lumen) are affected by the pathology. We define feature selection methods to extract the most informative and discriminative features. We perform statistical analyses to understand the relation of the extracted features, both individually, and in combinations, with tissue morphology and pathology. Particularly for the presented case-study, we highlight features that are affected in each compartment. With this, prior biological knowledge, such as the increase in interstitial nuclei, is confirmed and presented in a quantitative way, alongside with novel findings, like color and intensity changes in glomeruli and Bowman's capsule. The proposed approach is therefore an important step towards quantitative, reproducible, and rater-independent analysis in histopathology

    Current kidney function parameters overestimate kidney tissue repair in reversible experimental kidney disease

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    Although underlying mechanisms and the clinical course of kidney disease progression are well described, less is known about potential disease reversibility. Therefore, to analyze kidney recovery, we adapted a commonly used murine chronic kidney disease (CKD) model of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine (2,8-DHA) crystal-induced nephropathy to study disease recovery and efficacy of disease-modifying interventions. The recovery phase after CKD was characterized by improved kidney function after two weeks which remained stable thereafter. By contrast, even after eight weeks recovery, tubular injury and inflammation were only partially reduced, and fibrosis persisted. Deep-learning-based histologic analysis of 8,604 glomeruli and 596,614 tubular cross sections revealed numerous tubules had undergone either prominent dilation or complete atrophy, leading to atubular glomeruli and irreversible nephron loss. We confirmed these findings in a second CKD model, reversible unilateral ureteral obstruction, in which a rapid improvement of glomerular filtration rate during recovery also did not reflect the permanent histologic kidney injury. In 2,8-DHA nephropathy, increased drinking volume was highly effective in disease prevention. However, in therapeutic approaches, high fluid intake was only effective in moderate but not severe CKD and established tissue injury was again poorly reflective of kidney function parameters. The injury was particularly localized in the medulla, which is often not analyzed. Thus, recovery after crystal- or obstruction-induced CKD is characterized by ongoing tissue injury, fibrosis, and nephron loss, but not reflected by standard measures of kidney function. Hence, our data might aid in designing kidney recovery studies and suggest the need for biomarkers specifically monitoring intra-kidney tissue injury

    Detection of PatIent-Level distances from single cell genomics and pathomics data with Optimal Transport (PILOT)

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    Although clinical applications represent the next challenge in single-cell genomics and digital pathology, we still lack computational methods to analyze single-cell or pathomics data to find sample-level trajectories or clusters associated with diseases. This remains challenging as single-cell/pathomics data are multi-scale, i.e., a sample is represented by clusters of cells/structures, and samples cannot be easily compared with each other. Here we propose PatIent Level analysis with Optimal Transport (PILOT). PILOT uses optimal transport to compute the Wasserstein distance between two individual single-cell samples. This allows us to perform unsupervised analysis at the sample level and uncover trajectories or cellular clusters associated with disease progression. We evaluate PILOT and competing approaches in single-cell genomics or pathomics studies involving various human diseases with up to 600 samples/patients and millions of cells or tissue structures. Our results demonstrate that PILOT detects disease-associated samples from large and complex single-cell or pathomics data. Moreover, PILOT provides a statistical approach to find changes in cell populations, gene expression, and tissue structures related to the trajectories or clusters supporting interpretation of predictions.</p