11 research outputs found

    Peran Kelembagaan Lokal Adat Dalam Pembangunan Desa

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    The role of public and institute in development of countryside is not only limited to beneficial owner, but actively involved direct in development programs. Condition of local institute of custom here and now will affect to the role in development of countryside. Purpose of fundamental of this research description the role of local institute of custom in development of countryside. This research applies qualitative method with case study in Nagari Sungai Pua Kecamatan Sungai Puar Kabupaten Agam. Data collecting is done qualitatively, that is direct observation or observation, in-depth interview and documentation. Research finding indicates that as result of governmental intervenes to government of nagari from time to time indirectly makes the role of local institute of custom on the wane in development of countryside. The role of local institute of custom in development of nagari still there is in each development step countryside, where a real role dominance is at planning stage and coordination

    The Role of Local Institutions on Strengthening Gambir Agricultural Market

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    Agricultural market gambir is often injurious farmers so important strengthening through the role of institutions local. Local institutions so far have power and proximity to the community, storing knowledge and skills and sensitive with needs of the society where exchange happened. This research uses the method the qualitative study. This research in Lubuak Alai Village, Kapur IX, Lima Puluh Kota District the Province of West Sumatra. Lubuak Alai Village is agricultural gambir centers. Local institutions involved in the market gambir is institutional farmers, gatherers, Kerapatan Adat Nagari (KAN) and village administration. The role and the existence of local institutions involved in the market gambir, is important to process the transaction as well as strengthen and sustain agricultural markets gambir in Lubuak Alai Village

    Collective Action through Synergy Local Institutions to Protect Agricultural Market

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    This study attempts to see some form of collective action, to protect markets gambir. This research in a qualitative study, design case study. Technical collect data done with data collection method (qualitative observation, interviews, group discussions and documentation). Data analysis used the descriptive qualitative analysis, with the reduction of data, presentation of data, and the withdrawal of conclusion. The results of the study suggests there are some collective action in markets gambir. Collective action formed of synergy local institutions. Collective action formed is, transactions gambir in place and the same time, and collect taxes gambir. Transactions with making markets more competitive (perfect competition), as well as made it easier for the process of transactions. Tax gambir used of farmers experience misfortune and village development. Key word: collective action, markets, gambi


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    Pasar gambir berfungsi untuk menyerap produksi dan transaksi gambir petani, sehingga berperan terhadap pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani gambir. Namun saat ini pasar gambir tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Untuk itu dibutuhkan tindakan kolektif untuk perbaikan pasar gambir. Tindakan kolektif dilihat dari fungsi dan kinerja modal sosial kelembagaan lokal yang terlibat di pasar gambir. Penelitian dilakukan pada pasar gambir nagari Lubuak Alai, Manggilang dan Halaban di Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan multi kasus. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bentuk-bentuk modal sosial yang dimiliki kelembagaan lokal yang berfungsi pada pasar gambir: 1) Aspek kepercayaan berfungsi memudahkan kerja sama, menjaga mutu gambir, memberikan harga yang baik, serta mempertahankan waktu dan tempat transaksi bersama. 2) Aspek jaringan berfungsi untuk mendapatkan informasi dan relasi. 3) Aspek norma dan sanksi yang bersifat formal efektif dalam menjaga dan mengatur hubungan. Transaksi berjalan dengan baik dan mengurangi ketidakjujuran. Faktor-faktor pendorong terbangunnya modal sosial di antaranya: 1) Aspek kepercayaan adalah kejujuran dalam berusaha, kekerabatan dan pertemanan, serta usaha tani gambir merupakan mata pencarian pokok. 2) Untuk aspek jaringan adalah kebutuhan pembeli atau pasar, tempat memperoleh pinjaman, mendapatkan informasi harga dan produksi gambir. 3) Norma dan sanksi yang terbentuk bersifat formal dan informal. Norma dan sanksi formal terbentuk akibat tidak dapat terselesaikannya permasalahan pada pasar gambir. Norma dan sanksi formal bertahan karena permasalahan di antara kelembagaan yang terlibat masih dapat diselesaikan secara persahabatan dan kekeluargaan. Kinerja bonding social capital memperlihatkan integrasi dan jejaring yang tinggi di pasar gambir Nagari Halaban sedangkan di Nagari Manggilang rendah dan di Nagari Lubuak Alai sedang. Kinerja bridging social capital memperlihatkan integrasi dan sinergi yang tinggi pada pasar gambir Nagari Halaban dan Lubuak Alai, dan rendah pada Nagari Manggilang. Linking social capital berperan di pasar gambir nagari Halaban dan Lubuak Alai. Tindakan kolektif yang terbentuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan pasar gambir dan meningkatkan pendapatan petani gambir. Tindakan-tindakan kolektif yang terbentuk: 1) Pasar gambir Nagari Halaban membentuk sinergi yang baik antara petani, pengumpul, lembaga keuangan dan pemerintahan nagari. Tindakan kolektif yang terbangun seperti kesepakatan transaksi kualitas gambir murni, kerja sama produksi gambir, bebas keluar masuk pedagang pengumpul dan modal produksi melalui lembaga keuangan formal. 2) Pasar gambir Nagari Manggilang tindakan kolektif tidak terbentuk, berakibat pada penguasaan pasar gambir oleh pedagang pengumpul. 3) Pasar gambir Nagari Lubuak Alai terbangun sinergi antara kelembagaan pengumpul, petani, pemerintahan nagari, dan kelembagaan adat. Tindakan kolektif yang terbentuk di antaranya, bebas keluar masuk pedagang pengumpul, transaksi gambir dengan mutu baik dan kering, transaksi bersama pada kios gambir nagari pada waktu yang sama serta pengumpulan pajak gambir. Kata kunci: Modal sosial, tindakan kolektif, pasar gambi


