211 research outputs found

    Radiation grafted natural fibres functionalized with alkalised amine for transesterification of cottonseed oil to biodiesel

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    Poly(glycidyl methacrylate) grafted Linum usitatissimum (flax) fibers functionalized with diethylamine (DEA) groups followed by alkalisation were prepared and used as a heterogeneous catalyst for production of biodiesel. Particularly, the new basic catalyst was used for transesterification of cottonseed oil using different molar ratios with methanol and various reaction temperatures. The gas chromatography analysis was used to confirm the conversion of the cottonseed oil to biodiesel. The transesterification reaction temperature affected the conversion percentage significantly. The highest conversion was obtained at 60 °C. In addition, the oil/methanol ratio in the reaction mixture of 1:33 resulted in the highest conversion ratio reaching about 97 %. These results suggest that the alkaline organic catalyst prepared in this study has a potential for application in biodiesel production

    Extracts of Feijoa Inhibit Toll-Like Receptor 2 Signaling and Activate Autophagy Implicating a Role in Dietary Control of IBD

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a heterogeneous chronic inflammatory disease affecting the gut with limited treatment success for its sufferers. This suggests the need for better understanding of the different subtypes of the disease as well as nutritional interventions to compliment current treatments. In this study we assess the ability of a hydrophilic feijoa fraction (F3) to modulate autophagy a process known to regulate inflammation, via TLR2 using IBD cell lines

    Isotherms for adsorption of boron onto new fibrous adsorbent containing glycidol ligands: linear and nonlinear regression methods

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    The most appropriate way to design and evaluate an adsorption system performance is by having an idea of the equilibrium relationship, which is also known as adsorption isotherms. The adsorption isotherms provide information on how pollutants such as boron are interacting with adsorbent materials. A novel glycidol-containing adsorbent for selective boron removal was synthesised by radiation-induced grafting of N-vinylformamide (NVF) onto non-woven polyethylene/polypropylene (PE/PP) fiber, followed by hydrolysis and chemical treatment. The adsorbent equilibrium behaviour was investigated using the Langmuir, Freundlich, and Redlich-Peterson isotherms. Comparison of linear and non-linear regression methods was used to determine the most suitable isotherm that best describes the boron adsorption by the new adsorbent. The non-linear method is a better way of obtaining isotherm parameters. The best-fitting isotherm was found to be the Redlich-Peterson (R2 > 0.99) and Langmuir isotherms (R2 = 0.99)

    Egyptian consensus on treat-to-target approach for osteoporosis: a clinical practice guideline from the Egyptian Academy of bone health and metabolic bone diseases

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    Background: This study was carried out to achieve an Egyptian expert consensus on a treat-to-target managementstrategy for osteoporosis using Delphi technique. A scientific committee identified researchers and clinicians with expertise in osteoporosis in Egypt. Delphi process was implemented (2 rounds) to establish a consensus on 15 clinical standards: (1) concept, (2) diagnosis, (3) case identification, (4) whom to treat, (5) who should treat?, (6) case stratification and intervention thresholds, (7) falls risk, (8) investigations, (9) treatment target, (10) management, (11) optimum treatment duration, (12) monitoring, (13) drug holiday, (14) osteoporosis in men, and (15) post-fracture care and fracture liaison service. Results: The surveys were sent to an expert panel (n = 25), of whom 24 participated in the two rounds. Respondents were drawn from different governorates and health centres across Egypt including the Ministry of Health. Most of the participants were rheumatologists (76%), followed by internists (8%), orthopaedic doctors (4%), rehabilitation doctors (4%), primary care (4%), and ortho-geriatrics (4%) physicians. Seventy-two recommendations, categorised into 15 sections, were obtained. Agreement with the recommendations (rank 7–9) ranged from 83.4 to 100%. Consensus was reached (i.e. ≥ 75% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed) on the wording of all 15 clinical standards identified by the scientific committee. An algorithm for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis has been suggested. Conclusion: A wide and representative panel of experts established a consensus regarding the management of osteoporosis in Egypt. The developed guidelines provide a comprehensive approach to the assessment and management of osteoporosis for all Egyptian healthcare professionals who are involved in its management

    Effect of monoethanolamine concentration on CO2 capture by poly (chloromethyl styrene) grafted fibrous adsorbent

