149 research outputs found

    The Level of Stress in Male and Female School Students

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    This study aimed at the level of stress in male and female school students. For the purpose of the study the researcher randomly selected 64 school students aged between 14-18 years. To collect the data researcher used students stress scale (SSS) developed by Dr. Zaki Akhtar (2011). During collection of data researcher used means and method fit for this scale. The result of the study showed boys having much more stress in comparison to girls. The study concluded that school boys are more stressful than school girls

    Sports Achievement Motivation and Sports Competition Anxiety: A Relationship Study

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    Anxiety and Motivation are important psychological variables in sports and its need to achieve high level of competition. Without knowledge of these two variables athletes cannot give best in competition. The aim of study was to find out the relationship between Anxiety and Motivation of intervarsity Badminton players. The total sample consisted of twenty players age ranged from 17 to 25 years. Sport Competition Anxiety Test (SCAT) and Sports Achievement Motivation Test was administered to collect the data. Mean, standard deviation, and Pearsion Product Moment Correlation were computed to analyze the data at .05 level of significant. It was found that significant negative relationship between Achievement Motivation and Anxiety

    Relationship between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: A study of internet banking

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    Objective of the research is how to manage the service quality in internet banking to improve the customerā€™s satisfaction and to examine the different dimensions of service quality to relate them with expectation of customers. A detailed literature review related to this study was also mentioned to develop a reference list of related authors. Methodology used for this research is to conduct a survey through structured questionnaire. A quantitative research is carried out by using a structured questionnaire to get a better understanding of this issue. Empirical data were collected through survey of the employees or professionals using internet banking services. Data presentation and analysis was done according to frame of reference and applied statistical tool SPSS. Descriptive Statistics, Correlation and Regression tools were used for analysis purpose. Results have shown that service quality dimensions used in the research are better representative of the customersā€™ satisfaction regarding internet usage. Ā  Ā  Keywords: E-banking, Service Quality, Efficiency, Reliability, Responsiveness and Privac

    Classification and evaluation of digital forensic tools

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    Digital forensic tools (DFTs) are used to detect the authenticity of digital images. Different DFTs have been developed to detect the forgery like (i) forensic focused operating system, (ii) computer forensics, (iii) memory forensics, (iv) mobile device forensics, and (v) software forensics tools (SFTs). These tools are dedicated to detect the forged images depending on the type of the applications. Based on our review, we found that in literature of the DFTs less attention is given to the evaluation and analysis of the forensic tools. Among various DFTs, we choose SFTs because it is concerned with the detection of the forged digital images. Therefore,the purpose of this study is to classify the different DFTs and evaluate the software forensic tools (SFTs) based on the different features which are present in the SFTs. In our work, we evaluate the following five SFTs, i.e.,ā€œFotoForensicsā€, ā€œJPEGsnoopā€, ā€œGhiroā€, ā€œForensicallyā€, and ā€œIzitruā€, based on different features so that new research directions can be identified for the development of the SFTs

    Predator- Prey Interaction In Plant ā€“Associated Ecosystems. Effect On Plant Fitness And Trophic Cascade

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    Predator-prey interactions in plant-associated ecosystems play a crucial role in shaping ecosystem dynamics and stability. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the implications of these interactions, highlighting the intricate web of relationships among predators, herbivores, and plants. The findings underscore the importance of maintaining predator-prey interactions for ecosystem stability and functioning. Trophic cascades initiated by predator-prey interactions have been shown to regulate herbivore populations, indirectly benefiting plant communities. However, human activities can significantly impact predator populations and trophic cascades, emphasizing the need for conservation efforts to preserve these important ecological dynamics. The integration of molecular techniques and modeling approaches can enhance our understanding of trophic cascades in plant-associated ecosystems. Conservation strategies aimed at promoting predator diversity and enhancing plant fitness are essential for maintaining ecosystem stability and promoting sustainable management of plant-associated ecosystems. Further research is needed to investigate the complex dynamics of predator-prey interactions and trophic cascades, as well as to develop effective conservation strategies to preserve these important ecological dynamics

    Development and validation of a chromatographic method for quantification of rasagiline in human plasma