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    Kajian permasalahan pada penelitian ini mengenai problematika yang dihadapi guru dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran. Tujuan penelitian ialah untuk  mendeskripsikan kemampuan guru dalalm menggunakan media berbasis teknologi, media apa yang dipakai guru dalam proses belajar mengajar, dan problematika apa yang dihadapi guru dalam menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) yang menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, yakni dengan menggambarkan objek penelitian sebagaimana adanya. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu Kepala Sekolah, Guru PAI dan Siswa. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Dalam memeriksa keabsahan data yang penulis dapat di lapangan, maka penulis menggunakan teknik triangulasi yakni; triangulasi sumber, triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi waktu. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: pertama, Guru mampu mengiringi perkembangan zaman dalam menggunakan media berbasis teknologi pada pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam, hanya saja mereka tidak menerapkan kemampuan yang mereka miliki pada proses belajar mengajar. Kedua, Pada perangkat pembelajaran, guru Pendidikan Agama Islam sudah menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi meskipun belum bervariasi, namun pada kenyataan di lapangan mereka hanya mengajar secara konvensional. Ketiga, Problematika yang dihadapi guru tidak selalu berpengaruh besar terhadap hasil belajar siswa. Guru dapat melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan baik meski tidak sepenuhnya di support dengan media pembelajaran.The study of the problems in this study is about the problems faced by teachers in the use of learning media. The purpose of the research is to describe the ability of teachers to use technology-based media, what media teachers use in the learning process, and what problems teachers face in using technology-based learning media. This research is field research that uses qualitative descriptive methods, namely by describing the object of research as it is. The subjects of this study are Principals, PAI Teachers and Students. Data collection methods use observation, interview and study documentation. In examining the validity of the data that the author can in the field, the author uses triangulation techniques namely; triangulation of sources, triangulation techniques and triangulation of time. The findings show that: first, Teachers are able to accompany the development of the times in using technology-based media on islamic education learning, only that they do not apply the skills they have to the teaching learning process. Second, On learning devices, Islamic Religious Education teachers already use technology-based learning media although it has not varied, but in the reality in the field they only teach conventionally. Third, the problems faced by teachers do not always have a major effect on students' learning outcomes. Teachers can carry out their duties properly even if not fully supported by learning medi