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    The CO2 adsorption performance of poly (chloromethyl styrene) (PCMS) grafted on polyethylene coated polypropylene (PE/PP) fibrous polymer substrate and followed by amination with monoethanolamine (MEA) was investigated using gravimetric sorption system. The chemical, structural and morphological changes in the aminated adsorbents were evaluated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. The amination was carried out using three different compositions of MEA (50, 80 and 100%) diluted in water to optimize the yield of loaded amine. The highest percent of amination obtained was about 71% and the amine content increase with the rise in MEA concentration. The CO2 adsorption capacity increase with MEA concentration with the highest capacity recorded was1.63 mmol/g with pure CO2 gas at 30 bars and room temperature

    Consensus evidence-based recommendations for treat-to-target management of immunoglobulin A vasculitis

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    IgA vasculitis (IgAV), formerly known as Henoch-Schönlein purpura, is the most common cause of systemic vasculitis in childhood. Given its potential life-threatening systemic complications, early and accurate diagnosis as well as management of IgAV represent a major challenge for health care professionals. This study was carried out to attain an evidence-based expert consensus on a treat-to-target management approach for IgAV using Delphi technique. The preliminary scientific committee identified a total of 16 key clinical questions according to the patient, intervention, comparison, and outcomes (PICO) approach. An evidence-based, systematic, literature review was conducted to compile evidence for the IgAV management. The core leadership team identified researchers and clinicians with expertise in IgAV management in Egypt upon which experts were gathered from different governorates and health centers across Egypt. Delphi process was implemented (two rounds) to reach a consensus. An online questionnaire was sent to expert panel (n = 26) who participated in the two rounds. After completing round 2, a total of 20 recommendation items, categorized into two sections were obtained. Agreement with the recommendations (rank 7–9) ranged from 91.7–100%. Consensus was reached (i.e. ⩾75% of respondents strongly agreed or agreed) on the wording of all the 20 clinical standards identified by the scientific committee. Algorithms for the diagnosis and management have been suggested. This was an expert, consensus recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of IgAV and IgA vasculitic nephritis, based on best available evidence and expert opinion. The guideline presented a strategy of care with a pathway to achieve a state of remission as early as possible

    Long-Lasting Inhibitory Effects of Fetal Liver Mesenchymal Stem Cells on T-Lymphocyte Proliferation

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    Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) are multipotent progenitor cells that have transient immunomodulatory properties on Natural Killer (NK) cells, Dendritic Cells (DC), and T cells. This study compared the use of MSC isolated from bone marrow and fetal liver (FL-MSC) to determine which displayed the most efficient immunosuppressive effects on T cell activation. Although both types of MSC exhibit similar phenotype profile, FL-MSC displays a much more extended in vitro life-span and immunomodulatory properties. When co-cultured with CD3/CD28-stimulated T cells, both BM-MSC and FL-MSC affected T cell proliferation by inhibiting their entry into the cell cycle, by inducing the down-regulation of phospho-retinoblastoma (pRb), cyclins A and D1, as well as up-regulating p27kip1expression. The T cell inhibition by MSC was not due to the soluble HLA-G5 isoform, but to the surface expression of HLA-G1, as shown by the need of cell-cell contact and by the use of neutralizing anti-HLA-G antibodies. To note, in a HLA-G-mediated fashion, MSC facilitated the expansion of a CD4low/CD8low T subset that had decreased secretion of IFN-γ, and an induced secretion of the immunomodulatory cytokine IL-10. Because of their longer lasting in vitro immunosuppressive properties, mainly mediated by HLA-G, and their more efficient induction of IL-10 production and T cell apoptosis, fetal liver MSC could be considered a new tool for MSC therapy to prevent allograft rejection

