186 research outputs found

    Developing and validating an instrument for the assessment of tourism carrying capacity in Pulau Perhentian marine park

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    Carrying capacity is one of the concepts in tourism management and planning. Though it shows a remarkable solution in controlling the impacts of tourism towards the environment, it involves a very complex process and vagueness in indicating attributes and criteria to govern this framework. This study is carried out to evaluate the relevant indicators for the tourism carrying capacity in Pulau Perhentian marine park. In this paper, a conceptual model based on a study from the current literature was proposed. Data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed to validate and test the reliability of the instruments. The findings of this paper will be used for developing the model in the futur

    Radiation safety based on the sky shine effect in reactor

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    In the reactor operation, neutrons and gamma rays are the most dominant radiation. As protection, lead and concrete shields are built around the reactor. However, the radiation can penetrate the water shielding inside the reactor pool. This incident leads to the occurrence of sky shine where a physical phenomenon of nuclear radiation sources was transmitted panoramic that extends to the environment. The effect of this phenomenon is caused by the fallout radiation into the surrounding area which causes the radiation dose to increase. High doses of exposure cause a person to have stochastic effects or deterministic effects. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the radiation dose from sky shine effect that scattered around the reactor at different distances and different height above the reactor platform. In this paper, the analysis of the radiation dose of sky shine effect was measured using the experimental metho

    D-Lexis: Alphabet Mobile Learning Application for dyslexia for dyslexia Based on Slingerland Methods of Learning

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    This dessertation reports on the development of D-Lexis, a mobile application with android platform to help dyslexic students in alphabetical learning based on Slingerland methods of learning. Dyslexia is a medical condition that hinders reading, language and spelling skills of a student which affects their learning performance and makes dyslexic students hate conventional classroom methods. Therefore, learning modules for dyslexia learning must be in sequence, structured and applies multisensory approach with focus in alphabet learning as fundamental of literacy to overcome problems of phonological processing that leads to offences in reading, writing, memory retention and spelling. This project focus at overcoming 3 offenses such as reversal and inversion of letters while writing, short memory retention and 'dancing letters' conditions as well as confusion of letters while reading through 5 modules-recognizing capital and lowercase letters, tracing capital and lowercase letters and exercise. The development of the system is based on rapid prototype methodology which is flexible for author to ensure the application meeting user's requirements. An interview with the dyslexia practitioners, 3 observations through videos, 5 qualitative surveys and 3 revisions on design of the systems are conducted to ensure the application is meeting requirements and needs of a dyslexic. The application is developed in 2 phase with 3 amendments on designs and 2 amendments on the development process which results in 5 interactive modules aims on enhancing writing and recognition of letters according to dyslexic needs and requirements. The proposed system is not only suitable for dyslexic but also can be used as a pre-literacy learning application for pre-schools students or primary students

    Ciri-ciri keusahawanan di kalangan mahasiswa FPTP, UTHM

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    Keusahawanan adalah satu sektor yang sedang berkembang pesat dalam pembangunan Malaysia. Disebabkan oleh kepentingan sektor keusahawanan, ini telah menjadi salah satu agenda nasional di banyak negara.Kepentingan keusahawanan kepada ekonomi Malaysia telah terbuktikan dengan pelbagai sokongan mekanisme dan dasar yang wujud untuk usahawan termasuklah pembiayaan, infrastruktur fizikal dan khidmat nasihat perniagaan. Penubuhan Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan pada tahun 1995, jelas menunjukkan bahawa semakin pentingnya peranan kerajaan dalam isu pembangunan usahawan Malaysia (Ariff & Abu Bakar, 2005)

    Analisis Rasio Profitabilitas Terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba Pada Perusahaan Automotive And Allied Products Yang Terdaftar Di BEI Tahun 2011-2014

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    This study aims to examine whether there is influence profitability ratios (ROA, ROE, and NPM) on corporate earings Automotive and Allied Products listed on the Stock Exchange in the period 2011-2014. this study uses a survey of secondary data with the company population Automotive and Allied Product listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in 2011-2014. Criteria used to determine sample using purposive sampling of companies whose shares are actively traded during the year 2011-2014, published financial statements. With this method obtained a sample of 15 companies. The analysis technique used in consisting of normality test, mulcollinearity, autocorrelation, and heteroscedasticity test used asses the validity of the regression equaiton. In addition there is t-test, F, and the coefficient of determination. The result of this study concluded that the t test derived variables, Return on Assets (ROA) has no effect on profit growth, return on equity (ROE) has no effect on the growth of earnings, and Net Profit Margin (NPM) effect on profit growth. F test results in this study Keywords: The company’s profit, Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and the Net Profit Margin (NPM) effect on profit growth. F test results in this study variables Return on Asset (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and the Net Profit Margin (NPM) together effect on profit growth

    Compliance of hand written transfusion requisition form and improvement after online request - A clinical audit