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    Purpose: To develop a sensitive, reliable and cost-effective bioanalytical method for the pharmacokinetic analysis of rasagiline in human plasma.Method: Rasagiline was extracted by liquid-liquid extraction method and analyzed by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a mixture of ammonium acetate (pH 5.8) and acetonitrile (55:45, v/v) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. The separation was performed on a Lichrosphere reverse-phase (RP) C18 column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 Ī¼m particle size) at ambient temperature and rasagiline was detected at a wavelength of 265 nm by ultra-violet UV detection. The method was validated according to European Medicine Agency (EMA) guidelines. Results: The developed method was linear over a concentration range of 0.5 - 20 Ī¼g/ml with r2 ā‰„ 0.999 in human plasma. Run time was 10 min with rasagiline peak appearing at 7 min with no interference. Relative recovery and relative standard deviation (RSD) for accuracy and precision were within the acceptable limits prescribed in EMA guidelines. Rasagiline remained stable in human plasma for 24 h at room temperature, after three freeze and thaw cycles and also for 3 months at -20 Ā°C.Conclusion: A simple and reliable method has been successfully developed and validated for the determination of rasagiline concentration in human plasma.Keywords: Rasagiline, Pharmacokinetics, Validation, Parkinson's diseas


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    Background: The physicochemical evaluation is an important parameter in detecting adulteration or improper handling, therefore, physicochemical and phytochemical standardization is considered a prerequisite for the assessment of biological activity and determination of biological standards of the plant material, and it provides the analytical characteristics which may prove to be useful in fixing the physicochemical standard for herbal drugs. So, it becomes imperative to standardize the drugs to ensure their identity, quality and purity to ascertain therapeutic efficacy of herbal drugs. Objective: Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate the physicochemical and phytochemical standardization and quality control check of an important drug Sehjana (Moringa oleifera Lam) used for various diseases, Material and Methods: The test drugs, Sehjana (Moringa oleifera Lam.) were collected directly from the herbal garden of department of Ilmul Advia AMU, Aligarh. Which includes parameters recommended by National Unani Pharmacopeia Committee, Qualitative analysis and chromatographic studies (TLC) were performed for proper identification and quality control these parameter include Results: Ash values, Total ash, (6.44%) acid insoluble ash, (3.94%) water soluble ash, (2.53%) Successive extractive values in different solvent; petroleum ether (3.03%), diethyl ether (1.3%), chloroform (1.0%), acetone (1.5%), alcohol (13.1%), aqueous (18.56%), solubility in alcohol (15.2%) and water (22.93%), loss on drying (9.13%), pH at 1% (5.45), & 10% (4.81), bulk density (0.33%) and moisture content (8.6%). Conclusion: Preliminary phytochemical analysis of Sehjana (Moringa oleifera Lam.) showed presence of alkaloid, steroids, phenol, amino acid, and terpenoids, carbohydrate and protein, which may be active compound, responsible for its wide activities

    Designing EthAKUL: A mobile just-in-time learning environment for bioethics in Pakistan

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    In developing countries such as Pakistan, bioethics has not been included in mainstream thinking in medical education. The authorsā€™ experiences suggest that current methods of teaching bioethics are problematic as students are unable to translate theory to practice. Alternative pedagogies, such as just-in-time learning (JiTL) using mobile devices, may be able to foster the development and implementation of ethical reasoning among nurses, doctors, and medical and nursing students. This research was conceived to determine the effectiveness of mobile JiTL ā€“ anytime, anyplace learning through mobile devices ā€“ for teaching bioethics. After obtaining ethical clearance, a participatory design (PD) approach was adopted to ensure input from all stakeholders for the design of ā€˜EthAKULā€™, comprising a mobile app, five modules and just-in-time pedagogy. The name of the app is an acronym evoking ethics, learning and the university where the project originated. As a part of the design process, three PD workshops were held with junior doctors, nurses, nursing students, medical students and bioethics teaching faculty, and five meetings were held with faculty members, to discuss functional specifications and user-acceptance testing of the app. The feedback related to the nature of common ethical issues encountered in clinical settings, the existing process of teaching and learning bioethics, and the requested features of the app were recorded. These data sets were analyzed and synthesized into functional and technical specifications for the mobile app. The software programmers developed the app with the close involvement of the stakeholders. The development of teaching content continued alongside this process. While this enabled EthAKULā€™s developers to incorporate needs of all stakeholders, challenges were encountered in the process relating to the pragmatic and conceptual aspects of JiTL, ML and PD. We discuss the implications of this research in bringing about transformative changes in higher education
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