    New perspectives in human stem cell therapeutic research

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    Human stem cells are in evaluation in clinical stem cell trials, primarily as autologous bone marrow studies, autologous and allogenic mesenchymal stem cell trials, and some allogenic neural stem cell transplantation projects. Safety and efficacy are being addressed for a number of disease state applications. There is considerable data supporting safety of bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cell transplants but the efficacy data are variable and of mixed benefit. Mechanisms of action of many of these cells are unknown and this raises the concern of unpredictable results in the future. Nevertheless there is considerable optimism that immune suppression and anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells will be of benefit for many conditions such as graft versus host disease, solid organ transplants and pulmonary fibrosis. Where bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells are being studied for heart disease, stroke and other neurodegenerative disorders, again progress is mixed and mostly without significant benefit. However, correction of multiple sclerosis, at least in the short term is encouraging. Clinical trials on the use of embryonic stem cell derivatives for spinal injury and macular degeneration are beginning and a raft of other clinical trials can be expected soon, for example, the use of neural stem cells for killing inoperable glioma and embryonic stem cells for regenerating β islet cells for diabetes. The change in attitude to embryonic stem cell research with the incoming Obama administration heralds a new co-operative environment for study and evaluation of stem cell therapies. The Californian stem cell initiative (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine) has engendered global collaboration for this new medicine that will now also be supported by the US Federal Government. The active participation of governments, academia, biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies, and private investment is a powerful consortium for advances in health

    Albumin Nano-Encapsulation of Piceatannol Enhances Its Anticancer Potential in Colon Cancer Via Downregulation of Nuclear p65 and HIF-1 alpha

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    Piceatannol (PIC) is known to have anticancer activity, which has been attributed to its ability to block the proliferation of cancer cells via suppression of the NF-kB signaling pathway. However, its effect on hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) is not well known in cancer. In this study, PIC was loaded into bovine serum albumin (BSA) by desolvation method as PIC-BSA nanoparticles (NPs). These PIC-BSA nanoparticles were assessed for in vitro cytotoxicity, migration, invasion, and colony formation studies and levels of p65 and HIF-1α. Our results indicate that PIC-BSA NPs were more effective in downregulating the expression of nuclear p65 and HIF-1α in colon cancer cells as compared to free PIC. We also observed a significant reduction in inflammation induced by chemical colitis in mice by PIC-BSA NPs. Furthermore, a significant reduction in tumor size and number of colon tumors was also observed in the murine model of colitis-associated colorectal cancer, when treated with PIC-BSA NPs as compared to free PIC. The overall results indicate that PIC, when formulated as PIC-BSA NPs, enhances its therpautice potential. Our work could prompt further research in using natural anticancer agents as nanoparticels with possiable human clinical trails. This could lead to the development of a new line of safe and effective therapeutics for cancer patients

    Changes in Culture Expanded Human Amniotic Epithelial Cells: Implications for Potential Therapeutic Applications

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    Human amniotic epithelial cells (hAEC) isolated from term placenta have stem cell-like properties, differentiate into tissue specific cells and reduce lung and liver inflammation and fibrosis following transplantation into disease models established in mice. These features together with their low immunogenicity and immunosuppressive properties make hAEC an attractive source of cells for potential therapeutic applications. However, generation of large cell numbers required for therapies through serial expansion in xenobiotic-free media may be a limiting factor. We investigated if hAEC could be expanded in xenobiotic-free media and if expansion altered their differentiation capacity, immunophenotype, immunosuppressive properties and production of immunomodulatory factors. Serial expansion in xenobiotic-free media was limited with cumulative cell numbers and population doubling times significantly lower than controls maintained in fetal calf serum. The epithelial morphology of primary hAEC changed into mesenchymal-stromal like cells by passage 4–5 (P4–P5) with down regulation of epithelial markers CK7, CD49f, EpCAM and E-cadherin and elevation of mesenchymal-stromal markers CD44, CD105, CD146 and vimentin. The P5 hAEC expanded in xenobiotic-free medium differentiated into osteocyte and alveolar epithelium-like cells, but not chondrocyte, hepatocyte, α- and β-pancreatic-like cells. Expression of HLA Class IA, Class II and co-stimulatory molecules CD80, CD86 and CD40 remained unaltered. The P5 hAEC suppressed mitogen stimulated T cell proliferation, but were less suppressive compared with primary hAEC at higher splenocyte ratios. Primary and P5 hAEC did not secrete the immunosuppressive factors IL-10 and HGF, whereas TGF-β1 and HLA-G were reduced and IL-6 elevated in P5 hAEC. These findings suggest that primary and expanded hAEC may be suitable for different cellular therapeutic applications