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    Objective: To assess the compliance of healthcare personnel with regard to sending completely filled transfusion requisition forms.Methods: The audit was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised requisition slips received at the hospital blood bank from September 2014 to February 2015. The British Committee for Standards in Haematology guidelines was used as the standard. Percentage of each variable on the proforma was analsyed. Rating \u3c50% for each form was defined as needs improvement , 51-99% as good compliance and 100% as excellent compliance . After implementing strategies to increase awareness and the launching of an online transfusion requisition form, a re-audit of physician compliance was done from February to April 2016 and the results were compared with the initial audit.. Data was analysed using SPSS 21.Results: The audit and the re-audit both comprised 1000 transfusion requisition forms each. In the audit, The sum of total scores of all the transfusion requisition forms was 4911, indicating a compliance rate of 46.9%, while the corresponding numbers in the re-audit were 10000 and 100%.Conclusions: The implementation of online blood transfusion requisition system had a positive impact on compliance rate

    Investigation of the Determinants and Consequences of Employee Motivation: PLS Approach

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    This study examines the mediating influence of employee motivation on the relationships among performance appraisal satisfaction, work performance and employee commitment. To ensure this mediating influence the textile sector of Faisalabad was studied. Participants of this research were 450 employees of different organizations of textile sector who were selected via convenient sampling. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through PLS were used for data analysis. Results of this study indicate that there is positive and significant relationship among studied variables

    Vibration simulation of plate with attached multiple absorbers

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    In general, solutions for standards to improve the vibration and noise problems is to redesign or modify the system such as increasing the thickness of the wall panels, enhancing the elasticity of the structure, and increase the damping mechanism of the structure. So in this study, the concept of Dynamic Vibration Absorbers (DVA) are used to reduce vibration or amplitude. On a Simply Supported Plate (SSP) structure, the method used in this study were of analytical equations and finite element analysis. MATLAB ® is used to solve the equations of analytical theory, as well as simulation results verify the ANSYS ®. The study found that the analytical and simulation equation for SSP are same. The frequency range used are 10 Hz to 500 Hz and there are a number of modes show. In addition, the mass and damping in the absorber is changed. It aims to identify the mass and damping are most suitable for use in absorber system. Once seen, the mass of 1.0 kg more suitable for use as a percentage reduction or vibration amplitude is the highest of 40.99%. The damping values shows that the percentage reduction in the amplitude of the vibration or spring, 10 N / m is 44.64%. Further, this study was undertaken by placing the absorber at different locations configuration. This was followed by the addition of a single absorber and multiple absorber to see the average percentage reduction in vibration or amplitude. Overall global reduction of the four absorber is 68.07% compared to the single absorber only 33.31% reduction. Finally, it can be concluded that multiple vibration absorber can reduce the overall global vibration compared to a single absorber. However, for structures that take into account the weight of the main things to consider increasing the number of absorbers as excessive weight of the structure will result in a reduction in vehicle fuel efficiency, aerospace, automotive and machine systems

    Challenges to implement carrying capacity framework: A case study of Pulau Perhentian Marine Park institutional framework

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    The environmental quality at Pulau Perhentian Marine Park is degrading day by day. Many studies have been done in order to support sustaining the tourist sites such as having limits in development and tourist arrival,or better known as carrying capacity. Despite the existence of many agencies whose jobscope is related to Pulau Perhentian,poor implementation of the guideline is resulting in degrading environmental quality of the park.This paper looks at the roles and functionsof each government agencies related toPulau Perhentian. The outcome of this paper is the analysis of the current roles and responsibilities of the agenciesand where are the gaps that can be filled in order to promote sustainable tourism in Pulau Perhentian

    The impact of fertiliser subsidy and new variety of paddy on Malaysian paddy/rice industry

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    Rice is a staple food for the Malaysian population. Special attention is always given by the government to ensure the sustainability of the Malaysian paddy/rice industry. In order to encourage paddy farmers to increase paddy production, a food security policy for the paddy/ rice sector has been implemented by the government towards self-sufficiency by 2020. There are three types of government intervention on Malaysian paddy and rice industry namely fertiliser subsidy, price support and import restriction or quota. There would be some impact to the industry if the government decides to implement a trade liberalisation policy. This is because trade liberalisation involves removing barriers to trade between different countries. Therefore, it would cause the supporting elements of the industry to be limited. In view of this this study has made its main objective the simulation of the impact of a fertiliser subsidy on the Malaysian paddy and rice industry. The methodology used is the system dynamics model. In addition, this study also attempts to simulate the impact of improvement in yield on the performance of the system. The simulation results suggest that there would be a positive impact to the industry with the implementation of the current policy for fertiliser subsidy. Yield obtained would increase with the implementation of the fertiliser subsidy. Consequently, it would increase paddy production. Paddy production would decrease if the government decides to remove the fertiliser subsidy. Hence the self sufficiency level (SSL) also would decrease. Due to the reduction in production, the importation of rice seems unavoidable in order to meet the demand. Meanwhile, due to population growth, the government needs to find alternative policies to sustain the industry and increase imports in order to ensure adequate supply of rice for the Malaysian population. The simulation results indicate that the introduction of a new variety of paddy leads to increase in yield, and in turn to increase in the production level. The percentage increase in yield and production is about 3% per year