    Islamic Education: As a Character Building Effort

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    This research aims to find out the patterns of students’ character building and factors that support and inhibit as faced by Islamic Education teachers in State Primary School 16 V Koto Timur District Padang Pariaman Regency. According to the objective, this research utilizes qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data sources are a school principal, Islamic Education teachers, and Classroom teachers. The researchers use observation, interview, and documentation as the data collection techniques. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, classification, and presentation and conclusion drawing. It is known that Islamic Education is the students’ character-building effort. The character building pattern is done by integrating PAI (Islamic Education) and using uswah and hikmah method into character Education. In building students’ character, there are supporting and inhibiting factors that include school internal and external factors


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    Information and communication technology plays an important role in education, an educator is required to be able to integrate information and communication technology in defense of Jan. The evaluation model that took place during this time at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Anai is with conventional media such as the utilization of stationery. The concept of evaluation based on information and communication technology can be realized in the evaluation of daily learning in the classroom not just in national exams. In line with this research will describe the use of Google Form in pai learning evaluation activities at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Anai. To achieve these goals, in this study used qualitative methods with observation data collection techniques, interviews and documentation studies. The results found from the study show that the use of google form as an evaluation medium in islamic religious education learning at SMA Negeri 1 Batang Anai Got a positive response from teachers, because the creation of evaluation media with google form is more saving energy, cost and time and the inaccuracy of questions and evaluation results can be declared valid because in the application goole form there is already an analysis of the level of difficulty of the question and the results of the value of students in comparison with conventional media. Creating evaluation media using google form is easier and more fun because it can set the header design according to the teacher's wishes. While the response of students is fun, active and more interested in making students not afraid to follow the evaluatio

    Pelatihan Dan Pendamping Pembuatan Tanin Gambir Pada Kelompok Tani Gambir Ngalau Jaya

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    Usahatani gambir telah berlangsung sejak zaman sejal abad ke 18. Namun produk yang dihasilkan petani gambir masih dalam bentuk gambir biasa dengan harga murah. Padahal gambir meiliki zat kimia tanin dan katekin yang memiliki harga lebih mahal. Untuk itu, itu penting dilakukan peningkatan pengetahuan petani melalui pengembagan produk. Khusus tanin bermanfaat untuk dunia industri seperti industri penyamak kulit, pewarna dan perekat kayu. Tanin dapat diproduksi secara sederhana dan biaya murah, namun memiliki harga yang lebih mahal. Melihat kondisi tersebut Kelompok Tani Gambir Ngalau Jaya sangat ingin mendapatkan pengetahuan pembuatan tanin, untuk dapat meningkatkan perekonomian mereka. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan dan pendampingan menambah pengetahuan anggota Kelompok Tani Ngalau Jaya dalam memproduksi tanin. Produk tanin dapat dijadikan mata pencarian tambahan petani gambir dengan harga yang lebih lebih mahal dan lebih menguntungkan


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    The role of public and institute in development of countryside is not only limited to beneficial owner, but actively involved direct in development programs. Condition of local institute of custom here and now will affect to the role in development of countryside. Purpose of fundamental of this research description the role of local institute of custom in development of countryside. This research applies qualitative method with case study in Nagari Sungai Pua Kecamatan Sungai Puar Kabupaten Agam. Data collecting is done qualitatively, that is direct observation or observation, in-depth interview and documentation. Research finding indicates that as result of governmental intervenes to government of nagari from time to time indirectly makes the role of local institute of custom on the wane in development of countryside. The role of local institute of custom in development of nagari still there is in each development step countryside, where a real role dominance is at planning stage and coordination

    Program Kemitraan Masyakat Produksi dan Pemasaran Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb)

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    Gambir is a specific plant for Indonesia with the central area of ​​West Sumatra Province. Gambir plant processed products are widely used for medicines, cosmetics and dyes. Gambir production has been going on for more than a century in the central villages of West Sumatra Province, but there are still many problems in gambir production that are detrimental to gambir farmers. The problems felt by gambir farmers so far include the fluctuating price of processed gambir products and tend to be cheap. The low price of processed farmers' gambir is because the production process is traditional and mixes with other ingredients so it is not hygienic. Furthermore, the low price of processed gambir products is because they are only sold to collectors in village markets (monopsony market structure). Seeing the above problems, the solution as well as the wishes of the community, first is training and assistance for pure and hygienic gambier processing. Both training and assistance in selling pure products through online media to get more consumers