2,005 research outputs found

    The TWINS-LAD mission: Observations of terrestrial Lyman-? fluxes

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    International audienceThe TWINS project (Two Wide-angle Imaging Neutral-atom Spectrometers) is mainly devoted to measure high energy neutral atoms (ENAs) originating via charge exchange of protons with geocoronal hydrogen atoms in the plasmasphere and magnetosphere. In order to unfold the local ion density along the line-of-sight (LOS) from the integrated ENA flux measurements, a good knowledge of the geocoronal hydrogen density distribution is needed. Therefore, two Lyman-? detectors (LADs) - designed and calibrated by the authors - were added to the TWINS package. These detectors register line-integrated Lyman-? resonance emission intensities which then can be used to get the actual local hydrogen densities with the help of a numerical inversion routine

    Fungicide, Insecticide, and Foliar Fertilizer Effect on Soybean Yield, Seed Composition, and Canopy Retention

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    Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield has increased over time through the introduction of new varieties and improved agronomic practices. However, seed protein concentration has decreased. We conducted field studies in 2018 and 2019 to investigate the effects of fungicide, insecticide, and foliar fertilizer application on grain yield and seed quality in two soybean maturity groups (MG). In‐season treatments targeted nutrient availability and soybean canopy duration during the seed‐filling period by fungicide, insecticide, or foliar fertilizer application at the onset of this period. Biomass samples were collected at R5, R6, and R7 and partitioned into plant parts. Year, location, and MG often influenced yield and seed composition, but foliar fungicide, insecticide, or fertilizer application had no impact on these parameters

    Measurement of the analyzing power in pp elastic scattering in the peak CNI region at RHIC

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    We report the first measurements of the A_N absolute value and shape in the -t range from 0.0015 to 0.010GeV/c^2 with a precision better than 0.005 for each A_N data point using a polarized atomic hydrogen gas jet target and the 100 GeV RHIC proton beam.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    First Results from MASIV: The Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability Survey

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    We are undertaking a large-scale, Micro-Arcsecond Scintillation-Induced Variability (MASIV) survey of the northern sky, Dec > 0 deg, at 4.9 GHz with the VLA. Our objective is to construct a sample of 100 to 150 scintillating extragalactic sources with which to examine both the microarcsecond structure and the parent populations of these sources, and to probe the turbulent interstellar medium responsible for the scintillation. We report on our first epoch of observations which revealed variability on timescales ranging from hours to days in 85 of 710 compact flat-spectrum sources. The number of highly variable sources, those with RMS flux density variations greater than 4% of the mean, increases with decreasing source flux density but rapid, large amplitude variables such as J1819+3845 are very rare. When compared with a model for the scintillation due to irregularities in a 500 pc thick electron layer, our preliminary results indicate maximum brightness temperatures ~10E+12 K, similar to those obtained from VLBI surveys even though interstellar scintillation is not subject to the same angular resolution limit.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the Astronomical Journa

    Toward polarized antiprotons: Machine development for spin-filtering experiments

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    The paper describes the commissioning of the experimental equipment and the machine studies required for the first spin-filtering experiment with protons at a beam kinetic energy of 49.349.3\,MeV in COSY. The implementation of a low-β\beta insertion made it possible to achieve beam lifetimes of τb=8000\tau_{\rm{b}}=8000\,s in the presence of a dense polarized hydrogen storage-cell target of areal density dt=(5.5±0.2)×1013atoms/cm2d_{\rm t}=(5.5\pm 0.2)\times 10^{13}\,\mathrm{atoms/cm^{2}}. The developed techniques can be directly applied to antiproton machines and allow for the determination of the spin-dependent pˉp\bar{p}p cross sections via spin filtering

    Measuring the Polarization of a Rapidly Precessing Deuteron Beam

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    This paper describes a time-marking system that enables a measurement of the in-plane (horizontal) polarization of a 0.97-GeV/c deuteron beam circulating in the Cooler Synchrotron (COSY) at the Forschungszentrum J\"ulich. The clock time of each polarimeter event is used to unfold the 120-kHz spin precession and assign events to bins according to the direction of the horizontal polarization. After accumulation for one or more seconds, the down-up scattering asymmetry can be calculated for each direction and matched to a sinusoidal function whose magnitude is proportional to the horizontal polarization. This requires prior knowledge of the spin tune or polarization precession rate. An initial estimate is refined by re-sorting the events as the spin tune is adjusted across a narrow range and searching for the maximum polarization magnitude. The result is biased toward polarization values that are too large, in part because of statistical fluctuations but also because sinusoidal fits to even random data will produce sizeable magnitudes when the phase is left free to vary. An analysis procedure is described that matches the time dependence of the horizontal polarization to templates based on emittance-driven polarization loss while correcting for the positive bias. This information will be used to study ways to extend the horizontal polarization lifetime by correcting spin tune spread using ring sextupole fields and thereby to support the feasibility of searching for an intrinsic electric dipole moment using polarized beams in a storage ring. This paper is a combined effort of the Storage Ring EDM Collaboration and the JEDI Collaboration.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figures, prepared for Physical Review ST - Accelerators and Beam

    Measurement of the Spin-Dependence of the pbar-p Interaction at the AD-Ring

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    We propose to use an internal polarized hydrogen storage cell gas target in the AD ring to determine for the first time the two total spin-dependent pbar-p cross sections sigma_1 and sigma_2 at antiproton beam energies in the range from 50 to 450 MeV. The data obtained are of interest by themselves for the general theory of pbar-p interactions since they will provide a first experimental constraint of the spin-spin dependence of the nucleon-antinucleon potential in the energy range of interest. In addition, measurements of the polarization buildup of stored antiprotons are required to define the optimum parameters of a future, dedicated Antiproton Polarizer Ring (APR), intended to feed a double-polarized asymmetric pbar-p collider with polarized antiprotons. Such a machine has recently been proposed by the PAX collaboration for the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. The availability of an intense stored beam of polarized antiprotons will provide access to a wealth of single- and double-spin observables, thereby opening a new window on QCD spin physics.Comment: 51 pages, 23 figures, proposal submitted to the SPS committee of CER

    Beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering from unpolarized hydrogen and deuterium targets

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    A measurement of beam-helicity asymmetries for single-hadron production in deep-inelastic scattering is presented. Data from the scattering of 27.6 GeV electrons and positrons off gaseous hydrogen and deuterium targets were collected by the HERMES experiment. The asymmetries are presented separately as a function of the Bjorken scaling variable, the hadron transverse momentum, and the fractional energy for charged pions and kaons as well as for protons and anti-protons. These asymmetries are also presented as a function of the three aforementioned kinematic variables simultaneously